Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Product Description Manual
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Triad 1 /2 Gen era l De scription 10 -3 Tr iad 1/2Gen era l D escr ipt ion TheTr iad 1/ 2Sys te ms are ful l y Di gi ta l Hybr id Key Te le phone S ystems , designed to meet the telecommunication needs of medium-sized busi ne ss offi ces. Th eTriad 1/2Sys te ms incorporate state of the art d igita l te chnology fo r com mand pro ce ss ing and voice s witching, us ing a Pulse Code Modulation/Time Division Multiplexing (PCM/TDM) distributed switching matrix. The system supportsMUlaw encoding based on the requirements of local regulations. TheTr iad 1/ 2S yst em s a c hie ve a h igh le ve l of fl exi bi li t y by : †Employing a Universal Card Slot architecture with a small Basic, Basic and Expa nsion cab inet to house plug-in Printed Circuit Boards. †Pr o vi din g su p po r t fo r di ffe re nt ty pes o f ins tr u me nta ti o n. †Utilizing the same comm on control and pe riphe ra l ca rds . Sys te m Hard war e P ref ere nce s TheTr iad 1/ 2S yst e ms ca n accommod at e a var i et y of har dwar e as foll ows: †Basic an d E xpans ion KSUs are wa ll-moun te d cab ine ts that hous e the back pl ane and conta ins car d s lot s f or the s yst em power s uppl y, CO Line/Key Station/S LT Interfa ce b oards, a nd othe r optiona l PC Bs. †Station, CO Line, SLT and option boards are installed in any of the five (5 ) sys te m c a rd sl o ts u p to t he sy ste m’s maximum co nfig uration. †MIS U can be ins ta lled only in S lot # 7 of the Basic KSU . †Digital Station/Line cards are installed in the following slots: Tri ad 1us es Slots 0 thru 2, 6 or 7, a s well a s a ny of the fo ur ( 4) slots in the EKSU. The T1IBcardcanonlybeinstalledinSlots 0, 1,and2. Tri ad 2uses S lots 1 thru 7 of the Bas ic KSU and a ny of the four (4) slots in the EKSU. The T1IB card can only be installed in the BKSU Slots 0-5. System Control and Flexibility The system architecture has been designed to allow a high level of soft war e con tr ol ov er th e sy st em’s har dwar e. The soft war e incor por at es a vas t array of f ea tures and capa bilities including PC Da ta bas e Administration,ACD,etc.

10-4 Triad 1 Com mon Control Equipment TheTr iad 1/ 2Sys tems support a combination of D igita l Keys ets a nd Electronic Keysets as well as single line devices. With the keysets, commonly used features are activated by direct button selection. Many functions may be accessed by dialing specific codes or optionally, by assigning these dial codes to flexible buttons on the keyset. In addition to key telepho nes, an array of op tional terminals a re also ava ilable, inc l udi ng D SS/ D LS c on sole s. Wi th the fl e xibi l it y o f th eTriad 1/2ext e nsi ve fea tur e c ont ent , a nd t he capa bil it y to use an arr ay of i nst r ument s, t heTri ad 1 /2Systems can be ta ilored to m eet the s hort a nd long term needs of the most demand ing c ust omer r eq uir eme nt s. Tr iad 1Common Control Equipment Basic Key Service Unit (BKSU) The BKSU is wa ll mounted . It is of metal cons truction w ith a backp la ne motherboardthathas6cardslots.Thefirstslot(righttoleft)isforthe Master Proces sor Board (MPB) w hich is a com mon control ca rd. Th e second s lot can be used fo r the Mis cella neous Interf ace Service Unit board (MISU) or a station/CO card. The remaining 4 slots are for pe ri phe ral ca rds . Bot h s yst ems ar e in st all ed usi ng indus tr y st andar d bl ocks, ja cks a nd s kinn y wi re cab li ng. Thi s com bine d w ith the abi li ty to pr ogra m th e sys te m us ing a digi t al d is pla y te l ephon e r educe s i nst al lat i on c ost and mai nt ena nc e r e quir em ent s. A no. 12 AGW coppe r w ire should be us ed to connect a ground b etwee n the ground source and the KSU (25 fee t maximum). A ground lug is located on the lower right corner of the BKSU. Exp an s io n Ke y S er vice Un it (E KSU) The E KSU is wall m ounte d. It is of me ta l construction with a b ackplane mot her boar d t ha t h as 4 ca rd sl ots . T he 4 sl ots ar e for pe ri phe ra l ca rds . Power Suppl y (PSU) The sy st em KSU i s powe re d by a si ngle pow er sup ply t hat is moun te d ins id e the cabine t. The pow er sup ply provides the sys te m with 24V and 5V powe r. The p ower su ppl y i s p lugge d int o a 12 0 V AC cir cuit .

Triad 1 Com mon Con trol Equipment 10 -5 Fi gure 10 -1 :Tr ia d 1Sys te m Di ag r am Ba s ic KSU 8003-00

10-6 Triad 1 Com mon Control Equipment Fi gure 10 -2 :Tr ia d 1Defa ul t Card Layout D T I BD T I BL C O BN O N EM P B DEF AULT CARD LAYOUT 012 67SLOT S MP B D T I B

Triad 1 Com mon Con trol Equipment 10 -7 Fi gure 10 -3 :Tr ia d 2Defa ul t Card Layout D T I BD T I BL C O BN O N EM P B DEF AULT CARD LAYOUT 01 267SLOT S MP B D T I B

10-8 Triad 2 Com mon Control Equipment Tr iad 2Common Control Equipment Basic Key Service Unit (BKSU) The BKSU is wa ll mounted . It is of metal cons truction w ith a backp la ne motherboardthathas9cardslots.Thefirstslot(righttoleft)isforthe Master Proces sor Board (MPB) w hich is a com mon control ca rd. Th e second s lot can be used fo r the Mis cella neous Serv ice Unit Board (MISU) or a s ta tion/CO card. The rema ining 7 s lots are f or p erip heral cards. Th is system is installed using industry standard blocks, jacks and skinny wire c abl ing . T his c o mbi ne d wi th th e a bil i ty to pr o gra m t he sys te m u s ing a key terminal (digital display telephone) reduces installation cost and mai ntenan ce r eq uir eme nts. A no. 12 AGW coppe r w ire should be us ed to connect a ground b etwee n the ground source and the KSU (25 fee t maximum). A ground lug is located on the lower right corner of the BKSU. Exp an s io n Ke y S er vice Un it (E KSU) The E KSU is wall m ounte d. It is of me ta l construction with a b ackplane mot her boar d t ha t h as 4 ca rd sl ots . T he 4 sl ots ar e for pe ri phe ra l ca rds . Power Suppl y (PSU) The sy st em KSU i s powe re d by a si ngle pow er sup ply t hat is moun te d ins id e the cabine t. The pow er sup ply provides the sys te m with 24V and 5V powe r. The p ower su ppl y i s p lugge d int o a 12 0 V AC cir cuit . Common Control Cards The common control cards are the plug-in PC Bs that a re necess ary for basic system operation or require direct interface to the system bus. Thesecardscanonlybeinstalledinthebasiccabinet.

Comm on Con trol Cards 10 -9 Master Processor Board (MPB) The MPB card controls all sys tem a ctivity. Th e MPB contains the ma in microprocessor a 16-bit (68302), the real time clock, and all support circuitry. T he MPB is resp onsible f or all control functions , execution of a ll logic op erations , a nd contro l of sy stem m odules. Th e MPB a ls o provides soft war e and har dwar e supp ort t o e nsur e the fol l owing: †Watc h do g ti mer a nd r ec o ve r y. †St at e/ eve nt sof twa re de si gn. †Bat te r y ba ckup of cust ome r d at abas e RAM m emor y. The re is o ne RS -232 ( DB9 connector) input/output p ort on the MPB. T he MPB ca n supp ort a t ota l of t hr ee (3) RS 23 2 por ts . The ot her se ri al port s a re ac c es se d by in st all i ng an o pt io na l SI U mo d ule o n t he M IS U b o ard . T her e is al so a pr ovi si on f or a n opt i onal 2 40 0 baud mode m. The re i s a pus h button reset (halt) switch loca ted on th e f ront of th e PC B. Sys te m s oft war e i s prov id ed in EP R OM m emor y a nd i s ins ta ll ed on t he MPB. The MPB can con tain up to 1 MB of EPROM mem ory storage and up to 51 2 K o f RA M . Re f e r toOptional Unitsfor add it iona l inf orma ti on. Figure 10-4: MPB (Master Processor Board) MO DU MEMUPLLU

10-1 0 Com mon Control Cards Mi sce llaneo us Se rv ice Unit (MISU) The MISU p rov ide s the circuitry to interface misce llane ous typ e inputs/ outp uts . T his boar d i s opt ion al a nd i nst al ls in t he p er ip her al c ar d sl ot ne xt to the M P B . Thi s b o ar d al so su pp o rt s a ddi ti o nal s er ia l p o rt s by i nst al l ing an o pti onal S IU modul e. Wiring/Pinouts/Connections-- The MIS U cont ai ns the ci rcui tr y to supp ort 2 e xte rnal pag e p orts, 4 re la y contacts, and 2 external mus ic sour ces . Re fer t oOptional Unitsfo r a ddi ti onal i nfor mat ion . Figure 10-5: MISU (Miscellaneous Service Unit) SI U MODULE

Pe rip hera l Bo ards 10-11 Pe ri p h e r a l B o ar ds Peripheral boards provide the interface from system PCM ports to stations or the switching ne twork. T he p erip heral cards may be placed in any univ er sal ca rd sl ot in ei the r th e Ba si c Cab ine t or Exp ansi on C abi net . The se car ds ar e d escr i bed as fol lows : CO Line Interface Board - Loop Start (LCOB) The LC OB int er fac e s six (6 ) l oop s ta rt C O l i nes to th e s yst em and c an b e plugged into any d es igna te d p eriph eral slot. LE D / Ind i c at o rs-- Thi s boar d has 6 re d L EDs to pr ovid e t he st at us of ea ch CO line on the board. The LED is lit when in use and unlit when idle. Lin e/Station In ter faces-- T he b oard ha s three (3) RJ14 modular connectors on the front e dge . T hes e p rov ide the inte rfa ce f rom the circuits on the board to the MDF. Figure 10- 6: LCOB (CO/ FX/WATS Trunk Board) No p eri phe ral b oard s ca n be i nserte d/r emov e d whe n powe r is on. Refer to Op ti o nal Uni tsfor additional information. DTRU