Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Product Description Manual
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2-54 I dle Speak er Mo de †If the cal li ng na me i s p re se nt, an ad dit io nal li ne i s out put i n t he S MD R re cord ide ntify ing th e na me. Thi s re cor d imme di atel y fol l ow s the normal SMDR record. The normal SMDR record includes an indicator whi ch id ent if ie s t hat a fol lowi ng r e cor d w it h na me ide nt ifi c at ion is pr ese nt . †Unans wer ed c all s are r ec ord ed in t he SM DR re cor d f or i nc omi ng wi th an i ndi cat or to all ow t he id ent if icat i on of call e rs for st at is ti cal and cal l-b ack p urp ose s. Unanswered Call Management Table An Unans were d Ca ll Mana gem ent T able with 100 e ntry capa city is maintained in the system database. The calling number/name information pertaining to any unanswered call is placed in this table at the time the sy stem has dete rmined that the ca ll ha s b ee n ab andone d. Thi s tab le ma y be acce ss ed from any di spl ay te le phone t o r evi e w unanswered calls. Only an Attendant station(s) can delete an entry from thi s ta ble . Id l e Sp ea k er M ode The I dl e S pe aker Mode f eat ur e a ll ows the s yst em to det e rmi ne whe the r the f ir st di git d ia le d i s he ar d ov er t he dig it al t el eph one spe ake r. Thi s feature is allowed or denied on a system-wide basis in programming. Incoming CO Call Trans fer The Incoming CO Call Transfer feature provides station users the ability to trans fer a call tha t is curre ntly ringing at their station without a nswe ring it. Only Incoming a nd T ra nsfe rred calls can be force d. This fea ture only ope rat e s whe n th e st at i on is in a n id le mode and i s not av ail ab le to S ing le Li ne T el ep hone use rs . C all s may be for war ded to any ava il abl e st at ion, ACD/UCD group, VM Group.

Intercom Button(s) 2-55 A de sti nat i on st at i on mus t have a di re ct a ppe ar ance for t hat CO Li ne or Loop button and not in DND, or an error tone is p resen ted to the originator and the call continues to ring their station. If the station is busy , the curren t ca ll mus t be placed on hold, th e ringing tran sfer initiated, and then the station can return to their original call. Intercom Button(s) The I nt er c om But ton fea tur e pr ovi des st at i on use rs t he func t ion of ringing a busy station via the intercom without using the Camp-On or ExecutiveOverridefeatures.Thisalsoallowsstationstoplaceintercom calls on hold. If calls are ringing on intercom buttons and a Handsfree call is rece ive d, the Ha ndsf re e ca ll is a llowed and the ca lls ringing continue with m ute d ringing . Multiple intercom path buttons can be assigned to a single station, howev er up to five inte rna l p arties can be pla ced on hold p er station. Music-On-Hold is provided to intercom callers on hold. Thi s fea tur e can b e p rogr amm ed on an y ke y s tat i on or DS S Consol e wi th an a vai la bl e f le xib le but t on. I f the re i s a n av ai lab le i nte r com but t on, a st at ion call i ng t hat s tat i on cann ot OHVO , Camp -O n or O ver r ide t hat station. De pe ndin g on the ke y s tation programming, inte rcom ringing is mutedorreminderringing. If all intercom buttons are in use , then th e s ta tion ma y utilize the Cam p- On or Executive Override features. By default, no intercom buttons are ass ign ed to any k ey st at ions . In t er c om Ca l li n g The sys te m’s architecture allows non- block ing of inte rcom calls. A station is r eac he d on in te rc om by dia li ng t he ass oc ia te d t hr ee -di gi t n umbe r.

2-56 In terco m Signa lin g Sel ect Intercom Signaling Select Users can control the method by which they receive intercom calls and signals. A convenient intercom signal switch (electronic telephones) or HPT button (digital telephones) is located on each telephone for easy se le ction. The choice s are: †Handsfree(H)--Thestationuser,uponhearingatoneburstandvoice announce men t ov er t he spe ake r, can re pl y ha ndsfr ee . †Pr i vac y (P ) -- T he s ta ti o n u s er r ec e ive s a bu r st o f to n e a nd a vo i c e announce men t ove r the ir sp eak er. T he microphone is de activate d for pr iva cy. The cal l ed par t y mu st li ft t he hands et or pr es s the MUTE bu t to n to answe r th e c a ll . †Tone Ringing (T ) -- A standard tone ring notifies the party of an incoming intercom call. The called party answers by lifting the hands et or mov ing the s witch to the hands fre e (H) position or press ing the ON/OFF button. Inter-D igit Time-Out TheInter-DigitTime-Outfeatureallowsprogrammingoftheinter-digit ti me -o u t o n a sy st em- wid e b asi s. Thi s fea tu r e app li es to in te rc o m and LCR calls. DISA inter-digit time-out remains unaffected by this timer. ISDN Cur re ntTriad 1/2/3software supports Primary Rate Interface (PRI) and Basi c R at e In te rf ac e (BR I) Int eg ra te d S er vi ce s Di git al Ne tw ork (IS DN) circuits. Th e PRI provide s 23 be are r channe ls an d one data channe l (23B+ D). The BRI provides two be arer chan nels a nd one da ta chann el (2B+ D). Calling Number and Called Number services are supported with the PRI and BRI. Cal l ing Numbe r se rv ice s wi ll b e r out ed in th e s ame man ner as AN I/ICLID ca lls usin g the IC LID route table and name /num ber translation ta bl e.

IS DN2-57 The r ule s and con dit io ns of A NI/I CLI D ar e t he sa me, and st il l app ly to Calling Number service on ISDN lines. Called Number services will be routed using the DID/DNIS route table. The rules and conditions of DID and DNI S are t he sa me, and st il l app ly to IS DN Cal le d N umbe r s er vi ce on IS DN li nes . Channels †The be arer chann els (B channe ls ) tra nsport voice info rma tion to an d fro m the Central Office. †The da ta channe l (D) con trols all signaling in form ation for the be arer channe ls . PRIB/BR IB †B o th th e P R I B and t he B RI B r eq u ir e the P has e L o ck Lo o p Unit (P L LU) to prop erly opera te. †B o th th e P R I B and t he B RI B c a n o nl y be i nst al le d i n t he B as ic K S U. †TheTr iad 3sy ste m r equ ir es a me mor y e xpans ion unit (MEMU) for use of the PRIB/BRIB cards. †The PRIB only supp orts the NI-2 s ta ndard. T he BRIB only s upports the NI -1 st and ard. †Neither the PRIB n or the BRIB will sup port the trunk fe ature s of Pa ging, R es ei ze , Q ueui ng, or R A N Supp or t. †Vod avi has succe ssf uly integ rated its BRI IS DN with the Lucent 5 E SS Central Office and its PRI ISDN with the Lucent5 ESS, Siemens, St romb urg Car l son, and the DMS 1 00 Ce nt ral O ff ices . Vodav i IS DN should interface with all Central Office switches, but this has not been verified. Therefore some delays in service may be experienced. El ectron ic Key T el ephon e Service Electron ic ke y te le phone se rv ice (E KTS) is a fea ture that can be prov id ed on BRI ISDN to simulate standard analog DID lines. This allows several differe nt numbe rs to be sha re d b y a single BRI circuit. Due to the decline in telep hony tariffs, there is an increas in g de mand for BRI ISDN features. A BRI circuit allows two simultaneous calls to be handled, d ue to its techn ical s pecification. BRI circuits have two B-Ch anne ls at 64 kilobytes per s econd a nd one D- Chan nel at 16 k ilobytes pe r s econd .

2-58ISDN The Be are r (B) C hanne ls are de sig ned for PCM (v oice ) an d the Data (D) Cha nnel is d esigne d to carry information spe cif ic to e ach incoming and/or outgoing call. TheEKTSfeatureallowsasingleISDNServiceProfileIdentifier(SPID)or B-Channel to support multiple directory numbers. A SPID is a number that telephone company switching equipment uses to track configura tion informatio n for e ach terminal ad apter conne cte d to a n IS DN te le phone line . The telepho ne com pany should p rov ide S PIDs at thesametimethattheISDNdirectorynumbersareassigned.Adirectory numbe r is anothe r te rm for a te le phone numb er. If an applica tion re quires E KT S, be awa re that BRI ISDN hand le s a bus y numbe r differe ntly than a D ID circuit. Whe n the calle d numb er is b usy, BRI will issue a busy signal, but a DID circuit will ring another line in the circuit. The bus y s igna l is provided by the telep hone company , theref ore the c a ll i s no t p re se nte d t o t he Vo da vi te le pho ne s wit c h a nd i t is no t forwarded to voice mail. For example, a caller dials 480-443-6000 and is connected to the extens ion. While the firs t caller is still connected , a second caller dials the s ame number. The secon d caller will receive a bus y signal that is provided by the telephone company. In a nor mal BRI appl ica ti on, t wo nu mber s are as si gned to e ach BRI ci rcui t, which consists o f 2 chann els. There can be a m aximum of 4 circuits equipp ed to handle 8 channe ls pe r BRIB. This is a d irect numb er-to- channe l re la tionship without huntin g capa bility . Most circuit providers offe r a n opti onal“hunting”f eat ur e cap abi li ty on BRI ci rcui ts . Thi s op ti onal fea ture allows numb ers to h unt for id le chann els on the BRIB up to a maxi mum of 8 chan nel s p er BRI B, as sumi ng 4 BRI ci rcui ts we re i nstal le d. In EKT S a ppl ica ti ons, you ca n hav e a ma ximu m of 64 DID numbe rs hunt to one BRIB. Hunting can not be accomplishe d betwe en BRIBs, nor will the hunt ing fea tur e al low c al ls to be ro ute d t o a bus y DI D numbe r. Conditions BRI EKTS su ppor t is ava il abl e in Voda vi te le phone s yst ems wi th soft war e ve rsion 3.0G a nd highe r. Like DID, EKTS can be programmed to route calls using up to 7 digits. By default, only the last three digits are analyzed for routing. EKT S doe s not re qui re a l i ne a ppe ar ance on a spe cifi c t el ep hone beca use the BRI terminates directly into the KSU.

Keys et Mode (Digita l KTU Only) 2-59 Vodav i s uppor t s Bas ic E KTS. The EKT S ca ching opti on i s not s uppor te d by Vodav i. Ca ch ing is normally use d whe n a n ISDN teleph one instrumen t is used on the cus tomer premise. Ke yset Mode (D ig ital KTU Only) The K e yse t Mo d e f eat u r e all o ws th e s ta ti o n u s er t o de t er mine t he mo de in which the Digital Telephone with CTI Box (optional) operates. The five modes a re: Inactiv e mode, PC Ph one mode, ATD Comm and mode, ATH Comma nd m ode and CKTU mode . T hroug h t he use of a di al code , t he st at ion use r ca n al so det e rmi ne th e b aud rat e for e ach mod e s el ect ed . Thi s set t ing is st or ed in bac k- up m emor y i n t he ev ent of a p ower out age or system reset. Last Number Redial (L NR) The Last Number Redial feature permits the automatic redialing of the la st t el epho ne n umbe r d ia le d on an out si de l ine . Up t o 2 4- dig it s c a n be st ore d. Out si de li ne se le cti on of t he same l ine us ed is aut omat i c. LCD Interactive Display The Executive Digital Telephone provides the user with visual indication of call status. Calls to and from other extensions, number dialed, line used and camp- on ar e some of th e f eat ur es di spl aye d. Least Cost Routing (LCR) The LCR feature allows the system to automatically select the least costly route ava ilable according to the numbe r dia le d, the time of day/da y of wee k, the class of service (COS) ass igne d to the station /trunk group pr ior it y l e vel a ssi gne d.

2-60 L ocal Number/ Na me Tran slation Table Loca l Number / Na me Tr ansl a t io n Tab l e An administrable table provides a local translation from a received calling number to a name. This table can be administered by the customer from the Atte ndan t con sole location. T his table is also s hared by the ICLID fea ture s. In ca se s of conflict be twee n the name de live re d from the C O and t hat i n th e l ocal tr ans lat i on ta bl e, t he loca l t ra nsl at ion t ab le shal l rul e. 20 0 en tr ie s are p ro vi de d fo r t heTriad 1/2/3System. Ma i lb ox B u t to n(s ) Mailbox Buttons allow station users to transfer internal/external callers to spe cif ic v oice mai l boxes . T he st at ion use r can a ssi gn a mai l box i nde x number to a f lexib le button for a specif ic V oice Mail g roup or mailb ox in Sys tem Administra tion Progra mming. 255 buttons are ava ilable for sys te m us e. Thi s fea tur e can b e p rogr amm ed on an y ke y s tat i on or DS S Consol e wi th an available flexible button. If a station is: †An OH VO, C amp- On or Exe c uti ve O ver ri de i nit ia tor, th ey may not u se the mailbox button featu re. Stations engaged in a conference cannot use this fe ature . †NOT programmed in the Voice Mail Group, the user receives an error tone. By default, no mailbox buttons are assigned to any key stations. Mee t Me Pa ge Use rs may ans wer a pag e ca ll fr om a ny p hone in the sy st em by d ial i ng a special code. The party who initiated the page must remain off-hook.

Mess age Wait ing 2-61 Mess ag e Wa i t in g St at ions t hat ar e busy , una tt en ded, or i n DN D can be l eft a mes sag e ind ication by other s ta tions in the s ystem . Up to five mes sag es ca n be left at o ne ke yse t. Upo n re tu rn to the st at i o n, t he u se r c an p re ss the f las hing MSG W AI T but ton t o ri ng each par t y i n se que nti al or der . Mess age Waitin g Reminder Tone A key station can be programmed with a Message Waiting Reminder Tone at t i med in te rv als . Mu si c -On- Hol d A music s ource , whe n conn ected to the s ystem, provides mus ic to a ll li nes on Hold , pa rke d ca ll s, tr ans fe rr ed cal ls and call s wai ti ng t o b e answered by Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) or Uniform Call Distribution (UCD ). T his fe ature ca n be allo wed or denied on a system-wide basis in database programming. This feature can also allow or deny Music-On-Hold heard on each CO line and is progra mmab le on a per CO line basis. This feature also allows the system to assign CO line circuits as additiona l m usic in puts . This increas es the ca pacity of mus ic channe ls be yond the two a vaila ble on this sys te m. A total of eight channe ls is a vaila ble for us e on the sys te m. Mu t e K ey PressingtheMUTEbuttonwhileinthespeakerphonemodeorusingthe hands et disa ble s the micro phone but not af fect the spe ech coming ove r the s pea ker or ha ndse t. Pre ss ing th e illuminated MUTE button ag ain re activ ate s the micro phone.

2-62 Nam e In Dis pla y Na m e In Di s p l ay The Name in Display feature allows every extension (electronic/digital/ SLT) the capability to program the users name, for that station, so that pe ople us ing di spl ay t e le phone s s ee t he name i nst ead of the st at i on number on their display. The name is programmed at each station by the user and may be up to seven letters in length. Na m e/ Nu m b er D is pl a y At Id l e The Na me/ Num ber D isp la y fe at ure a ll ows t he pr ogr amme d s eve n-d igi t name an d station numb er to display tog ether. T his op tion is pr ogra mmab le on a pe r st at ion bas is, howe ve r t he fe at ure mus t be enabled/disabled in admin programming. If a station has this feature ena bled but has not prog ram med a name, the na me p ortion of the LC D is bl ank, The pr ior it y of th e i dl e di sp la y is UCD / AC D, H unt, St at ion /N ame, or St at ion al one. Ni g h t S er v i ce The Night Service feature provides a means to put the system in night mode from a ny keyset or remove the sys tem from nigh t m ode from any keyset as long as the system was put in night mode by the night service fea ture flex button. If the syste m wa s place d in night mod e b y the Attendant using the DND bu tton or if the system was placed in night mode by the a utoma tic s chedule, the nigh t s ervice fle x bu tton can not re mo ve t he sys te m fr o m night m o de. Di g i t a l V oi c e Ma i l (D V M)--TheDVMDay/NightOperationcanbesetup to f ollow the sa me p ath as the D ay/Night/S pecial Mode for the telephone sys te m.

Night Se rvice Mo de 2-63 Ni g h t S er v i ce Mo de Automatic Night Mode Operation TheTriad 1/2/3System can be programmed in database administration to place the s ystem into Automatic Night Mode. The Atte ndant(s ) can overrid e the Autom atic N ight Mode s ch edule simply by pres sin g the NIGHT (DND) button. External Night Ringing The sy st em can b e p rogr amm ed so t hat C O li nes mar ke d fo r U NA ri ngs ontheexternalpagespeakers. Manual Operation The Attend ant(s) can control the use of Night Mod e ma nually b y pres sin g the N IGHT (D ND) button. An LE D indicates whe n the syste m is in Night Mode operation. Ni ght Cl as s o f Ser vi ce (CO S) The system allows each station to be assigned a different COS for night ope ration. T he nig ht COS goe s into e ffe ct when the s ystem is put into night mode manually or via the automatic schedu le. Prevents the misuse of p hones after hours . Night Ringing Assignments Each CO line may be individually programmed for Night Ringing to other stations, to Hunt/ACD/UCD/Voice Mail groups, or off-net via Speed Dial. When the system is placed into night mode, manually or automatically, ringing fo llows the Night Ringing Assignme nts for e ach CO line . Universal Night Answer (UNA) Incom ing CO line s ca n be programme d f or Univ ersal N ight Answ er (UNA ). St at ions t hat do not have acce ss to a l i ne duri ng the da y can answer that line while the system is in the Night Mode by dialing a UNA code.