Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Product Description Manual
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3 Single Line Telephone Features The Single Line Telephone features ofSTARPLUSTria d 1/2/3are listed and described in alphabetic al order. An abbreviated feature index is provided in the following table.

SLT Features Index 3 -3 SLT Features Index Si ngl e L ine T el ephon es (SLT s) have a cce ss t o most s yst em and st at ion features listed in the previous section; however, the features listed below arecommontoSingleLineInterfaceBoard(SLIB)andarerequiredinthe Tri a d 1 /2 /3System for proper SLT operation. Tabl e 3 -1 : S LT Feat ures/ So ft wa re Pa ck ages Feat ureSt d PkgACD PkgAdditional Equ i pme nt A ACCOUNT CODESN ACCOUNT CODES/TRAVELING COS (VERIFIED)N AU TOMATIC LIN E ACCESSN B BROKER CALLN C CONFER ENCEN CONFER ENCE WI TH P ERSONA L PARKN CALL FORWARDN CAMP-ONN CO LINE QUEUINGN D DIRECT OUTSIDE LINE GROUP ACCESSN D I REC T OUTSID E L IN E RIN GI NGN DIRECTED CALL PICK-UPN DO NOT DISTURB (DND)N G GROUP CALL PICK-UPN H HANDSET R ECEI VER GAI NN I INTERCOM CALLINGN

3-4 S LT Feat ures I ndex L L OOP IN TERR UPT OP TIONN M M ESSAG E WAITIN GN M ESSAGES - PERSONALIZED M ESSAGES - CUSTOMN N NIGHT SERVICEN O OFF-HOOK PR EFER ENCEN P PAGI NGExternal Page Equi pm ent P ERSONA L PARKN S STATION SPEED DI ALN SY STEM SPEED DI ALN T TR ANSFERN N = No Additional Equipm ent required. Tabl e 3 -1 : S LT Feat ures/ So ft wa re Pa ck ages Feat ureSt d PkgACD PkgAdditional Equ i pme nt

Account Codes 3 -5 Account Codes SLT stations may enter an account code to identify calls for bi ll ing /t r ackin g pur pos es. Th e a ccount code may be ent er e d be for e the call or during the call (the outside caller is placed on hold while the account code is e ntered if during the ca ll). T he account code is recorde d on the SMDR printout. Account codes are not verified and can v ary in length from 1-12 digits. Verif ied Ac count C ode s/Traveli ng COS The Verified Account Code/Traveling Class of Service (COS) feature pr ovid es tr ac ki ng of s pec i fi c c al ls by ent er in g a ver i fie d, var ia bl e l en gth id ent if ie r (up t o 1 2 di git s). Ea ch account cod e ca n be as si gned a day and night Class of Service for determining the dialing privileges allowed by tha t account code. T his provides a mea ns for users to overrid e a re st ri c t ed st at ion. If t he dia le d ac c oun t c od e m at ch es th e Ve r ifi ed Account cod e tab le, an intercom dia l tone is returned, otherwis e an error ton e is returned. T he use of forced Account Cod es is optional, off ered on a system-wide basis. SMDR must be enabled for the account code to print as part of the SMD R record . T heTri a d 1 /2 /3System allows up to 250 12-digit account codes for verification purposes. Automatic Call / Uniform Call Distribution A single lin e te le phone may be an age nt in an ACD group a s a prima ry or se condar y me mbe r. Automatic Line Access SLT s m ay h ave t hei r st at ion pro gra mmed t o ac c e ss a pa rt i cu lar C O Line , such as a private line or a line from a Group of C O lines , upon going off- hook. T his is usef ul in Cen trex or PBX ap plication s when s ta tion us ers have de di cat ed or indi vi dual l in es. O uts ide l ine di al t one is r ece ive d jus t by going off- hook, wit hout di al ing ac c es s c od es.

3-6 Cal l B ro kerin g Ca l l B rok e ri n g Ena ble s SLT use r on a CO cal l to Hook- Fla sh and m ake anot he r CO cal l. Once this other ca ll is establis hed , the SLT us er can Hook-F la sh to m ove back and fort h bet wee n p ar ti es . Ca l l For w ar d Single line telephones may direct intercom calls and transferred CO lines for forwardin g to anothe r station. SLT s have acce ss to all forwa rd ing options that Key statio n users ha ve: †Call Forward - All Calls [6] †Cal l For war d - No A ns wer [7 ] †Cal l For war d - Busy [8] †Cal l For war d - Busy/ No An swer [9 ] †Cal l For war d - O ff-N et [✳] †Pr es et C all For wa rd Ca l l P i c k -Up D i rec t ed Tone ring ing inte rcom ca lls, In itia l Ringing C O calls and trans ferred outside line calls to specific stations can be picked up by single line te le phone s. For this type of pick up, the stations ne ed not be in the sam e pi ck up gr oup. Ca l l P i c k -Up G rou p Tone ringing intercom calls, transferred outside line calls, and initially ri ngi ng c a ll s c a n be pi c ked up by s ing le l ine t el eph ones by dia li ng a special pickup code. The telephones must be in the same pickup group.

Ca m p - On3-7 Ca m p -On A busy station can be notified that an outside line is on hold and waiting fo r t hem. The b u sy s ta ti o n i s no ti fi ed o f t hi s b y a bee p to ne . S in gle l ine te le phone s can rece iv e a camp on indication or initia te one by using a n acces s cod e. CO Line Queuing Single line telephones can be placed in a queue awaiting the first available outside line in a group to become available. Co n fe ren c e An SLT user can initiate a conference with an outside line and one other internal station. Co n fe re n c e W i th Pe rs o n a l Pa r k Single Line Telephones (SLT) can initiate a conference between two outs id e ( CO) calls . T he Personal Park f eature is used in conjunction with the SLT conference cod e to m ake th is poss ib le. Direct Outside Line Group Access Single line telephones can access outside lines by dialing CO line group acces s cod es.

3-8 Direct Ou tside Line Ringin g Direct Outside Line Ringing Single line telephones can receive direct outside line ringing. SLTs may be progra mme d to rece ive incoming C O Ringing on more than one CO line. However, an SLT can answer onlyONEcal l at a t im e. If an S LT is busy when a C O call rings in, Cam p-On tone is give n to that SL T s ta tion. Do No t Disturb (D ND) EachtelephoneusercanplacetheirphoneinDoNotDisturb.Theuser receives an error tone if they are not allowed this feature. They also receive a stuttered dial tone when lifting the handset to remind them theyare inDoNotDisturb.The attendantcanoverride astationinDND. Ha nd set Re c ei ver G ai n Handset Receiver Gain allows an SLT user, while on a CO/ICM call, to Hook- Fla sh a nd d ial a code t o i ncre ase / decr ea se th e ha ndse t vol ume. In t er c om Ca l li n g Single line te le phone s ca n mak e a nd rece iv e intercom ca lls. Loop Interrupt The Loop Interrupt fea ture e nab le s single line telep hone ports to provide a loop dis connect s igna l to any d evices conne cte d to a n S LT port. This is an inhe re nt ope ra tion, no programming is nece ssa ry. TheLoopInterruptsignalissentandreceivedasfollows: †The signal is provid ed w hen a CO L ine , marke d with loop s upe rv is ion, connected to an SLT port rece ive s loop supe rvisio n from the Ce ntral O ffice .

Mess age Wait ing 3 -9 †Upon te rmination of an internal call to an S LT, the SLT provides the loop i nte rr upt s igna l. †Loop interrup t signal consists of an open for 700 m s with less than 5mA. Mess ag e Wa i t in g Mess age Wa it in g can be ind icat e d by an st utt er di al t one whe n SL T st at ions go off-hoo k i nst ead of a me ss age wai ti ng lam p. If a station ID is set to: †6 SLT, the opera tion is automatic. †7 SLT (w/message), the lamp is used for message waiting notification. Mess ag es Per so n al iz ed Each SLT st at ion ca n se le ct a pr e- ass ign ed m ess age to dis pl ay on t he LCD of the Digital Terminal receiving that message. Therearetenpossiblemessagesthatcanbedisplayed: Cus tom Thi s fea tu r e al lo ws t he s yst em adm ini st ra to r t o e nt er u p to te n c u s to m mes sag es for use by sys te m s ta ti on us er s. The se me ssa ges may be spe cif ie d an d cust omi z ed by t he cust ome r on a syst e m-wi de bas is . 00 = (clears m essages) 06 = On Tr ip 01 = On Va c at ion 07 = I n Meetin g 02 = R etu rn AM 08 = At Ho me 03 = R eturn PM 09 = On Br eak 04 = R etu rn Tom or row 10 = At Lu n ch 05 = R eturn Next We ek