Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Product Description Manual
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2-24 Cal l Fo rw ard - Preset Call Forw ard - Preset The Call Forward Preset feature allows the system database to be configure d s o that incomin g CO Line s, which are p rogramm ed to ring a t a p ar ti c u la r s ta ti o n, c an b e f o rwa rde d e l sewh er e in the sy st em prede te rmine d b y programming. This fea ture is activ e if the s tation ringing is not answered in a specified time, and is particularly useful in ove rfl ow a ppl ic a ti ons in whic h a Voi c e M ail or A ut o A tt e ndant ma y be i n use. †A st at ion may have one des ign ate d p re se t for war d l ocat ion defi ne d in the d ata bas e. †Preset Call Forward is chainable only to other predetermined preset for war d s ta ti ons spe cifi ed i n t he dat abas e up t o a chai n of 5 st at ions. †Chainab le Pre set C all Forwarding forces th e incoming CO Line to ring at ea ch st at i on pr ea ssi gne d i n t he dat aba se for t he Pr es et For war d Ring Ti me r spe cifi ed i n t he dat abas e bef ore for wa rdi ng. †Each station in the s ystem may, indep end ently, ha ve incoming C O calls preset forwarded to the following destinations: Preset Call Forward - ACD, Voice Mail, UCD, or Hunt Groups CO Lin es c a n be Pr es et For war de d to ri ng t o one of the gr oup t ypes in t he system(ACD,HuntVoiceMail,orUCD).COlinesdonotPresetForwardto a b u sy A C D Gr o u p. Eac h ti me th e P r es et Fo r war d T im er ex pir es (a to t al o f 5 attempts), the group is checked for an idle station. Preset Call Forward - Off-Net CO Li nes can be pr ese t for war ded t o r ing Off -Ne t vi a s pee d d ial f rom any station. After the expiration o f the preset forward timer, the system selectsanidleCOlineanddialtheoff-netlocation,thenconnectthetwo CO l ine s.

Ca ll F o r wa rd : St a ti o n 2 - 2 5 Preset Call Forward - Per CO Line The Preset Call Forward feature allows each CO line to be preset call for war ded on a pe r CO li ne bas is . T his al l ows a CO l ine t o i ni ti al ly ri ng a t multiple stations and forward to a predetermined destination. The des tination can be a s ta tion or Hu nt Group . E ach C O line has a Pres et Forward Timer. Each CO line also has a VMID field to allow specific VM di gits to be sen t when a C O li ne forw ard s to a VM group. Fe ature ap pl ie s to initial CO ringing lines only. If a fo rwa rd de st ina ti o n i s p ro gr am med in the C O li ne fie ld , t he CO c al l forwards to that destination after the CO Preset Forward timer expires. Thi s fo rwa rd o c c u rs r ega rdl es s o f ho w many o r ho w fe w s ta ti o ns the l ine is ringing on. Once the C O line is ans wered and trans ferred, station call for war ding ru le s a re i n e ffect . Calls still follow all call or busy forwards, however, CO preset forward for war ds t he ca ll if the fi rs t f orwa rd d est i nat ion h as not ans wer e d th e cal l. VM ID di git s pe r C O li ne o ve rr id e s ta ti o n VM I D. Ca ll s r i nging in to AC D, UCD or VM Groups continue to ring th e g roup. Th e C O call d oes not forward whe n ring ing one of the se typ es of group s. Preset Call Forward - Stations Each st at ion use r may have Pre se t Cal l For war d i n t he dat ab ase t o di re ct incom ing, tran sfe rred , as we ll as inte rcom calls to other de stin ations in the system. The system allows for different destinations based on a Busy or a N o Answer condition, a s wells as interna l v ersus externa l ( CO) call. Ca l l For w ar d: St at ion Whe n any t ype of s ta ti on ca ll for war di ng i s i nvok ed, t he L CD dis pl ay norm ally indicates the call f orwa rding m ode at all time s. This f eature h as modi fie d the LC D fo rwa rdi ng d is pla y t o ma ke the cal l for war din g mode display optional. This feature is enabled/disabled in admin programming on a sys te m-wi de ba si s. T he cal l forwa rd st at us is st ore d i n a ba tt er y protected area of memory.

2-26 Cal l Fo rw ard: Stat io n Call Forward - All Calls The C all F orwa rd Al l Ca ll s f eat ur e all ows a s ta ti on t he abi l it y t o ha ve al l the ir ca lls (internal or e xternal) forwarde d immed ia te ly to a d esigna te d station, an ACD or UCD group pilot numb er, Voice Mail grou p number, or Hunt gr oup. Call Forward - Busy The C all F orwa rd Busy fea tur e al lows a st at ion the ab il it y to have t hei r c al ls fo r war ded to a d esi gna te d s ta ti o n, a n A CD o r UCD gr o u p p il o t number, Voice Ma il group number, or Hunt group wh en their s ta tion is busy . Call Forward - Busy /No Ans wer The Call Forward Busy/No Answer feature allows a station the ability to for war d a combi nat ion busy /no ans wer cal ls t o a des ign ate d s ta ti on, an AC D o r U CD group pilot nu mber, Voice Mail grou p numb er, or Hu nt gro up. N o ans wer calls f orwa rd when the s ystem- wide no ans wer tim er exp ires . Initial CO ring ing, tra nsfe rred CO ring ing and intercom ringin g cal ls can a ll be fo rwar de d. Cal ls t hat r ing to an idl e st at ion is cal l for war ded aft er e xpi ra ti on of t he N o Answe r Ring Ti mer . Call Forward - Fol low-Me The Fo llow-Me Forward feature allows a station user to activate the Call Forward function from another station, or through the DISA function. Once activated, calls presented to the designated station are forwarded imm edi at el y. Call Forward - No Ans wer The Call Forward No Answer feature allows a statio n the ability to have their calls forwarded to a designated station, an ACD or UCD group pilot number, Voice Ma il group number o r H unt grou p numb er when there is no answer at the station. No answer calls forward when the system-wide no answer timer expires.

Ca ll P a r k2-27 Call Forward - O ff -Ne t St at ions ar e al lowe d t o f orwa rd int e rcom and tr ansf er re d C O li ne cal ls to an o ff-ne t loca tion. The Ca ll Fo rwa rd Off -Ne t fea ture allows a station to rerou te calls tha t wou ld norma lly be los t. Calls can b e f orwa rded to home or another off-net site. Initially ringing CO calls cannot be forwarded with thi s fea tu r e . Ca l l P ar k An outs id e l in e c an be pla c ed int o one of e ig ht p ar king loc a ti ons a nd c an be retrieved by any station that has a direct line appearance or an ava il abl e L oop but ton. Park ed cal l s hav e t hei r ow n re call t ime r t hat r ecal ls the origina ting s ta tion, and if still unans wered, the Attenda nt( s). An outside line may also be placed into a station park location. The station user then dials a code followed by their station number to retrieve the call. Ca l l P i c k -Up ACD / UCD Gr o ups Stations outside of a n ACD or UCD group ca n pick up a tone -ringing intercom call, transferred, incoming, or recalling outside line call ringing to a s peci fi c UCD st at i on. T he cal l m ust be a tone r in ging cal l. Directed A station can p ick up a n intercom call, trans ferred, incoming , or recalling outs id e l i ne c a ll t o a spe c if ic un at te nded st at io n. T he c all mus t be a tone ringing call. Gr ou p Stations can be placed in one or more of eight p ick- up groups . S ta tions wit hi n a gro up c an pi c k up tone r in ging int e rc om c all s, t ran sfe rr ed , inc om ing, or re c al li ng o uts ide l ine c al l s fo r a noth er st at i on i n t hat gr oup.

2-28 Cal l Trans fer Ca l l Tra n s fe r An outside CO line can be transferred from one keyset to another. By using the TRANS button, s cre ene d (a nnounced ) or uns cre ene d tra nsfe rs c an b e ma de. The l ine be in g t ran sfe rr ed ri ngs on t he k eys et and pr ovid es Exclusive Hold flashing indication to the receiving partys keyset. Any numberofattemptscanbemadetolocatesomeonebycallingdifferent key sets without losing the call. The Direct Transfer Mode allows transferring of an outside CO line di re c tl y t o t he key st at ion hand set , if ena bl ed in prog ram ming . A sys te m-wi de da tab ase pa ra meter ca n se le ct musi c on hold or ri ngba ck tone to the CO caller when CO calls are transferred in the system. Calling Station Tone Mode The C all i ng S tat i on T one Mod e f eat ur e prov ide s an e as y me ans for a c al li ng s ta ti on t o ov er ri de a d esi r ed st at ions H ( hands fre e) or P (c al l announce ) intercom se tting. A dial code has be en a dde d that is d iale d in front of the extension numb er to force the tone ringing. Ca m p -On A st at io n may al er t a b u sy p ar ty tha t an o u tsi de l ine i s o n ho l d and waiting for them by using the CAMP-ON button. To camp on a call, press the T R AN S b u tt o n t o t r ansf er t he c all t o t he de sir e d bu s y s ta ti o n, t he n press the CAMP- ON button. T he busy party rece ive s a mu te d ring ove r the keyset speaker, and a visual flashing CAMP-ON LED. By pressing the CA M P -ON but t on, t he pe rs on c al le d p la ce s the ir e xi st ing outs id e c a ll on hold and is conne cted to the pe rson placing the C amp- On. The y can the n pi ck up t he call on t he app rop ri at e l in e. Cal ls cannot be camp ed on when a s ta ti o n i s in DND o r in Co nfe r enc e .

Ca mp-On Recall 2-29 Ca m p -On Re ca l l Whe n a station does not an swer a Ca mp-On, tha t call re ca lls the pe rs on placing the C amp -On, a nd if una nswe re d b y them , recalls the Attendant(s). Centrex Compatibility TheTriad 1/2/3Sys te m pr o vi de fe at ure s t hat a re Ce nt re x c o mp at ibl e so tha t Ce ntr ex u se rs c an u ti l iz e theTriad 1/2/3Sys te m to e nhance their Centrex capabilities. The system actually simplifies and provides easier acces s to m any C entrex fea tures by offe ring the follow ing fea ture s. Flex Button Programming Flexible button programming allows Centrex users to program complex Centrex dial codes onto a keyset button for ea sy on e touch a ccess to Ce ntr ex fe at ure s. Of f- Ho ok P refe ren ce Digital telep hones ma y be programme d to ha ve their persona l Ce ntrex li ne ac c es se d au to ma ti c al ly ju s t by li ft ing the ha ndse t o r pr ess ing t he ON/ OFF button. Internal features to theTriad 1/2/3System are still made ava il abl e to dig it al t el eph ones by acces si ng i nte r com be for e g oing off- hook. Pr ivate Lin e App earan ce TheTriad 1/2/3System allow for private line assignment on an unlimited bas is . Each s ta tion ma y ha ve sole a ccess to a particular outsid e line if des ired and may also b e ass igne d to rece iv e incoming ringin g on tha t li ne.

2-30 Cent rex/ PBX Trans fer Programmable Flash Timer CO line flas h is a mome nta ry ope ning on a CO line us ed for signalin g. Whe n usi ng t heTr iad 1/ 2/3System in a Centrex environment, the CO line flash is to signal the inte ntion to transf er a ca ller us ing Ce ntre x tra nsfe r. TheCOlineflashtimerisprogrammableonaperCOlinebasesto facilitate a mixture of C entrex and C O lines with in the sa me sys te m. Programming✳,#,andHook-FlashesintoSpeedDial Many C entrex codes utilize a h ook-flas h follow ed by, in many cases, the di git [ ✳] and or [#]. TheTriad 1/2/3Sys te m a ll ow pr ogr ammi ng of thes e codes as a par t of s yst em or st at ion spe ed di al se quen ce s. Ce nt rex/ PB X Tra nsf er Whe n Ce ntre x or PBX line s are connected to theTriad 1/2/3Sy st em, use rs may, by using the Flash button , tra nsfe r calle rs to other Ce ntre x or PBX exten sions. T he Flash co mmand may a ls o be include d with in a Sp ee d Bin and pr o gra mmed o nt o a fle x b u tt o n f o r o ne bu tt o n tr ans fer . Class Of Serv ice (COS) Day /Night The C OS Day /N ight f eat ur e all ows st at ions t hat ar e a ce rt ai n C OS dur in g the d ay, to be ass igne d a diffe re nt COS when th e s ystem is put in the nig ht mode . T he night C OS goe s into af fect whe n the sys te m is pla ced into the night mode, manually or automatically. This prevents the misuse of p hones after hours . Class Of Serv ice (COS) Station Each st at ion is as si gned a C la ss of S er vi ce w hich gover ns th at st at ions dialing privileges. Day Class of Service and Night Class of Service assignments to stations provide the system administrator additional control over station dia ling, preventing mis use of phones a fter hours.

CO L ine - Access 2-31 Six uniquely defined Classes of Service are available for assignment to st at ions on a pe r st at ion bas is and al l si x ar e ava il abl e for day and nigh t assignment. Station Class of Service works in conjunction with CO line Class of Service to provid e the mos t flexib le means for offering custom to l l re st r ic t io n. As a par t of t he Di al ing pr ivi l ege as si gnmen t t hr ough C la ss of S er vi ce t he sys te m off ers two prog ram mable Allow and De ny tab le s f or a dditional customization of a toll restriction plan for a particular customer. Each st at ion can r ef er ence up to four sp eci al ar ea code ta ble s. CO Line - Access Through prog ram ming , telep hones are allowe d or d enied acces s to particular outside lines or line groups. CO Line - Class Of Service (COS) Each CO Li ne may be pr ogra mme d wi th a C la ss- of-S er vi ce to p rov ide di ali ng pri vi le ge s. T heTriad 1/2/3S yst em use s a n ar r ay b et wee n C O Line Cl ass -of- Se rvi ce and St at ion Cl ass -O f-S er vi ce t o of fer a wid e v ar ie ty of di ali ng pri vi le ge poss ib il it i es. CO Line - Control (Contact) On theTriad 1/2/3Sys tem, there a re four or six con trol conta cts which may be ind iv idua lly p rogramm ed as either CO Line Control (to con trol ancillary equip ment) or Loud Bell Control to control a cus tom er provided ringing de vice to external a re as. Whe n programme d a s C O Lin e C ontrol and ass igne d to a CO line, the corre sp ondin g contact close s whene ve r that CO line is accessed by a station.

2-32 CO Line - D is tinct ive Rin g CO L ine - Distinctive Ring The tone ring s ig nal used to notify s ta tions of an in co ming call ca n be c hange d i n a dmi nis tr at iv e p rogr amm ing to pr ovi de dis ti nc t ive r ing ing on a pe r CO line bas is . A d istinctive ring tone ca n be programme d f or ea ch CO l ine t hat i s u sed t o r ing eac h st at ion. Th e s yst em pr ovi des 36 d iff er ent r ing pat t er ns tha t c an b e s el ec t ed for e ac h C O l i ne in the system. CO line distinctive ringing overrides station distinctive ringing. CO Line - Groups Outsidelinescanbeplacedinoneoftwenty-fourgroupsifthe cust omer s busi ne ss re qui re s s uch gr oupi ng. St at ions ar e the n ind ivi dua ll y a ssi gne d acce ss to the se gr oups and gi ven the a bil i ty to dia l on particular lines. CO Line - Identification The CO Line Identification feature allows entering a name into the database for each individual line (trunk) connected to the system. The name ma y be e nte red in any com bina tion up to 12- characte rs in leng th (t his re pr ese nt s 2 4 dig it s e nt er ed). Whe n t he C O li ne i de nti fi c at ion f ie ld is programmed, display telephones receive the identification field in place of the default field (LINE XXX). SMDR alw ays print the line numbe r in place of the progra mme d nam e. A pr ogra mmab le dat a fie l d i s a vai la ble fo r e ac h li ne in the s yst em.

CO L ine - Incoming Ringing As signm ent 2-33 CO L ine - Incoming Ringing A ssignme nt Each CO l ine ma y be pr ogr amme d ( in databa se admi n) s o that i ncomi ng ringing on the s pecified CO line (s) may be ass ign ed initial ring ing to one of the following des tination s: †One or more stations (Keyset or S LT ) †An AC D, U C D, V o i ce M ai l o r H u n t G r o u p †O ff-N et (vi a Spe ed Di al ) The ring -in follows Da y Ring a ssignme nts unles s N ight S ervice mode is ac t ive , i n wh ic h c a se al l i nc omi ng C O c a ll s f oll ow Ni ght R in g as sig nment s. Whe n r ingi ng is as sig ned to a ke ys et , a di re ct li ne appe ar ance or an idl e LOOP button must be available to receive the call. Station call forwarding of the initial ringing CO call is possible and can be directed to other key set s wit h a n av ai la ble LO OP but ton or dir e ct a ppe ar ance. †If the initial ring ing CO call ca nnot ring at the d estination ass ign ed, the c a ll r ings at t he fi rs t At te nda nt st ati o n. †If all ringing a ssignme nts are de le te d, calls continu e to ring at Station 100. CO Line - Loop Button A station not having a direct appearance for a CO line receives incoming CO calls and trans ferred CO calls unde r the LOOP bu tton. Only one call at a time ca n be conne cted to a ke yse t on the LOOP b utton. †If mo r e tha n o ne LOO P bu t to n i s o n a k ey set , the LOO P bu t t o ns m ay be conferenced together. †If all programmed LOOP buttons on a keyset are busy or have a CO call on hold, the party a ttemp ting to transf er a CO line to tha t station re ceives bus y tone and cannot tra nsfe r the call to th at station. †If a transfer is attempted, the CO line recalls the initiator immediately. CO lines a re also presented to a L oop when dialin g out using LCR or when using speed dia l to dial out and the line chos en d oes not a ppear on the ke y s ta ti o n.