Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Product Description Manual
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2-64 O ff-Hook Pref eren ce We e kl y N i g h t Mo d e S c h e d u l e A pr ogra mmab le we ekl y ni ght mod e s chedu le pr ovi des for 24 hour , 7 day a week automatic night mode opera tion. The sys tem ca n be put into a nd out of night mode automa tically on a daily bas is . Di g i t a l V oi c e Ma i l (D V M)--TheDVMDay/NightOperationcanbesetup to f ollow the sa me p ath as the D ay/Night/S pecial Mode for the telephone sys te m. Off -Ho ok Prefe rence Auto Feature Acce ss In addition to Au to Line Access, digital telephones have the ability to have their off-hoo k prefe re nce select a D SS or f eature b utton upon goin g off- hook or pressing the ON /OFF button. Au t o L in e Acc ess Each station, ke y or S LT, may have the ir phone p rogramm ed to acces s a par t ic ul ar CO Li ne suc h as a pr i vat e li ne or a l ine fr om a gr oup of CO l in es upon going off- hook. This is useful in Centrex or PBX ap plications wh en st at ion use rs hav e d edi cat ed li nes . O ut si de li ne dia l tone i s re cei ved j ust by going off- hook, wit hout t he nee d t o di al an ac c e ss co de. Ho t Li n e/ R in g D ow n Di gital tel ephon es m ay be pr ogra mme d to imme di atel y cal l or ri ng d own a p articula r s ta tion or outside numb er upon going off hook. This is done by prog ram ming the s ta tions Of f-Hook Preference to a ctivate a DSS or Speed Dial feature key. This feature can be overridden if the station user selects a CO line firs t when goin g off- hook. Interc om Acces s Whe n O ff-h ook Pr efe re nce is en abl ed, at a key st at io n, t hat s tat i on ma y stillobtainintercomdialtoneforaccessinginternalstationsorother sys te m fe at ur es. Th is is done e it he r b y pr e ssi ng a n DS S but ton or dia li ng their o wn intercom station number prior to going o ff-hook .

Of f-Hook Sig naling 2-65 Us er Programmable Pre ference Base d on a s ta tion p rogramm able option, digital telep hones may be giv en the a bility to ena ble , d is able or ch ange their Off -hook Pre ference by di al in g a code . T his opt ion ca n be deni ed in s ta ti on pr ogr ammi ng on a pe r k ey st at ion basi s. Off -Ho ok Signaling If a st ati on h as bee n pr ogr amme d to re c ei ve dir e ct ou ts ide l ine r ing ing and is b usy on a nothe r ca ll, the ca ll rings a t the station us ing a muted ring signal. This option allows a user to receive a reminder ring at their busy st at ion, ins te ad of m ute d ri ngi ng. A R em inde r R i ng T ime r h as be en a dde d to the s yst em to pr o vi de the r emi nde r ri ng e ve ry ti me t he ti mer e xpi re s, as long as the incoming C O line re mains connected . T he syste m de faults this option to muted ringing. CO calls may also be camped-on to a busy st at io n and re c ei ve mut ed ri ngi ng. Off -Ho ok Vo ice Ov er (OHVO) Of f-Hook Voice Over allows station users to signal a bus y station that your call is waiting. Your voice is only heard through the handset of the called pa rty’s telep hone. The called party can con nect to the two partie s and carry on two indep end ent conve rsation s us ing the ha ndse t. The cal le d par t y can al so r es pond us ing the te xt mes sagi ng fe at ure whi ch se nds mes sage s to the cal li ng par ty’sdisplay. A third method provides for th e receiv ing station to res pond to an OHVO announce me nt using the MUTE fe atu re button. T his button is p re sse d to carry on a two-way conversation with the OHVO initiator while still li st eni ng to the or ig inal c a ll . The call ing stat ion is pl ace d in a on e-ti me D ND mod e up on in itiat ing th e Vo ice O v er. O ne -T ime D ND c ann ot be to ggle d du ring t he O HV O ca ll. T he sta tion r ece iv ing t he O HV O cal l mus t be o ff-h ook and in the Hmode.

2-66 On-Ho ok D ia lin g On-Hook Dialing The Digital Telephone user can place calls without lifting the handset. If thespeakerphoneisdisabled,thehandsetmustbeliftedtoconverse. Online Programming Cha nges t o t he syst e m da tab ase can be mad e wi t hout int e rr upt ing norm al sys te m op er at ion. Prog ram ming may be pe rf orme d us ing a digital telephone connected to the system (Station 100) or via an external PC either on-site or remotely. One- Touch Recording The One-Touch Recording feature allows the station user while on an inte rna l/exte rna l ca ll to pre ss a button a nd ha ve the s ystem re cord the conversation in the station user’s m ail box. I t has bee n d esi gne d t o wor k with theTriad 1/2/3DigitalDI SPAT CHVoice Mail System via in-band si gnal ing . Pa ge /R e l ay C o n t ro l On theTriad 1/2/3Systems, there are four or six relays that may be individually programmed for: External Page, Loud Bell Control, CO Line Contro l, Power Fa ilure T ra nsfe r, and Recorde d Announce ment us es . Useof thisfeaturemaybeinterpretedasaviolationof federalorstate la ws an d an in va si on of pri vac y. Ch ec k app lica ble laws in y our are a be fore r eco rdin g call s u si ng thi s fe ature .

Pa g i n g2-67 Pa gi n g Access Restriction Progr amm ing on a pe r- st ati on b asi s, can deny any st at ion the a bil i ty to make an y t ype of page . Exte rnal There are two External Paging Zones available on theTriad 1/2/3Sys te m. External paging requires a three-digit dialing code and an externally pr ovid ed ampl i fie r and pagi ng syst e m. E ach z one can have a re la y conta ct ass ociated to it. In t er na l The re a re ei ght i nt er nal pag ing zon es ava il abl e in theTriad 1/2/3Sys te m. A station can b e in a ny or a ll zones or in no zone at a ll. S tations not ass ign ed t o a pag e gr oup can s ti ll ma ke p age announ ce me nts , i f a ll owed in st at ion pr ogra mmin g. S ta ti ons can b e a ssi gne d t o a pag e g roup in ord er to rece ive pa ges but not a llowed to mak e p age anno unceme nts . Park Personal Each digital telephone in the system can place a call into a personal park location and then later retrieve that call from the originating station. Intercom calls and CO line calls can be placed into the stations’per sona l park location. Calls parked in a personal park location are subject to the sys tem call park recall timer. A station re trieving a pe rsonal pa rk ed CO call must hav e eithe r a d irect CO l ine ap pea ra nce or a n av ai lab le l oop b utt on t o r et r ie ve th e p ar ked call. On ly one ca ll c an be park ed in a Pe rsona l C all Park lo catio n a t on e ti me. Whe n di alin g the Person al Park loc ation and th e lo catio n is alre ady occu pie d, the ini tiati ng s tati on re cei ve s th e pr ev ious ly park ed c all an d the se con d call is t hen park ed .

2-68Pause Timer Pa u s e Ti m e r Whe n di al ing a s pe ed numbe r, a t i med paus e bet we en d igi t se ndi ng c an be pla ced i n t he numbe r. The le ngt h of t hi s pa use can be pr ogr amme d i n the s yst em dat ab ase . PBX Dialing Codes Five one or two- digit a ccess codes ca n be entered into memory . W hen one of these codes is dialed, it signals the KSU that the user is dialing a PBX acces s code , not dia li ng di re ct ly ov er an out si de C O l ine , and to a ppl y toll re striction to the ne xt dialed dig its a fter the cod e. The re fore, toll re striction is n ot a pplie d to the s ta tion unles s one of the se fiv e PBX codes is di al ed f ir st . T his al lo ws di al ing of P B X ext ens ion s 1 00 , 11 0, 1 11 , e tc . and functions on lines marked as PBX lines in programming. Pe rso nalized Me ssages Each st at ion n ot f orwa rde d, can se l ect a p re -as si gned mes sag e t o di sp lay on the LCD of the digital key telephone calling that statio n. There are ten poss ib le me ssa ges whi ch can be di spl aye d: Cus tom The Custom Message feature allows the system administrator to enter up to te n c u s to m mes sag es fo r u se by st at io n u se rs o f the s yst em. Th ese mes sag es may be spe cif ie d an d customi zed by the custome r o n a sys te m-wi de ba sis . 00 = (cl ears messages) 06 = On Trip 01 = On Vacation 07 = In Meeting 02 = Ret ur n AM 08 = At Ho me 03 = Ret ur n P M 09 = On Br eak 04 = Ret ur n Tomo rro w 10 = At Lu n ch 05 = Ret ur n Next Week

Pref erred Line Ans wer 2-69 Date and Time Entry to Personalized Message(s) The Date/Time Personalized Message feature allows the station users to activate certain messages that allow the user to enter a specific time or a date of return. These messages display on calling stations to alert them o f the d esi r ed par ty s r et ur n t ime or da te . Per so nal iz ed Mes sage C ode on a Flex Key The P er son ali z ed M ess age Cod e f eat ur e all ows a k ey st at ion user t o progra m the person alized mes sag e code [633# ] onto a flex button. Th is speeds access of the pre-selected messages. Scrollable Canned Messages The S crolla ble C anne d Mes sag e f eature allows the us er to us e a single di git [# ] or [ ✳] to scroll throu gh the canne d me ssa ges and se le ct one. Whe n t he des ir ed me ssa ge is di spl aye d, p re ss ing the hol d b utt on pla c es that message on the station LCD. This feature operates when the phone isintheidlemodeonly.Thisfeaturecannotbeactivatedifthestationis in the C all F orw ard or DND mode(s) . T his feature is not a vaila ble to Attendant stations. The messages scroll in the following order: Pref erred L ine Answer A station with Preferred Line Answer can answer any assigned outside, transferred, or recalling line, or queue callbacks by lifting the handset or pr ess ing t he ON/ O FF bu t to n. Th e s ta ti o n M US T b e physi c al ly ri ngi ng, to function properly . 11 = On Vac at ion U nti l: MM/ DD 15 = At Ho me U nti l: H H:MM xm 12 = R etu rn : HH :MM xm o r MM/DD 16 = On B reak U nt il: H H: MM xm 13 = On Trip Un ti l: MM/ DD 17 = At Lu nc h U nt il: H H:MM xm 14 = M eetin g U nt il: HH :MM x m 1. (c lears message) 7 . In Meeti ng 2. On Vacati on 8 . Retu rn Nex t Week 3. At Ho me 9 . On B reak 4. R etu rn AM 1 0. Ret urn To mo rro w 5. At Lu nc h 1 1. On Tri p 6. R etu rn PM

2-70 Privacy Rel eas e Privacy Release Privacy is insured on all communications in the sys te m. If des ired , the customer ma y elect to disable th e Automatic Privacy fea ture, thus allowing up to seven other stations to join in on an existing CO Line conversations. Per CO Lin e O ptio n The Per CO Line feature allows programming of each CO line individually for priv acy. This f eature is use ful for maintaining se curity on s uch line s as data lines, private lines, or special circuits requiring privacy. If privacy is disabled on a CO line the n, wh ile in use, anothe r station may enter the conversation simply by pressing the CO line button. A programmable warning tone is presented to all parties prio r to actual cut-thru. The st at ion at te mpt ing t o en te r the c onv er sat io n must a ls o hav e pri va cy di sabl ed . Per Station Option Each st at ion may be pr ogra mme d t o gi ve t he s ta ti on t he capa bi li ty to join an e xisting conv ersation simply by pres sing the CO line button that is in us e. A programma ble warning tone is pres ented to a ll parties when the station enters the conv ersation. T he CO line mus t als o ha ve priva cy disabled to allow the cut-through. Privacy per station on SLT type st at ions al lo ws/ den ie s c am p-on to the S LT. Th is is use ful for da ta app li cat ions . Private L ine Private line programming allows certain lines to ring at a specific station only . W hen pla c ed on Hol d, the se l ine s a re a ct i ve at t he prog ram med station only . A private line can b e transf erre d to othe r stations , provide d the s ta ti on r ec e iv ing th e c a ll has a loop but t on or di re c t appe ar anc e of tha t CO l ine . D is abl ing of the pri vac y fea ture may be l imite d b y fed era l, s tate or l ocal l aw, s o che ck th e re le van t laws in y our ar ea be fore d is abl ing pr iva cy.

Puls e- to - To ne Sw i tch over 2- 71 Pulse-to-Tone Switchover Whe n comma nded , the sys te m cha nges the signaling on a n outside line from dial pulse to DTMF (tone), allowing the use of common carriers behind a dial pulse outside line. This can be done manually when dialing, orcanbestoredwithina speeddialnumber. Range Programming TheTriad 1/2/3S ystem a ll ow for ra nge pr ogr ammi ng whe n pr ogra mmi ng CO lines a nd S ta tions. Range p rogramm ing allows you to p rogram all parameters a like for th e entire ra nge or you can change or mod ify a f ew items for all members in the range. Remote Administration The Remote Administration feature allows authorized personnel to access the administration programming via a terminal device (portable telephone device or persona l co mputer with communications sof twa re packa ge). The fe at ure pe rmi t s t he r ev ie w and ent ry o f t he c us to m er dat aba se in t he sam e m anne r a s v ia t he d igi t al te l ephone . The t er min al dev ic e c an be connected directly to the RS- 232C conn ector on the Ma ster Process or Board (MPB) on theTr ia d 1 /2 /3Sys te m, or can be acce sse d by a te le phone modem linking the RS-232C connector (via a CO line) to a remote loca tion. When ente ring the sys te m rem ote ly via a termin al dev ice , access to the 2400 baud modem (optionalTr iad 1/ 2,OnBoardonTr iad 3) is av ail ab le .

2- 72 Rem ot e Sys tem Mo ni to r An d Mai nt enan ce D at abase Upl oad/ D ownl oad Datab ase Upload/D ownloa d provide s a maintena nce f acility which is adde d to the Rem ote Adminis tration routine. T his rou tine permits downloading of the databa se to a PC , whe n a so ftwa re change is mad e or when t he s yst em mus t b e ini ti al iz e d an d r epr ogr amme d. The routine facilitates th e p rogramm ing of a datab ase on an in-hou se sys te m which ca n be down load ed to a PC, and then uploade d to a system in the field. After the system maintenance is completed, the file sav ed in the PC can the n be up load ed to the s ystem. Remote System Monitor And Maintenance Maintenance The Remote Maintena nce fe ature allows the Interconne cts’te c hni ca l s taf f to re vi ew the s yst em c o nfi gu ra ti o n da ta and i ndiv idu a l c ard sl o t configuration data. This can be done on-site using a data terminal or remotelyusingamodemtoaccessaremotedataterminal.When ent er i ng t he sys te m r em ote ly vi a a t er mina l dev ic e , a cc e ss t o t he 2 4 00 baud modem (op tional onTri ad 1 /2, On Boa rd onTr iad 3) is av ail ab le . Mo ni t or The Remote Monitor f eature p rov ides remote a ccess to the ins ta lled system for diagnostic purposes. These capabilities benefit Service pe rson nel e nabling them to supp ort the end use r re motely. D if ferent le ve ls of a c c ess , v ia pas swor d, all ows aut hor iz ed pe rs onnel t o t ra c e, monitor, and up-load critical information directly from theTriad 1/2/3 Sys tem. This p rov ides a more accurate means of acquiring s ystem inf orma tion that lea ds to a quick resolu tion of problems th at may occur. This is all done without interfering with ongoing call processing or norm al sys te m op er at ion, and in many case s may be per for me d wi tho ut a site visit. Cap abi li t ie s re se rve d for thi s high -l eve l tr oubl es hooti ng als o i nc lud e: †Monitor Mode †Enable and Disable Event Trace †Dump Tra ce Buf fer (Up -Load )

Repea t Re dia l 2- 73 Repeat Redial The Repeat Redial feature allows a digital key station to press a flexible button or dial a code a nd red ial a bus y or no- answer number at sp ecific intervals. The user is signaled via a queue call back indication. The R EP EA T R EDI A L f le xib le but to n fl ashe s at t he c a ll ba c k r at e o f 1 20 i pm for 15 seconds. If t he s ta ti o n: †Doe sn’t ans wer within the 15 second s, the call back is cance le d. T he system retains the last call the user made. †Is busy on an i nt er nal /e xt er nal cal l wh en t he Repe at Redi al que ue ca ll back occurs, th e ca ll ba ck does not occur until the user g oes on-hook. The use r must e nte r a Re dia l T im er value when inv oking this fe ature . T his value is from 006-999 which represents seconds. A 2-minute interval would be entered as 120. Default value is 1 minute (60). Rin g Tone (Us er Selectable) The ring tone s ig nal used to notify s ta tions of an in co ming call ca n be changed by each station user to provide distinctive ringing among a group of stations. Each station user may select a distinctive ringing tone that is used to ring their station. The system provides 36 different ring patterns that the statio n use rs ma y se lect from. Save Number Redial (SN R) Any number dialed on an outside line can be saved permanently and use d at a ny time. This numbe r is sa ved until a new numbe r is stored.