Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Product Description Manual
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10-1 2 Peripheral B oards DI D Tru nk B o a rd ( D I DB ) TheDIDBboardprovidestheinterfaceforuptofour(4)directinwarddial circuits fro m the telephone compa ny. The circuitry s upports immedia te, win k, a nd de la y type signa ling. This b oard can be plugged into any des ig nat ed per ip her al sl ot . W i ri ng /P i nou t s /C on ne c t i on s-- The boa rd has four (4) red LE Ds to monitor each circuit on the board. The LED lights red when the circuit is busy and not li ght whe n i dl e. The bo ard al so h as two (2) RJ14 m odula r connectors on the front edg e of the card. The se provid e the inte rfa ce the DID circuits to the MDF. Refer toOp ti o nal Uni tsfor addi ti onal i nfor mat ion. F igure 10-7: DIDB ( Direct Inward Dialing) DT R U

Pe rip hera l Bo ards 10-13 T- 1 In t e r f a c e B o a r d ( T 1 I B ) The T1IB board provides one (1) 24-channel 1.544Mbps T-1 interface from the t el e phone c ompa ny. T he boar d r e quir es an ext e rna l C SU dev ic e t o operate. T he board ha ndles Loop, Gro und, a nd D ID type signalin g. On theTriad 1System, this board can be installed into Slots 0 thru 2. On the Tri ad 2S ystem, this boa rd can b e installed into S lots 0 thru 5. W iring /P inou ts /C on nectors-- The board contains a 64180 CPU on board to control all b oard functions. The boa rd can a ccept two D TMF- A units to provide DTMF receivers for certain applications. Refer toOp t io nal Unitsfor add it ion al inf orma ti on. Figure 10-8: T1IB (T-1 Interface Board) DTMF- A DTMF-A

10-1 4 Peripheral B oards Primary Rate Interface Board (PRIB) This interface provides one Prima ry Rate Interface circuit. Each circuit conta ins 23 bea re r and one data cha nnel (23B+D ). W hen a PRIB card is progra mmed into theTr iad 1/ 2sys te m, t he sy st em int er pr et s all B chann els a s trunks. Thus , one PRIB which contains 23B+D circuits pr ovid es 23 l i ne appe ar ance s t o t heTri ad 1/2s ystem. A ma ximum of two PRIB b oards m ay b e ins talled into the sys te m. The PRIB card use s 24 tim e slots whe n installe d. The PRIB must b e us ed in conjunction with a Chan nel Se rvice Unit (CS U). Conne ction is made via a D B15 from the PRIB to the C SU. The PRIB accepts two DTMF-A boards. Whe n ordering PRI line s from the telep hone company , s pecify ESF framing and B8ZS line coding. PRI only supports National ISDN 2 (NI-2). No othe r standards are suppo rted. Fi gure 1 0- 9: PRIB ( Pri m ary Rat e Inte rf ac e Bo ard) Vodavi has successfully integrated its PRI ISDN with the Lucent 5ESS, Si em e ns , St rom bu rg Ca rls on, an d t he DM S 1 00 C en t ral O f f ice s. V odav i IS DN s ho uld wor k with all C ent ral O ffi ce s witc he s, bu t this has not b ee n verified. Therefore, some delays in service may be experienced.

Pe rip hera l Bo ards 10-15 Basic Rate Interface Board (BRIB) This interface provides four Basic Rate Interface circuits. Each circuit is compris ed of two b earer ( 64Kbps ea ch) an d one da ta (16Kbp s) cha nnels (2B+ D). Whe n a BRIB is p rogram med into theTr iad 1 /2sys te m, t he syst e m inte rprets all B channe ls as trunk s. Thus , one BRIB which contains f our 2B+ D ci r c uit s p rov ide s ei ght li ne app ea ran ce s to theTr iad 1/ 2sys te m. A maximumoffiveBRIBscanbeinstalledintothesystem(40Bchannels). The BRIB use s the U interface of the BRI stan dard. C onnection to the network is m ade via RJ45 conne ctors o n the front e dge of the bo ard . No NT1 d evi c e is re qu i re s t o c o nne c t to the c e ntr al o ffi c e. Th e B R I B c ar d u s es ei ght t ime s lot s when ins ta ll ed. Whe n ordering BRI line s f rom the telep hone compan y, s pecify Cap abi li t y P as t he o rde ri ng c o d e. Nat io n al IS DN 1 (N I- 1) is sup po rt e d. No oth er stand ard s a re sup ported. Figure 10-10: BRIB (Basis Ra te Interface Boa rd) Vodavi has successfully integrated its BRI ISDN with the Lucent 5ESS Ce ntra l O ffice . V odav i IS DN shou ld work wit h a ll Ce ntra l O ffice switc hes, but th is h as not be en ve rifie d. The refore , some d ela ys in serv ice may b e ex per ien ce d.

10-1 6 A nalog St ation B oards Analog Station Boards Electronic Key Telephone Interface Board (ETIB) The E TIB provides the interface to 12 electronic te le phone s or D SS /BLF st at ions . †The ET IB board h as one re d LE D indicato r f or line status. T he LED lights red whe n the circuit is b usy and n ot light whe n idle . †Thestationconnectionsareviaone(1)50-pinfemalechamp (amp henol type ) conne ctor located on the front edg e of the ca rd. †The card ejector ta bs a re color cod ed green. Figure 10-11: ETIB (Electronic Te le phone Interfa ce Boa rd)

Ana lo g Stat ion Bo ards 10-17 Sin gle Li ne In t er face Board (S LIB) TheSLIBboardprovidestheinterfaceforsix(6)2500typesingleline te le phone s. This board ca n be plugge d into any de signated peripheral slot. The board also supports message waiting with the message wait modul e. The boar d can a ccept one (1) DTRU u nit to prov ide t wo (2 ) DT MF receivers for certain ap plication s. LE D / Ind i c at o rs-- T his boa rd has one re d LE D indi cat or for li ne st at us. The LED lights red when the circuit is busy and does not light when idle. Lin e/Station In ter faces-- The boa rd has three (3) RJ14 modular ja cks on the front edg e. T hes e p rov ide the interface fro m the circuits on the b oard to the M DF . R e fe r t oOptional Unitsfor addi t iona l i nfor mat i on. Figure 1 0 -12 : S LIB (Single Line Inte rf ac e Board) DTRU MSG U

10-18 Digital Station Boards Digital Station Boards Digital Telephone Interface Board (DTIB) The DT IB provides the interface to the dig ital telep hones in the s ystem . Thi s b oard can be pl ugge d in to a ny pe ri phe ra l s lot and is p rov ide d i n t wo (2 ) c apa c it y v er si o ns, a t we lve (1 2 ) c i rc u i t, and a twe nty -fo u r (2 4 ) c i rc u i t. LE D / Ind i c at o rs-- T his boa rd has one re d LE D indi cat or for li ne st at us. The LED lights red when the circuit is busy and is not lit when idle. Lin e/Station In ter faces-- The 12/24-circuit boards have one (1) female 50-p in amphe nol conne ctor on the front e dge. Th is provides the int e rfa c e t he c ir c u i ts o n t he bo a rd to the M DF . F igure 10-13: DTIB12 & DTIB24 (Digital Te le phone Interface Board)

Ana lo g Stat ion Ins trume nts 10-19 Analog Station Instruments Enhanced E lectr onic Ke y Telep ho ne (EKT ) TheSTA RPLUSE nhanced E lectronic Telephone is a fully modular instrument with 8 fixed feature/function and 22 flexible buttons that can be fl exi bl y as si gned as ei t her C O/ P BX/ Ce ntr ex li ne s, St at ion DSS , or fea tu r e /f u nc ti o n b u tt o ns. Thi s te le pho ne al so fea tu r es an in te gra te d s pea ker pho ne , c all a nno u nc e with h ands fre e intercom, two (2) Volume Controls , Inte rcom se le ct switch, and long life LEDs. Fi gure 1 0- 14 : E nha nced E le ct roni c Key T el epho ne (EKT )

10- 2 0 An al og Sta ti o n In str um ents Executive Electronic Key Telephone (EKT) TheSTA RPLUSE xec ut iv e K e y T el ep hone is a full y modul ar ins tr ume nt with 8 fixed feature/function and 22 flexible buttons that can be flexibly assigned as either CO/PBX/Centrex lines, Station DSS, or feature/function buttons. This set also features an integrated 48 character LCD display, and integ ra te d s pea kerphone , ca ll ann ounce with ha ndsfre e intercom, two (2) volume controls, an intercom m ode sele ct s witch, and long life LED s. Fi g u re 10 -1 5: Exe cu t iv e El ec tr o n i c Ke y Te le p ho n e (E KT)

Ana lo g Stat ion Ins trume nts 10-21 Ele ctr on i c D SS/ D LS C on so le The station port used for a DSS/ DLS Conso le can be assigned as a Direct St at ion Se le c t or Dir e c t L ine S el ec t de pen ding on c us tom er ne ed. The bottom two rows of b uttons on the D SS /D LS C onsole conta in 6-8 flexible buttons (de pe nding on MAP chos en) which can be ass igne d b y the station use r in the sa me manne r and functions as the fle xible buttons on the ke yse t . R e fer t oChapter 4, DS S/DLS Featuresfor an exp la nation of the 5 DSS / DLS map pin g opt io ns. Fi g u r e 10 -1 6: El ec tr o n i c D SS /D LS C on s ol e