Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Product Description Manual
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11-5 4 Sys tem Config ura tion Tables Table 11-10: Electronic Telephone Audible Signals Ty pe of Sign al F re que ncy Sign al Dur at ion Electronic Telephone Signals Incoming CO Line 440+480 0.2 on/0.4 off/0.6 on/3.0 off; Repeated Intercom Tone Ringing 440+480 0.8 on/2.8 off; Repeated Intercom Cal l Announce (H-P modes) 440 0.8 on/0.8 off (3 bursts) Transferred CO Line 440+480 0.8 on/2.8 off; Repeated CO Line Rec all 440+480 0.8 on/2.8 off; Repeated Message Wait Call Back 440+480 0.8 on/2.8 off; Repeated CO Queue Call Back 440+480 0.8 on/2.8 off; Repeated Ca mp- On 4 40 0 .2 on (1 burst) Paging Alert Tone 440 1 sec. on Electronic Telephone Confidence Tones Intercom Ringback 440+480 0.8 on/2.8 off Transferred CO Line 440+480 0.8 on/2.8 off Ca ll Announce 440 0.8 on/0.8 off (3 bursts) Busy Tone 480+620 0.5 on/0.5 off; Repeated Error Tone 480+620 0.2 on/0.2 off; Repeated Intercom Dial Tone 350+440 Steady DND Tone 350+440 0.4 on/0.4 off/0.2 on/0.2 off/0.2 on; Repeated Paging Confirma tion Tone 350+ 440 1 se c on Conference Time-out/Re-Enter Tone 440 Prog rammable Steady Tone Confirmation Tone 350+440 0.8 on/8 off (3 bursts) CO/ PBX

Syst em Co nfigurat ion Tabl es 11-55 Table11-11:SingleLineAudibleSignals Type of Sig nal Frequency Signal D uration Single Lin e Sig nals Incom ing CO Line 20Hz 90 VAC 0.8 on/2.8 off; Repe ated Inte rcom Tone Ringing 20Hz 90 VAC 0.2 on/0.4 off/0.6 on/3.0 off; Repe ate d TransferredCOLine 20Hz90VAC 0.8on/2.8off;Repeated CO L ine Recall 20Hz 90 VAC 0.8 on/2.8 off; Repeated CO Q ueue C all B ack 20 H z 9 0 VAC 1 S ec on/2 off ; R epe ated Si ngl e L ine Con fid en ce Ton es Intercom Ringback 440+480 0.8 on/2.8 off Transferred CO Line 440+480 0.8 on/2.8 off Ca ll Announce 440 0.8 on/2.8 off (3 bursts) Busy Tone 480+620 0.5 on/0.5 off; Repeated Error Tone 480+620 0.2 on/0.2 off; Repeated Intercom Dial Tone 350+440 Steady DND Tone 350+440 0.4 on/0.4 off/0.2 on/0.2 off/0.2 on; Repeated Paging Confirma tion Tone 350+ 440 1 sec on Confere nce T ime -out Tone 440 Program ma ble S tea dy Tone Confirm ation Tone 350+ 440 0.8 on/8 off (3 b ursts)

11-5 6 Sys tem Config ura tion Tables Table 11-12: Digital Station Visual Signals - CO Line Buttons Featu re/Function Flash Rate LED Color Incoming CO Ringing 30 ipm F lash Red Transf e rre d CO Ringing 1 2 0 ipm Flas h Red CO Line Re calli ng 480 ip m Flutte r Red Sys tem HO LD 6 0 ipm double w ink Red Exclus ive HO LD (I-Hold) 1 2 0 ipm Flas h Gree n I-HO LD (S yste m) 6 0 i pm w ink Gree n CO Line Q ueue C all B ack 48 0 ip m Flutte r R ed CO Line i n Us e O N S tea dy Red CO Line Idl e OFF Exclusive Hold (other stations) O N S tea dy Red Table 11-13: Digital Station Visual Signals - DSS/BLF Buttons Feature/Fun ction Flash Rate LED Colo r Off-Hook (Busy) O N S tead y Red Incoming Inte rcom Ring 120 ip m Flutte r Re d Call Announce (H or P Mode) S tead y Red Me ssage Waiting Ca ll Back 120 ip m Flutte r Re d StationinDoNotDisturb 60ipm DoubleFlash Red Cam p On (by station) 120 ipm Flash Re d Automa tic Call Ba ck 120 ipm Flash Re d Station Unav ailabl e ( ACD/UCD) 60 ipm F las h Re d off (3 bursts )+ 48 0

Syst em Co nfigurat ion Tabl es 11-57 Table 11-14: Digital Station Visual Signals - Feature/Function Buttons Featu re/Fu nction Flash Rate LED Colo r Ca ll Forw ard (a ctive ) 30 ipm Flas h R e d Me ss age Wait ( activ e) Stea dy R e d Ca mp On ( activ e) 1 2 0 ipm Fla sh Re d Ca ll Back ( active -initiator) 1 2 0 ipm Fla sh Re d CO Li ne Que ue (active ) 480 Flutte r Re d DND (a ctive ) Stea dy Re d Mute Stea dy Re d On/O FF Stea dy Re d Co n f er e n c e St ea dy R e d S pee d (m ome nt on until bin a ddres s dia led) Stea dy Re d Pers onalized M es sa ges 15 ipm Flas h Re d Tone Inte rcom Cal l (Hold button) 15 ipm Flash Re d Loop sa me as CO Green/Red Pool sa me as CO Green/Red Transfer None None

11-5 8 Sys tem Config ura tion Tables Table 11-15: Signals to CalledSt at i on ( Di g i ta l St ati o n ) Feature (In dication ) So und in Hz Occurrence (Cadence) I ncoming CO Line (*User S ele ctable ) .8 on/2.4 se c off; Repe ate d I ntercom Tone Ringi ng (*User S ele ctable ) .4 se c on/.4 se c off/.4 sec on/2 se c off, Re pea te d I ntercom Ca ll Announce (H & P) 935 .2 se c on/.2 sec off; 2 bursts Transferred CO Line (*User Selectable) .8 sec on/2.4 sec off; Repeated CO Line Re call ( *Us er S ele ctable ) .2 se c on/.6 s ec of f; Re peate d Message Waiting Call Back (*User Selectable) .4 sec on/.4 sec off/.4 sec on/2 sec off, Repeated Q ueue d CO Line C all Back ( *Us er S ele ctable ) .2 se c on/.6 s ec of f; Re peate d C amp O n 9 3 5 . 2 se c bu r st A larm Tone - Re pe ated 7 01 /85 7 1 . 0 s e c on/. 2 5 s e c of f ; R e pea ted Alarm Tone - S ingle (Continuous) 701/857 1.0 sec on; once (every 30-60 seconds until the alarm is reset) * Only one (1 ) tone can be se lecte d by a s tation at a tim e. Thi s tone is use d for a ll signa ling that use s the “Us e r S ele ctab le”tone. Table 11-16: Signals to CallingStation (Digital Station) Feature (Indication)Sou nd in Hz Occur rence (Cadence) St at io n Intercom Ring Back Tone 1215/1471 .5 sec on/2.5 sec off; Repeated In t er c o m Ca ll An n o u n c e 9 35 .2 s ec o n /. 25 s ec o f f; t h r ee (3 ) t im es B us y To n e 7 01 .5 s ec o n /. 5 s ec o f f ; R e pea te d Error Tone 701 .25 sec on/ .25 sec off; Repeated Intercom Dia l Tone 420 Continuous DND Tone 701 .2 sec on/.2 sec off; three (3) times, Pause, Repeated Pag ing Confirm ation Tone 935 1 second burst Confe rence Tim e Out Wa rning Tone 420 1 second burst Programming Confirmation Tone 1471 1 second burst Programmed Error Tone 1471 .25 sec on/ .25 sec off; Six (6) times Call Wa iting 7 35 .5 s econd burst

Syst em Co nfigurat ion Tabl es 11-59 Table11-17:VoiceMailConfidence Tones VM C ond iti on Acti on Ton e R ecei ved Sound I n Hz Occur rence (Cadence) Off Hook Interna l Dial Tone (no stutter tone)350/440 Continuous Calls an Interna l Stati on ( idle ) Ring Back Tone 4 40 /4 80 1 se c on/3 s ec of f; Re pea te d Initiate a Trans fe r (hook-f las h) Interna l Dial Tone (no stutter tone)350/440 Continuous Calls an interna l sta tion ( bus y) *Call back not allowedBusy Tone 480/620 0.5 sec on/0.5 sec off; Repeated Calls an internal station (DND) Busy Tone 480/620 0.5 sec on/0.5 sec off; Repeated Calls an interna l sta tion (program me d/not equipp ed)Busy Tone 480/620 0.5 sec on/0.5 sec off; Repeated Calls an interna l sta tion (not programmed/not equipped)Re-Order Tone 480/620 0.2 sec on/0.2 sec off; Repeated Dials an invalid d igit/FA CODE/ st at i o nRe-Order Tone 480/620 0.2 sec on/0.2 sec off; Repeated Calling Party Disconne cts (Inte rnal or Exte rnal ca ll)Sil ence o r (Di sconnec t Digits)0or ( DTMF Digits)(Continuous or as progra mmed)

A A ICLID General Description This specification provides the functional and implementation definition for the addition of the ICLID feature to theTria d 1/2/3 Digital Key Telephone System.

Syst em Configurat ion A-3 System Con figuration The fol l owing il lu st rat i on de pi c ts th e c onf igur at i on pr es umed for t he implementationoftheICLIDfeatureforthesystem.Thephonesare pr esu med to be in an A C D or UC D gr oup in ord er t o al low pr oper operation with the system. F igure 1-1: CTI System Configuration CO L INE S ICLID Int erface UnitICLID Interface Un it RS 232S TAR PL US KSU RS232 LAN SE RV ERCTI Modul e CTI Modul e CTI Modul e LANLAN LAN LAN