Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Product Description Manual
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1 Introduction This manual provides the information necessary to operate and maintain theST A RPLU STriad 1/2/3System. The described features are based on the current software release. If any of these features do not work on your system, call your sales representative regarding up g r a di n g y ou r s y s tem.

Regulatory Inf orm ation (U.S.A .) 1 -3 Regulatory Information (U.S.A.) The Fe de ra l C ommuni cations C ommis si on (F CC) es ta bli she d rul es to allow the direct conne ction of theTriad 1/2/3Sys te ms to a t el e phone network. C ertain actions mus t be undertaken or understood before the connection of cu stomer provided equip ment is completed. 5X X = ACD Gr o u p ( 550 - 565 ) Telephone Company Notification Before connectin gTri a d 1 /2 /3System to the telephone network, the local se rving te le phone comp any m ust be give n adv ance notice of intention to use custome r prov ide d equi pme nt, and mus t be pro vid ed with the following information: Tel eph one Nu mbers The telep hone numbe rs to be conne cte d to the sys te m. Triad 1 /2Syst em Information †The Ringer Equivalence Number also located on the KSU: 1.3B †The USOC jack re quire d for direc t inte rconne ction with the te le phone network: RJ11C Triad 3Sy stem Inform ation †The Ringer Equivalence Number also located on the KSU: 1.3B †The USOC jack re quire d for direc t inte rconne ction with the te le phone network: RJ21X F CC Reg is tr at io n N u mbe r s: †For sys te ms conf igur ed as a key sys te m: ( but ton appe ar ances ) DLPKOR-24039-KF-E †For sys tems conf igured as a Hybrid sys tem: (dia l acces s codes) DLPKOR-24026-MF-E

1-4 Regulatory Informa tion (U.S.A .) In ci den ce o f H a r m If the te le phone compa ny de termin es tha t the cus tome r provided equipme nt is f aulty and p ossibly ca using ha rm or interruption to the telephone network, it s hould be disconnected until repairs can be mad e. If this is not don e, the telep hone compan y may temp orarily dis connect se rvi ce. Changes in Se rvice The local telephon e com pany may make chang es in its communications facilities or procedures. If these changes affect the use of theTriad 1/2/3 System or compatibility with the network, the telephone company must give written notice to the user to allow uninterrupted service. Maintenance Limitations Main te nance on theTriad 1/2/3S ystem mus t b e per for med onl y by the manuf acture r o r its a uthorize d a gent. The use r may not mak e a ny change s a nd/or re pai r s e xcep t as s pe cifi cal ly note d in thi s manual . If unaut hor iz ed al te r ati ons or re pai r s a re mad e, any re mai nin g war r ant y and the software license for the system will be voided. Hearing Aid Compatibility Al lTri a d 1 /2 /3Digital Terminals are Hearing Aid Compatible, as defined in Section68.316ofPart68FCCRulesandRegulations. UL/CSA Saf ety Compl iance TheTriad 1/2/3System has met all safety requirements and was found in c ompl ia nc e wi t h t he Unde rwr it e rs Lab ora tor ie s (UL) 1 4 59 . Thi s s yst em is aut hori z ed to be ar the “NRT L/C” ma rk ing.

Toll Fraud an d DISA Disclaimer 1-5 No ti ce o f C om pl ia nc e TheTriad 1/2/3System complies with rules regarding radiation and radio fr eque ncy e mi ssi ons by C la ss A comput ing de vice s. In accor dance wi th FCC S ta ndard 15 (Sub part J), the following data must be su pplie d to the end use r: To l l F r a u d a n d D I S A D i s c l a i m e r “While this device is designed to be reasonably secure against intrusions from fraudulent callers, it is by no means invulnerable to fraud. Therefore, no e xpr ess or i mpl ie d wa rr ant y i s made ag ain st such fra ud i nclud ing inte rconne ction to the long distance ne twork.” “While this device is designed to be reasonably secure against invasion of priva cy, it is by no m ean s invulnerab le to such inv asions. The refore, no exp re ss or imp li ed war ra nty is ma de agai nst un lawf ul or unaut hori z ed utilization which results in the invasion of one’s right of privacy.” Vodav i has made e ver y re asona bl e e ffor t t o ens ure t hat t hi s p roduct work s in mos t business env ironments . However, there may be some env ironme nts (RFI a nd E FI) in which this product ma y not work p rop erly. In such cases, it is the responsibility of the installer to take the necessary actions to correct the situation. This prod uct is te sted and found to be Yea r 2000 re ady. Vodav i shows 00 as the ye ar i n S MD R out put and on L CD dis pl ays. “This equipment generates and uses RF energy and if not installed and used in acco rdan ce wi th the Instru ction Ma nual , may ca use in terfe ren ce t o Radi o Co mmuni catio ns . It has be en t es te d and foun d to co mply wi th the limi ts for a Cl as s A c omput ing dev ice , p urs uan t to S ub part J o f Part 15 of the F CC Rul es , wh ich are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference, when ope rate di na comm erc ial en vir onme nt. Op erat ion ofth ise quip men tin a resid ent ial areais likely tocause interference, in which case theuser, at his ownexpense,will berequiredtotakewhatevermeasures mayberequiredtocorrectthe interference.”

2 Digital Station Features The System and Station features ofSTARPLUSTria d 1/2/3are listed and described in alphabetic al order. An abbreviated feature index is provided in the following table.

Sta ti o n Fe atur es Index 2 -3 Statio n Features In dex Tabl e 2 -1 : Key St ati o n Feat ures/S o ft wa re Pac ka ges Fe at ureSt d Pk gACD Pk gAdditional Equipment A ACCOUN T CODESN ACCOUNT CODES ( VER IFIED)N AN SWERI NG MACHI NE EMU LATIONVM System AT TENDAN T RECALLN AUTOMATI C CALL BACK TIMERN AUTOMATI C CALL DISTRI BUTION (ACD) Ag en t Po sitio n sN A lternate ACD Group Assi gnmentN ACD Group Member StatusN G uar anteed Message Announc ementN Incoming CO Direct RingingN No -Answer Rec all Ti merN No-Answer Retry TimerN Overflow Station AssignmentsN Overflow Station ForwardingN P C/ACD Int erface Trac eN Recorded Announcements (RAN)N Supervisor Positi onsN Su p erv iso r/Ag en t C a lls i n Qu eue D isp la yN W ra p- Up Time r Per AC D Gr ou pN AUTOMATI C LI NE ACCESSN AUTOMATI C NIG HT SER VICEN N = No Additional Equipment Required