Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Product Description Manual
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5-62 O ff-Hook Pref eren ce Of f- Ho ok P refe ren ce Pr ogrammin g If your phon e is pro gra mmed for Off-H ook Preference and has been giv en the a bility to ena ble or chan ge the prime fle x bu tton. 1 . Di al [6 91 ] on th e d ial p ad. 2 . Di al th e d esi r ed but ton numbe r. R e fer t o t he fol lowi ng c ha r t: Disa blin g Off-Hook Prefe rence 1 . Di al [6 91 ] on th e d ial p ad. 2 . Di al [0 0] on t he dia l pad. Programming PBX/Centrex Codes Onto Flex Button For e asy one- button acces s to C entrex or PBX fe ature s, perform the following steps: 1 . Pr o gr am t he Ce ntr ex o r P B X c o de i nto a s ta ti o n o r sy st em spe ed dia l bi n, i nc lud ing hook- fla sh (f la sh k ey), [ ✳], and [#] command s. Re fe r to st at ion or syst e m sp ee d di al pr ogr ammi ng. 2. Program that s pee d bin onto a f le xib le * button. ❋01❋02❋03❋04 ❋05❋06❋07❋08 ❋09❋10❋11❋12 ❋13❋14❋15❋16 ❋17❋18❋19❋20 ❋21❋22❋23❋24

One -Touch Reco rdin g 5-63 One- Touch Recording The One-Touch Recording feature allows the station user while on an inte rna l/exte rna l ca ll to pre ss a button a nd ha ve the s ystem re cord the convers ation in the station users ma ilbox. This is done by creating a confe re nce b ridge be tw ee n the ca ller, station, and VM port. While on an internal/external call: St at ion use r pre ss es th e p re -pr ogr amme d V M RECO RD b utt on. The LE D flutters re d @240 ipm during se tup and the f ollowing me ssa ge displays : Once the sys tem ha s connected to the station (the user’smailbox), the flexible button LED lights solid green and the LCD displays as follows: Whe n the use r is fin is hed re cording, the p re -programme d V M RECORD button is pres se d. T he LED is e xtinguishe d a nd the normal LC D call inf orma tion is re turne d to the dis play. Conditions †If the user hangs up without terminating the record function, the sys te m automa tically extinguis hes the and the normal LCD call inf orma tion is re turne d to the dis play. †If t he user p re sse s the T RANS , CA MP- ON, MSG, or FW D b utt ons dur ing re c o rdi ng, the but t o n de pr ess io n is i gno re d. †During the re cording s etup, a ny de press ion of the CONF b utton is ign ore d. U si ng thi s fe ature whe n the On e-T ou ch War nin g To ne i s di sa ble d may b e in terp ret ed as a v iola tion o f fe dera l, state o r loca l laws, an d an i nv as ion of p riv acy. C hec k appl icab le law s in you r a rea be fo re re cordi ng c alls us in g this fea ture . RECORDING SETUP MMM D D Y Y 00 :0 0: 00 RECORDING MMM D D Y Y 00 :0 0: 00

5-64 On e-Touch Reco rdin g †If no V M port is ava ilable when the s ta tion us er wa nts to re cord, th e user receives the following display (lasts 6 seconds): Theusermayretryafterthedisplayextinguishes. †Once i n t he re cordi ng m ode, the CO NF but ton de pre ss ion all ows the user to add members to the recording (conference). Normal conferen ce op eration/conditions app ly. †If an internal station is being recorded, the internal station receives a CON FERE NCE LCD mes sag e a nd t he CO NF L ED li ght s. †If the FLASH or HOL D b utton is p ressed d uring the recording, th e re c o rdi ng is te rm ina te d. †If a station user presses the record button while in a two-party conferen ce, the conference is recorded. If the button is d epres sed a se con d time , the confe re nce is bro ken down a nd the call is re turne d to a t wo -wa y c o nve rsa ti o n. †Only one active recording per station is allowed. †If a re co rding is done to another internal station , the station being re corde d ca nnot invok e the record fe ature . †If a conference is being recorded and the master of the conference exits, the recording stays active. The recording stops if the initiator re -e nte rs the co nference an d brea ks it down, re move s the re cord function , or the conference brea ks down on its’own. †Only the initiator of a conf erence can invok e/remove the record function during a conf erence . †Conference Warning Tone is not given to the conference members, if the initiator is re cording the confe re nce and the record tone is di sabl ed. †Recording is not allowed to a station that is barged in, Executive Ov erridden, or on an active OHVO call. RECORDING UNAVAILABL E MMM D D Y Y 00 :0 0: 00

Ou t si d e C al l5-65 Outside Call An swe ri ng an O utsi de Call 1. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button. 2. Pres s s low flashing OUTS IDE LIN E b utton or LOOP b utton. (If your telephone is programmed with Preferred Line Answer, you may answer an outside line by lifting the handset or pressing the ON/OFF button.) Making an Outside Call 1. Pres s OUT SIDE LIN E or POOL button. ON/OF F b utton LE D lights an d di al tone i s h ear d. 2 . Di al th e d esi r ed par t y. 3. When called party answers, lift handset to converse or use speakerphone. (A st at ion use r can a ls o di al an indi vi dual t r unk gr oup a ccess code t o access an outside line.) Placi ng an O utsi de Call o n Ho ld If your sy stem is progra mmed for E xclus iv e H old Preference: PressHOLDbuttononceforExclusiveHold,twiceforSystemHold. If your sy st em is pr ogra mme d for S yst em Hol d Pr efe re nce: Pr es s H OLD but t on onc e for Sys te m H old, twi c e for Exc l usi ve Hold.

5-66Pagin g Pa gi n g Making a Page Announcement 1. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button. 2. Pr es s p re -pr ogr amme d PAGE b utton, -or - Di al th e t wo-d igi t or t hre e- digi t pa ging c ode. [7 00 ] = A ll C all - I nte rn al and Ext er nal [701- 708] = Internal Zone 1-8 [709] = Inte rn al All Ca lls [76]+[0] = External All Calls (All Ext Zones) [76]+ [P] = E xte rn al Zones (1-2) 3. Speak in a normal tone of voice to deliver message. PB X/Cent re x Tra nsf er While connected to an outside line (PBX/Centrex): 1. Pres s the FL AS H bu tton. Re ceive trans fer d ial tone. 2 . Di al a PBX /C ent re x s tat i on numb er. 3. Hang up to complete the transfer. - S tati ons off-hook or in D ND do not h ear t he i nte rnal p age a nnou nce men t. - Wh en maki ng a zon e pa ge or A ll C al l page and th e zo ne is bu sy , the p age i niti ator re ce iv es ring back tone unti l the zone bec omes av ail able . Yo u the n he ar a war ning tone and ca n mak e the pag e ann oun ceme nt

Pe rs o nal Park 5-67 Pe rs o n al Pa rk Each station in the s ystem can p la ce a call into a pers onal pa rk location and the n later retrie ve th at call f rom th e origina ting s ta tion. While connected to an outside line: 1. Pres s the TRANS button. T he calle r is put on E xclus ive Hold. 2. Dial the Personal Park location [438] on the dial pad, -or - Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med P ER SO NA L PA R K but t on. A d ial t one is hea rd. Retrieving a Parked Call Di al th e Pe rs onal Ca ll Par k l ocat ion code [4 38 ] on th e d ial p ad, -or - Press the pre-programmed PERSONAL PARK button. A talk path is es ta bli she d b et wee n t he t wo pa rt ie s. Conditions †Intercom calls and CO line calls can be placed into the stations pe rson al par k l ocat ion . †Calls parked in a personal park location are subject to the System Call Pa rk R ec al l Ti me r. †A CO call p arked in a persona l call p ark location reca lls to the station tha t par ke d t he c al l w hen the Ca ll P ar k R e ca ll T ime r exp ir es . T he C O call rin gs into this s tation until the S ystem H old T imer exp ires . The CO call then recalls to the Attendant(s) (at this point, the Attendant station and the initiating station are ring ing) , an d the Atte nda nt Recall Timer is initiate d. Whe n the Atte ndant Re call T ime r e xpire s, the CO call is disconnected. Whe n dia ling the p ers on al par k loc atio n and th at loc atio n is alre ady occup ie d, the init iatin g s tatio n rec eiv e s th e pre vi ous ly p ark ed ca ll an d the se cond c all i s pa rke d.

5-68 Perso nal ized Mess ages Pe rso nalized Me ssages Each st at ion can s el ect a pr e- ass igne d m ess age t o be di spl ay ed on t he LCD of any k ey te le phone calling tha t station. The re a re ten poss ible mes sag es which can b e le ft. 1 . Di al [6 33 ] on th e d ial p ad, -or - Pr es s a pr e- pr ogra mmed MSG butt on. 2. Dial th e two-d igit code for the mes sage that ap pea rs . A confirmation tone is heard and the DND button LED starts to flash. 0 0 = (cl ear s messages) 06 = On Tri p 0 1 = On Vacation 07 = In Meeting 02 = Return AM 08 =At Home 0 3 = Ret ur n PM 09 = On Break 04 = Return Tomorrow 10 = At Lunch 0 5 = Ret ur n Next Week Th is fe atur e is not av ail abl e to th e A tten dant (s ).

Pe rs onalize d Mess ages 5-69 Me ss ag e s - Cu st om Syst em-Wide Cus tom Mess ag es Each st at ion can s el ectfrom ten pos sible cus tom mes sag es to be displaye d on the LC D of any ke y telep hone ca llin g that station. T hes e mes sag es ar e p rogr am med fr om t he fir st A t te ndant s ta ti on. To use: 1 . Di al [6 33 ] on th e d ial p ad, -or - Pr es s a pr e- pr ogra mmed MSG butt on. 2 . Di al th e d esi r ed two- dig it me ssa ge numbe r (1 8- 30 ) for t he c ust om message desired. The first Attendant should provide a list of messages to each station user. Unique Custom Messages Each st at ion can a ls o pr ogr amthreeuniquecustommessages. To prog ram : 1 . Di al [6 33 ] on th e d ial p ad. 2. Dial a valid message number (18-20) fo r the desired custom message. 3 . Ent er a cust om me ss age, up to e i ght char act er s. 4 . Pr es s H OLD t o sav e. To use: 1 . Di al [6 33 ] on th e d ial p ad. -or - Pr es s a pr e- pr ogra mmed MSG butt on. 2. Dial a valid message number (18-30) fo r the desired custom message. Cancelling the Message 1. Dial the Message Access Code [633] + [00]. 2 . Repl ace hand se t. DND bu t to n LE D e xti ngu i she s.

5-70 Perso nal ized Mess ages D at e & Tim e Ent r y on Pe rs on aliz ed Mes sage As an enh ancem ent to the original canne d me ss age s, station users can activate certain messages that allows the user to enter a specific time or a dat e of re t urn. The se mes sag es appe ar on cal l ing sta ti ons dis pl ay t o al er t the m o f t he des ir ed par t ys re tur n t i me or dat e. Ac t iv ati n g a Mess ag e (with a cu stom ret urn time or date) 1. Dial th e Mess age Access code [633] on the dial pa d. 2. Then dial the desired message number [11-17]. Use rs may act i vat e t he f oll owing mes sage s an d be p romp te d t o ent er atime or dateof return: [11] = Vacation Until:MM / DD [12] = Re turn:HH:MM xmorMM/DD [13] = On Trip Until:MM /D D [14] = Meeting Until:HH: MM xm [15] = At Home Until:HH:MM xm [16] = On Brea k Until:HH:MM xm [17] = At Lunch Until:HH:MM xm 3. Enter the date/time by using b uttons on the dial pad as follows : Fi gure 5- 3: Ot her Key Pad Co des (Dat e and T im e) Other Code s 1=1# 8=8#“=01 * =*# 2 = 2# 9 = 9 # , = 02 ( = #1 3 = 3# 0 = 0 # ? = 03 ) = #2 4 = 4# Space = 11 / = 04 + = #3 5=5# :=12 !=*1 ==#4 6=6# -=13 $=*2 #=## 7=7#‘=14 &=*4 . =24

Pe rs onalize d Mess ages 5-71 4. Press HOLD to enter message. A confirmation tone is received and DND button LED starts to flash. Can cel in g th e Mess age 1. Dial the Message Access Code [633] + [00]. 2 . Repl ace hand se t. DND bu t to n LE D e xti ngu i she s. Per so nal iz ed Mes sage C ode On A Flex Butto n You can p rogram the code [633] onto a flexible b utton to sp eed access of pr e-s el ec t ed me ssa ges . 1. Press the SPEED button twice. 2 . Pr es s t he de si re d fl ex but ton . LE D f las hes . 3. Dial [633] + [#] on the d ia l p ad. A confirmation tone is he ard. The use r ca n now pre ss th at flex b utton a nd d ial the two-digit ca nned message number (00-10), or the two-digit custom message number ( 18 -3 0) to act iv ate t he mes sag e. A con fir mat i on t one is hea rd and DND button LED starts to flash. Scrollable Canned Messages The S crolla ble C anne d Mes sag e f eature allows the us er to us e a single di git to s crol l through the cann ed mes sage s and s el ect one . Thi s f eature ope rate s whe n the phone is in the idle mod e on ly and ca nnot be activatedifthestationisintheCallForward orDNDmode(s).This feature is not av ai lab le at A t te ndan t s ta ti ons. 1. Dial [633]+ [#] on the dia l pad, -or - Pressthe MSG button. Clear Messagesis alwaysfirst.The following mes sag e d is play s: 2. Pres s the [# ] to scroll through the mes sag es, -or - Pr es s t h e [ ✳] to scrol l back ward t hrough t he l i st . CLEA R M ESSA GE S NEXT= # PRE V=✳SAVE=H OLD