Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Product Description Manual
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2-14 Ans we rin g Ma chine Emul at io n Answering Machine Emulation Whe n a call i s sen t to a voi ce mai lb ox, t he st at ion as socia te d wi t h t hat mai lb ox c an pr ess a pr e-p rogr amm ed but ton to li st en to the c a ll er le avi ng the voi ce mai l mes sage . If the ma il box owner de cid es to spe ak with the caller, they can press the pre-programmed button and connect to the c a ll er . Two methods of notification are a vaila ble , a ring mode or a spe ake r mode. These methods are controlled by the type of flexible button assigned on the telephone. Attendant Assignment Any three Digital Telephones in the system can be assigned as Attendant st at ions . T hes e st ati ons re cei ve r ecal l s a nd can pl ace the s yst em int o Night Se rv ice . T he Attenda nt stations mus t be eithe r Enha nced or Executive stations. Attendant Recall Whenalineisleftonholdforaprogrammabletimeperiod,thestation pl acing t hat li ne on h old is r ecal le d. If th at st at ion fai ls t o an swer t he re call, th e ca ll is reca lled to th e Atte ndan t(s ) for ha ndling. The re ca n be three Attendants per system. Transferred, Parked and Camp-On recalls also recall the Attendant. Automatic Call Back Timer The A ut omat ic Cal l Back T ime r in voke s a cal l back a nyt ime a use r li st ens toabusytoneforaprogrammableperiodoftime.TheAutomaticCall B ac k T im er c an be se t to 0 0- 99 se c o nds . A v alu e o f 00 d is abl es t he t i mer . An Autom atic C all Ba ck does n ot occur wh en the timer is disa bled.

Auto ma ti c C al l D is tr i but i on (AC D ) 2- 15 Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) The ACD feature is available with optional software.Whe n pur chas ed, Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) is not used and is replaced by the ACD functions identifie d b elow. Sixteen Autom atic C all D is trib ution ( AC D) g roups can be progra mmed, ea ch contain ing up to 252 station numbe rs (up to the s ystem station maxi mum). Each group is a ssigne d a pilot num ber. When this numbe r is dialed, the firstavailableagentinthatgroupisrung.Callsareroutedtothestation tha t has be en on-hook for th e longe st time pe riod. Age nt P os itio ns Login/Logout with Agent I D Feature-- T he Age nt Lo gin/Logou t fe ature provid es a m ean s for a n ag ent to log into one of the ACD grou ps a nd re c ei ve c al ls . The Agent ID entered in the login process identifies the agent and places tha t age nt in the a vaila ble a gent lis t for the AC D group spe cified in the login p roce ss. T his fe ature allow s a n age nt to log into any AC D g roup from any station in the system and receive calls. Lo gin to P rimary/Seco nd ary ACD G rou p-- Agents can login to both primary and secondary ACD groups. The agent always receives calls from a p rimary group first. The ag ent receives calls fro m a secon dary group when t her e are no c all s in the p ri mar y gr oup. Iden tificatio n Code-- Each ACD Agent has a unique ID (0000-9999) for use during login/logout procedures. This un ique ID is not verified or st ore d i n t he sys te m d at abas e. Available/Unavailable Mode-- The Available/Unavailable feature allows age nts logge d into an ACD Group to rem ove the mse lves from the gro up by dia li ng a c ode or pr e ssi ng a fle xi ble but t on. W hen a n age nt is in the Ava ilable mode , that a gent rece iv es AC D ca lls in the normal ma nner. Whe n an age nt is in the Una vai la bl e m ode, th at age nt no l onger r ece iv es AC D ca lls, howe ver the age nt may re ceive non- AC D ca lls. Age nts that have gone Una vaila ble rece iv e a visual reminde r w ith a f la shing LE D/LCD mes sag e.

2-16 Aut om atic Cal l D ist ribu tio n ( ACD ) He l p Re q ue s t-- T he HELP fea tur e prov id es a m eans for a n A CD age nt to si gnal t he ass igne d supe rv isor f or ass ist an ce . Whi le on a cal l, t he agen t can p re ss th e H ELP b utt on t o s igna l the a ssi gne d sup er vi sor . T he supe r vis or may re spond by usi ng t he HEL P but ton and the ACD Bar ge -I n fea tur e . Call Qu alification-- T his fe at ure pr ovi de s a mea ns for an a gent on A CD calls to e nter code s that id entif y the ca ll. T his fe atu re pe rmits en te ring up to 12 d igi ts t o pr i nt in the S MD R r ec o r d. A p ro g ram mabl e c o nfir ma ti o n to n e o p ti o n wa s a dde d t o t he Ag ent Ca ll Q u al ifi c at io n fe at u re o n a sys te m-wi de ba sis . ACD Tr an sfer Displ ay- - T his fe ature cha nges the LCD me ssa ge to ind icat e t o what A CD gr oup t he cal l was tr ans fer r ed. Th e L CD indi cat es i f the call was transferred to a station number or a pilot group number. Zap Tone ( f or H eads et us e) --Th is fe atu re can be ena ble d a t age nt stations to provide an automatic con nection of ACD calls to the agent. Whe n logged in and ava ilable , the age nt hea rs a tone in their hea dse t and is automatically connected to the incoming caller. Alt e rn a te ACD G ro u p A ss ig n m en ts An altern ate ACD group ca n be programmed s o if station s in one group ar e b usy, t he a lt er nat e gr oup i s checke d for a n av ai lab le st at i on. ACD G ro up Me mb e r St a t us The S uper vi sor s G roup M emb er St at us fea tur e pr ovi des a mea ns f or a n AC D s upe rv isor t o v ie w t he st at us of t he 16 A CD gr oups in the s yst em, ind ivi dua ll y. Thi s d isp la y t el ls t he supe rv is or w hic h st at ions ar e logge d int o t he gr oup, and if the s ta ti on l ogge d i n i s a vai la ble , unava il abl e, out - of-service,inDND,or busyona call.The supervisorcanuse thisdisplayto determine why there are a lot of queued calls in a specific group. Guaranteed Message Announcement The Gua ran te ed Mess age fe ature insures that calle rs route d to a n ACD Grou p hear the m es sage prior to b eing p la ced in q ueue or to an agent. Cal l er s ma y e nter DT MF di gi ts dur in g this me ssa ge. The se di gi ts can be used by the system to route callers to specific destinations and provides Cal l ing Name I de nti fi c ati o n.

Auto ma ti c C al l D is tr i but i on (AC D ) 2- 17 Incomi ng CO Di rect Ri ngi ng CO Li nes can be pr ogra mme d t o r ing di re ctl y i nt o an AC D g roup. Whe n al l a gent s a re bus y and RA N i s e nab le d, t he syst e m ans wer s t he ca ll er and presents the first RAN announcement automatically. No -An s wer Re ca ll Ti m er If a call routed to a station via ACD is not answered by the ACD Ag ent / St at ion bef ore t he No-A nsw er R ec a ll t ime r exp ir es , t he c al l is re tu rne d t o A CD Q u eu e wi th the hi ghe st pr io r i ty. T he s ta ti o n t hat f ail e d to answer the ringing ACD call is also placed into an out-of-service (OOS) st at e. No -An s wer Re t ry Tim e r When the No-Answer Retry timer expires, a statio n that failed to answer the r in ging A CD c all i s pla c ed int o a n out -of- se rvi c e (OO S) st at e. The st at ion tha t w as t ake n out -of -se rv ice is pl ace d back in ser vi ce i f t he age nt presses their available flex button or dials the available flex code. The agent is placed back in service if the No-Answer Retry timer expires. If the agent does not answer their next ACD call, they are again taken out-of- se rvi c e. T his c yc le c ont i nues unt il t he st at ion answ er s c a ll s, logs out , or goes una vai la ble . Overflow Station Assignments An ove rf low st ati on m ay b e ass igne d t o r out e ca ll er s in queue t o a des ig nat ed st ati on aft er a spe cif ie d t ime . The O ver fl o w s ta ti o n ma y r emo ve the mse lv es fr o m t hei r as si gned gr o u p by dia li ng t he Ov er fl ow A vai la bl e/Unav ai lab le code . W hen the O ve rfl ow st at ion is i n t he avai l abl e m ode, t hat st at ion r ecei ve s A C D cal l s i n t he normal manner. When the Overflow station is in the Unavailable mode, that station no longer receives ACD calls, however they may receive non-ACD calls . T he Ov erflow station that we nt Unava ilable re ceive s a visual reminde r with a flas hing LED . T he overflow s ta tion ma y NOT be one of the ACD group statio ns.

2-18 Aut om atic Cal l D ist ribu tio n ( ACD ) Ove rf low St ati on For wardi ng The Overflow Station Forwarding feature allows ACD calls reaching the ACD Overflow Station to call forward to another station. This is allowed or den ie d on a s ystem- wid e b asi s. On ce e nabl e d i n pr ogr ammi ng, an AC D Ov er flo w st at ion ca n Busy/ No- An swer for war d t o Voi ce Mai l Group s, A CD Grou ps, Hunt Groups and stations . If the AC D Overflow s ta tion is busy or does not a nswer b efore the no-answer call timer expires, the ACD call forwards to Voice Mail. PC /A CD In t er fa ce Tra ce The PC/A CD In te rf ace Tr ace fea tur e is av ai lab le wi th opt iona l soft war e. The PC/ACD Interface Trace provides a series of events trace output that can b e u sed for ACD reporting packag es from third parties . Recorded Announce me nts (RAN) Recorded announ ce me nt dev ice s can be ass ign ed to p rov ide up to eight different messages per system, if all stations in an ACD group are busy. The e ight m ess age s a re av ai lab le t o al l 16 A C D gr oups i n di ffe re nt configurations. Each group can have a Guaranteed RAN and two other RAN s, a pr i mar y an d a se co ndar y. A RAN dev ice can pr ovid e a n announce me nt to one ca ller a t a tim e. Subs eque nt calle rs are que ued onto the message on a first-in basis. Each RAN Announcement Table can b e d irected to a H unt Grou p, the r efor e ea ch pr ima ry and se condar y RA N T abl e can have e ight announce me nts . RAN H unt Group numb ers ca n be chaine d togethe r by pl acing the RAN Group Numb er (458- 461) as the l as t memb er i n the des ired group. RAN Groups are p ilot typ e only. Di g i t a l V oi c e Ma i l (D V M)-- DVM can s er ve as a RAN An nouncer by u sin g a m enu a s the announ ceme nt. With this unique bene fit: calle rs can route to other destinations, hear their place in queue, and hear their hold time. If no stations are logged into the ACD Group, ACD calls route to the Atte nda nt statio n. T he Ov e rflow T ime r only appl ies to ca lls that a re in que ue.

Auto ma ti c C al l D is tr i but i on (AC D ) 2- 19 Su per vis or Po si tio ns Lo gin /L og out Fe a tur e-- The S upervisor Log in/Logout f eature p rov ides a m eans for a sup ervisor to log in to one of the AC D g roups . The S uper vi sor I D e nt er ed in the l ogi n pr oc es s i de nti fi es t he s upe rv isor for the specific ACD group to which they are assigned. A supervisor can log into any ACD group from any station in the system. However, to let the s upervisor mon itor with b arge- in fea ture, the superv iso r m ust log in at a station with monitor barge-in capability. Only one supervisor can be logg ed int o a gr oup a t ti me. Iden tificatio n Code-- Ea ch ACD Superv is or has a un ique S upervisor ID (0000-9999) that is used during login and logout procedures. This unique ID i s no t v er if ie d o r st o r ed in the s yst em dat aba se . He l p Re q ue s t-- T he HELP fea tur e prov id es a m eans for a n A CD age nt to signal their assigned supervisor for assistance. While on a call the agent can p re ss th e H ELP b utt on t o s igna l the a ssi gne d sup er vi sor . T he supe r vis or may re spond by usi ng t he HEL P but ton and the ACD Bar ge -I n fea tur e . MonitorwithBarge-InFeature-- The ACD Supervisor Monitor with Barge-In feature provides a means for an ACD supervisor to monitor an agents call in progress to coach sales techniques or customer relations ski ll s. Whe n use d, a su per vi sor may int r ude onto an a gent’scallinalisten only mode or in a true conference mode. Monitor with Barge-in is available with or without a warning tone. Station Assignment Feature-- The ACD Supervisor Station Assignment fea ture provides a mea ns to a ssign each AC D g roup a s upervisor. This supe r vis or st at ion can: †Receive calls in queue display in real time. †Receive No Ans wer/out- of-s ervice. †Rece ive HE LP di spl ays from a ssi gne d groups. †Can barge in on a ctive calls in th eir ACD group or g roups . The u se of Su per visor Mon itor wi th Bar ge-i n is limi ted b y fede ral l aw an d may al so b e li mite d or pro hibi ted by state or loca l law, so ch eck the relevant laws in your area before employing these features. A change in volume may occurontheCO lineorintercomcallafter the ba rge- in occ urs.

2-20 Aut om atic S el ectio n/ Line Access Supervisor/Agent Calls in Queue Status Display The C all s in Que ue St at us D is pla y fe at ur e p rov ide s a me ans for an age nt and ACD supervisor to view the status of their ACD group. Thi s dis pla y i s an i dl e s ta te di sp lay and pr ompt s a sup er vi sor t hat age nt s in the group are h aving p roblem s a nswe ring a ll their calls . T he dis pla y te lls the a gent a nd their sup ervisor how m any ca lls a re in que ue , how many age nts are log ged into the ACD group, a nd the length of time that the oldest call has been in queue. This feature displays the oldest call in queue duration in hours, minutes, and se con ds. Whe n an AC D agen t is on a CO cal l, t he LCD di spl ays t runk name an d cal l dur at ion of t he pr ese nt cal l in the l ower ha lf of t he di spl ay. This feature allows an ACD station (12/24 button executive only) to assign multiple buttons that display the calls in queue information for a particular group on the LCD. The button LED indicates the number of calls in queue. Wr ap - U p T i m e r P e r AC D G ro up TheWrap-UpTimerallowsanACDagenttimetocompletepaperwork and computer entries associated with the ACD call. This timer featu re is pr ogra mmab le for e ach ACD Gr oup i n the sys te m. Auto matic Selection/Line Access Each digital station may have their phone programmed to access a particular CO Lin e, s uch as a private line or a line f rom a Group of C O lines upon going off- hook. This is useful in Centrex or PBX ap plications wh en station users have dedicated or individual lines. The user can select an outside line, intercom station, speed dial button or di al a f eat ur e a nd a utom ati cal ly pl ace th e p hone in the di al in g mode without pressing the ON/OFF button or lifting the handset.

Auto ma ti c N i ght S er vi ce 2- 21 Automatic Night Service The sy stem may optiona lly be p rogrammed to go in and out of night se rvice automatica lly. This m ethod d oes not re quire the Attend ant to activate or deactivate night service on a daily basis. The automatic night service is enabled and disabled on a programmable daily schedule including Saturday and Sunday. A time can be set to ena ble N ight S er vi c e a nd t o D is abl e Nigh t Ser vi c e on a per d ay b asi s. Auto matic Pause Insertion With Speed Dial If a fla sh com mand is placed in to system sp eed dial numb ers or s ta tion spe ed dial numbe rs, a pa use is automa tically ins erte d a fter the fla sh. A pause is also automatically inserted after a PBX dialing code is used. Manual ly di al ing a f las h dur i ng a cal l ca use s onl y thos e n umbe rs di ale d aftertheflashto beredialedforaLastNumberredialednumberorfora Save Number redialed number. Auto matic Privacy Pri vacy is aut omat i call y prov ide d on al l cal ls. I f one s tat i on i s conv er si ng, another s ta tion can not intrude on that line. The A ut omat ic Pr i vacy fea tur e can b e d isa bl ed, al lowi ng up t o s eve n oth er station s to join in on existing CO line convers ations . D isabli ng of the pri vac y fe ature may be lim ite d by fede ral , state or l ocal l aw, so che ck th e re le van t laws in y our are a be fore d is abli ng pr iva cy.

2-22 B ackgro und Mu sic Ba c kgr ou nd Mu si c Each digital telephone user may receive music over their speaker when an o ptional mu sic source is connected to the system. The Background Music featu re can be allowed or denied on a sys tem-wide bas is by pr ogra mmi ng. Ba t te r y Ba c k-Up ( Memo r y) A lithium battery is located on the Master Processor Board (MPB) of the Tri a d 1 /2 /3S ystem to protect sys tem memory in cas e of commercial powe r outa ge or t he sy st em power b ei ng t ur ned off f or a t im e p er iod . Battery Back-up Memory retains all system features including system and st at ion spe ed di al dur ing a p ower out age . Busy Lamp Field (BLF) Whe n a but t on on an D igi t al Te le phone is ass igne d as a DS S, it al so se r ves as a Busy Lamp Field to display the status of that telephone. Ca l l B ac k A station can initiate a call back request to another busy station. Once tha t st at ion bec om es id le , t he st at ion tha t le ft t he ca ll ba c k r eque st i s si gnal ed. Call Cost Display The C all C ost Di spl ay fe at ure al low s a use r to vi ew t he ap prox ima te cost of each ca ll ma de. This app roximate cost is a lso printed as pa rt of the SMDR record. Th e Call Cost D isp la y replaces the call duration d is pla y when a ca ll is m ade using L CR. This d isp la y is e nable d in programming.

Ca ll Co verage 2-23 The cost information is p rogramm able b y s electing one of the 16 route li st t abl es an d one of the four t i me per io ds. Thi s a ll ows the us er t o progra m four s epa ra te costs bas ed on the time of d ay f or each of the 16 route s. The costs entered in the tab le s is a cos t for one minu te , how eve r, costs a re calcula te d us ing a 1/10th of a m inute value . T hes e cos ts are roundeddownandarebasedonthestarttimeofthecall,evenifthecall exten ds into a differe nt time pe riod. The SMD R printout contain s a cost calculated using a 1/10th of a minute increment and the display updates app roxi mat el y eve ry 3 0 s econd s. The use r must ha ve LCR ena ble d t o ge t the call cost display. Ca l l C over ag e The C all C o ver ag e f eat u r e p ro v ide s the fu nc t i o nal it y f o r s ta ti o ns to answ er calls for other s ta tions by u tilizing call cov erage buttons. Vis ual and Audible status of ringing stations to an assigned coverage station are provided.Multiplecoveragestationscanhavethesameremoteringing station(s) programmed on their stations. Once a coverage station answ ers the call, other stations a ttem pting to answe r the ca ll rece iv es busy tone and the call coverage b utton e xtinguishe s on all app earance s of that b utton. This feature can cover SLT extensions, however an SLT cannot perform the c a ll c ove ra ge func t ion. The S LT ext ens ion nee d n ot be phys ic al ly installed, only the SLT card must be installed. Direct CO calls have ring and LCD priority over call coverage calls. The call cover ag e s ta ti on mu st hav e a di re ct CO ap pea ran ce or Loo p but t on i n order to pick up an external call. If the call coverage station is in DND, no audible ringin g is he ard, howev er visua l a nd L CD info rma tion is pr ese nt ed. This feature can be programmed by the statio n user or through admin progra mming. By default, no ca ll covera ge buttons are ass ign ed.