Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Product Description Manual
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2-74 Single Line Telephone (SLT ) Compatibility Single Line Telephone (SLT ) Compatibility TheSTA RPLUSDigital Telephone Systems support industry standard 2500- typ e (D TMF) s ing le line instruments. When the Single Line Interface Board (SLIB) is installed in theTr iad 1/ 2S yst em s up to 48 s ing le l ine te le phone s can b e s uppor te d, whi le i n t heTriad 3System, a maximum of 180 single telephones can be supported. Sp e a k e r p h o n e Both Enha nc ed and Exe c uti ve Di gi tal T el ep hones ar e eq uipp ed wit h a spe ake rp hone. Howe ver, the spe ake rp hone ca n be progra mme d to work in one of t hr ee ways : †Normal sp eak erphone ope ra tion. †Disabled for outgoing and incoming CO calls but handsfree on int er c om a ll owed. †Hea dse t ope rati on al lowe d. Speed Bins/Chaining Speed dial bins may be chained together by simply pressing one speed bin, a nd then anothe r a s re quired . T his is he lp ful for acce ssing Long Distance carriers or b anking s ervices when account codes are req uired. Sp e e d Di a l - Fl as h A flash can be programmed within a speed dial number. When this is done, a pause is automatically inserted before the remaining speed dial digits are sent.

Speed D ial - Stat ion 2-75 Sp e e d Di a l - St a t io n Eac h st at ion use r ca n pr ogr am up t o 2 0 fr eque nt ly dia le d nu mber s. Numbe r s can be up t o 24 di gi ts incl udi ng pa use s, f las h comma nds, pul se- to - to n e s wit c ho ve r, and no -d is pla y c ha rac t er s. Th er e are 2 0 00 sp ee d loc a ti ons inTri a d 1 /2 /3Systems (3000 with expanded memory) for di vid ing among al l te le phone s. Numbe rs ar e ent e re d by pr es si ng S PE ED and dia li ng a 3 -di gi t c od e. Thi s fea tur e c an a lso be as sig ned to any of t he buttons in the flexible b utton f ield of each k eys et for 1-b utton a ctivatio n. Sp e e d Di a l - Sy s t e m Up to 980 commonl y di al ed numbe rs can be pr ogra mme d i nto Sys te m Speed Dial f or us e by stations allowed this fea ture. These numbers can be up to 24 digits including pauses, flash commands, pulse-to-tone switchover, and no-display characters. Numbers 060-099 are not monitored by toll restriction. Ea ch station may be allow ed or d is allowed acces s to a n as signed range of bin numbe rs . St a t io n I D L o c k TheStationIDLockfeatureprovidesameansforthe installer/programmer to lock the station ID of all stations in the system. Once locked, attempts to plug unlike devices (i.e., a DSS into a 24-button port)resultsinthedevicenotworking.Thisfeatureisdesignedto prevent los s of station prog ram ming tha t results when a different station ty pe is plugge d into a p ort a lread y de signated as anothe r station typ e. Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR) TheTriad 1/2/3Sys tem provides details on both incoming a nd outgoing calls. This feature is programmable to allow recording of all calls or just outgoing long distance calls. The system tracks calls by outside line, numbe r di ale d, ti me -of- day, dat e, st at i on t hat pl ace d t he call a nd duration of call. Account codes ma y also be entered an d recorded .

2-76 St atio n R elo cat io n Station Relocation The S tation Relocation feature provides a means to allow a us er to unplug their station and plug it in at another location. Then by dialing a code followed by the old station number, all station attributes, including ext en si on numb er , bu tt on ma ppi ng, spe ed di al, and cla ss of s er vi ce a re trans ferred to the ne w location. T- 1 T r u n k i n g The T- 1 tr unk ca rd prov ide s theTr ia d 1/2 /3Systems the ability to connect to digital T -1 trunk circuits. The T -1 trun k card s upports the standa rd D4 framing format with Alternate Mark Inversion (AMI) coding. The system can s uppor t TI E, l oop s tar t , gr ound st ar t, and DI D s ign ali ng per cha nnel . The T -1 trunk card can be use d to conne ct 24 lines (24 channe ls pe r T-1 circuit) from a CO to the system. These lines can be any mix of inbound WATS, outbound WATS, standard DDD lines, DID lines, or TIE lines. The sys te m a lso supp ort s Fr acti onal T -1 S er vi ce . TheTriad 1/2/3Digital Systems use the TIE signaling simulation from the CO to add the additiona l protocol of DID . T-1 trunking provides services called Automatic Number Identification (ANI) and Di al ed Numbe r Id ent if icat i on Se r vice (D NIS ). The T- 1 fea tur e supp ort s bot h of the se se rv ice s. TheTriad 1/2/3Digital Systems support AN I, DNIS , or an ANI and DNIS com bin ation on a per cha nnel (lin e) basis. I f a stati on is assi gne d to a sp eci fic port a nd tha t stat ion use r unpl ugs the ir s ta tion a nd pl ugs it in at a noth er lo cati on, the data bas e ad mini str atio n p rogr ammin g is u pdat ed to re fle ct the ne w p ort ch ange . St ation lock may p rev e nt thi s fea ture fr om work ing c orre ctly .

Text M essa ging ( Silent Resp on se) 2-77 Text Messaging (Silent Re sponse) The T ext Mes sag ing fea tur e al lows a st at ion use r to use te xt me ssa ges t o re spon d to a calle r tha t has eithe r Cam ped -On or has use d the Off-H ook Vo ic e O ve r (OHV O) fea tu r e to al er t a bu s y s ta ti o n o f a w ait i ng c al l o r mes sag e. The camp ed- on s tat i on ma y r es pond t o t he cal le r vi a t he pe rson ali z ed, cust om, and re spon se te xt (LC D) m ess age s. The t ext mes sag es app ear on the ca ll ing par t y LC D di sp lay . T he call i ng (originating ) station and receiving s ta tion MUS T be a digita l te le phone . The r ece iv ing st at ion MU ST al so b e p rogr amm ed to al low OHVO ca ll s. To l l R e s t r i c t i o n ( Ta b l e D r i v e n ) The sy st em pro vid es a f le xib le me ans of p rovi di ng t ol l r e st ri c ti on t o int e rna l s tat i ons of theTr ia d 1 /2 /3System. Each station is assigned a Class of S ervice f or day mode operation an d one for night mode op eration the se s tat i o n CO S’work in conjunction with a CO lin e Cla ss of Service to allow for customized toll restriction. Two Allow and Deny tables along wit h f our spe c ia l t ab le s a ffor d t he sys te m a dmi nis tr at or to dev is e a var ie t y of c ompl ex tol l re st ri c t ion or d ia li ng p ri vi le ge sc hem es. Canned Tol l Res tric ti on The sy stem pro vid es an eas y means of a pplying the most commo n form of toll restriction where 1+ and 0+ along with 976, 555, and 411 type of calls are denied and 1-800, 1-888, 911, 1-911, and 1-611 type of calls are allowed. This canned toll restriction is applied through the use of a single pr e-b uil t CO S and ca n be a ssi gne d t o st at i ons us ing ra nge pr ogra mmi ng. Tr a n s f e r R e c a l l Sc r ee ned and unsc r ee ned t ran sfe rs re c al ls t he ini ti at in g pa rt y i f unans wer ed for a pr ogr ammab le le ngt h of t i me, and t he n if unansw er ed, re calls the Atte nda nt.

2-78 Uniform Ca ll Distribution (UCD) Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) Ei ght Uni for m Ca ll Di st r ibu ti on (UC D) group s ca n be pr ogr amme d, each conta ining up to e ight three -digit station numbe rs . E ach group is assigned a pilot number. When this number is dialed, the first available age nt in tha t gro up is rung. Ca lls a re route d to the statio n that has be en on-hook for the longest p eriod of time. Age nt Q ue ue St a tu s Di spl a y The Agent Queueing Status allows UCD agents to view stations of a UCD gro up on the ir d isp la y. T he di spl ay s hows how ma ny c a ll s a re i n que ue, how ma ny ag ent s a re av ail ab le , an d t he l en gth of t im e t he olde st cal l has be en i n q ueue . There a re two method s of viewing UCD group Ca ll Queue S ta tus . 1 -- In -se rv ic e UCD ag ent s a nd t he as sig ned ove rfl ow s ta ti on s ee s t he quantity of calls in queue on the LC D of their station f or the UCD group of whi ch th ey are a me mbe r. If ev er y me mbe r of a UCD gr oup i s busy and calls are in queue, the Sup ervisor/Agent Queue Status dis pla y is seen a t al l UCD memb er s o f that gr oup. 2 - - A ny s ta ti on not as sig ned in a UCD group can vi ew the numbe r of cal ls in queu e f or any g ive n UC D G roup . T o view the num ber of calls in que ue the s ta ti o n u s er di al s t he Ca ll s I n Qu e u e co d e (o r pre ss es a p ro gr am med FLE X b utton with this code ) then enters the UC D group des ired . T he LCD displays, on a real time basis, the number of calls in queue for that group. Alternate UCD Group Assignments An al te rn at e UC D g roup can be prog ra mmed so tha t if st at ions i n one gro up ar e bus y, t he al te rn ate gr oup is che ck ed for an a vai l abl e s ta ti on. I f a U CD me mbe r is take n out of th e g roup (e. g., D ND , All Ca ll For ward, Una vai labl e, e tc.) the y do n ot re cei ve call s in que ue in formati on.

Uniform Ca ll Distribution (UCD) 2-79 Au to Wrap- Up with Timer Af ter completion of a UC D call (on-h ook) the agent is not s ubjected to another UC D ca ll for the duration of the Auto Wra p-U p T imer (regardles s of the number of calls in queue), allowing the agent to finish call related work or access other facilities. This allows agents to remove themselves fr o m t he gro up (i .e ., D ND, Unav ai lab le , C al l F o rwa rd o r o ri gi nat e ano t her cal l). The A ut o Wr ap- Up T i mer i s p rogr amm ed as par t of t he UCD dat aba se . (S yst em -wi de) Incomi ng CO Di rect Ri ngi ng CO Li nes can be prog ram med to ri ng d ir ect ly in to a UC D gr oup. Whe n al l agents are busy and RAN is enabled, the system answers the caller and prese nt the 1s t RAN announce men t automatically. No -An s wer Re ca ll Ti m er If a call routed to a station via UCD is not answered by the UCD Ag ent / St at ion bef ore t he No-A nsw er R ec a ll t ime r exp ir es , t he c al l is retu rned to UCD Queue with the highest priority. The station that failed to answer the ringing UCD call is placed into an Out-Of-Service (OOS) st at e. No -An s wer Re t ry Tim e r Whe n t he No-A nsw er R ec a ll t ime r exp ir es , a st at ion t hat fai l ed to answe r the rin ging UCD call is placed into an out-o f-se rvice (OOS ) s ta te . T he st at ion tha t wa s t ake n out -of -se rv ic e (OO S) is pl ac ed bac k in s er vi c e i f t he age nt hit s the i r a vai la bl e f le x but t on or di al s t he av ail ab le fl ex c ode. The agent is also placed back in service if the No-Answer Retry timer expires. If the a gen t d oes not ans wer their ne xt UCD call, the y a re ag ain taken out- of-s ervice. This cycle continues until the s ta tion a nswers calls , logs out, or goes un available.

2-80 Universal Day/Nig ht A nswer (UDA /UNA) Overflow Station Forwarding Assignments An ove rf low st ati on m ay b e ass igne d t o r out e ca ll er s in queue t o a des ig nat ed st ati on aft er a spe cif ie d t ime . The ove rf low st at ion may not be one of the UCD group s ta tions. This feature allows UCD calls reaching the UCD Overflow Station to call for war d t o ano the r st at ion. Thi s is al lowe d or d eni ed on a sys te m- wide basis. Once enabled in programming, a UCD Overflow station can Busy/ No- An swer f orwa rd to Voice Mai l Gro ups, Hunt Gr oups and stations . If the UC D Ove rflow s ta tion is busy or does not an swe r b efore the no- ans wer call timer expires, the UCD call f orwa rds to Voice Ma il. Recorded Announce me nts (RAN) Recorded announ ce me nt dev ice s can be ass ign ed to p rov ide up to eight differe nt mes sage s, if all stations in a UCD group are bus y. T he eight mes sag es ar e a vai la bl e t o a ll e igh t U CD group s i n d iff er ent configura tions. A RAN table can b e the ans wer p ort for una nswe re d inc om ing c all s to a UC D g roup , whi le a nothe r t abl e c a n pr ovi de t he se condar y me ss age . E ach RA N d evi ce can p rov ide an announ ce me nt to one caller at a time. Subsequent callers is queued onto the message on a fi rst -i n ba si s. T he D igi t al Voice Mail (D VM) can be use d as a RA N de vice for UCD groups. Universal Day/Night Answer (UDA/UNA) Incom ing CO line s ca n be programme d f or Univ ersal D ay Ans wer (UD A) or Univ ersa l N ight Ans wer (UN A). UDA/UNA a ssigne d C O lines can a ls o signal over the external page port(s). External Day ringing is programmed on a sys tem-wide ba sis in a dmin progra mming. Stations which do not have access to a line during the day can answer that line while the System is in the Night Mode by dialing a UNA code. In order to use this fea tur e , a LO O P b utt on or an a ppe ara nce of the t runk must be pre se nt on the s ta ti o n.

Vo i c e M a i l G r o u p s ( V M ) 2 - 8 1 Vo i c e Ma i l Gro u ps ( V M ) The Voice Ma il fe ature a utom atically hand le s una nswe re d ca lls. Stations may for war d cal ls t o a voi ce m ail gr oup (for l eav ing mai l) or may call t he voi ce m ail gr oup dir e ctl y (t o r et r ie ve mai l) wi th no as si st ance fr om t he Attendant. Up to twenty-four (24) voice mail groups containing up to eight Voice Ma il stations ca n be configured in th e s ystem . E ach s tation interfaces with a port on the Single Line Interface Board (SLIB) or the (DI DB / DT IB E ) bo a rd fo r t he D ig it al Vo i c e M a il (DV M) . E ac h vo i c e mai l st at ion can b e s har ed by a numb er of act ual use rs . C al ls tr ans fer r ed fro m a V oice Mail g roup do n ot recall to the VM group. Disconnect Signal To avoid Voice Mail ports from being unavailable as a result of CO line callers abandoning the call or not exiting the VM system properly, a disconne ct s ign al is provided to notif y the VM sys te m that a CO or inte rcom ca ller hung up or ab andone d the call. Sile nce is prov ide d to the VM por t foll owe d by busy tone t o ai d t he VM sys te m t o r ecogni ze t hat an int e rc om c all er ha s a band oned the c a ll . In -B a n d Si g na li n g In t eg ra t io n TheTriad 1/2/3System allow programming so that if a station programmed to receive incoming CO line ringing is forwarded to Voice Mail, the y m ay ha ve in com ing calle rs ro ute d directly into the ir stations voice m ail b ox throug h the use of In-Ba nd s ign aling. Alternately, incom ing CO line s ca n be programme d to ring dire ctly into the Voice M ail s yst em . I n t his c as e, c al le rs ar e answ er ed by t he Voi c e M a il or A uto At t end ant Mai n gr ee ti ng. Incom ing CO callers can be call forwa rd ed into Voice Mail a utom atically , if a Pr es et F orwa rd De st inat i on i s p rogr amm ed for th at CO l ine an d t he sam e C O li ne pr ogra mmed t o r ing at one st at ion . C O l i nes may al so b e programmed to ring at an Attendant station, call forward into the Vo ice M ail s yst em (i f pr o gr amme d t o r i ng at o ne A t te ndant s ta ti o n) and prese nted to the ma in gre eting (no t the Atte ndant s tations m ailbox) ev en w hen ID di git s ar e e nab le d.

2-82 Vo ice Ma il Gro ups ( V M) LCD Mess age(s) Ind icatio n The LC D Me ssa ge Ind ication fe ature pres ents the num ber of new Voice Mess age s to use rs on their LCD display. The new VM LCD mes sage on the key set t ake s pr ior it y ov er F orwa rd, DND , Me ssa ges , a nd i dl e d is pla ys. Ringing, Recalling, Outgoing Calls, and current call operation displays overrid e the VM messa ge dis play f or the duration of the call or op eration. Message Waiting Indication Whe n Voi c e M ai l re c ei ves a v oic e mes sag e for a user who h as a st at ion on theTriad 1/2/3Sys te m, the VM c on nec t ed to the s yst em c an l ea ve a mes sag e indication at the VM use rs statio n. W hen the station retriev es the i r m ai l, the VM syst e m can cancel t he me ssa ge wait i ng i ndi cat ion le ft at a station via a VM port. The message waiting indication displays on the progra mmed Voice Ma il (group) button. If s uch a button was not progra mmed , a voice mail m ess age waiting in dication disp lay s on the MSG WAIT button as a normal message waiting signal. To n e M o d e C a l l i n g O p t i o n Voice Mails Systems and/or Automated Attendants can utilize the Calling Station Tone Mode option. This is useful when using supervised transfer or c a ll sc r ee ning op ti ons on v oic e mai l or aut o At t end ant (s) r equi r ing r i ng back tone f or p rop er cal l handl i ng. Tr an s f e r / Fo r w a r d The T ran sfe r/For war d f eat ur e all ows Voi ce Mai l cal ls , up on r eachi ng a forwarded to VM station, to fo rward back into the Voice Mail unit. This is use ful whe n VM po rts a re us ed as Auto Atte ndan t a nd V M ports . T his fea tur e can be enab le d/di sabl e d for a ll VM gr oups .

Volume Cont rol B ar 2-83 Transfer With ID Digits The Transfer With ID Digits feature provides an Attendant or station user a way to transfer a caller directly into a voice mail box. This allows the st at ion ide nt ifi c at ion di git s t o b e e nt er ed by t he tr ans fe rr ing par t y. Us ing this feature, a caller can be transferred to a voice mail box when 1) a st at ion use r on t he syst e m i s not f orwa rde d t o V M, or 2 ) t he des ti nat ion voice m ail b ox owner is not a station user. CO trunks an d intern al calls may be transferred into voice mail using this feature. If no voice mail ID di git s a re dia le d by the tr ans fer r ing st ati on, t he id ent if ic at i on dig it s of t he transferring station are sent to the voice mail. This feature allows dialing of digits 0000-9999 when using the VM with ID fea tu r e . T his al lo w s, o n a per s ta ti o n ba si s, the I D n u mbe r t hat i s se nt to Voice Mail to be flexible. By defau lt, the station number is sent to the Voice Mail system. In database programming, there is a field to insert a 4-digit entry (0000-9999) that can be sent to the Voice Mail system instead of the station number. This is useful when a station user manually tr ans fer s a c a ll er t o a mai lb ox. Vo l u m e C o n tr o l B ar The Volume Control Bar on the Digital Key T eleph one is loca ted b elow the ke ypa d. It controls ringing, h andse t, a nd s pea kerphone volume s. It also a ffe cts th e rece iv e volum e o f the Wand erer cordle ss unit.