Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Product Description Manual
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5-82 Universal Day/Nig ht A nswer (UDA /UNA) UCD Overflow Station - Forwarding Assignments An en hanc em ent ha s be en mad e t o t he UCD O ver fl ow S ta ti on t o a ll ow UCD calls reaching the UCD Overflow Station to call forward to another st at ion. 1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF button. 2 . Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med FWD but t on. 3 . Di al th e d esi r ed cod e: [6] = All Ca lls [7] = No Ans wer Ca lls [8] = Busy Calls [9 ] = Busy and No A nswe r Cal ls . 4. Dialthedestinationnumberwherecallsaretobeforwarded(Station, Voice Ma il, UC D groups , or Hunt group). A confirma tion tone is he ard. 5 . Repl ace hand se t or p re ss ON /O FF but ton . Removing Call Forwarding 1. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button. 2. Pres s the p re -programme d FW D butto n. A confirmation ton e is he ard a nd the FW D LE D is extinguis hed. Universal Day/Night Answer (UDA/UNA) Incom ing CO line s ca n be programme d f or Univ ersal D ay Ans wer (UD A) or Univ ersa l N ight Ans wer (UN A). UDA/UNA a ssigne d C O lines can a ls o signal over th e external pa ge port(s ). If E xternal Da y programming is ena ble d a nd t he sy ste m i s in the d ay mo d e, th e a ssi gne d e xte r nal pag e port(s) presents a ringing signal. UDA/UNA is established on a per CO line bas is in adm in prog ram ming .

Univers al Day/Night Ans we r (UDA/UNA) 5-83 When the sys tem is in d ay or night mod e a nd y ou hear outs id e line ringing a t another station and wish to a nswe r it: Dial [#5] on the dial pad. The connected outside line can be transferred or disconne cte d. Conditions †During the Day mode, all common CO lines ring when programmed for UDA r i ngin g. †CO lines not p rogrammed f or UDA ringing does not pa rticip ate in c ommon a udi ble r ing ing. †If External Day ring is disabled, or the system is not in the day mode, no external page ringing occurs. †Ring ing CO lines not a ssigne d CO line group a ccess for a particular SLT may be ans wer ed in a U DA se r vic e . D ia li ng pr i vi le ges ar e not gra nte d on CO li ne s t hat an SLT doe s not have acce ss to. C O l i nes not giv en UDA st at us may n ot be answe re d or a cce ss ed vi a UD A pr oce dur es. †If two S LTs at te mpt t o re tr ie ve a si ngl e r ing ing CO l ine si mult ane o usl y, one user is connected to the incoming CO line and the other user receives intercom busy tone. †The special ring mode is treated as day mode. Ea ch te lep hon e uti lizi ng Uni ve rsal Da y/N ight A nswe r must hav e a lo op butto n app ear ance if the r ingi ng ou tsi de l ine doe s no t appe ar at th ei r pho ne.

5-84 Vo ice Ma il Gro ups ( V M) Vo i c e Ma i l Gro u ps ( V M ) Forwarding Callers to your Mailbox Int e rc o m and Tr ansf er re d C O ca ll er s may be ro ut e d di re c t ly to yo ur mai l box b y forwarding y our phone to a v oice ma il group. Callers a re then greeted by your personal voice mail greeting if available. Retrieving Voice Messages If your Mes sage Wa iting button or prog ram med Voice Mail group button is flashing, you may have a voice message waiting for you. To enter the voice mail system to check for mail: Dial th e V oice Mail g roup number, -or - Press the p re-programmed Voice Mail Group button or fla shing Messa ge Wai t button . You are i mme dia te ly pr ompted to ente r your pas swor d for your mai l box. Receiving a Voice Mail Message Wait To re cei ve a m ess age wai t ing ind icat i on t hat a voi ce m ess age has be en ta ken fo r yo u , th e Vo ic e M ai l s yst em mu s t b e pro g ram med to pr o vi de such an indication. After th e v oice mail sys tem receives a voice mess age for a st ati on u ser : 1. The voice mail m ust go off- hook and dia l the Voice Mail Messa ge Wa it code [420] on the dial pad. 2. Dial the extension number of the station user who received a voice message. Tu r ni n g Of f M essa ge Wa it in g L am p When a station user retrieves the voice messages: 1. Dial the Message Cancel code [421] on the dial pad to program the VM sy ste m t o g o off- hook. 2. Dial the extension number of the station user who received a voice message.

Vo i c e M a i l G r o u p s ( V M ) 5 - 8 5 VM Transfer with ID Digits The VM Transfer with ID Digits feature provides an Attendant or station user a way to transfer a caller directly into a voice mail box. This allows the s ta ti o n i de nti fi c ati o n digi t s t o b e e nt er ed by t he t ra nsfe rr i ng pa rt y. Usi ng t hi s f eat ur e a cal le r can be tr ans fer re d t o a voi ce mai l box wh en: 1) a s ta tion us er on the sys tem is not forw ard ed to VM, or 2) the d es tination Voice Mail Box owner is not a station user. Whe n a ca ll er want s to be t r ansf er re d i nto a us er s Voi ce Ma il box and t he des ir ed u se r s s ta ti o n i s no t fo rwa rd ed i nt o v o ic e mai l, the n th e A tt en dant o r a s ta ti o n u s er ma y i nit i ate a Vo i c e M a il Tr ans fer . Whi le on a cal l and th e d ist an t e nd want s t o l ea ve a Voice Mes sage f or a VM user, the initiating station performs the following steps: 1. Pres s the TRANS button. 2. Dial th e Voice Ma il Group nu mber, -or - Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med VM gr oup b utt on. 3. Dial th e V MID (Mail Box loca tion) of the d es ired party a nd go on- ho ok. The sy ste m t he n ma kes t he con nec t ion to an avai la ble Voic e M ai l port and send the Leave Mail Prefix (if any) + the digits dialed as the VMID numb er + then the Le ave Mail S uffix digits (if a ny). T he sys te m the n c u t s thr o u gh the t ra nsfe rr ed c al le r. Conditions †CO Trunk s a nd Inte rnal Calls ma y be tra nsfe rred into Voice Ma il us ing thi s fea tu r e. †If no V MID dig its a re dialed by the tran sfe rrin g statio n then the identification digits of the transferring station is sent to the VM. Th e VMI D (mail b ox lo catio n) can b e any numb er 000 thro ugh 999. If 4-d igit V MI D (Fla sh 09) is enab led , th e ran ge is 0000 thro ugh 9999.

5-86 Vol um e Con tro ls VM Tone Mode Calling Option TheVMToneModeCallingfeatureallowstheVoiceMailsystemto overrid e a called s ta tions H or P intercom settings. When placing a call to a station and Tone ringing is desired, the Voice Mail systemmu stbe pr ogr amme d as fol l ows: 1 . Di al [6 #] on t he dia l pad. 2. Dial the station extension (call tone rings station). Volume Controls The re a re two volume whe els on the right side of the Key Te le phone . (Slid ing the s witch toward y ou decreases the vo lume.) 1 -- The front whe el is f or voice , b ackground music, a nd sp ea kerphone vol ume. 2 -- The ba ck whe el is f or tone ring ing volume.

6 Digital Station Operation TheTriad 1/2/3System has a variety of features and flexible progra mming, a llowing e ach telep hone use r to prog ram the te le phone to meet their individual needs. This ch apter contains the follow ing inf orma tion: †Operating instructions for the digital telephone. †Telephone key descriptions and their functions. †Vi sual an d aud ibl e cues t hat accomp any t he var iou s s te ps for operating the fea tures . AStat ion Us er’sGuidei s al so a vai la ble t hat p rovi de s d et ai le d ope r ati ng ins tr uc t ions .

Introduction6-3 Introduction EachTri a d 1 /2 /3Systemprovidestheallthekeys,indicators,andfeatures des cri be d. Handset and Speakerarelocatedattheleftsideofthefrontpanel.A hands et is prov ide d to a llow conf ide ntial conv ersation whe n de sire d. Lifting the han dse t from its cra dle (going off-h ook) dise ngage s the st at ion’s built- in s pea ker. T he s pe aker is located d irectly below the ce nter portion of the ha ndse t. The station may be operated with the hand set on- hook. Whe n this occurs , a udio is tra nsmitte d to the station use r through the s ta ti o n’sspeaker. Figure 6-1: Executive Digital Telephone

6-4Introduction Digital Telephone Description Figure 6-2: Digita l Key Telephone VOLUME SPEED HTP CAMP ON CONF MSG FORWARD FLASH TRANS HOLD S T A 1 5 3 J U L 2 1 9 9 1 2 : 3 1 p m 12345 6 78 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 ON/OFF MUTE 123a b cd e f 456j k lm n o 789t u vw x y 0o p e r g h i p r sS#

Introduction6-5 Tabl e 6 -1 : Di git al Key Tel epho ne But to ns Numbe r F eat ure Des cri pti o n 1Display (E x e cu t iv e M o de l s on ly )D isp la y s in form at io n a b ou t tel ep ho ne sta t us, d ia li ng d ir ecto ri es, an d tex t messa g e in form a tio n. 2 h.t. p. U sed t o selec t m ode of o per at ion: Handsfr ee, Tone, or Pr iv a cy. 3msgKe y U s e d f o r A ut o - C al lB ac k t o a t e le p ho ne w hic h h a s l e f t a t ext message or t o access voi ce messages. 4confK ey U sed t o est abli sh c onference c al ls. 5fo r w a r dKey Used to forward your calls to another station or voice mail. 6sp ee dKey U sed t o acc ess speed dialing, save number redial, and l as t nu mb e r r e di al . T hi s bu tto n al s o i s us e d to a cc e s s f l e x b u tto n p ro gra m min g. 7transK ey Used t o t ransfer an outsi de call fr om one station t o another. 8muteKey U sed t o a c tiv a te/ dea c tiv a te MU TE fu n cti on . Wh en ac tiv ated, the p art y o n t he o th er end c an no t h ear yo u. 9camp-onKey Used to alert a busy station that an outside line is on hold and waiting for them. 10on/o ffK ey U sed t o m ak e a c a ll w ith ou t l ifti ng th e ha n dset . 11fl a s hKey Used to end an outside call and to restore dial tone without hanging up receiver. 12volu meK ey U sed t o adjust level of tones, background music , r in gin g, recei ver vo lu me, a nd d isp la y con tra st . 13holdKey U sed t o hol d c alls, t o ret rieve held cal ls. 14 Microphone Used to talk with other party without using the handset. 15 Speaker Outputs tones and voice at your extension. 16 Fl exi bl e Button K eys U sed t o ac cess outsi de l ines or ac cess c all-handli ng features.