Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Product Description Manual
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4-6 At tendan t Feat ures Pos it i on The sy stem ide ntifi e s thr ee maxi mum pr ogra mmabl e stations as Attendants for line recalls and Attendant features. The first programmed Attendant can enter system date and time information and System Speed numb ers f rom this position w ithout en tering the programming mode . T heTri a d 1 /2 /3Sy st em is pl ac ed i n Ni ght Se rv ic e by any programmed Attendant pressing the NIGHT (DND) button or dialing the NI GHT code. Preset Forward Sys tem p rogramm ing allows programming of th e Attenda nt station so if the Atte ndan t is busy or not there, the ca ll is a utom atically forwarded to another s ta tion or group (VM, Hu nt, ACD, or UCD ) af ter a p rogramm ed ti me pe ri o d. (R efe r t oCa ll Fo rw a rd , St at io n ,andPresetfeatures.) Recall A hel d C O c a ll l eft una tt en ded by a st at ion re c al ls the A tt e ndant (s) aft er a programmable time period elapses. A recalling CO line flashes at a distinctiv e rate and has an L CD dis play that ide ntifies the origin ating st at ion of t he unans wer ed cal l. Spe cial Ri ng Mo de The S peci al Rin g Mode fe at ure pr ovi des an add it iona l ri ng m ode tha t is manua lly invoke d b y the Attend ant. T his mode provide s a third ring lis t so that the system has a day ring mode, a night ring mode, and a special ring m ode. Ea ch CO lin e ca n hav e a s pecial mode ring as sig nment associated to it. Up to ten stations per CO line may ring in the special mode. By default, no stations are programmed to ring in the special ring mode . Time and Date Programming The T ime / Dat e P rogr amm ing fea tur e al lows t he fir st p rogr amme d Attend ant to se t the tim e a nd d ate without ente ring the progra mming mode .

D SS/ D LS Fe atur es 4 -7 DSS /D LS Features Bu sy L a m p F ie ld I n dica t or s Each station key on the DS S cons ole ha s a correspond ing ind icator that sho ws whe the r th e s ta ti o n i s idl e o r bu sy . T he indi c at o r is l it whe n t he st at ion is bus y an d unl it i f t he st at ion is i dle . A st at ion in DND mode i s shown by a flas hing ind icator. Direct Station Calling Ena ble s the Atte ndant to ma ke an intercom v oice call to any digital telephone in the sys tem. You automatically ca n put a n outside caller on hold and simulta neous ly m ake a n inte rcom call to an internal station; als o can transf er an inte rcom or outs ide call that is on hold to another s ta tion. Map pin g O ptio ns The DS S/DL S C onsol e unit can acce ss St at ions , D ir ect A ppe ar ing CO Lines, or fe ature s tha t m ay b e ass igne d to a ny of th e f le xib le buttons. A DSS /DLS unit may b e as signe d to one of the d iff erent MAP configurations ava il abl e. An y one of the five MAP configura tions may be ass ign ed to the DS S/DL S and a ny numbe r o f maps may b e as signed to one station. Howev er, MAPs tha t have b uttons ass igne d a s C O lines cann ot be change d, b uttons ass ign ed as St at ions can be change d by t he user . Therearefivepre-definedMAPsfortheDSS/DLSconsolewithdefault but ton pr ogra mmi ng. Re fe r t oFi gur e 4- 1throughFi g ur e 4 - 5in this chapter.

4-8 D SS /D L S Feat ures Me ss ag e s - Cu st om The C ustom Mes sag e f eature allows the f irst programme d Atte ndant (system administrator) to enter up to ten custom messages for use by station users of the system. Up to 24 characters may be entered as the c ust om me ss age (t his r epr es ent 4 8 di git s ent er e d). A station user may store any of the available messages under a flexible but ton ass ign ed as a Me ssa ge Acce ss but ton. The se me ss ages ma y be spe cif ie d an d cust omi z ed by t he cust ome r on a syst e m-wi de bas is . Message status is stored in battery protected area of memory for retention in the event of a power failure or system reset (soft or hard). Release Key Allows the Attendant to disconnect calls while off-hook, speeding up call handling tim e. Tr an s f e r S e a r c h Allows the Attendant to make a series of intercom calls without hanging up the hand set. An in te rcom connection is s witched to anothe r s ta tion when eve r a D SS ke y i s p re sse d. Pr e ssi ng t he ne xt DSS ke y t er mi nat es t he pr evi ous int e rc om ca ll . Volu m e C on t ro l B a r ( DK T ) On the Digita l Ke y T elep hones (DKT ), the re is a volume co ntrol bar be low the ke ypa d to contro l the ringi ng, hands et, and spe ake rph one v olum es.

D SS/ D LS Fe atur es 4 -9 MAP #1 - -By de fault has the first 12 CO Lines and the f irst 36 Stations , 100-135. This provides a default layout of a 12 X 36 configuration. Fi gure 4-1 : DS S Consol e Ma p #1

4-10 D SS /D L S Feat ures MAP #2 - -By default has the first 48 Stations, 100-147, appear in se quent i al ord er . A l l but tons on Ma p # 2 are fl e xibl e and can b e ch ange d by the station user. This map can be duplicated on another DSS/DLS Cons ole and as signed to th e s ame statio n. Fi gure 4-2 : DS S Consol e Ma p #2

D SS/ D LS Fe atur es 4- 11 Map #3 - -By default is to be used with Map #2 in that it has the remaining stations, 148-195, to provide a full Station mapping. All of the buttonsonMap#3areflexibleandcanbechangedbytheuser.Thismap can be duplica ted on another DSS/DL S Cons ole and a ssigned to the same st at ion. Fi gure 4-3 : DS S Consol e Ma p #3

4-12 D SS /D L S Feat ures MAP #4 - -By de faul t, CO Li ne s 1 -4 8 app ear i n s eque nt ia l or de r. Fi gure 4-4 : DS S Consol e Ma p #4

D SS/ D LS Fe atur es 4- 13 Map #5 --By de faul t, CO Li nes 49 -9 6 app ear i n se que nti al or der . Pr ovi des the receiving station with CO Line buttons when used in conjunction with DSS Map #4 for a full 96 CO Line mapping. CO Line ringing on Maps 1, 4 and 5 is de te rmine d b y C O L ine Ringing Assignme nts. Fi gure 4-5 : DS S Consol e Ma p #5

5 Electronic Telephone Operation This cha pter contains the f ollowin g inf orma tion for op erating E lectronic Telephones with theTri a d 1 /2 /3Sy st ems : †Op erating ins tructions for the electronic key telephones. †D e s c rip ti on o f th e k e y s on t he t e le p h o ne a nd t he ir f u nc ti on s . †Vi sual an d aud ibl e cues whi ch accomp any t he var i ous s te ps in the op er at ion of the featu res. ASt at ion User’sGuidei s als o avai l abl e th at pr ovi de s det ai le d oper at i ng ins tr uc t ions .