TiE Onyx 2, 3, 4, 5 Service And Programming Manual
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K- DATA FOR AND DSS CONSOLES KD- KEYS FOR DSS CONSOLES Instructions (Cont’d) Step 8 l Step 1 l Step 2 l Step 3 Step Step 5 To see a list of the options before you make your entry:o Type H Y. You see: KEY TYPEENTRY (STD. NO. PLAN) PAGE P + ZONE (0-7) HOTLINEEXT ORBITORBIT (60-69)DSS SPEED S + BIN (01-80) LINELINE OTHER COMMANDS: UNDEFINE KEY . UNDEFINE KEYS THRU END LIST KEYS END COPY KEYS FROM ANOTHER DSS + NEXT KEY PREVIOUS KEY o Repeat steps 6 and 7 to program additional keys OR Press ESC to return to the Main Menu. To copy the KD programming from another console: This helps if you have consoles with similar or identical KD programming. Using KD, go to the beginning of the configuration you want to copy. Type C. You see: COPY FROM WHICH DSS Enter the number of the console from which you want to copy. You see: FROM KEY # Enter the key number (on the other console) where you want to begin copying. This entry does not have to correspond to the key you are on. Y OU see: TO KEY # (01-80) Enter the key number (on the other console) where you want to end copying. see: COPY COMPLETEYou can now continue programming keys. Issue 1-OSOFTWARE CONFIGURATIONZ-211

K- PROGRAMMABLE KEY DATA FOR AND DSS CONSOLES KL- LISTING PROGRAMMABLE KEY DATA Description Related Programming Feature Reference Instructions Step Step Step 2 l Step 3 l Step 4 l Use this option to list the and DSS Console key programming. The system lists the key programming before the DSS Console key programming. Sample Listing EXT # 300 KEY LINE 801 KEY LINE 802 KEY LINE 803KEY LINE 804throughKEY LINE 824 Sample DSS Console Listing DSS EXT 302 DSS OWNER: 304 KEY HOTLINE TO EXT 304 KEY HOTLINE TO EXT 305 through KEY X80 RELEASE Conditions None Default Value 30-button have lines l-24 (l-16 in VS) on keys 1-24 (1-16 in VS). lo-button have lines 21-24 on keys 21-24 (unassigned in VS). None System Reports, Diagnostics and Maintenance Utilities To enter data on the PRF: No entry required. To enter data at the programming terminal: Type K. You see: Type L. You see:LIST PROGRAMMABLE KEY DATA FROM EXT Press RETURN to list the data for all and consoles. Skip the remaining steps. OR Enter the number of the or console you want to begin the listing. Press RETURN. You see: TO # Press RETURN to have the listing include all remaining and consoles. Skip the remaining steps. OR Enter the number of the or console you want to end the listing. Press RETURN. Issue 1-O

K- PROGRAMMABLE KEY DATA FOR AND DSS CONSOLES KS- PROGRAMMING KEYS FOR Description Use this option to assign a function to each programmable key. chart below shows the options, the data you enter and the related feature. Remember, each should have at switched or fixed loop key. For this option... Enter this data..Refer to this feature Group Pickup + Grp (01-23)Group Call Pickup Page + Zone (O-7)Paging Record Voice Mail Compatibility Station Pickup Ext Call Coverage Keys Feature + Line + Definition Compatible Feature O-9, P (Pause) Keys ,D (Delay), F (Flash) Hotline Ext Hotline OrbitOrbit (60-69)Park Sys Speed Dial # Speed Dial Ext Speed DialBin Speed Dial LineLine Central Office Calls Prime Line Selection Privacy Groups, Private Line Ringing Line Preference Tenant Service On/Off Duty IACD (ONYX IV) Switch Loop “9”Loop Keys Timer (ONYX II, III and IV)Call Timer “TA” Auto Timer (VS only) “TM” Manual Timer (VS Only) Loop Access “9” a Line Grp (O-8) Keys ICM Directory Dialing DDirectory Dialing Station (ONYX IV) Appearance El or E2 + extensionDual Line IV) Multiple Directory Numbers (ONYX Iv) Voice Private ICM V + extensionReverse Voice Over (ONYX IV) Split SSplit (ONYX IV) Auto AnswerAUTO KEY’Automatic Answer (ONYX IV) Note:When programming a Data key, refer to the Data Products Manual. Conditions If you replace a with a lo-button the system erases the programming for keys l-20. Default Value On a 30-button keys l-24 are for lines 1-24 In VS, keys 16 are for lines 1-16 (801-816). On a lo-button keys 21-24 are for lines 21-24 (821-824). Keys l-20 are unused. attendant have key 23 permanently assigned as the Auto Answer key. Refer to Automatic Issue 1-OSOFTWARE CONFIGURATION 2-213

K- PROGRAMMABLE KEY DATA FOR AND DSS CONSOLES KS- PROGRAMMING KEYS FOR Related Programming Feature Reference Instructions Step 1 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 l Refer to Programming in the features listed below. Refer to Programming in the following features: Automatic Call Distribution (ONYX IV) Call Coverage Keys Call Parking* Call Timer Central Office Calls, Answering and Placing Compatible Feature Keys Direct Inward Dialing Direct Inward Dialing Direct Inward Line Directory Dialing (ONYX IV) Dual Line Appearance (ONYX IV) Group Call Pickup’ Hotline Keys Multiple Directory Numbers (ONYX IV) Paging’ Prime Line Selection Privacy Groups Private Line Programmable Keys Reverse Voice Over (ONYX IV) Ringing Line Preference Speed Split Tenant Service Voice Mail Compatibility To enter data on the For each on Table 7 enter: F in the Entry Identifier Options column for each feature key. Leave this column blank if the key is not a feature key. The trunk (e.g., 801) or group (90-98)number in the Line Number Options columns if the key is a feature key. Leave this column blank if the key is not a feature key. The key definition in the Definition columns. The ring options (N=no ring, Y=immediate ring, ring) in the Ring Options column. This only applies to Group Call Pickup, Call Coverage, Dual Line Appearance and Multiple Directory Number keys. To enter data at the programming terminal: Type K. You see: Type S. You see: # Enter the number of the you want to and press RETURN. OR Press RETURN to program the next consecutive extension (starting with 300). KS programming is not required for this feature to operate. A 1-n

K- PROGRAMMABLE KEY FOR AND DSS CONSOLES KS- PROGRAMMING KEYS FOR Instructions (Cont’d) Step You see: KEY Step 5 Type K, the key number you want to program (01-24) and press RETURN, l RETURN to program the next consecutive key (starting with key 01). Step 6 lEnter the data for the key you select from Table 7 and press RETURN.You advance to the next consecutive key. After programming key 24, go back to step 3. Or. press ESC to return to the Main Menu. To list the key programming for this extension (starting with the key you are on), press L instead of entering data. You can press to move one key ahead: press to move one key back. To remove a key’s programming. type U. To undefine all the keys for the extension, starting with the key you are on, type Z. To go to the next extension. type N. To go the previous extension, type P. You cannot type P if the key is undefined. To see a list of the options before you make your entry: Type H Y. You see (ONYX sample): KEY TYPE GROUP PICKUP PAGERECORDSTATION PICKUP FEATURE HOTLINE ORBIT SYSTEM SPEED DIAL EXT SPEED DIAL LINE SWITCH LOOP TIMER LOOP ACCESS OTHER COMMANDS: C= COPY KEYS CLEAR ENTRY (STD. NO. PLAN) + GRP # (01-23) + ZONE # (O-7) s + EXT # F + LINE # + DEFINITION o-9, # P (PAUSE),D EXT #ORBIT # (60-69) #BIN # LINE 9 T 9 + LINE GRP (O-8) W= WRITE FROM BUFFERBUFFERK= G-O TO KEY U= UNDEFINE KEYZ = UNDEFINE KEYS THRU END N= NEXT EXTENSION # + NEXT KEY LIST KEYS THRU END PREVIOUS KEY To copy (mark) the KS programming from an extension:This helps if you have extensions with similar or identical KS programming. Step Using KS, go to the beginning of the key configuration you want to copy. Step 2 lType C. You see: KEYS TO COPY?. -Type in the number of keys you want to copy (e.g., starting with the key you are programming. TO clear the copy buffer, type 00. The copy buffer also clears when you exit the KS command. Press RETURN. You see: COPY UNDEFINED [Y/N] Type Y to copy all the keys in the configuration you have blocked out. This includes the undefined keys.. OR Type N to copy only the defined keys in the configuration you have blocked out. This excludes the undefined keys. In either case, you see: KEYS COPIED Issue 1-O CONFIGURATION 2-215

K- PROGRAMMABLE KEY DATA FOR DSS CONSOLES KS- PROGRAMMING KEYS FOR Instructions (Cont’d) Step Step l Step l To write the configuration copied to another Using KS. go to the of the configuration you want to insert the copied programming. Type W. You see: WRITE UNDEFINED KEYS? [Y/N] Type Y to write all the in the configuration you have blocked out. This includes the undefined keys. OR Type N to write the defined keys in the configuration you have blocked out. This excludes the undefined keys. In either case, you return to KS programming.

L- SYSTEM AND EXTENSION LE- LISTING BY EXTENSION/TRUNK Description Use LE- Listing Data to list the programmed options for each extension and trunk. The report is in number order. There are three parts to the report: Programmed options for extensions ED) Programmed options for trunks ED) ED programming for extensions. OPX. DISA and Tie trunks Below are samples of each of the three reports. Sample Listing (Without ED) Extensions NXT RNTPC OPR SD PK RG LIN VC ED P L PR #RX OTEXTPO TY COS EXT TYP DS EXT EXTBK GP GP DUP PF P CL SET DND KEY GP KY300000130 00N003002040000YNXXNX00 24X30101x0100N00300203 00 00YN Y X N302 0206304199 3030306 304 0402 0106 N 00300198 00 00XNXXNX0024x TrunksNXT SV DIR PK NIT TAN TOL EXT PO LIN TX COS LIN NO LIN GP EXT LIN RES 480 180 0110 010000 NX481 181 0210 0100 00NX482182 03 10 0100 00NX4831830410 0100 400 00NX Sample Extension/Trunk Listing (ED Only) Extensions, OPX, and Tie TrunksEXT RING CONTROLLINES1 TO 24RRRR RRRR RRRRRRRR RRRRRRRR 25 TO 48 R R RRRRRRRR RRRR RRRR RRRR RRRR RRRR RRRR RRRR RRRRACCESS CONTROLLINES1 TO 24xxxx xxxxxxxx XXXX PXXXxxxxxxxx XXXX XXXX PXXX XXXX XXXXxxxxCALL-OUT CONTROLLINESlTO24 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXxxxx 25 TO 48 X X X X xxxx xxxx XXXX XXYX xxxx ACCESS TO GROUP 90ACCESS TO GROUP 91ACCESS TO GROUP 92ACCESS TO GROUP 93 ACCESS TO GROUP 94ACCESS TO GROUP 95 Issue 1-OSOFT-WARE CONFIGURATION 2-217

L- LISTING SYSTEM AND EXTENSION DATA LE- LISTING DATA BY EXTENSION/TRUNK Description (Cont’d) The following chart explains the abbreviations used in the LE report. Abbreviations for Extensions For this EXT POEl TY cosE3 NXT EXT E4 HNTTYP DSE6 PGZN E7 OPR EXT E9 MAS EXT EA SDBK EB PKGP EC RG GP LIN DUP RLPF PEF VCCL EF HD SET EF ALW DND PL KEY EL PRGP EC #KY STI Number of Programmable Keys. Circuit Refer to this option... Extension Number Port Number Circuit Type Class of Service number Next in Hunt Group Hunt Type Data Set Page Zone Attendant (Operator) Assignment UCD Group Master Extension Number Personal Speed Dial Block Group Call Pickup Group Ring Group Allow Line Code Dial-up Ringing Line Preference Through Telephone Speaker Incoming Voice Call Speaker Headset Mode Do Not Disturb (DND) Prime Line Key Privacy Group OTKY For this Abbr... EXT POEl LIN TY E2 cosE3 NXT LIN E4 SVNO E7 DIR TRM E9 LIN EA PKGP EC NIT EXT EI TAN LIN TOL RES EJ NUM Key Access to Lines Abbreviations for Trunks 2-218 SOFTWARE Refer to this option... Trunk Number Port Number Line Number (e.g. 01) Type of Circuit Class of Service Next Trunk in Outbound Rotary Trunk Service Number Direct Trunk Termination First Trunk in Group Call Pickup Group Night Call Routing Tandem Trunk Toll Restriction Circuit Number (OPX, DID and Tie Trunks) Issue 1-O

L- LISTING SYSTEM AND EXTENSION DATA LE- LISTING DATA BY EXTENSION/TRUNK Description (Cont’d) Related Programming Feature Reference Instructions Step Step Step Step 3 Step Step 5 Issue 1-O Conditions None Default Value None None System Reports, Diagnostics and Maintenance Utilities To enter data on the PRF: No entry required. To enter data at the programming terminal: Type L. You see: Type E. You see: FROM EXT Press RETURN to have the report include all extensions and trunks. OR Enter the number of the extension or trunk to begin the report and press RETURN. You see: TO EXT # Press RETURN to have the report include all the remaining extensions and trunks. OR Enter the number of the extension or trunk to end the report and press RETURN. In either case, you see: RING/ACCESS DATA? N (Y/N] Type Y to have the report include only ED data. OR Type N or press RETURN to have the report include all the data except ED. CONFIGURATION Z-219

L- LISTING SYSTEM AND EXTENSION LP- LISTING DATA BY PORT Description Use LP- Listing Data Port to list the programmed options for extensions and trunks in port number order. This report is the same as LE- Listing Data bv Extension/Trunk except that the data is correlated to ports. Refer to Data bv for details on the report contents. Note that LP- by Port report does not display ED programming. Conditions None Default Value None Related Programming Feature Reference Instructions Step Step Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 None System Reports, Diagnostics and Maintenance Utilities To enter data on the PRF: No entry required. To enter data at the programming terminal: Type L. You see: Type P. You see: FROM PORT Press RETURN to have the report include all ports. Go to step OR Enter the number of the port to begin the report and press RETURN. You see: TO PORT # Press RETURN to have the report include all the remaining ports. OR Enter the number of the port to end the report and press RETURN. 1-n