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    of 1312
    SM 5-243 B230/B237/D042 
    ƒ  This name is customer informati on and is not printed in the SMC 
    CERT: Up State 
    Displays the status of  the certification update. 
    0  The certification used by  Cumin is set correctly. 
    1 The certification request (setAu
    thKey) for update has been received 
    from the GW URL and certificat ion is presently being updated. 
    2 The certification update is complet
    ed and the GW URL is being notified 
    of the successful update. 
    3  The certification update fa
    iled, and the GW URL is being notified of the 
    failed update. 
    4  The period of the certification has
     expired and new request for an 
    update is being sent to the GW URL. 
    11   A rescue update for certificat
    ion has been issued and a rescue 
    certification setting is in progr ess for the rescue GW connection. 
    12 The rescue certification setting is 
    completed and the GW URL is being 
    notified of the certif ication update request. 
    13 The notification of the request fo
    r certification update has completed 
    successfully, and the system is waiting for the certification update 
    request from the rescue GW URL. 
    14  The notification of the certification request has been received from the 
    rescue GW controller, and the 
    certification is being stored. 
    15 The certification has been stored, and the GW URL is being notified of 
    the successful completion of this event. 
    16 The storing of the certification 
    has failed, and the GW URL is being 
    notified of the failure of this event. 
    17  The certification update request has  been received from the GW URL, 
    the GW URL was notified of the re sults of the update after it was  
    B230/B237/D042 5-244 SM 
    completed, but an certification error has been received, and the rescue 
    certification is being recorded. 
    18  The rescue certification of No. 
    17 has been recorded, and the GW URL 
    is being notified of the failure  of the certification update. 
    CERT: Error 
    Displays a number code that describes  the reason for the request for update 
    of the certification. 
    0  Normal. There is no request for  certification update in progress. 
    1 Request for certification update in progress. The current certification 
    has expired. 
    2 An SSL error notification has been iss
    ued. Issued after the certification 
    has expired. 
    3  Notification of shift from a co
    mmon authentication to an individual 
    4  Notification of a common ce rtification without ID2. 
    5  Notification that no certification was issued. 
    6  Notification that GW URL does not exist. 
    069  CERT: Up ID  The ID of the request for certification. 
    083  Firmware Up Status  Displays t he status of the firmware update. 
    084  Non-HDD Firm Up This setting determines 
    if the firmware can be 
    updated, even without the HDD installed. 
    0: Not allowed update 
    1: Allowed  update 
    085  Firm Up User Check  This SP setting determines if the operator can 
    confirm the previous versi
    on of the firmware before 
    the firmware update execut ion. If the option to 
    confirm the previous ve rsion is selected, a 
    notification is sent to  the system manager and the  
    SM 5-245 B230/B237/D042 
    firmware update is done with the firmware files 
    from the URL. 
    086 Firmware Size  Allows the service technician to confirm the size of 
    the firmware data files during the firmware update 
    087  CERT: Macro Version 
    Displays the macro version of the NRS 
    088  CERT: PAC Version  Displays the PAC 
    version of the NRS certification. 
    089  CERT: ID2 Code  Displays ID2 for the NRS certification. Spaces are 
    displayed as underscores (_). Asteriskes () 
    indicate that no NRS certification exists. 
    090 CERT: Subject Displays the common name of the NRS 
    certification subject. CN = the following 17 bytes. 
    Spaces are displayed as underscores (_). 
    Asterisks () indicate that no DESS exists. 
    091  CERT: Serial Number 
    Displays serial number for the NRS certification. 
    Asterisks () indicate that no DESS exists. 
    092 CERT: Issuer Displays the common name of the issuer of the 
    NRS certification. CN = the following 30 bytes. 
    Asteriskes () indicate that no DESS exists. 
    093 CERT: Valid Start 
    Displays the start time of the period for which the 
    current NRS certification is enabled. 
    094 CERT: Valid End Displays the end time of the period for which the 
    current NRS certification is enabled. 
    Selection Country 
    150 Select from the list the name of the count
    ry where Cumin-M is installed in the 
    machine. After selecting the country,  you must also set the following SP 
    codes for Cumin-M: 
    ƒ SP5816-153 
    ƒ SP5816-154  
    B230/B237/D042 5-246 SM 
    ƒ SP5816-161 
    0: Japan, 1: USA, 2: Canada, 3: UK, 4: Germany, 5: France, 6: Italy,   
    7: Netherlands, 8: Belgiu m, 9: Luxembourg, 10: Spain 
    Line Type Authentication Judgment 
    151 Touch [Execute]. 
    Setting this SP classifies the telephon
    e line where Cumin-M is connected as 
    either dial-up or push type, so Cumi n-M can automatically distinguish the 
    number that connects to the outside line. 
    ƒ  The current progress, success, or  failure of this execution can be 
    displayed with SP5816-152. 
    ƒ  If the execution succeeded, SP5816-1 53 will display the result for 
    confirmation and SP5816-154 will disp lay the telephone number for the 
    connection to the outside line. 
    Line Type Judgment Result 
    152  Displays a number to show the result 
    of the execution of SP5816 151. Here is 
    a list of what the numbers mean. 
    0: Success 
    1: In progress (no result yet). Please wait. 
    2: Line abnormal 
    3: Cannot detect dial  tone automatically 
    4: Line is disconnected 
    5: Insufficient electrical power supply 
    6: Line classification not supported 
    7: Error because fax transmission in progress – ioctl() occurred. 
    8: Other error occurred 
    9: Line classification still in progress. Please wait. 
    Selection Dial/Push 
    153  This SP displays the classification (ton
    e or pulse) of the telephone line to the 
    access point for Cumin-M. The numbered di splayed (0 or 1) is the result of 
    the execution of SP5816 151. However,  this setting can also be changed 
    [0 to 1/  0 / 1 /step]  
    SM 5-247 B230/B237/D042 
    0: Tone Dialing Phone 
    1: Pulse Dialing Phone 
    Inside Japan 2 may also be displayed: 
    0: Tone Dialing Phone 
    1: Pulse Dialing Phone 10PPS 
    2: Pulse Dialing Phone 20PPS 
    Outside Line/Outgoing Number 
    154  The SP sets the number that switches
     to PSTN for the outside connection for 
    Cumin-M in a system that employs a PBX (internal line). 
    ƒ  If the execution of SP5816 151 has succeeded and Cumin-M has 
    connected to the  external line, this SP display is completely blank. 
    ƒ  If Cumin-M has connected to an  internal line, then the number of the 
    connection to the external line is displayed. 
    ƒ  If Cumin-M has connected to an external line, a comma is displayed with  the number. The comma is in serted for a 2 sec. pause. 
    ƒ  The number setting for the external line can be entered manually  (including commas). 
    Dial Up User Name 
    156  Use this SP to set a user name for a
    ccess to remote dial up. Follow these 
    rules when setting a user name: 
    ƒ  Name length: Up to 32 characters 
    ƒ  Spaces and # allowed but the entir e entry must be enclosed by double 
    quotation marks (). 
    Dial Up Password   
    157  Use this SP to set a password for a
    ccess to remote dial up. Follow these 
    rules when setting a user name: 
    ƒ  Name length: Up to 32 characters 
    ƒ  Spaces and # allowed but the entir e entry must be enclosed by double 
    quotation marks (). 
    Local Phone Number 
    161  Use this SP to set the telephone num ber of the line where Cumin-M is  
    B230/B237/D042 5-248 SM 
    connected. This number is transmitted to and used by the Call Center to 
    return calls. 
    Limit: 24 numbers (numbers only) 
    Connection Timing Adjustment: Incoming 
    162  When the Call Center calls out to a Cu
    min-M modem, it sends a repeating ID 
    tone (*#1#). This SP sets the line remains open to send these ID tones after 
    the number of the Cumin-M modem is dialed up and connected.   
    [0 to 24 /  1 / 1 /step] 
    The actual amount of time is this setti ng x 2 sec. For example, if you set 2 
    the line will remain open for 4 sec. 
    Access Point 
    163  This is the number of the dial-up a
    ccess point for Cumin-M. If no setting is 
    done for this SP code, then a preset value (determined by the country 
    selected) is used.   
    Default: 0 
    Allowed: Up to 16 alphanumeric characters 
    164 Line Connecting 
      This SP sets the connection conditi
    ons for the customer. This setting 
    dedicates the line to Cumin-M only, or sets the line for sharing between 
    Cumin-M and a fax unit. 
    [0 to 1 /  0 / 1 /step] 
    0: Sharing Fax 
    1: No Sharing Fax 
    ƒ  If this setting is changed, the c opier must be cycled off and on. 
    ƒ  SP5816 187 determines whether the  off-hook button can be used to 
    interrupt a Cumin-M transmission in progress to open the line for fax 
    173  Modem Serial Number  This SP displays the serial number registered for 
    the Cumin-M. 
    174 Retransmission Limit  
    SM 5-249 B230/B237/D042 
    Normally, it is best to allow unlimited time for certification and ID2 update 
    requests, and for the notific ation that the certification has been completed. 
    However, Cumin-M generates charges based on transmission time for the 
    customer, so a limit is placed upon the  time allowed for these transactions. 
    If these transactions cannot  be completed within the allowed time, do this SP 
    to cancel the time restriction. 
    175  Modem Modulation Mode Setting 
    FAX TX Priority  - 
    187  This SP determines whether pushing 
    the off-hook button will interrupt a 
    Cumin-M transmission in progress to open the line for fax transaction. This 
    SP can be used only if SP5816 164 is set to 0. 
    [0 or 1/  0 / - ] 
    0: Disable, 1: Enable 
    200 Manual Polling  -  Execut es the manual polling. 
    Regist: Status 
    201 Displays a number that indicates the 
    status of the NRS service device. 
    0: Neither the NRS device nor Cumin device are set. 
    1: The Cumin device is being set. Only Bo x registration is completed. In this 
    status the Basil unit cannot  answer a polling request. 
    2: The Cumin device is set. In this  status the Basil unit cannot answer a 
    polling request. 
    3: The NRS device is being set. In this  status the Cumin device cannot be set.
    4: The NRS module has not started. 
    202 Letter Number  Allows entry of the num
    ber of the request needed 
    for the Cumin device. 
    203  Confirm Execute  Executes the i nquiry request to the NRS GW URL.
    204 Confirm Result 
     Displays a number that indicates the 
    result of the inquiry executed with 
    SP5816 203. 
    0: Succeeded  
    B230/B237/D042 5-250 SM 
    1: Inquiry number error 
    2: Registration in progress 
    3: Proxy error (proxy enabled) 
    4: Proxy error (proxy disabled) 
    5: Proxy error (Illegal user name or password) 
    6: Communication error 
    7: Certification update error 
    8: Other error 
    9: Inquiry executing 
    Confirm Place 
    205 Displays the result of t
    he notification sent to the device from the GW URL in 
    answer to the inquiry request. Displayed only when the result is registered at 
    the GW URL. 
    206 Register Execute  Execut es Cumin Registration. 
    Register Result 
    207 Displays a number that indicates the registration result. 
    0: Succeeded 
    2: Registration in progress 
    3: Proxy error (proxy enabled) 
    4: Proxy error (proxy disabled) 
    5: Proxy error (Illegal user name or password) 
    6: Communication error 
    7: Certification update error 
    8: Other error 
    9: Registration executing 
    Error Code 
    Displays a number that describes the e
    rror code that was issued when either 
    SP5816-204 or SP5816-207 was executed. 
    Cause  Code Meaning 
    Illegal Modem  -11001  Chat parameter error  
    SM 5-251 B230/B237/D042 
    -11002  Chat execution error Parameter 
    -11003 Unexpected error 
    -12002 Inquiry, registration attempted without 
    acquiring device status. 
    -12003 Attempted registration without execution 
    of an inquiry and no previous 
    Operation Error, 
    Incorrect Setting 
    -12004 Attempted setting with illegal entries for 
    certification and ID2. 
    -2385 Attempted dial up overseas without the 
    correct international prefix for the 
    telephone number. 
    -2387  Not supported at the Service Center 
    -2389  Database out of service 
    -2390  Program out of service 
    -2391  Two registrations for same device 
    -2392 Parameter error 
    -2393  Basil not managed 
    -2394  Device not managed 
    -2395  Box ID for Basil is illegal 
    -2396  Device ID for Basil is illegal 
    -2397  Incorrect ID2 format 
    Error Caused by 
    Response from GW 
    -2398  Incorrect request number format 
    209  @Remote Setting Clear  Releases the machine from its Cumin setup. 
    250  CommLog Print  Prints the communication log. 
    B230/B237/D042 5-252 SM 
    5821  [Remote Service Address]   
    001  CSS-PI Device Code  Sets the PI device code. After you change 
    this setting, you must turn the machine off 
    and on.   
    [0 to 4 / 
    0 / 1 /step] 
    002 RCG IP Address  *CTL
    Sets the IP address of the RCG (Remote 
    Communication Gate) destination for call 
    processing at the remote service center. 
      [NV-RAM Data Upload]  
    5824  Uploads the UP and SP mode data (except for counters and the serial 
    number) from the NVRAM to an SD card
    . For details, see the  NVRAM Data 
    Upload/Download in this section. 
    5824 1  NV-RAM Data Upload  #  - 
    [NV-RAM Data Download]  
    Downloads the UP and SP mode data from  an SD card to the NVRAM. For 
    details, see the  NVRAM Data Upload/Download in this section. 
    5825 1  NV-RAM Download  #  - 
    5828   [Network Setting]  *CTL
    050  1284 Compatibility 
    (Centro)  Enables or disables 1284 Compatibility. 
    [0 or 1 / 
    1 / 1 / step] 
    0: Disabled, 1: Enabled 
    052 ECP (Centro)  Enables or disables ECP Compatibility. 
    [0 or 1 / 
    1 / 1 / step] 
    0: Disabled, 1: Enabled 
    ƒ  This SP is activated only when  
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