Panasonic Dbs 824 Instructions Manual
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Auto-Redial on txtenSlOnStt3 Auto-Redial on Extensions Software VersionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higherAddress FF3 (ExtPort)# 48# (0 or l)# DescriptionUse this program to activate the Auto-Redial feature on individual DBS 824 extensionsIf the Autp-Redial feature is enabled, pressing the REDIAL key will automatically redial the last number dialed, whether it was an outgoing call (system will automatically seize a trunk), another extension, or an SSD or PSD number The Auto-Redial feature works on digital single-line phones (DSLTs) and on digital multiple-line phones (K-TELs) Programming I FF3(l-16 or l-24)# 48## (0 or I)# ttExtension Port CPC-S 1-16 CPC-M 1-24 O=Auto-Redial is disabledl=Auto-Redial is enabled 3-54DBS 824-10-400Issued 3/l/95

4. Ringing and Hunt Groups (FF4) --Use the FF4 program addresses in this chapter to set up ring assignments and hunt group parameters This chapter covers the following topics d Day Ring Assignments for Hunt ayed Night 1Ring Assignments for Hunt Issued 3/l /95OBS 824-l O-400

CO Day Ring Assignments Software VersionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higherAddress FF4 l# (ExtPort)# (Trunk)# (0 or l)# DescriptionThis program determines which extension(s) will receive incoming calls from a particular trunk when the DBS 824 system is in “Day” mode ProgrammingFF4 l# (l-17 or l-25)# (l-6 or l-8)# (0 or l)# / f t Extension Port Trunk NumberO=Trunk does not ring CPC-S 1-16, 17CPC-S l-6l=Trunk ringsCPC-M l-24,25CPC-M l-8 NOTE: Use port 17 (CPC-S) or port 25 (CPC-M) to assign ringing to an external paging or Universal Night Answer QJNA) device Related Programming Automatic Day Mode Start TimeFFl 3# 25# HHMhJ# NotesDefaultAttendant Ring AssignmentsAll trunks are set by default to ring on ports 1 and 2 (the first and second attendants) Routing of Trunks That Have Not Been Assigned to RingAll unassigned ringing trunks will be directed to the attendant.issued 3/l/95DBS 824-l o-4004-3

CO Day Ring Assignments for Hunt GroupsFF4CO Day Ring Assignments for Hunt Groups Software VersibnCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higherAddress FF4 l# (HuntGrp)# (Trunk)# (0 or l)# DescriptionThis program determines which hunt group will receive incoming calls from a particular trunk when the DBS 824 system is in ‘ Day” mode ProgrammingFF4 1# (23-26 or 3%34)# (1-6 or l-8)# (0 or l)# f f tHunt Groups 1 thru 4 CPCI-SCPCI-M 2331 24322 25333 26344Trunk Number O=Trunk does not ring 1 =Trunk ringsCPC-Ml-8 Related ProgrammingAutomatic Day Mode Start Time FFl 3# 25# HHMM#Hunt Group MembersFF4 3# (l-4)# (5-20)# (loo-699)#4-4 DBS 824-I O-400Issued 3/l /95

FF4CO Niqht 1 Ring Assignments CO Night 1 Ring Assignments Software VelSionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higher AddressFF4 2# (ExtPort)# (Trunk)# (0 or l)# DescriptionThis program determines which extension(s) will receive incoming calls from a particular trunk when the DBS 824 system is in “Night 1” mode ProgrammingFF4 2# (l-17 or l-25)# (1-6 or l-8)# (0 or l)# f t Extension Port-CPC-S 1-16, 17 CPC-M l-24,25Trunk Number CPC-S l-6 CPC-M l-8O=Trunk does not ring l=Trunk ringsNote: Use port 17 (CPC-S) or port 25 (CPC-M) to assign ringing to an external paging or Universal Night Answer (UNA) device Related ProgrammingAutomatic Night 1 Mode Start Time FF1 3# l# HHMM#I NotesDefault Attendant Ring Assignment.sAll trunks are set to ring on ports 1 and2 (the first and second attendants) by default Issued 3/l /95DBS 824-l O-4004-5

CO Night 1 Ring Assignments for Hunt GroupsFF4 CO Night 1 Ring Assignments for Hunt Groups Software VersionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higher Address FF4 2# (Hunt@rp)# (Trunk)# (0 or l)# DescriptionThis program determines which hunt group will receive incoming calls from a particular trunk when the DBS 824 system is in “Night 1” mode Programming FF4 2# (23-26 or 31934)# (1-6 or l-8)# (0 or I)# / f I’Hunt Groups 1 thru 4 CPC-SCPC-M 2331 24322 25333 26344Trunk Number O=Trunk does not ring l=Trunk rings CPC-Ml-8 Related ProgrammingAutomatic Night 1 Mode Start Time FFl 3# l# HHMM#Hunt Group MembersFF4 3# (l-4)# (520)# (loo-699)#4-6 DBS 824-l O-400Issued 3/l /95

FF4Hunt Group Pilot Numbers Hunt Group Pilot Numbers Software VersionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higher AddressFF4 3# (HuntGrp)# l# (11-69 or 10%699)# DescriptionUse this program to assign a “pilot” extension number to a hunt groupThispilotnumber can be dialed from any intercom phone to reach the hunt groupAn example is dialing “500” to reach a Voice Mail hunt group Each hunt group must have a pilot number assigned to it in order for thehunt group application to work --including ring assignments to hunt groups, call transfers to hunt groups, etc Note: This address requires an extension number entry, rather than an extension port entryIn fact, the hunt group pilot number cannot also be assigned to an extension port, double-check the FF3 (ExtPort)# l# (ExtNumber)# program address to be sure the extension number is not assigned to a port. Programming To assign a hunt group pilot numberFF4 3#! (114)# 1# (11-69 or 10%699)# fHunt Group Number CPC-S and CPC-M l-4Hunt Group Pilot Extension Number 1 l-69 or 101-699I To clear a pilot number FF4 3#I (l-4)# 1# CONF ON/OFF fHunt Group Number (l-4) Related ProgrammingExtension Number Digits FFl 2# l# 12# (0 or l>##Extension Numbers FF3 (ExtPort)# l# (lo-69 or 100-699)# Issued 3/l/95DBS 824-10-4004-7

Hunt Group Pilot NumbersFF4CO Day Ring Assignments For Hunt Groups FF4 I# (23-26 or 31-34)# (1 6 or l-8)# (0 or l)#CO Night 1 Ring Assignments For Hunt GroupsFF4 2# (23-26 or 31 34)# (l-6 or l-S)# (0 or l)# Hunt Group TypeFF4 3# (l-4)# 2# (0-2)#Transfer Extension FF4 3# (l-4)# 3# (loo-699)#Hunt Group MembersFF4 3# (l-4)# (520)# (loo-699)#CO Delayed Day Ring Assignments For Hunt Groups FF4 5# (23-26 or 31-34)# (l-6 or l-8)# (0 or l)#CO Delayed Night 1 Ring Assignments For Hunt GroupsFF4 6## (23-26 or 31-34)# (l-6 or l-8)# (0 or l)#CO Night 2 Ring Assignments For Hunt GroupsFF4 9# 1# (23-26 or 3 l- 34)# (1-6 or l-8)# (0 or l)#CO Delayed Night 2 Ring Assignments For Hunt GroupsFF4 9# 2# (23- a26 or 31-34)# (l-6 or l-S)# (0 or l)#4-8 DBS 824-l O-400Issued 3/l /95

FF4Hunt tiroup I ype Hunt Group Type Software VersionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higher AddressFF4 3# (HuntGrp)# 2# (0-2)# DescriptionUse this program to assign one of the following search methods to a hunt group Terminal Hunt Group OperationIn a terminal hunt group, the hunt begins with the pilot number, and moves sequentially through the extensions in the hunt group If all extensions are busy, the call camps onto the hunt group and waits for an extension to become idle Distributed Hunt Group OperationIn a distributed hunt group, the hunt begins at the extension after the last one to pick up a call, and continues in a circular manner for successive calls Longest Idle Hunt Group Operation In a longest idle hunt group, the hunt begins at the extension in the group that has been idle for the longest period of time, and progresses through the other extensions in the same manner Programming FFpl-4)X 2# (0=2f# Hunt Group NumberOzTerminal huntingCPC-S and CPC-M l-4 l=Distributed hunting 2=Longest idle hunting Related Programming _ Hunt Group MembersFF4 3# (l-4)# (520)# (lo-69 or lOO-699)# issued 3/l 195DBS 824-10-4004-9