Panasonic Dbs 824 Instructions Manual
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ulyltar at- I newsI VII ty v UIUI I ICI I J Digital SLT Receiving Volume Software VersionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higherAddress FF3 (ExtPort)# 39# (0 or l)# DescriptionThe receiver (hearing) volume of the handset on a digital single-line telephone can be set to “normal” or “loud ’ The “loud” setting gives a +6 dB gain over the ‘ normal” setting (approximately twice as loud) Programming II FF3 (l-16 or l-24)# 39# (0 or l)# /ftExtension PortO=NormaiCPC-S 1-16 l=LoudCPC-M l-24 3-44DBS 824-10-400Issued 3/l/95

FF3Auto Set Relocation Code Auto Set Relocation Code Software VersiBnCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higherAddress FF3 (ExtPort)# 40# (OOOl-9999)# DescriptionYou can relocate (or swap) the program settings of one phone to anotherThe Auto Set Relocation Code enables you to perform the relocation For example, if the phone of extension 102 is unplugged and moved to an office with a wall jack (port) assigned to extension 103, this feature can be used to relocate 102’s programming to 103In order to move the programming, an Auto Set Relocation Code must be assigned for extension 103 Programming To assign an Auto Set Relocation Code NotesFF3 (1-16 or I-24)# 40# (OOOl-9999)# ftExtension Port Auto Set Relocation Code (Destination)(0001-9999)CPC-S 1-16 CPC-M l-24 To clear an Auto Set Relocation CodeFF3 (l-16 or l-24)# 40## CONF ON/OFF Moving An ExtensionThe following procedure explains how to move the program settings from extension 102 to extension 103 1At extension 102, pick up the handset. 2Press “#lo ” 3Dial extension number 103 4Enter the four-digit Auto Set Relocation Code assigned to extension 103 issued 3/l 195DBS 824-l O-4003-45

Auto Set Relocation CodeFF3 5Replace the handset. All programmed extension features, TRS and LCR settings from 102 will be transferred to 103 Extension 103 will be placed out of service 6To return extension 103 to service, disconnect then reconnect the extension cable When extension 103 is returned to service, it will have the program settings of extension 102 RestrictionsPhone settings cannot be exchanged between digital and analog (SLTA) ports3-46 DBS 824-l O-400issued 3/l /95

FF3Permanent Call Forward Type Permanent Call Forward Type Software VersionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higherAddress FF3 (ExtPort)# 41# (0-3)# DescriptionUse this address to enable an extension for Permanent Call Forwarding, so that calls to that extension (if the extension is busy and/or not answered) will be forwarded to another location This feature is often used for sending calls to Voice Mail, or forwarding peripheral equipment to a single extension port ProgrammingFF3 (l-16 or l-24)# 41# (0-3)# tExtension Port- CPC-S 1-16 CPC-M 1-24 O=Permanent Call Forwarding is off (displayed as * )l=Permanent Call Forwarding--Busy/No Answer 2=Permanent Call Forwarding--Busy 3=Permanent Call Forwarding--No Answer Related ProgrammingPermanent Call Forward ExtensionFF3 (ExtPort)# 42# (lo-69 or lOO- 699)# NotesZnteraction With User-Assigned Call ForwardingPermanent Call Forwarding is assigned through system programming, rather than by the user Permanent Call Forwarding is normally used to forward calls to a voice mail system An extension user can invoke other forms of call forwarding (no answer, busy, all calls) to temporarily override the Permanent Call Forwarding destination Resetfing To Default (Off) ConditionEntering 0 or pressing CONF will return this program address to its default condition “*“, and will also return the Permanent Call Forward Extension address to default “****” (no extension assigned) Issued 3/l /95DBS 824-l O-4003-47

Permanent Call Forward ExtensionFF3Permanent Call Forward Extension Software VersionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higher Address FF3 (ExtPort)# 42# (lo-69 or lOO-699)# DescriptionIf an extension is enabled for Permanent Call Forwarding (in address FF3 ExtPor# 41#), use this address to set another extension number as the target or ‘permanent call forwarding point’ for the forwarded calls In addition to regular extension numbers, the permanent call forwarding point can also be a System Speed Dial number (SSD), a Personal Speed Dial number (PSD), a hunt group pilot number, or an attendant extension number Programming To assign a Permanent Call Forwarding PointFF3 (l-16 or l-24)# 42# (lo-69 or 1001699)# f$ Extension Port Permanent Call Forwarding PointCPC-S 1-16 (Default=****;no extension assigned)CPC-M l-24 lo-69 or lOO-699=Extension numbers, including attendants FAhkw; group pilot AUTO 90-99 or 900-939=PSD numbers AUTO 00-89 or OOO-199=SSD numbers To clear a Permanent Call Forwarding Point FF3 (l-l 6 or l-24)# 42# CONF ON/OFF f Extension PortCPC-S 1-16 CPC-M 1-24 Related Programming Permanent Call Forward TypeFF3 (ExtPort)# 41# (O-3)+! Hunt Group Pilot NumbersFF4 3# (l-4)## l# (11-69 or lOl-699)# System Speed Dial NumbersFFlO l# (SSD)# (PhoneNo )## Personal Speed Dial NumbersFFlO 2# (ExtPort)# (PSD)# (PhoneNo )# 3-48DBS 824-l O-400Issued 3/l 195

FF3ML/MC0 Separation ML/MC0 Separation Software VerdonCPCS and CPC-M, Version ‘I 0 and higher AddressFF3 (ExtPort)## 43#/ (0 or l)#Description Use this address to program an extension to have MC0 (Multi-CO) or ML (Multi-Line) FF keys The difference between ML and MC0 has to do with incoming callsMC0 means multiple trunks can he received at the extension -- if you press a flashing FF key, you will get an incoming trunk callCalls from another extension will flash on the “EXT” LED (not through the FF key) ML, on the other hand, means you can receive either a trunk call or an extension call on an FF key, which will flash for either type of call If this address is set to ML, each FF key must be individually enabled for ML/ MC0 using program address FF5 (ExtPort)# (Key)# (FeatureCode)## ProgrammingFF3 (l-16 or l-24)# 43# (0 or l)# /”f Extension PortO=MCO keysCPC-S 1-16 l=ML keysCPC-M l-24 Note: The default for the first attendant position is “1,” rather than “0 ” Related Programming FF Key Assignments for ExtensionsFF5 (ExtPortj# (Key)++ ( Issued 3/l/95DBS 824-10-400 3-49

VAU Hunting PriorityFF3VAU Hunting Priority Software Versi6nCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higherAddress FF3 (ExtPort)# 44# (0 or l)# DescriptionThis program allows you to assign hunting priority to calls that overflow from a hunt group to the VAUIf hunting priority is selected a caller that hears the VAU message and then decides to dial back into the hunt group is placed before other calls that have just entered the hunt group queue Without hunting priority, the caller loses his or her place in the queue and is placed in the last queue position upon reentry into the hunt group Programming FF3 (l-16 orl-24)# 44#/ (Oor l)# f I-VAU Port Number CPC-S 1-16 CPC-M l-24 OSalls transferred from the VAU do not receive priority treatment 1 =VAU transfer priority Related ProgrammingVAU Port Assignment FF3 (ExtPort)# 46# (0 or I)#3-50 DBS 824-l O-400Issued 3/l /95

FF3SLT Disconnect Signal SLT Disconnect Signal Software VersionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higher AddressFF3 (ExtPort)# 45# (0 or l)# DescriptionIf this program address is enabled, SLT extension ports will send a disconnect signal (open loop) upon hangup Sending this signal allows quick disconnection from third-party voice mail systems Programming FF3 (l-16 or l-24)# 45# (0 or l)# f$Extension Port O=DisabledCPC-S 1-16 1 =EnabledCPC-M l-24 Related Programming SLT Disconnect DurationFFl 2# l# 3 l# (0-15)# Issued 3/l /95DBS 824-l O-4003-51

VAU Port AssignmentFF3VAU Port Assignment Software Vers6nCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higher AddressFF3 (ExtPort)# 46# (0 or l)# DescriptionThis program assigns a digital port as a VAU (Voice Announce Unit)Once a port is assigned as a VAU, the system treats that port as if the following changes have been made l The CO Offhook Signal option is set to “on” (FF3 ExtPort# 7#) l The Call Waiting Notification Tone/OHVA option is set to “off’ (FF3 ExtPort# 8#) l Auto Pickup is set to “on” (FF3 ExtPort# 12#) l All FF keys for the extension port are cleared Programming 1I FF3 (l-16 or l-24)# 46# (0 or l)# tt VAU Port Numbero=OffCPC-S 1-16 l=On (defines the portCPC-M 1-24 as a VAU) NatesApplicable Call TypesWhen the VAU port assignment is set to “on,” the following call types are routed to the first VAU message l Trunk calls l Transferred trunk calls l Intercom calls l Transferred intercom calls -All recalls are routed to the second VAU message 3-52DBS 824- 1 O-400Issued 3/l /95

FF3Hot Dial Pad Hot Dial Pad Software VersionCPGS and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higher AddressFF3 (ExtPort)# 47# (0 or l)# DescriptionThe dial pad on digital key phones can be designated as “hot” on an extension-by-extension basis This feature allows the user to initiate a call without going offhook, by pressing any of the numeric keys O-9 (the “*” and “#’ keys are not “hot”) The extension’s dial pad can be “hot” under these conditionsl when the extension is idle lwhen the extension is holding a calll when the extension is holding a page The extension’s dial pad cannot be “hot” under these conditionsl when an intercom or trunk call is ringing at the extension lwhen the extension is on a call Programming \ FF3 (l-16 or l-24)# 47# (0 or l)# f$ Extension PortO=Hot Dial Pad is disabledCPC-S 1-16 l=Hot Dial Pad is enabledCPC-M l-24 NotesPagingThe Hot Dial Pad feature cannot be used to initiate a page Issued 3/l 195DBS 824-l O-4003-53