Panasonic Dbs 824 Instructions Manual
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DTMF/Pulse Dialing for TrunksFF2 DTMF/PuIse Dialing for Trunks Software VersionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higherAddress FF2 (Trunk)# 2# (0 or l)# DescriptionUse this feature to set a trunk for D’T’MF or pulse dialing (10 pulses per second) ProgrammingFF2 (l-6 or I-8)# 2# (0 or l)# f fTrunk Number CPC-S l-6 CPC-M l-8 O=DTMFl=Pulse dialing (10 pps) 2-4DES 824-l O-400Issued 3/l /95

FF2Pooled Trunk Access for Group 9Pooled Trunk Access for Group “9” Software VersionCPGS and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higher AddressFF2 (Trunk)## 3## (0 or l)## DescriptionUse this feature to place a trunk in a group from which trunks are automatically chosen for outbound dialingWhen you dial “9” from an SLT or digital extension, or press an FF key that is set as a pooled trunk key any available trunk in the group will be accessed The trunk selection is made from the highest trunk number in the group to the lowest Programming IFF2 (l-6 or l-8)# 3# (0 or l)# ftTrunk NumberO=Ttunk is not included in access group “9” CFC-S l-6l=Trunk is included in access group cc9yyCPC-M 1-8 NotesZnferaction with LC’RSet the “LCR Access” option (address FPl 2# l# 3#) so that dialing “9” indicates a Pooled Trunk callIf this option is set so that dialing “9” indicates an LCR call, trunk selection will default to pooled trunk line access group 9 if all lines that could be used for LCR access are busy RequiredHarhm SettingTo use pooled trunks, Strap J3 on the CPC card must be cut See Section 300~Installation for instructionsIssued 3/l/95DBS 824-l O-4002-5

PooledTrunkAccesstof Groups 81-86FF2 Pooled Trunk Access for Groups ‘r81-86” Software VersionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higher AddressFF2 (Trunk)# (4-9)# (0 or l)# DescriptionUse this feature to place a trunk in a group from which trunks are automatically chosen for outbound dialing When you dial 8 1,82,83,84,85 or 86 from an SLT or digital extension, or press an FF key that is set as a pooled trunk key, any available trunk in the group will be accessed The trunk selection in a particular group is made from the highest available trunk number to the lowest available trunk number ProgrammingFF2 (l-6 or l-8)# (4-9)# (0 or l)# /’ t Trunk Number’CPC-S l-6 CPC-M l-8Pooled Trunk Group 4==Group 81 5=Group 82 6=Group 83 7=Group 84 8=Group 85 9=Group 86 OrThe trunk is not included l=The trunk is included NotesPlacing Trunks In More Than One GroupThe same trunks may appear in more than one pooled trunk group, including trunk group 9 Required Hardware SettingTo use pooled trunks, Strap J3 on the CPC card must be cut. See Section 300 Installation for instructions2-6 DBS 824-10-400issued 3/l/95

FF2Trunk Port Type Trunk Port Type Software VersionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higherAddress FF2 (Trunk)# lO# (1 or 2)# DescriptionEach trunk port must be identified as a regular CO trunk or as a PBX line Programming 1FF2 (1-6 or l-8)# lO# (1 or 2)# tt Trunk NumberCPC-S l-6CPC-M l-8 l=Regular (CO) trunk 2=PBX line NotesToll Restriction InteractionToll restriction (TRS) settings (FF7) can be affected by this parameter issued 3/l 195DBS 824-l O-4002-7

DISA Auto AnswerFF2 DISA Auto Answer Software VersionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higher AddressFF2 (Trunk)# ll# (0 or l)# DescriptionUse this feature to set a trunk(s) to automatically provide DISA tone upon connection with an inbound caller(However after hearing the DISA tone the caller will still have to enter an ID code in order to use DISA ) If a trunk is set to provide DISA tone, you can limit DISA operation on that trunk to a certain number of hours each day using the DISA Start Time and DISA End Time addresses Programming I FF2 (l-6/r+8)# ll# (0 71’” Trunk NumberCPC-S: l-6 CPC-M l-8O=DISA tone is not provided l=DISA tone is provided Related Programming Direct Inward System Access (DISA) ID Code FFl 5# (0000-9999)#DISA Outbound Call ID Code 1 FFl 6# l# (0000-9999)#DISA Outbound Call ID Code 2 FFl 6# 2# (0000-9999)#DISA Start lime FF2 (Trunk)# 19# (HHMM)#DISA End Time FF2 (Tiunk)## 2O# (I-IHMM)# NotesInteraction With Caller IDIf your DBS 824 system supports Caller ID, do not enable DISA on any trunk using this address(Caller ID will automatically enable or disable DISA to the caller based on the phone number he is calling from ) Hardware Requirement For DISAAn MFR card is required for DISA, so that the system can interpret DTMF tones entered via the DISA connection2-8DBS 824-l O-400 Issued 3/l /95

FF2Private Trunk Line Private Trunk Line Software VersionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higherAddress FF2 (Trunk)# 12# (ExtPort)# DescriptionUse this address to assign a private trunk line to an extensionA number of private trunks can belong to one extension but the same private mmk cannot be assigned to multiple extensions Once a private trunk is assigned to an extension, other extensions cannot make outbound calls or receive inbound calls on that trunk (the system will assign Toll Restriction Type 0 to the trunk on all other extensions)The system will assign TRS Type 7 (no restrictions) to the private trunk assigned to the extension Programming To assign a private trunk line(s) to an extensionFF2 (l-6 or l-8)# 12# (l-16 or l-24)# $t Trunk NumberExtension Port NumberCPC-S l-6CPC-S 1-16 CPC-M l-8 CPC-M. l-24 To cancel private trunk assignment(s) for an extension IFF2 (l-6 or l-8)# 12# (l-16 or l-24)# CONF ON/OFFI Related Programming Day TRS Types O-7 for TrunksFF7 7# (ExtPort)# (Trunk)++ (0-7)# Night TRS Types O-7 for TrunksFF7 8# (ExtPort)# (Trunk)# (0-7)# NotesReprogramming Toll Restrictions for Disabled Pride TrunksIf a private trunk setting is disabled, the system will not automatically make that trunk available to other extensions (TRS Type 0 will apply to that trunk on all extensions ) Therefore, the trunk’s TRS type must be manually reprogrammed for each extension wishing to use that trunk (using addresses FM 7# and FF7 8#) Issued 3/l /95DBS 824-l O-4002-9

Automatic Pause for PBX LineFF2Automatic Pause for PBX Line Sofhvare VersionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higherAddress FF2 (Trunk)# 13# (0 or l)# DescriptionThis address determines if a pause is automatically inserted during the dialing of a PBX access code If this address is enabled, the system will automatically pause after dialing the fust, second or third digit of the PBX access code, see program address FFl 2# 3# (9- 18)# (l-3)# for more information If this address is disabled (default setting), the phone user must manually insert a pause by pressing REDIALThe length of the pause (whether inserted manually by the user or automatically by the system) is determined by the Automatic Pause Timer, which is set at address FFl 3# lO# Note: Before assigning the automatic pause, you must first designate thetrunk as a ‘ PBX line” (FF2 Truni# lO# 2#) ProgrammingFF2 (l-6 or l-8)# 13## (0 or l)# ft Trunk NumberCPC-S l-6 CPC-M 1-8O=Automatic pause is enabled l=Automatic pause is disabled Related Programming $ut3oytic Pause Position for PBX Access CodesFFl 2# 3# (9-18)#Automatic Pause Timer FFl 3# lO# (0-15)# Trunk Port TypeFF2 (Trunk)# lO# (1 or 2)# 2-10 DBS 824-l O-400Issued 3/l /95

FF2Dial Tone Detection Dial Tone Detection Software VersionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higher AddressFF2 (Trunk)# 14#I (0 or l)# DescriptionThis program determines when dialed digits are outpulsed -- either according to the Dial Pause Timer setting (FFl 3# 15#), or after the 824 system detects dial tone ProgrammingFF2 (l-6 or l-8)-# 14# (0 or l)# ffTrunk Number CPC-S l-6 CPC-M 1-8 O=Digits are outpulsed according to the Dial Pause timer l=Digits are outpulsed after dial tone is detected Related ProgrammingDial PauseTimer FFl 3# 15# (0-15)# Issued 3/l /95DBS 824-l O-4002-11

Outbound DTMF Signal Duration for Auto-Dialed DigitsFF2 Outbound DTMF Signal Duration for Auto-Dialed Digits Software VersionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higherAddress FF2 (Trunk)# 15## (l-3)# - DescriptionThis program controls DTMF signal duration when digits are dialed by the system rather than the user Examples of system dialing include Redial, Saved Number Redial Speed Dialing and LCR Digit Addition ProgrammingFF2 (l-6 or l-8)# 15# (113)# tf Trunk Number1=75 m on/50 ms offCPC-S 1-6 2=125 ms on/125 ms off CPC-M l-8 3=250 ms on/250 ms off 2-12DBS 824-l O-400Issued 3/l 195

FF2unsupefwsea IrunKc;onterence Unsupervised Trunk Conference Software VersionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higher AddressFF2 (Trunk)# 16# (0 or l)# DescriptionUse this feature to enable trunk(s) to be used in an unsupervised conference call Programming FF2 (1-6 or l-8)# 16## (0 or l)#Trunk Number CPC S l-6 CPC-M l-8 O=The CO trunk cannot be used for an unsupervised conference l=The CO trunk can be used for an unsupervised conference Related ProgrammingUnsupervised Conference Timer FFl 3# 9# (0-15)#Unsupervised Conference FF3 (ExtPort)# 13# (0 or l)# NotesUnsupervised Conference Timer OperationA conference call will be automatically disconnected if it exceeds the time set in the Unsupervised Conference Timer Issued 3/l/95DBS 824-10-4002-13