Panasonic Dbs 824 Instructions Manual
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CO Ring Cycle Detection Timer Software VersionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higherAddress FF1 3# 13# (03)# DescriptionThis timer determines how long the DBS 824 attempts to detect an incoming CO ring cycle To ensure that the DBS 824 can recognize incoming trunkcalls, set this timer to equal the duration of the ring cycle including thefirston period and the first of period For example if the ring cycle for an incoming trunk is 2 seconds on/ 4 seconds off, this parameter should be set to at least 6 seconds to detect the full cycle Lf this timer is set too short, the system will not recognize valid central officering signals See Figure l-2 below for an example of proper CO ring cycle detection timing for an incoming pattern of 2 seconds on/4 seconds off Tigure l-2 Exampie CO ring cyccie detection timing 2 seconds on 2 seconds on 4 seconds off Length of CO RiYCycleDetection Timer-seconds. Incoming Ring Cycle 4 Detection Timer Issued 3/l /95DBS 824-l O-400l-93

CO Ring Cycle Detection TimerFFl Programming. FFl 3# 13## (O-3)# f 0=4 seconds 1=6 seconds 2=8 seconds 3=10seconds Related Programming Inbound Ring Cycle Expansion Timer FFl 3# l#l-94 DBS 824-10-400Issued 3/l/95

FFlInbound Ring Cycle Expansion Timer Inbound Ring Cycle Expansion Timer Software VersionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higherAddress FFl 3## 14## (O-1 5)# DescriptionLf the incoming ring pattern for an extension (FF3 ExtPor# 38#) is set to emulate CO ringing, an extension may sometimes receive a very short ring burst when a trunk call begins ringingThis short ring burst occurs because the DBS 824 received only part of the first “on ’ burst (see Figure l-2) from the trunkTo eliminate these short rings this timer can be used to expand initial ring burstsFor example, if the timer is set to 350 ms and the fist ring burst only lasts 50 ms the first ring burst sent to the extension will be 350 msIf the first ring burst is over 350 ms the timer is ignored and the DBS 824 emulates the initial CO ring Programming FFl 3## 14# (0115)# f Timer Setting (Defaul t=7 see the following table) Table l-18 Inbound ring cycle expansion timer values Number 0ValueSynchronizes to the incoming call signal1l50msI 2I 1OOms1I 31 150ms1I 4I2OOms 5I 250 mstI 61300 msI 735oms 8400ms 9450 ms1 I5OOmsI 11I 550 ms t I 1216OOms Issued 3/l/95DBS 824-10-4001-95

Inbound Ring Cycle txpanslon lamertt1 13650 ms 14700 ms 15750ms 1-96DBS 824-10-400Issued 3/l/95

FFlDial Pause Timer Dial Pause Timer Software VersionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higherAddress FFl 3# 15## (O-l 5)# DescriptionThis program inserts a pause before outpulsing dialed digits, once a CO trunk is accessed Programming FFl 3# 1% (O-15)# t Timer Setting (Default=1 see the following table) Table I-19 Did pause timer values 11 12 13 14 15 11seconds 12seconds 13seconds 14seconds 15seconds Issued 3/l /95DBS 824-l O-400l-97

PBX Flash TimerFFl PBX Flash Timer Software VersionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higherAddress FFl 3# 16# (0-lO)# DescriptionWhen the DBS 824 is behind a PBX, the FLASH key can be used to place a call on hold This timer determines how long the flash signal will last if the FLASH key is pressed then immediately released If the FLASH key is pressed and held down the flash signal w-ill last as long as the key is pressed Programming FFl 3# 16# (0-lO)# f Timer Setting (Default=7, see the following table)Table l-20 PBX jI.ash timer values Number 0No flash Value 11 2 seconds13 seconds r-- 31 4 seconds 45 seconds 56 seconds 67 seconds 78 seconds 89 seconds 91 second Illseconds Related ProgrammingAuto Flash Redial FFl 2# l# 6# (0 or l\-”Trunk Port Type FF2 (Trunk)# lO# (1 or 2)# 1-98DBS 824-10-400Issued 3/l/95

FFlCall Forward--No Answer Timer Call Forward--No Answer Timer Software VersionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higherAddress FFl 3## 17# (O-1 5)# DescriptionThe Call Forward--No Answer Tier determines how long an unanswered call will ring before it is sent to a secondary destinationFor example, the timer determines how long an unanswered call will ring at an extension before it transfers to the Call Forward--No Answer point. Note: Separate timers are provided for Hunt Group--No Answer, CO Delayed Ringing, and Extension Delayed Ringing Programming I FFl 3# 17# (0115)# fTimer Setting (Default=2 see the following table) Table 1-21Call forward--no answer timer values Issued 3/l /95DBS 824-l O-400l-99

Attendant Hold Recall Timer for Intercom CallsFFlAttendant Hold Recall Timer for Intercom Calls Software VersionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higherAddress FFl 3# 18# (O-l 2)## DescriptionIf an attendant places an intercom call on hold, the held call will recall to the attendant if it is not retrieved in the time specified by this address Recall timing for attendant-held trunk calls is controlled by another program address (FFl 3# 2#) Programming I FFl 3# 18# (O-1 2)# + ITimer Setting (Default=2 see the following table)I Table I-22Recall timer values for attendant-held intercom calls NumberValue 1 No recall I 20seconds 240 seconds 360 seconds 480 seconds 5100 seconds 6120 seconds I 140seconds 1 160 seconds 1 180seconds 10200seconds 11220seconds 12240seconds Related ProgrammingAttendant Hold Recall Timer for CO Calls FFl 3# 2# (0- 12)# l-100DBS 824-10-400Issued 3/l/95

FFlExtension Hold Recall Timer for Intercom Calls Extension Hold Recall Timer for Intercom Calls Software VersionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higherAddress FFl 3# 19# (0-12)# DescriptionIf an extension places an intercom call on hold, the held call will recall to the extension if it is not retrieved in the time specified by this address Recall timing for extension-held trunk calls is controlled by another programaddress (FFi 3# 3#) _ Programming FFl 3# 19# (0112)#Timer Setting (Default=7 see the following table) Table I 23Recall timer values for extension-held intercom callsNumber 0 1 No recall 20 seconds Value 240seconds 360seconds 480seconds 5100 seconds 6120 seconds 7140seconds 8160 seconds 9180 seconds1 10 11 1 200seconds 220seconds I-12240 seconds Related ProgrammingExtension Hold Recall Timer for CO Calls FFl 3# 3# (0-12)# Issued 3/l /950% 824-l O-400l-101

Attendant Transfer Recall Timer for Intercom CallsFFlAttendant Transfer Recall Timer for Intercom Calls Software VersionCPC-S and CPC-M, Version 1 0 and higherAddress FFl 3## 2O# (0-12)# DescriptionWhen an attendant transfers an intercom call to an extension the call will recall to the attendant if it is not answered This timer determines how long the transferred call will ring the extension before it recalls Programming FFl 3#I 20# (0-12)# $ Timer Setting (Default=1 see the following table) Table 1 24 Recall timer values for attendant-transferred intercom culls Number 0No recall Value 11 20 seconds1 2] 40 seconds 3 4 1 60 secondsI 1 80 seconds 51 100 seconds 6 7 I 1 120 secondsI 1 140 seconds 1 160 seconds 9180 seconds 10200 seconds 11220 seconds 12240 seconds NotesInteraction with Call ForwardingIf a call is transferred to an extension that has Call Forwarding turned on, the call will follow the call forwarding path if the Call Forward--No Answer timer is set to a lesser value than the Recall Timerl-102 DBS 824-l O-400 Issued 3/l /95