Communications System
Vodavi Starplus Hybrid Key Telephone System Installation Manual
Vodavi Starplus Hybrid Key Telephone System Installation Manual
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Key Statidn Feattired2.3 Software Packages FEATURE l N l N 0 N l N 0 34-BW14-ml l N 0 N 0 N 0 N 0 N a N 0 N a N l N 0 N l N N=No additional hardware required

c Key Station Featutes/2.3 Software Packages CALL FEATURE NETWORK 8, COMBINATION sFI”A”Tu”$s” “F”E;;;;E’s” PROCESSING TRUNKING ADDITIONAL PKG EQUIPMENT FEATURES REQUIRED incoming Number/Name for SMDR Records l l ICLID Keyset Unanswered Call Management l .e ICLID Keyset Idle Speaker Mode l l l l l N Incoming CO Lines Off-Net Forward via Speed Dial l l l l l N Intercom Calling l e l l l N Intercom Signaling Select l l l l l N K keyset Self Test l l l l l 34-Btn keyset I: Last Number Redial (LNR) l l l l l N LCD Interactive Display l l l l l Exec Keyset Least Cost Routing (LCR) l . N 6-Digit Table l l N Daily Start Time Tables l l N Default LCR Data Base l l N Exception Tables l l N InserVDelete Tables l l N LCR Routing for Toll Information l l N Route List Tables l l N Weekly Time Tables l l N 3-Digit Table l l N Local Number/Name Translation Table l l l l l N Loop Bqtton CO Line Access l l l l l N :eet Me Page l l l l l N Message Waiting l l l l l N Message Waiting Reminder Tone l l l l l N Messages - Personalized l l l l l N N=No additional hardware required

c Key Station Features/2.3 Software Packages FEATURE STANDARD FEATURES Custom Messages Date and Time Entry to Personalized CALL NETWORK 8 COMBINATION ;;;;;;Ei PROCESSING TRUNKING FEATURES PKG ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED l l l l N l l l l l l l l N N l l l l l I Music Source l I l l I N l l l l l l l l l l Exec Keyset l N l N l Ie Ie I l I N l l l l N l l l l N l l l l N l l l l N i l Ie Ie I l I N l l l l l l l l l l 0 l OHVO Keyset N N N=No additional hardware required

Key Station Featdres/2.3 Software Packages FEATURE Pause Timer N=No additional hardware required

c Key Station Features/2.3 Software Packages FEATURE N=No additional hardware required

Key Station Features/2.3 Software Packages FEATURE STANDARD CALL ADDITIONAL Et;;;:: PROCESSING NETWORK & COMBINATION FEATURES EQUIPMENT FEATURES TRUNKING PKG REQUIRED zoice Mail Groups (VM) In-Band Signaling Integration Message Waiting Indication Tone Mode Calling Option Transfer/Forward VM Disconnect Signal VM Transfer with ID Digits Volume Controls l VM System VM System VM System VM System VM System VM System VM System N N=No additional hardware required

STARPLUS’ Digiil Systems TF NO: 43 CUSTOMER DATABASE PROGRAMMING Upload/Download Routine Page2of56 TF NO. 43 Vodavi Communications Systems 8300 E. Raintree Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85260

STARPLUS@ Digiil Systems TF NO: 43 DATABASE UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD ROUTINE Desctim: The Database Upload/Download database feature provides a maintenance facility which permits the user to download the database to a PC, when a software change is made or when the system needs to be initialized and re-programmed. In addition, the routine will facilitate the programming of a database on an in-house system which can be downloaded to a PC and then uploaded to a system in the field. After the system maintenance is completed, the file saved in the PC can then be uploaded to the system. NOTE: All trace modes (SMDR, ICLID Event, Maintenance Event Traces, etc.) MUST be turned off befdre any download is performed! Using the PC to Upload/Download thru Remote Administration A Personal Computer must be connected to the RS-232C port on the SPD 1428 Main Key Service Board or on the SPD 2856 System Central Processor Board (CPB) can be used for database programming. When entering the system remotely via a Personal Computer, access to the on-board modem is accomplished by accessing Port [199] either through a direct ringing assignment or through DISA or by being transferred to Port [199] by any internal station. 1. Connect one end of an RS-232C Serial cable from the RS-232C connector on the SPD 1428 Main Key Service Board to the desired Comm Port on the PC, or connect one end of an RS-232C Serial cable from the RS-232C connector on the Central Processor Board of the SPD 2856 System to the desired Comm Port on the Personal Computer. NOTE: Pins 2 & 3 on the Persona/ Computer end of the RS-232C serial cable MUST be reversed. Pins 6 & 20 MUST be jumpered together for proper operating of the upload/download routing . 2. Load a communication software package (i.e. Procomm) into the Personal Computer. Make the necessary changes to the following areas of the communications package. Save these permanent settings. ITEMS TO CHANGE CHANGE ..,,,, .:.. L. .‘. : .7: . . ...’ ‘.I .,.,. 1::: :, ...... .:: ...... ., .; .,. .; .; ,.. ,, ,.::...” ‘..“.’ .’ .,; ““‘, ; ,,,. .“. ’ .“““” ‘.‘I ?f5&-~~efersy m + -rpj--:l(::‘:“il:~~~~~~~‘:::~.,:~:,~:::1.;:,._1:1 ,:1:,.,:1:::.1,.,~~~~::~:.:~, : 1 ..’ ” I II Baud Rate I 2400 Baud ,N for Parity,8 Bits,1 1 Stop Bit II II “” :. ..‘.... “. .:::::.i ‘..‘.‘.‘, ‘.:::. :::. ::.A:: : ,,........ ,., ;, ‘,. .;; ., ,,, ;, .. ‘-:’ :~.~.‘.‘.~.‘..~..~.~..~.~.‘.~.‘.’.,.’.: .y.:: .;, ;; ., .,.,., ‘I:;.:: ,’ “‘, “~..~.‘,“.,’ ,, ... ,,, ,,.,.... :::‘;.:‘.:‘. j. .‘. ,,,,:,: ” ,.,. ., ( .,. ::. : ., ( “( ‘, ,‘, .;:.: ( :: Sg’T(j p .qyTI(-JNS: ~~~~si_‘j~:~~~::~~.:~.~:~~:~~’ : I 11 Item C: Soft flow ctrl (XONIXOFR 1 ON II Item A: Echo Locally Item D: Character Pacing OFF 0 Vcdavi Communications Systems Page3of56 TF NO. 43 8300 E. Raintree Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85260 (602) 443-6oca

STARPWS@ Digiil Systems TF NO: 43 Item E: Line Pacing 0 item F: Pace Character 0 Item I: CR Translation (upload) None Item J: LF Translation (upload) None Item K: CR Translation (download) None Item L: LF Translation (download) None :, :. ,’ ‘7. :::. .‘.‘.‘.‘.‘,‘.~.~.‘.’ ‘.‘.‘,~.~. ‘7. ..‘,‘. :. 1. :;:. .~.~.‘.‘.‘.‘.‘.‘.‘.‘.‘.‘.‘.‘.‘.‘.’.~.’.’.7.’:.’.‘.‘.~.‘. .~.‘.::‘.‘.‘..‘.:‘.‘.‘.‘.‘. .‘.‘.‘.‘.‘.‘.‘.‘.‘.‘.‘.‘.‘.‘.‘. ,.. . . ... ,::~,~,~~~~~~~~~~~~:~:~:~:~:~~~~:~:~~~~~~:~~~~:~.~.~~~:~~~~~~ ‘...‘.‘:. :;:. ::: . . ..:::; .‘L’,‘,,..... ,,,..._,........... ,, ..., ..,.. ,...., ...,_..,..,, :.. :.. .,’ :.: . . . . . . . . ...’ ‘. . . ...’ ..:. . . . . ‘... : ‘.. ~~.~.... .:,. ,.,,’ ,’ .:.. ..:.:.. “’ ” ~ ?$+&g~~ ~~~~~~~~~optl6ns~~~~~~~~~~~::~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~:::~~~~~~~ :iii~~si~~~~~~:.~~ ., ; ., ; ;; . . . . . . . . .,. . . . . . . . ,. .; . . . .,. ; ., . . . .,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,., ., .,.,.,.,...,. .,“..,.....,.,...,.,........... . . . . . . . . . . . .,. .,.,. ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; ; .. ,.,. .,..., ., ..:‘: ., . . . .’ .-. Item C: Abort xfer if CD lost I NO NOTE: Item C appears in Procomm Plus Version 2.01 or higher 3. Press the IEnrs;l key on the PC. The following display will be seen on the Personal Computer monitor. 1428 Digital ltey-System Eng. Uer. Z.&l5 DATE: 08/14/92 IIHE: 89:11:43 ENTER PASSUOAD: 4. Enter the pasword p,/OD.Wl], and press t.he M key again. Proper entry of the passurord will result in the ADM> prompt. Proceed with programming referring to Figure 600-l in the Starplus Technical Manual for terminal characters that represent the keyset buttons. By entering a [?] from the terminal, a HELP screen will appear. Page4of56 TF NO. 43 Vodavi Communications Systems 8300 E. Raintrw Drive SadMale, AZ 85260

STARPLUS@ Digiil Systems TF NO: 43 5. Enter the information on the following capture JloaItMPLusbdy? 423 DIgItal Hey-Sgstm & ng. ucr. t.eal!i DME: ee/14/92 11m: 14:17:lz ml PtlssmnD: 6. Press the @ + q keys. This will bring up the log screen on the PC monitor. Enter a path for the database file to be sent to or press m and the database file will be sent to the destination shown in the communications package default settings area. Enter Iql filename (CR for default): NOTE: The downloaded database can not be changed in the PC. The Upload/download routine is only a method to save an existing database. Any database changes can be made using the remote admin capabilities. 7. On the PC, press the m key to begin the downloading routine. Confirmation tone will be heard when the database is completely downloaded. 6. On the PC, press the q + q keys again to turn the log file off. Vodavi Communications Sysb7I.S Page5of56 TF NO. 43 8300 E. Raintree Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85260 W2) 443-6m