Communications System
Vodavi Starplus Hybrid Key Telephone System Installation Manual
Vodavi Starplus Hybrid Key Telephone System Installation Manual
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Digital Key Telephone Systems sTARPLUS@ SPD 1428 & 2856 Initialize Data Base Parameters (Cont’d) H. Initialize LCR Tables Programming Steps If LCR Tables need to be initialized: 1. Press the LCR Tables flexible button (Button #7). The following message will be shown on the display phone: 2. To initialize the LCR Tables, press the HOLD button. Confirmation tone will be heard. Description The LCR Tables may be initialized setting all tables to their original, default values. The following tables will be reset to their original default value after initiali- zation of the LCR tables; 0 Exception Table l 3-Digit table l 6-Digit Table 0 Route List Table * Daily Start Time Table l Weekly Schedule l Insert/Delete Table l Toll Information Route 660-l 0 Issue 1, November 1891

STARPLUS@ SPD 1428 & 2858 Digital Key Telephone Systems Initialize Data Base Parameters (Cont’d) I. Initialize Entire System and Reset (all pa- rameters) Programming Steps If System needs to be initialized: 1. Press the System and Reset flexible button (Button #8). The following message will be shown on the display phone: 2. To initialize the entire system data base, press the HOLD button. The system will perform a hard reset. Description To completely initialize the data base area including all non-programmable parameters held in Dynamic RAM (DRAM) and reset the system also clearing any meantime errors that may exist this command may be used. The system will require reprogramming of any customer specific data after using this com- mand. This provides an easy way to re-initialize the system and clearing any meantime errors that may have accumulated inhibiting system operation or performance. Issue 1, November 1991 660-l 1

Digital Key Telephone Systems sTARPLUS@ SPD 1428 & 2866 Initialize Data Base Parameters (Cont’d) J. Initialize ICLID Table Programming Steps If the ICLID Table(s) need to be initialized: 1. Press the ICLID TABLE flexible button (Button #9). The following message will be shown on the display phone: 2. To initialize the ICLID Table(s), press the HOLD button. Confirmation tone will be heard. Description 660-12 Issue 1, November 1891

sTARPLUS@ SPD 1428 & 2856 Digital Key Telephone Systems SECTION 665 PRINTING SYSTEM DATA BASE PARAMETERS A. Introduction Programming Steps If the system is in the programming mode, continue using the program codes. If starting to program here, enter the programming mode. (Refer to Sec. 600.2). If Data Base Parameters need to be printed: 1. Press FLASH and dial [85]. The following will be shown on the display phone: Description This section describes the procedures and steps necessary to print Data Base Parameters and vari- ous portions of the system. The buttons on the key telephone are defined as shown below when entering the Print Data Base Parameters programming area. ~$q~:~:$&g$:~j SYSI-EM PARAMETEfqS 1 ;, :::~:~:..:..:~:+:~:* 1 ~~~~~~~~~ 2. Choose the portion of the data base to be printed by pressing the appropriate button in the flexible button field. With a printer connected to the RS-232C port, of the CPB, the currently stored customer data base can be printed or “uploaded” into a file. This command allows the entire data base to be “dumped” as a permanent record which can serve as a hard copy of the data base. The system Baud rate must match that of the printer or receiving device. Refer to the following Figures for examples of the data base printouts. Also refer to the following para- graphs for instructions on printing only portions of the data base. Default: None Related Programming: SMDR Programming for setting the baud rate or the RS232C port. Issue 1, November 1991 665-l

Digital Key Telephone Systems sTARPLUS@ SPD 1428 & 2856 System Data Base Printouts (Cont’d) B. Printing System Parameters Programming Steps If a printout of all System Parameters is desired: 1. Press the SYSTEM PARAMETERS flexible button (Button #I). The following message will be shown on the display phone: 2. To print the system parameter data base, press the HOLD button. The display will update. When the system has finished sending the informa- tion to the printer, confirmation tone will be heard. Description With a printer connected to the RS-232C port, of the CPB, the currently stored customer data base can be printed or “uploaded” into a file. This command allows the System Parameters data base to be “dumped” as a permanent record which can serve as a hard copy. The system Baud rate must match that of the printer or receiving device. When printing the System Parameters the following data is printed; l All System Timers l All System wide options (i.e. external night ringing, Hold preference etc...) l Attendant programming l Other system assignments (i.e. Page/Relay Assignments, Executive/Secretary, SMDR etc...) l Weekly Night Mode schedule Refer to the following Figure for an example of the system parameters data base print out. Default: None Related Programming: SMDR Programming for setting the baud rate or the RS232C port. 665-2 Issue 1, November 1991

STARPLUS@ SPb 1428 & 2856 Digital Key Telephone Systems 2856 Digital Key-System Eng. Ver. O.lH DATE: MM/DD/YY TIME: HH:MM:SS ZF pAsswom: kNTER PROGRAM NO 2 NONE 3 NONE 4 NONE 5 NONE 6 NONE RELAY/SENSOR ### a-85 PRINT DATA-BASE EWIERBUMONNUMBERB adm>q PRINTING SYS PARAM adm%YSTEMPARAM.ErERS 1 NONE 2 NONE 3 NONE 4 NONE 2 E-i-E Eng. Ver. O.lH SYSTEM TIMERS SHREHRARTXFRPFTCFN FI 60 180 1 45 10 15 2 I/O BAUD RATES PORT l/ON BOARD= FORT 2/MODEM= FORT 3/RS232= PORT 4/RS422= CPTCFT PKICOT SRTMWIH??T 180 10 15 3 20 0 10 ACCESS CODE 1 DISA ACCESS 100 2 ADMIN PASSWORD 3226 HFD 10 SDR TPE PNT BDR PORT N LD 80 4800 1 SYSTEM FEATURES AUTO NIGHT MODE N AINO SYHPENR MlwT PWT N YN YY WEEKLY NIGHT MODE SCHEDULE BGM LCR ACC GL Y N N Y ATTENDANT STATIONS 100 ### ### DATE&TIME FORMAT MM/DD/YY, 12 HOURS PBX DIALING CODES +I# ## ## ## ## EXECUT~~SEC$ARY PAIRINGS 1= 2= 3= ift: Et 4= ### ### RELAY ASSIGNMENTS ON BOARD RELAY 1 NONE 2 NONE 3 NONE 4 NONE 5 NONE 6 NON-E 7 NONE RELAY/SENSOR ### 1 NONE 2 NONE ii EE 5 NONE 6 NONE RELAY/SENSOR ### 1 NONE z :z-i!I 4 NONE 5 N&E 6 NONE RELAY/SENSOR ### 1 NONE START DAY ?i% TIME M 0 0800 Tl 0800 w2 0800 T 3 0800 F 4 E 2 ZIK: #### DIAL PULSE %% SPEED 1OPPS ahm exiting admin... Description 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 #### #### System Timers: SHR= System Hold Recall Timer EHR= Exclusive Hold Recall Timer ART= Attendant Recall Timer XFR= Transfer Recall Timer PFT= Preset Forward Timer CFN= Call Forward No-Answer Timer PT= Pause Timer CPT= Call Park Timer CFf= Conference Timer PTO= Page Timeout Timer COT= CO Ring Detect Timer SRT= Single Line Receiver Timer MWT= Message Wait Reminder Tone HFT= Hook Flash Timer HFD= Hookswitch Bounce Timer System Features: ATNO=Attendant Override SYHP= Hold Preference ENR= External Night Ringing EOWT=Exec Override Warn Tone PWT= Page Warning Tone BGM= Background Music LCR= LCR Enable/Disable ACC=Forced Account Codes GL=Group Listening Figure 665-l DB Printout of System Parameters Issue 1, November 1991 665-3

Digital Key Telephone Systems sTARPLUS@ SPD 1428 & 2856 System Data Base Printouts (Cont’d) C. Printing CO Line Attributes Programming Steps If a printout of the CO tine Attributes is desired: 1. Press the CO LINE ATTRIBUTES flexible but- ton (Button #2). The following message will be shown on the display phone: 2. To print the data for ALL CO Lines, press the HOLD button. To print CO Line data for a specified CO Line Range enter four digits to specify the CO Line range (two digits for the first line within the range and two digits for the last line in the range i.e. [0115]). If a print out of only one line is desired enter that line twice (i.e. [OlOi]). Then press the HOLD button. 3. The following display will be shown on the display phone and the CO Line data will be printed: When the system has finished sending the re- quested information to the printer, confirmation tone will be heard. Description With a printer connected to the RS-232C port, of the CPB, the currently stored customer data base can be printed or “uploaded” into a file. This command allows either a range of CO Lines or the entire CO Line data base to be “dumped” as a permanent record which can serve as a hard copy of the CO Line attribute data base. The system Baud rate must match that of the printer or receiving device. When printing the CO Line attributes the following data is printed; 0 All CO Line parameters within the specified range. l CO Line ringing assignments within the specified range. l Dial Pulse Ratio and Speed settings Refer to the following Figure for an example of the CO Line attribute data base print out. Default: None Related Programming: SMDR Programming for setting the baud rate or the RS232C port. 665-4 Issue 1, November 1981

STARPLUS@ SPD 1428 & 2856 Digital Key Telephone Systems 2856 Digital Key-System Eng. Ver. O.lH DATE: MM/DD/YY TIME: HH:MM:SS ENrERPAbwORD: ati, ENTER PROGRAM NO :zt5 PRINT CO LINES PRESS HOLD adrrv PRINTINGCO LINES CO LINE ATTRIBUTES co 1 Description SI@?ATJ TYPE UNA CONF PRI m co Y Y Y SUPV DISA FLY GRP COS N N 1 1 RING ASSIGNMENTS 100B co 2 SIG&L TYPE UNA CONF PRI co Y Y Y SUPV DISA FLTM GRP COS N N 10 1 1 RING ASSIGNMENTS 100B co 3 SIGNAL TYPEUNACONF PRI m co Y Y Y SUPV DISA FL%f Gy CYS N N SXNAL TYPE UNA CONF PRI JnPE? co Y Y Y SUPV DISA FLTM GRP CYS N N 10 1 RING ASSIGNMENTS 1OOB adrwm exiting admin... SIGNAL= DTMF/Dial Pulse TYPE= CO/PBX UNA= Universal Night Answer PRI= CO Line Privacy SUPV= Loop Supervision DISA= Direct Inward System Access FLTM= Flash Timer GFlP= CO Line Group COS= CO Line Class of Service Figure 665-2 DB Printout of CO Line Attributes Issue 1, November 1991 665-5

Digital Key Telephone Systems STARPLUS@ SPD 1428 & 2858 System Data Base Printouts (Cont’d) D. Printing Station Attributes Programming Steps If a printout of the Station Attributes is desired: 1. Press the STATION ATTRIBUTES flexible but- ton (Button #3). The following message will be shown on the display phone: 2. To print data for all stations, press the HOLD button. To print Station data for a specified Station Range enter six digits to specify the Station range (three digits for the first station within the range and three digits for the last station in the range i.e. [100109]). If a print out of only one station is desired enter that station twice (i.e. [101101]). Then press the HOLD button. 3. The following display will be shown on the display phone and the requested information will be printed: Description With a printer connected to the RS-232C port, of the CPB, the currently stored customer data base can be printed or “uploaded” into a file. This command allows either a range of station data or all stations data information to be “dumped” as a permanent record which can serve as a hard copy of the station attribute data base. The system Baud rate must match that of the printer or receiving device. When printing the Station attributes the following data is printed; @ All current station parameters l Current Flex Button assignments Refer to the following Figure for an example of a Station attribute data base print out. Default: None Related Programming: SMDR Programming for setting the baud rate or the RS232C port. When the system has finished sending the re- quested information to the printer, confirmation tone will be heard. . 6666 Issue 1, November 1991

2856 Digital Key-System Em. Ver. O.lH DA+E: MM/DD/YY TIME: HH:MM:SS ENTER PASSvxxxD: a*, ENTER PROGRAM NO ad85 afhnx PRINTING STATIONS STATION ATTRIBUTES STA 100 PAGE DND COW-EOR PRI SPD QUE PL3:O~OFzDLc:: N Y Y S:D AI: IX& N:OS SPK 0 1 0 PICKUP PAGE PREhD LCOS 1 1 N CO ACCESS 1 BUTION OlDlOO 04D103 07D106 z% 16COO6 19PLl 22LQu %E S 02DlOl 03D102 05D104 06D105 08D107 09D108 11c001 12coo2 14coo4 15coo5 17coo7 18COO8 2OLP 21cJ?o 23CBK 24PKU 26FWD 27DND PRIME KEY 0 Y STA 103 PAGE DND CONF EOR PRI SPD QUE YYY YNYY PLAOHVO EWD LCR S:D AI: IX& N:OS SPK 1 1 10 PICKUP PAGE PREFWD LCOS - . __ CA ACCEbS 1 N BUTTONS 01c001 02coo2 03coo3 04coo4 05coo5 06COO6 07coo7 08COO8 09coo9 Description PAGE= Paging Access DND= Do Not Disturb CONF= Conference EOR=Executive Override PRI= Privacy SPD= System Speed Dial Access QUE= Line Queue Access PLA= Preferred Line Answer OHVO=Off-Hook Voice Over MID= Station Call Forward Access LCR= LCR Class of Service SID= Station ID AID= Associated ID (DSS/DLS Console) DCOS= Day Class of Service NCOS= Night Class of Service SPK= Speakerphone Option PICKUP= Pickup Groups PAGE= Paging Groups PREFWD= Preset Forward Assignment LCOS=LCR Class of Service BUTTONS= Refer to Table 630-2) 40D121 41D122 42D123 43D124 44D125 45D126 46D127 47P222 481AC PRIMEKEY OY atim exiting admin... Figure 665-3 DB Printout of Station Attributes Issue 1, November 1991 665-7