Communications System
Vodavi Starplus Spd 4896 Hybrid Key Telephone System Installation Manual
Vodavi Starplus Spd 4896 Hybrid Key Telephone System Installation Manual
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STARPLUS @ SPD 4696 Digital Key Telephone SystemCUSTOMER DATABASE PROGRAMMING Appendix A-13 3-Digit Area/Office Code Route List Table / NON-LEADING (0) / CODE RTE / 6-DIG/ NON-LEADING (0) i CODE RTE i 6-DIG / ##NON-LEADING (0) CODE RTE / !LEADING (1) / (NNN) (RR) I (Y/N) l DIG LEADING (1) ’ (NNN) (RR) I (Y/N)DIGNON-LEADING (0) CODE RTE 6-DIG # / LEADING (1) 116-DIGLEADING (1)/ (NNN) (RR)(NNN) (RR) (Y/N) (Y/N)# iDIG , DIGI I 0 0I! j0 0I II1// I1I1 00I I/ : 1I II1II / 0I,0I 1 I 1j ! iI1! I I40 I0! I 1II1!I / II 0 I I0I1II I 0I 0/ I 0j /0I /I , I 0 /I0 II 0 I0 /1/ 0I0I 110I 1 I0 I1I /1 1/! 0/0/I II I1/I I11-1- 0I/0!1I// /1I0 0I /II 1I/ !1/ 0I I0/ !I1I1/ 0 I0/ , 1/1// Issue 1, March 1994Appendix A-23

STARPLUS @ SPD 4696 CUSTOMER DATABASE PROGRAMMINGDigital Key Telephone System Appendix A-l 4 6-Digit Office Code Table r AREA CODE ROUTE Appendix A-24issue 1, March 1994

STARPLUS @ SPD 4696 Digital Key Telephone SystemCUSTOMER DATABASE PROGRAMMING Appendix A-l 5 LCR Exception Code Table ! // EXCEPTION CODE jROUTE / #ICODES I(00-l 5) (XX)IRRI2 I / /CODEEXCEPTION 1ROUTE ’ #CODESI (00-l 5)(Xx)I(RR) 1 11‘ ! I 12I 13I I 14 15 16/ 17I 18I/ 19,/ 20Ij Issue 1, March 1994Appendix A-25

STARPLUS @ SPD 4696 Digital Key Telephone SystemDIGITAL SYSTEMS PART NUMBERS APPENDIX 8 DIGITAL SYSTEMS PART NUMBERSAppendix 8-I Digital System Component List Iescription starplus SPD 4896 Components: Key Service Unit (KSU) Central Processor Unit (CPU) Voice Control Board (VCB) Key Telephone Board (KT12) Single Line Board (SL12) CO Line Board (C012) Power Supply jtarplus SPD 4896 Digital Terminals: 34-Button Executive (Display) Telephone 34-Button Executive/PC Interface Telephone 34-Button Enhanced (Non-Display) Telephone 14-Button Basic Telephone DSS/DLS Console Unit DSS/DLS Expansion Module Handset Assembly 34-Button Wall Mount Bracket Single Line Adapter (SLA) Starplus Digital Systems Manuals: Description, Installation and Maintenance Manual Station User’s Guide (pkg of 6) SLT User’s Guide (pkg of 6) Attendant User’s Guide Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) User’s Guide (pkg of 6) Part No.4800-00 4830-004830-l 0 4832-00 4833-00 4831-00 4871-00 1414-Xx* 1418-xX* 1412-Xx* 1411 -‘Xx*141 o-xx* 1410-10 1464-xX* 1440-xX*1484-00 4850-00 4852-00 4853-00 4854-00 4855-00 Starplus Digital Systems Optional Components: 4-Circuit DTMF Receiver Module (DTM4) Relay/Sensor Interface Module Digital Data Interface Unit (DDIU) Backplane I/O FiS-232C Expander Module Tri-Output Power Supply4834-00 1435-001485-00 4873-00 4872-00 / ; * Colors: 08=0ff White, 60=Burgundy, 70=Lt. Gray, 71 =Charcoal Gray Jssue 1, March 1994 Appendix S-1

STARPLUS @ SPD 4696 Digital Key Telephone SystemICLID GENERAL DESCRIPTION APPENDIX C ICLID GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.INTRODUCTION This specification provides the functional and impie-mentation definition for the addition of the ICLIDfeature to the Starpius Digital Key Telephone Sys- tems. 2. SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONThe following illustration depicts the configuration presumed for the implementation of the ICLID fea- ture for the system. The phones are presumed to be in an ACD or UCD group in order to allow proper operation with the system. 3.FUNCTIONAL PERFORMANCE The ICLID (Incoming Calling Line IDentification) fea- ture has been added to the Starpius Digital Key Systems as a first step in providing it generally. The key system operation of this feature is dependent on the feature first being activated from the central office so that the numbers of the calling party will bedelivered over the individual tip and ring of the CO lines during the first silent interval between ringing. The features implemented are: 1.Display of calling number/name on initial ring-in of a line on the display keysets.2. Recording of incoming call number/name on the SMDR printout. 3. Management of an “unanswered call” table from a display phone with appropriate privilege level to allow tracking of unanswered calls for statistical information and return call manage- ment.4. Local translation of incoming numbers to names according to a table of number/name equivalences which can be administered by the system. STARPLUSCO ?INES KSUCUD !CLIDNERFACEINTERFACE‘,iw‘L!NlTRS232I 1 I FL5232 LANSERVER IANFigure 1 ICLID System Configuration Issue 1, March 1994Appendix C-l

ICLID GENERAL DESCRlPTlON STARPLUS @ SPD 4696 Digital Key Telephone System A. Calling Number/Name DisplayThis feature is intended as the basic offering of the ICLID service when associated with the Star- plus Digital Key Telephone System. Essentially,whenever an incoming call is received at the system, the number received along with the ringing signal will be stored in the line control tables and used at various points in the process- ing of the call.The primary function will be that the calling number will be displayed (if available) at any point at which the “LINE RINGING” is displayed in the system.In addition, with the availability of the calling name feature, if the calling name is provided, the system will deliver that to the display instead of the calling number. The specification for this feature is that the sys- tem will display its “LINE RINGING” message as normally implemented and alter that display to the calling number/name if the information is made present on the line. This will allow the normal operation of the system when ICLID information is not presented or the device which intercepts it and provides the information to the KSU is missing or failed. 00000000011111i111122222123456789012345678901234 bbbbb-Tbbbbb or xxxxxxxxxxxxY~xxxxxxxxxx 1If the calling name is available, the display will be shown as above where the X’s represent the internal table storage of the calling name. Note that although the Central Office delivery of the calling name is IWharacters, the internal table used to store the name for translation of a re- ceived number is 24-characters in width. If the Central Office delivers a name , it will be posi- tioned left justified in the 24character field on the display. Note that if a number is received which matches a number/name translation, the translated name will be used and the name delivered from the Central Office will be effec- tively discarded. If no name is available, either supplied from the Central Office or internally from the translation table, the delivered number will be positioned centered in the display as shown above for the 14 N’s. B. c. D. 4. Incoming Number/Name SMDRAs with the above feature implementation, the intent is that the system operate normally in the absence of ICLID information or the failure of the ICLID equipment. If the information is present at the time that an SMDR record is generated for a call, it will alter the content and format of the SMDR output record. If the calling number is avai’lable, the numberwill be output in the SMDR record in the same location as the dialed number is located in the outgoing calls. If the calling name is present, an additional line will be output in the SMDR identifying the name. This record will immediately follow the normalSMDR record. The normal SMDR record will include an indicator which identifies that a fol- lowing record with name identification is present.Unanswered calls will be recorded on the SMDR for incoming as a system option to allow the identification of callers for statistical and call- back purposes. These calls will be identified withan indicator in the SMDR record. Unanswered Call ManagementAn Unanswered Call Management Table with 100 entry capacity for the Starplus SPD 4896 system is maintained in the system. The calling number/name information pertaining to any un- answered call will be placed in this table at the time the system has determined that the call hasbeen abandoned. This table may be administered from appropri- ately privileged phones so that the unanswered tails may be reviewed and handled by the cus- tomer. Local Name TranslationAn administerable table provides a local trans- lation from a received calling number to a name. This table can be administered by the customer from the attendant console location. In cases of conflict between the name delivered from the CO and that in the local translation table, the local translation table shall rule. 200 entries are provided for the Starplus SPD 4896 system. ICLID Display Phone OperationThe phone, modified as described in paragraph, will be used to deliver specific data messages identifying call states to a device attached to the phone via a serial channel following the data transmission re- quirements of RS-232C. The interface parameters to be used are 2400bps no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit. The implementation of this will be to deliverICLID data to a Personal Computer attached to the Appendix C-2Issue 1, March 1994

STARPLUS @ SPD 4696 Digital Key Telephone Systemphone for look-up of customer records and sub- sequent processing by the individual answering the telephone call. A.Information from the Phone to the PCThe messages are provided from the keyset to the connected PC are shown in the table below. The formats of these messages are shown in thetable below. These messages are transmitted from the KSU to the phone and subsequently from the phone to the data line as the appropriate events occur within the system. Each event is separate and does not require any history to be maintained. A PC connected to the phone must be prepared to accept and process any of these messages at any time.The data is sent from the KSU to the keysetusing command FO. The keyset then takes the data byte and sends it out to the PC at 2400 baud, no panty, eight data bits, and one stop bit.There is no handshaking in the keyset so the PC must always be ready to receive the data sent to it. The data is in the form specified in the ICLIDspecification. ICLID GENERAL DESCRIPTION B.Information from the PC to the PhoneThe ICLID phone allows information from a con- nected PC to be used to simulate button depres- sions internally within the phone. The characters sent from the PC to the phone must be paced toprovide at least 1OOms between characters (500ms for DTMF pad depressions). The data received from the PC is converted to keystroke data. The data is received at 2400 baud, no parity, eight data bits, and one stop bit. There is no handshaking in the keyset receive. To allow the keyset time to send the data to the KSU character pacing of 1 OOms is required. To allow DTMF outgoing digits to complete, 500ms pac- ing is required. The character received has bits seven and eight striped off and is converted to the key strokes as per the following chart. Time must be allowed from the access of a CO line before digits are sent out to the line. The follow- ing table lists The ASCII characters and the button depression they cause. 1Message TypeMessage Formatj Size / I. Caller informationliilm ! 42I , NXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXX(Cr)2. Call answered at this station.; 2il(Cr)’ 4 1 3. Caii answered at some other station.: Zii(Cr)4 i 4. Call abandoned. 4iitCr)4 5. Call completed at this station (on-hook). Sli(Cr)6. Transferred ICLID call.j Giim / 4: ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ( Cr )j -7. Recalled ICLID. 7iilDINNNNW j42/ xxxxxxxxx:xxxxxxx j I XXXXX(Cr)/ Note: ii = Two bytes used to identify a call for subsequent messages so that a PC will be able to identify current call status for processing purposes. N...N = This is the number received from the Central Office. X...X = This is the name to be used for look-up purposes as delivered either from the Central Office or via the number to name internal translation in the system. Issue 1, March 1994Appendix C-3

ICLID GENERAL DESCRIPTION STARPLUS @ s#‘D 4696 Digital Key Telephone System II2E ) MUTE 1 IOOms ) . -.4 35 / 5 366 37 1.7 38f8 9 2F 1 ON/OFF 1 OOms/ 30H/W Error . 0 31,,1, 2 3 3B/ .I,3c < 3D =3E 1 >3F ! ? z. Normally the MSG button. Normally the FWD button. 6. Normailv the DND button.‘. Normally the CONF button. 5.IMPLEMENTATION PLAN The reference for this data delivery is the BellCoRespecification TR-TSY-000030 Issue 1 dated Novem- ber 1988. Other specifications will be consulted as they become available. In particular, the implemen- tation of the multiple message format provided by Northern Telecom must be examined for deviations from the multiple message format definition in the TR-TSY-000030 document. The steps necessary to implement this are detailed in the following sections. A. ICLID KTlJ Display Phone The ICLID KTU provides transmit, receive, and ground data lines from the phone p-processor which are used on command from the KSU to output information. The use of this capability would be to output the ICLID information to a PC attached to the phone. Future use could be made of this capability for low speed data pro- vided to equipment attached to the phone. Appendix C-4Issue 1, March 1994

STARPLUS * SPD 4696 Digital Key Telephone System ICLID GENERAL DESCRIPTION 6. Table Structures aIncoming Number Table (per CO line) co 4Received # Received Name Line (14)(24)1 / 2 /! I 3DateTime CO Line(2)(2) (2)! 1 I . ...l . ...... ....0.n-l/ / n/ II/ b Unanswered Call Table1 I co :j Received # IReceived I Name /DateTime ~ CO Line Line ~ l1 4, ’ (24) j(2)(2) /(2) 0 ~I / Oldest IndexI 2 ~/ I Newest index i3/1I / 4 ~1 cNumber to Name Translation Table EntryReceived #Received Name 1:’ (14)(24)/ 1 [ 2 *.. . . * m.. : 99 j Issue 1, March 1994Appendix C-5