Communications System
Vodavi Starplus Spd 4896 Hybrid Key Telephone System Installation Manual
Vodavi Starplus Spd 4896 Hybrid Key Telephone System Installation Manual
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STARPLUS @ Sf’D 4896 Digital Key Telephone SystemMAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING FUNCTION ‘rovides interface for 12 Loop Start CO tines.Table 800-7 CO Line Loop Board (C012) CONTROLTwo LEDs that indicate the presence of +5V dc and -5V dc Additionally, 12 LEDsindicate the presence of CO line in use. - I rOPTIONS rloneTable 800-8 Voice Control Board (VCS)FAULT OPTIONS 1 .Unabie to receiveintercom dial tone. 2.Poor transmission characteristics. 3.Key telephone set inoperative. 4.Key telephone un-able to invoke feat- ures 5.No LED indications. FUNCTION j Contains “On-Board” 1200 Baud ModemCONTROL jOPTIONSi FAULT OPTIONS i Nonej 1 .Loss of unique cus-I / tomer database pro-Provides all system tones / such as intercom dial tone/ and busy tone, etc.!1 gramming/ 2,Erroneous call pro-/ cessing; 3.No Background Music Table 800-9 4-circuit DTMF Module (DTM4) FUNCTION jCONTROLI OPTIONSj FAULT OPTIONS Used to add DTMF :Adds 4 DTMF receiver.j Nonej 1. SLT cannot receive or receivers to the system to’ break dial tone. 1 support Single Line I1 2. DISA call can’t re I ooeration. ceive or break dial tone. Table 800-10 Backplane l/O Expansion Module (IOM) FUNCTIONCONTROL jOPTIONSFAULT OPTIONS Provides two additional i None I RS-232C ports to the Ij None/ 1 .Loss of SMDR data./ ! , system.I Table 800-6 Single Line Telephone Adapter (OPX) rFUNCTION jCONTROL jOPTIONSI FAULT OPTIONS 1 1 Provides one 48 volt loop iBusy state LED that /None; 1 .SLT can’t receiveto interface an OPX monitors circuits for busy /j dial tone. circuit.condition. /i 2.Poor transmission, i characteristics.I Issue 1, March 19948003

MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTlNG800.2REMOTE MAINTENANCE A. General Overview The Remote Maintenance feature allows authorized personnel to survey system and slot configuration information. This can be done through a modem or data terminal connected to the Backplane Expan- sion Module via the RS-232C port. The commands are entered from a keyboard and are limited to those listed. B.Overview of Maintenance Commands There are four basic commands available in the Remote Maintenance feature. All commands begin with a single character, followed by a space, another character and an optional digit or digits. All com- STARPLUS @ SPD 4696 Digital Key Telephone Systemmands are terminated with a carriage return. Basic format of the commands are shown in Figure 800-l :C. Maintenance Password The Remote Maintenance feature, like Remote Pro- gramming, is entered via a six-character alphanu- meric string. The password prompt is given by entering a carnage return at the device connected to the Backplane Expansion Module RS-232C port. After the prompt is printed out, the password should be entered followed by a carriage return. Proper entry of the password will result in the maintenance prompt. The Remote Maintenance password is: {CONFIG}D. Exit Maintenance The Exit command will terminate thecurrent Remote Maintenance feature session. The Exit command format is: MAINT>X a896 3igizal ley-SysCeTZng. Ver.0.071F DATE:06/09/93TIM2 :13:26:413JTER ?ASSWORD:mainc>lcommand list: a sFzn]- durm system or slog configurazion da:a[x.> specifiesar. optionalslot nmber garmecer20 parameter iz&,caces t:lac -,ke enr-ire syscern will be chmpedexampies: _maznr,>c s(dumps ercire syszem configurazlon)maintzd s2(dumps ~10~ 2 Configuration, ezc.)?- helu menu x- exi;Xaintxairz>Figure 800-l Remote Maintenance Help Menu 800-4Issue I, March 1994

STARPLUS @ SPD 4696 Digital Key Telephone SystemMAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING F System Configuration Ftl,Jre 800-2 is a configuration of the Starpius Digital key Telephone System with LCR and shows what is printed out when: a. The installer enters DS at the mainbprompt. TY?E_--_-- C?SKI3XI3KIIBIi;3coa COB CO3 COB1x13II3 a??

STARPLUS @ SPD 4896 Digital Key Telephone SystemMAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING F. CO/Station ConfigurationFigure 800-3 is the CO/Station Configuration and shows what is printed out when: a. The installer enters DSP at the maint> prompt. Figure 800-3 CO/Station Configuration where: CO Lines: Column 1: lists the CO Line number. Coiumn 2: indicates status: 00s status can indicate the entire card is out of service. INS status can indicate a board station is in- stalled and operating correctly. Outgoing en- abled indicates the CO line is active in the system. Outgoing disabled indicates that the Attendant has disabled the CO line for outgoing accessColumn 3: indicates whether the CO Line is Pulse or DTMF. (programmable option) Column 4: indicates whether the CO Line is a CO Line or a PBX Line. programmable option) where: Stations Column 1: lists the station number. Column 2: indicates station type (keyset, DSS, SLT. Keyset - ID 0 = Key station DSS/DLS - ID 1 = DSS Map 1 DSS/DLS - ID 2 = DSS Map 2 DSS/DLS - ID 3 = DSS Map 3 DSS/DLS - ID 4 = DSS Map 4 SLT - ID 5 = SLT/OPXSLT w/Lamp - ID 6 = SLT w/Message Waiting Relay/Sensor - ID 7 = Relay/Sensor Module DDIU - ID 8 = Digital Data Interface Unit Column 3; indicates status:COS status can indicate the entire card is out of service or a specific station is not installed or installed but not operational. INS status can indicate a specific station is installed and operating correctly. Column 4: indicates whether the station has an LCDDisplay or doesn’t have an LCD Display. 800-6Issue 1, March 1994

STARPLUS a SPD 4696 Digital Key Telephone System MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING G.Event Trace BufferThe Event Trace Buffer is used to store and dump event traces (up to 30) that occur just prior to a Starplus Digital Key Telephone Sys- tem soft or hard restart. These can then be reviewed by authorized personnel to aid in sys- tem troubleshooting.. The basic format for the commands are: l Tcspacexreturn>- display the current status of the Event trace buffer l TOcreturn> - turns the Trace buffer OFF.l Tcspace>l - turns the Trace bufferON to record events prior to a soft system reset.l Tcspace>2ereturn> - turns theTrace buffer ON to record events prior to a hard system restart.l T3creturn> - turns the Trace Buff- er ON to record events prior to either a soft reset or a hard system restart. l dcspace>Ecreturn> - dumps Trace Events stored from last system reset. (soft or hard) ~~~willabortiheDataDumpandretumiodhemainb prompt. Issue 1, March 1994800-7

MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING STARPLUS * SPD 4896 Digital Key Telephone System 800.3REMOTE SYSTEM MONITOR A. General OverviewThe Remote Monitor feature provides remote access to the installed system for diagnostic purposes. These capabilities benefit Service personnel enabling them to support the end user remotely. Different levels of access, via password, allows authorized personnel to trace, monitor and “up-load” critical information directly from the Starplus Digitai Key Telephone System. This provides a more accurate means of acquiring system information that leads to a quick resolution of problems that may occur. This is all done without interfering with ongoing call processing or normal system operation, and in many cases may be performed without a site visit. The built-in 1200 baud modem (fu- ture) is used for remote access. Capabilities allowed and reserved for this “High level troubleshooting” in addition are: * Monitor Mode * Enable & Disable Event “Trace” l Dump ‘Trace Buffer” (up-load) S. Monitor Password The Remote Monitorfeature, like Remote Main- tenance, is entered via a six-character alphanu- meric string. The password prompt is given by entering a carriage return at the device con- nected to the Backplane I/O Expansion Module.After the prompt is printed out, the password should be entered followed by a carriage return. Proper entry of the password will result in the MON> prompt. The Remote Maintenance password is: {ETRACE)The remote monitor feature is intended for use7only under the guidance and instruction by/ / authorized personnel from a Technical Assistance Center (TAC). Can? and caution must/be observed when using this feature as permanent damage to the software structure can occur. / C. Help Menu (?)A convenient on screen Help Menu is provided by typing a“?” then pressing Enter. The follow- ing will appear on the screen: 4896 Digital Key-SystemZ‘no. Ver. 0.071? DATE:06/09/93 TIUE: 13:30:55_SNTER TASSWORD:!llOIl>?command list: = [cl- dmqa co datas [sl- dump spa datat [a:- set trace key d [al [al - dump memoryna- modify memoryb rate -set b&d rate _?- help menu- exit monitorRIOID >D. Dump Memory Data Three options allow the memory structure lo be “dumped” for viewing. The three options are entered as follows: c [c] - Dump CO Line memory structure s [s] - Dump Station memory Structure d [a][a] - Dump a memory address Structure The data obtained from these commands is in hexadecimal format and is used primarily for manufacture level support. a + C will abort the Data Dump and return to theman> prompt.1 800-8issue 1, March 1994

STARPLUS @ SPD 4896Digital Key Telephone SystemMAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING E.Event Trace Mode The ‘T’ command enables and disables the StarplusDigital Key Telephone System Trace mode. While the trace mode is enabled events for the trace de- sired will be displayed on the monitor, printer or PC connected to the Starplus Digital Key Telephone System in an event record. To view the current statusof the trace mode type ‘T’creturn>at the MON>prompt then the following screen will be displayed: mon>t MessagesY/N -------- ---BOARD ZSJT-> N MSC States -> N Dev-> NICM-> N COL StaEes --> NStir States --> N7-7,--orxsg-> NQue 3t-> Na. To enable an event trace type 7” (space bar) b. Then type of trace desired [d], where d is deter- mined as follows: - B= Board event trace (traces events asso- ciated with PCB’s) - M= Miscellaneous State event trace - P= Pulse Coded Modulation (PCM) traces events associated with voice communica- tions. - C= CO Line (C012) States (traces events associated with CO Line activity) - S= Station (STA) States (traces events as- sociated with Station activity) - E= Error Messages (traces error mes- sages) - Q= Queue (QUE) Events (traces queuing events, i.e. DTMF receiver, UCD, LCR, etc...) - D= Device Command (traces commands to peripheral devices).c. Then enter the specific board, CO line or Sta- tion number of the trace desired or type “all” if all board’s, CO line’s or Station’s events are desired. - 1-19 = Board KSU card slot position (CPU= 1) - 01-48 = CO Line port - 100-l 95 = Station location - All= All Boards, CO lines or Stations d. Then press Enter to enable the trace. A screen similar to the following will appear: mon>t b MessagesY/N-----------BOARD EVT-> Y MSC States -> N Dev -> NPCM-> N COL States -> N Stn States -> N Error Msg -> N Que Evt-> N mowe. To disable or turn off a particular trace mode do not enter a specific board, CO line or Station number (i.e. “tcspace>scretum>” to disable station event trace). To have event trace’s displayed on the screen you must first exit the MONitor mode by typing %” at the MON> prompt. After you exit the event(s), the trace will begin as shown in Figure 800-4 Event Trace as it appears on Display. CAUTION . iUnless instructed by personnel at a Technical Assistance j Center (TAC) do not leave the trace mode enabled for! extended periods of time. The system will “dump” the1requested event(s) trace which may use up paper or fill/ memory bufferson the collecting device. It is recommended 1thatthe trace events be disabled (turned off) for all event(s) traces before leaving the system site. Issue 1, March 1994 800-g

MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTINGSTARPLUS @ SPD 4696 Digital Key Telephone SystemSta 100: State= DIAL-TONE, Evt= Dial Oad (25), Data=7 Sta 100: State= DIALING, Evt= Dial Pad (251, Data=5 Sta 100: State= DIALING, Evt= Int Page (69), Data=8Sta 100:State= PAGING,Evt= Dial Pad (251, Data=3Sta 100:State= PAGING, Evt= Dial Pad (25), Data=9 Sta 100: State= PAGING, Evt= Dial Pad (251, Data=5Sta 100:State= PAGING,Evt= Dial Pad (251, Data=8Sta 100:State= PAGING,Evt= Dial Pad (25). Data=7Sta 100:State= PAGING,Evt= Dial Pad (25), Data=4 Sta 100: State= ?AGING, ?vt= %a1 pad (25), Data=3 Sta iO0: State= PAGING, Zvr;= Dial Pad (25), Data=9 Sta 100: State= PAGING, En= Dial lad (25), Data=9 Sta 100: State= PAGING, Pvt= Dial ?ad (25). Data=9 Sta 100: State= PAGING, Evt= Dial Pad (25), Daca=7Sta 100:State= PAGING,Evt= Dial Pad (251, Data=11Sta 100:State= PAGING,Evt= Dial Pad (25), Data=3 Sta 100: State= PAGING, Evt= Diai Pad (25), Data=2Sta 100:State= PAGING, Evt: Page T/O (150), Data=0Sta 100: State= MISC-TONE, Evt= Dial Pad 125), Data=4 Sta 100: State= MISC-TONE, Evt= Dial Pad (25), Data=9 Sta 100: State= MISC-TONE, Evt= Key Data (26). Data=32 State= MISC-TONE,Evt= Mon Key (1451, Data=-1State= MISC-TONE, En= On Xook (171, Data=0 -JFigure 800-4 Event Trace as it appears on Display F.Modify Memory commandH.Exit the Monitor mode The Modify Memory Command is for Engineer- ing Use only. CAUTION/ iUse of this command can alter or damage the Starplusj Digital Key Telephone Systems operating data base which /can result in system malfunction. If this occurs it will be G. Baud Rate Command This command provides a convenient means for changing the baud rate, for the RS-232-C port located on the Central Processor Unit (CPU), while in the Monitor mode. To change the baud rate type W plus the desired baud rate, then the enter key. After changing the Baud Rate via Baud Rate / command, you must change your Baud Rate on your Receivefflefminal.IThe Exit command will terminate the current Remote Monitor enable/disable session. If Event(s) Trace have been or are still enabled the event records will be displayed only after exiting the MONitor mode. The Exit command format is: MON> X CAUTIONI I /Unless instructed by personnel at a Technical Assistance / /Center (TAC) do not leave the trace mode enabled foriextended periods of time. The system will “dump” the j requested event(s) trace which may use up paper or fill / i memory buffers on the collecting device. it is recommended / : that the event traces be disabled (turned off) for all event(s) 1 ; before leaving the system site. I 80040issue 1, March 1994

%‘ARPLlJS @ SPD 4896 Digital Key Telephone SystemCUSTOMER DATABASE PROGRAMMING APPENDIX A CUSTOMER DATABASE PROGRAMMING Appendix A-l System Parameters PROGCODEj FLEX II / BTN /FUNCTION IFORMATj DEFAULTCUSTOMER / DATA jFLASH01 / 1 /System Hold RecallI 000-300 s0805’I 21 Exclusive Hold RecallII I 000-300 slaosI 3Attendant Recall TimerI 00-60 minOf minI 4 Transfer Recall000-300 s045s 5Preset Forward Timer00-99 s10s 6Call Forward No/Answer000-600 s j075s! 7! Pause Timer1-9 si 2s / a /Call Park Timer000-600 m180s I 9 i Conference/DISA Timer00-99 m !10mI 1 I 10 j Paging Timeout TimerI00-60 S i15s/ 1 j 111 CO Ring Detect Timeri 200-900 msec I 300 msec: 12 DISASLT Receiver TimerI 005-100 !020s / : 13 MSG Wait Reminder Tone000-l 04 mI OOOm 1 i 14 /SLT Hook-Flash Timer05-20 s /1.0s 15 SLT Hook-Flash Debounce Tmri 0.00-1.00 set /0.1 si 16 ,SMDR* Call Qualification TimerI00-60 sec.} 30 sec.I j17 ! Auto Call Back Timerj 00-99 sec. / 00 sec. / 18 / Reminder Ring Timer/00-99 sec. / 00 sec.i 19 j Release Guard Timer/ 01-50 msec.I 300 msec1/ I II FLASH 05 ’ 1 1 Attendant OverrideYes/No I No 2/Hold Preference Sys/Excli System I 3‘External Night Ring 4 : Executive Warning Tone 5/Page Warning Tone 6Background Music 7 iLCR* Enable 8j ForcedAccount Codes* / 9 !Group Listening I 10 /Idle Speaker ModeYes/NoINo i Yes/No :Yes i Yes/No ;Yes / Yes/No IYes I Yes/No / No 1 I Yes/No 1 No 1 I Yes/No i No I Yes/No I No // j11 /Call Cost* Display Feature : 12 /Music On Hold 13 ! Handset Receiver Gain 14 j Call Qualifier Tone OptionYes/No j No 1 Yes/No ’Yes II Yes/No : No 1 I Yes/No No j/ I / / I ’ - ‘)DITIONAL SYSTEM FEATURES: 4SH 06 j 1: Barge-In Warninq ToneI j Enable/Disable IEnable / I *Features available with optional software. Issue 1, March 1994Appendix A-l

CUSTOMER DATABASE PROGRAMMING STARPLUS @ SPD 4896 Digital Key Telephone System Appendix A-l System Parameters (Cont’d) PROG/ FLEX CODE 1 BTNFUNCTION SYSTEM FLASH RATES: /FLASH07 ’ 1 1 Incoming CO Ringing i 2/Incoming ICM Ringing II 3/ Call Forward / 4 /Message Waiting /CUSTOMER IFORMATDEFAULT DATA /00-1530 ipm flash ! 00-15 120ipmI ! flutter ! 00-l 5i 30 ipm flash / 00-l 515 iprn flakhFLASH10 /Attendant Station Assignment100-l 95100 FLASH 11 ! l-4 /Time/Date Format/ 12/24 HR:M/D12 HR:M/D 1 ! FLASH 12/ 1-5 I PBX Dialing Codesj Five 2-Digit 1 None/ , , /FLASH 13 j 1 1 Exec/Secy Pair 1i Sta #, Sta # jNone I I I 2 / Exec/Secy Pair 21 Sta #, Sta # /None1 / 1 3 ! Exec/Secy Pair 3I Sta #, Sta # jNoneI i 4/ Exec/Secy Pair 4I Sta #, Sta # 1None, jFLASH 14 ;1 iRelay #INone/ I /~ 21 Relay #2NoneI / 3 !Relay #3! I None 1 4 (Sensor #I! !! None! I 5 1 Sensor #2I NoneI ~ 6; Sensor #3II / /,None I / 8 /Stations / 12 / Relay/Sensor #I1None I None/ i 13 j Relay/Sensor #2I1 I None/ ) 14 /Relay/Sensor #3/ INone 15 I Relay/Sensor #4/ None ,FLASH15 11 Port #I (“On-Board” RS-232C)I 2400 2j Port $2 (“On-Board” Modem)j 12001 : 3I Port #3 (Backplane RS-232C)2400 4 ?ort #4 (Backplane RS232C)! 2400 ‘FLASH 20 1j DISA Access Codeloo-999 itoo I2 i Admin. PasswordOne 4-Digit i32261 FLASH 211j SMDR* Enable/DisableYes/No 1 No j 2i Call Type: AlI/LD Only / LD Only 1 j 3 /Print Columns 80/29 / 80 1 -.’ 4 /Baud Rate 300/1200/2400 / 4800/9600 j2400 j 5 11/o Port1/2l3/4 I Port #l*Features available with optional software. Appendix A-2Issue 1, March 1994