Communications System
Vodavi Starplus Spd 4896 Hybrid Key Telephone System Installation Manual
Vodavi Starplus Spd 4896 Hybrid Key Telephone System Installation Manual
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STARPLUS * SPD 4896 Digital Key Telephone SystemINSTALLATION Conditions: PCDDIU GNDl1GNO n2ib 2RD a0343TD 5G7iSG m4b 4RTs CES45CT.S DTR20l MDTR OSR646 OSR DC0848 OCDRI22422 RI TxCLKlS1lSTxCL!cRXCLK17417RxTLKComputer to Phone Cable To establish a connection to any idle data port: 1. A user with an associated DDIU dials the station number of the DDIU or the group ac- cess number of the group that the DDIU has been inserted into or presses a DSS button representing the DDIU. The digital key systemwill then determine the baud rate setting for the called DDIU and convert the user’s asso- ciated DDIU to the same baud rate. The sys- tem will then ccmplete the connection. A second method to establish a connection between two DDlUs is done by the first attendant. 1.The first attendant dials the extension number of one data unit. Dial tone is received and the display will show the BAUD RATE. 2.Then dials the station number of the second data unit, confirmation tone is heard. To break down an established connection: 1. The station user dials his associated DDIUnumber or press the DSS button for the asso- ciated DDIU followed by pressing the FLASH button. The first attendant can dial one of the DDIUs, followed by pressing the FLASH but- ton.The System is transparent to the devices being connected. Therefore each DDIU must be config- ured with a specific baud rate, number of data bits and number of stop bits. This configuration will be done by the first attendant or in the case of an associated data unit can be configured by the user.Data switching is accomplished using the same wiring the telephone station uses for voice switch- ing.Data ports can be arranged in UCD Groups or Hunt Groups. Data ports do not have to be associated with a keyset, however to connect two DDIU devices one of them must be associated with a keysetunless the connection is made by the first atten- dant.When the data connection has been completed, the baud rate used in the connection will be displayed on the keyset.Non associated DDIU connections can be broken down by the first attendant. A DDIU has a DCE interface. Therefore a straight through RS-232C cable can be used connect to a DTE device (printer, PC, etc.). Each DDIU requires a digital terminal port. Refer to Station Attributes Programming, 630.2, Station Identification for programming the Station ID of the Digital Data Interface Unit (DDIU). Also refer to Sec. 630.3, Digital Data Interface Unit (DDIU) for programming the parameters of the Digital Data Interface Unit (DDIU). Issue 1, March 1994500-33

INSTALLATlON STARPLUS @ SPD 4896 Digital Key Telephone System Table 500-6 SMDR PrintoutThe SMDR feature provides detailed records of all outgoing and/or incoming, long distance only or all calls. The SMDR Qualification Timer determines the length of time that is needed to determine a valid SMDR call for reporting purposes. By default, this timer is set to 30 seconds and is variable from 00 to 60 seconds in 1 sec. increments. This feature is enabled or disabled in system programming. By default, SMDR is not enabled and is set to record long distance calls only. A printout format of 80 characters maximum or 29 character maximum may be selected in system programming. The standard format is 80 characters on a single line. A 29 character format will generate 3 lines per message. If the SMDR feature is enabled, the system starts collecting information about the call as soon as it starts and terminates when the call ends. If the call was longer then 30 seconds, the following information is printed: 29 character format selected: 123123456789012345678901234567890 AAA BB HH:MM:SS HH:MM MM/DD/YY(CR) (LF)HCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC GGGGGGGGGGGG STA CO TOTALSTART DATE 116 08 00:02:00 14:13 05/11/90(cR)(T) 0123456789012345678901234(CR)(LF) 123456789012(CR)(LF) 80 character format selected: i23r557a 1234567890123456789Oi234~6789Ol234~6789O~234~6789O1~~~3456789012345678901234567890 .QA 33 m:MM:ss 3H:Lm m4/3D/YYHCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC GGGGGGGGGGGG (CR) (LF)STA CO TOTAL STARTDATE 3IALZDACCO-GNT CODECOST 116 08 00:02:00 14:13 05/11/90 0123456789012345678901234 123456789012(CR)(LF) 80 character format with Call Cost Display feature enabled: SCA co IIOTA> s ZGT3AP3IAL3ACCOLWT CODECOST 116 08 OO:L12:00 14:13 05/1:,9C0123456;990-3rJ67890~234123456789012 000.00 (C3) (i?) 80 character format for DISA Calls: 2 34567 8 12345678901234567890123456749c1234J67890~23~~~789C~234~67890~234567890~234~678901234567890 -xi 3B :-::;.:NM:ss zx:.m x?4/ED/VY 32CCCCCC~~~,ILI,CCCCCCCCCCCC GGGGGGGGGGGG (CR)& - STA co ?OTALSTART3AT53;A;zlACCOUNT COD2 COST 3401 c0:02:00 14:13 05/11/90 I123456789012 OOO.OO(CR)(;~) 0: 04 00:04:54 14::s 05/11/90 001234567330~234j678901234 - continue on next page - 500-34 Issue 1, March 1994

STARPLUS @ SPD 4896 Digital Key Telephone SystemINSTALLATION Table 500-6 SMDR Printout (Cont’d) ICLID 60 character format selected: 12345678~234567890123456789012345678901234567890~234567890~23456789012345678901234567890 STA co.ToLGSA3.T3AE DIALZZIACCObzJ CO3ECOST 100 01 00:00:36 04:37 06/19/92 II-602-443-6000*-(CR) (LF) **VODAVI(CR)(W)01 0O:OO:OC 04:38 06/19/92 Ul-602-443-6000** **VODAVIAAA = Station originator or Trunk on DISA and Off-Net (CO Line) calls. BB = Outside line number HH:MM:SS = Duration of call in Hours, Minutes and Seconds HH:MM = Time of day (start time) in Hours and Minutes MM/DD/YY = Date of Call H = Indicates call type: “I” = Incoming* “0” = Outgoing ‘T’ = Transferred* YJ”= Unanswered calls for ICLID SMDR call records CC....CC = Number dialed GG....GG = Last Account code entered (optional) (CR) = Carriage return (LF) = Line Feed *When ACD features are present in the system, the “I”, and ‘7” are replaced with the letter “A”. Issue 1, March 1994 500-35

STARPLUS @ SPD 4896 Digital Key Telephone SystemCUSTOMER DATA BASE PROGRAMMING SECTION 600 CUSTOMER QATA BASE PROGRAMMING 600.1INTRODUCTIONThe Starplus Digital Key Telephone system can be programmed to meet each customer’s individual needs. All programming is done either at Station 100 using the 34-button display digital terminal as the programming instrument or an ASCII terminal or PC. The digital display model is suggested since the display is designed to assist in programming. When the program mode is entered, the Digital Terminal being used no longer operates as a termi- nal but as a programming instrument with all of the buttons redefined. The keys of the dial pad are used to enter data fields (Program Codes) associated with system, station, and CO line features as well as enterspecific data that requires a numeric entry. Flexible buttons are used to toggle on or off features or allow entry into specific data fields. LED’s and the LCD display provide visual indication of entered data and their value. Programming can also be performed by using an * SCII terminal, or a computer capable of emulating I ASCII terminal. This form of programming can be done either locally (on-site) by connecting the termi- nal directly to the RS-232C connector on the Central Processor Unit (CPU) or can be performed remotely (off-site) through the use of the on-board 1200 Baud modem (future) located on the CPU. The method and steps to program the system via a terminal are identical to that used when programming from a digital keyset. A button to keyboard mapping has been incorporated (see Figure 600-I) to help mini- mize familiarization and training time. At the time the system is installed it must be initial- ized to load default data into memory. If this pre-pro- gramming suits the customer, initialization is all that is needed. Refer to Table 600-l for a listing of all the default values. Any time data is to be changed, the program mode must be entered and then the individual data field (program code). A data field can be entered to determine current programming or to change a spec- ific feature within that field. During programming, the other Digital Terminals in the System operate normally. If a data field is en- tered but nothing is changed, or changed but not entered, the previous data will remain intact upon nving that data field. Data fields can be entered at . dndom.In many of the data fields, programming is performed by toggling LED’s on or off, or entering digits on thekeypad. If no changes are to be made to the line or station, exit the data field by either leaving the pro- gram mode (pressing the ON/OFF button to OFF) or entering another data field (pressing the FLASH button and entering that program code). When features are being programmed, tones are provided to help the programmer determine if a correct or incorrect entry has been made. A solid onesecond tone indicates the data was accepted. An interrupted tone means an error was made. When this occurs, re-enter the data field and re-enter the infomation. Until new data is entered and ac- cepted, the system will continue to operate under default or previously entered values. The system database is updated on a real-time basisas new data is entered, by pressing the Hold button. The system continues to operate with the current database and is updated with any newly entered or changed data without interruption to telephone op- eration or call processing in progress. However, if for example a station’s attributes are changed while that station is off-hook on an active call, the newly en- tered data will not take effect until the station goes on-hook or becomes idle. -7Some features must have mom? dhan one datafield pfugrammed for that featue to work Whemthis Is the case, it will be stated in the instructions. 600.2 PROGRAM MODE ENTRY (Key Sta-tion) Programming a digital terminal is performed at Port 01 (Station 100) using a 34-button Digital Display Terminal. Programming is always done at this port regardless of the class of service or which station has been assigned the attendant(s). Before entering the program mode, the programmer must first verify that the Digital Terminal is properiy connected to Port 01 (Station 100). To enter the program mode: -a. Press ON/OFF button. (optional) LED lights and intercom dial tone is heard. b. On the dial pad, press the asterisk (SC) twice. c. On the dial pad, enter the digits [3][2][2][6] (DBAM)*. Confirmation tone is heard. * This is a default setting. However, it may be changed after entering programming. d. The ON/OFF button LED is lit. The system is ready to program. Issue 1, March 1994600-l

CUSTOMER DATA BASE PROGRAMMINGSTARPLUS @ SPD 4696 Digital Key Telephone SystemWhen using a data terminal (I/O device) to program the system, the following chart presents the data terminal characters that are equivalent to the keyset buttons. adm) ?REMOTE ADMIN KEY DEFINITIONS Keyset Term ----e----s-- 00 11 22 33 q4 55 55 77 KWp&Term Keys.&Term ----------------------------- FLEX 1FLEX 2 :FLEX 11 QFLEX 12 I- FLEX 3 EFLEX 13;FLEX 4 RFLE:-: 14 =FLEX 5 T FLEX 15;3FLEX 6 ‘iFLEX 16 H FLEX 7 IJFLEX 17 JFLEX 8 IFLEX 1% K r38FLEX9; -FLEX19L 9‘3FLE%10FLEX30:*FLASHON-UFF ii#iiHOLDiRSPEED7 TRANS XDNDr3MUTE;In place of keyset button toggling to enable/disable a feature, the associated data terminal key can be toggled (pressed again) to enabie/disabie a feature, or the pius (+) character can be used to turn on or enable a feature and the minus (-) character can be used to turn off or disable a feature. Figure 600-l Data Terminal Program Codes Cross Reference 600-2 Issue 1, March 1994

STARPLUS @ Si’D 4896Digital Key Telephone SystemCUSTOMER DATA BASE PROGRAMMING i II 1 i/ I I ! CAMP ON LINE WECALL BACKPICK UP MSGMIDDNDCONF 1GHI 4 PRS 7 * DEFlHOLDi.;.3 : -___TRANS ‘“; ‘MN0 j 6 IFLASH11.‘11!jf# 7 iw; ig jSPEED SPKR VOLRINQ VOL H T P- -Figure 600-2 Programming Button Mapping Issue 1, March 1994600-3

CUSTOMER DATA BASE PROGRAMMINGSTARPLUS @ SPD 4996 Digital Key Telephone SystemTable 600-I Default Values FEATURE SYSTEM TIMERS: System Hold Recall Timer Exclusive Hold Recall Timer Attendant Recall Timer Transfer Recall Timer Preset Forward Timer Call Forward No/Answer Timer Pause Timer Call Park Timer Conference/DISA Timer Paging Timeout Timer CC Ring Detect Timer SLT DTMF Receiver Timer MSG Waiting Reminder Tone Hookflash Timer Hookflash Debounce Timer SMDR Call Qualification Timer* Auto Call Back Timer Reminder Ring Timer Release Guard Timer SYSTEM FEATURES: Attendant Override Hold Preference External Night Ring Executive Override Warning Tone Page Warning Tone Background Music LCR Enable *Forced Account Codes *Group Listening Idle Speaker Mode Call Cost Display Feature * Music-On-Hold Handset Receiver Gain Call Qualifier Tone Option Privacy Release Tone Option SYSTEM FLASH RATES: incoming CO Ringing Incoming Intercom Ringing *Features available with optional software.PROGRAM CODE Flash 01 Flash 05 Flash 06 Flash 07FLEX BUTTON Button 1Button 2 Button 3 Button 4 Button 5 Button 6 Button 7 Button 8 Button 9 Button 1 Button 1 Button 1 Button 1 Button 1 Button 1Button 16 Button 17 Button 18 Button 19 Button 1Button 2 Button 3 Button 4 Button 5Button 6 Button 7 Button 8 Button 9 Button 10 Button II Button 12 Button 13 Button 14 Button 1 Button 1Button 2DEFAULT VALUE 060 sec. 180 sec. 01 min. 045 sec. 10 sec. 15 sec. 2 sec. 180 sec. 10 min. 15 sec.3 (100 msec.) 020 000 min. 10 (1 sec.) 010 msec. 30 sec. 00 sec. 00 sec.3 (300 msec.) Disabled System Disabled Enabled EnabledEnabled Disabled Disabled Disabled DisabledDisabled EnabledDisabled Disabled Enabled 30 ipm flash 120 ipm flutter 600-4 Issue 1, March 1994

STARPLUS @ SPD 4896 Digital Key Telephone SystemCUSTOMER DATA BASE PROGRAMMING Table 600-l Default Values (Cont’d) FEATURE Call Forward Message Waiting Attendant Station Assignment (3 Stations) Set Date and Time PBX Dialing Codes Executive/Secretary Assignments Relay/Sensor Programming Baud Rate Assignments Port #l (CPU “On-Board” RS232C)(Future)Port #2 (“On-Board” 1200 Baud Modem) Port #3 (Backplane RS232C)Port #4 (Backplane RS232C)ACCESS CODES DISA Access Code Admin Password for Digital Key Terminal SMDR* PROGRAMMING SMDR Call Type Print FormatBaud Rate Port # NIGHT MODE PROGRAMMING: Auto/Manual Days of the Week Schedule DIRECTORY DIALING TABLE Bin/lCMName Clear Entry Back space Next Entry Previous Entry New Entry FLEXIBLE CARD ASSIGNMENTS HUNT GROUP PROGRAMMING: Groups l-8 Pilot/Circular CO LINE GROUP PROGRAMMING: DTMF/Dial Pulse Signaling *Features available with optional software.PROGRAM CODE Flash 10 Flash 11 Flash 12 Flash 13Flash 14 Flash 15Flash 20 Flash 2 1 Flash 22 Flash 23 Flash 24 Flash 30 Flash 40FLEX BU-I-I-ON Button 3Button 4 Button l-4 Buttons l-5Buttons l-4 Buttons 1-730 ipm flash/ 15 ipm flash’ 100 / MM/DD/YY, 12 Hr 1 None None None Button 1 Button 2 Button 3Button 42400 Baud 1200 Baud 2400 Baud 2400 Baud Button 1 100 Button 23226 Button I Button 2 Button 3 Button 4 Button 5Disabled LD 80 2400 Port #I Button 1Buttons 2-8Manual O-4 08:00-l 7:00 5-6 ####-#### Button 1 Button 2 Button 3Button 4 Button 18 Button 19 Button 20 Buttons l-l 2 4 Sta/4 CO/4 Sta Buttons l-8 Button 9 Button 1DTMF issue 1, March 1994 600-5

CUSTOMER DATA BASE PROGRAMMINGSTARPLUS @ SPD 4696 Digital Key Telephone SystemTable 600-l Default Values (Cont’d) FEATURE CO/PBX Flag Universal Night Answer (UNA) Conference Privacy Loop Supervision DISAFlash Timer CO Line Group Line COS Ringing Assignment CO Line Identification Display Trunk Direction Ring Delay Timer Display Ring Assignment(s) Next (forward) CO Next (backward) CO New Range Dial Pulse, Speed/Ratio Programming Break/MakeDial Speed Flexible Port Assignment Feature - CO Lines ICLID* Ringing Assignment Feature STATION PROGRAMMING: Page AccessDND Access Conference Executive Override Privacy System SpeedQueuing Preferred Line Answer OHVO Call Forward Forced LCR*Supervisor Barge-in for ACD*Executive Override Blocking CO Ringing Options Select Page A Select Page B*Features available with optional software. PROGRAMCODE Flash 41 Flash 42 Flash 43 Flash 50 Page AFLEX BUTTON Button 2 Button 3Button 4’ Button 5 Button 6 Button 7 Button 8 Button 9 Button 10 Button 11Button 12 Button 13Button 14 Button 17 Button 18 Button 19 Button 20 Button 1 Button 2Buttons l-7 Button 1 Button 1Button 2 Button 3 Button 4 Button 5 Button 6 Button 7 Button 8 Button 9 Button 10Button 77Button 12 Button 13 Button 14 Button 18Button 19DEFAULT VALUE coEnabled Enabled Enabled Disabled Disabled 10 1 1None Incoming-Outgoing 00 sec.Ring at Sta 100 60140 10 PPSCards l-7 Enabled Enabled Enabled Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Disabled Disabled Enabled Disabled Disabled Enabled Disabled 600-6Issue 1, March 1994

STARPLUS @ SPD 4896 Digital Key Telephone SystemCUSTOMER DATA BASE PROGRAMMING Table 600-l Default Values (Cont’d)FEATURE New Station Range (#Is) Station Programming (Cont’d) Station ID Class of Service Speakerphone/Headset Group Pickup Paging Zones Preset Forward CO Line Group Access LCR Class of Service* Off-Hook Preference Flexible Button Assignments Display Button Assignments Select Page A Select Page B New Station Range (#)s)DIGITAL DATE INTERFACE UNIT (DDIU) Baud Rate Character Length Stop Bit Flexible Port Assignment Feature - Stations Local Number/Name Translation Table /CL/D FEATURES* Enable/Disable Name in Display Baud Rate Port #ACD* GROUP PROGRAMMING: ACD Groups 550-557Alternate ACD Group Oven/o w Assignment Announcement Table(s) Entries ACD Supervisor Programming Select Page A Select Page B ACD Groups (550-557) Select Page A Seiect Page B *Features available with optional software.PROGRAM CODE Flash 50 Page B Flash 51Flash 52 Flash 55Flash 56 Flash 60 Page APage BFLEX BUTTONButton 20 Button 1 Button 2 Button 3 Button 4 Button 5 Button 6 Button 7 Button 8 Button 9Button 10 Button 17 Button 18 Button 19Button 20 Button 1 Button 2 Button 3Buttons l-7 Buttons l-4 Button 1Button 2 Button 3 Button 4Buttons l-8 Button 71Button 12 Button 13 Button 14 Button 18 Button 19 Buttons 1-8 Button 18 Button 19 0(Keyset) 5(SLT w/o MWt) 1 0 1 1None 1 0 0 (keyset) 96008 characters 1 stop bitCards l-7 Disabied 2400 Port #lNone None None - None None Issue 1, March 1994600-7