Musical Instruments & Equipment
Steinberg VST Sampler HALION 4 Operation Manual
Steinberg VST Sampler HALION 4 Operation Manual
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11 Installation and Setup Selecting Outputs HALion loads with a stereo output configuration by de- fault. However, you can use up to 32 stereo outputs plus one 5.1 output in Cubase. This allows you to route all 64 program slots to a dedicated Cubase Mixer channel. To make these outputs available, proceed as follows: 1.Open the VST Instruments window. 2.Click the output button for the HALion instrument. 3.Activate the required outputs. Cubase automatically creates a MIDI track for each addi- tional output and adds a channel to its Mixer. You can now route HALion programs or layers to these outputs for fur - ther signal processing within Cubase. Using HALion in an AU Compatible Application You can use HALion in an AU host application (e. g. Logic). The AU version of HALion is installed in your AU plug-ins folder and lets HALion work in an AU environ - ment without any performance loss or incompatibilities. For Logic Pro, proceed as follows: 1.Open the Track Mixer and select the instrument chan- nel that you want to use. 2.Click in the I/O field, and select the AU Instruments submenu. 3.On the Steinberg submenu, select HALion. 4.Select Multi Output or Stereo from the submenu. HALion is now loaded as an AU instrument.
13 The HALion Control Panel Introduction HALion provides flexible and highly customizable window management. You can arrange the available editors in the win- dow, structure the window sections using tabs, and even configure several separate windows for your work. The size of each window, and window section, is freely adjustable. This allows you to make the most of the available screen space. Configuring the Control Panel You can set up the control panel exactly the way you want it, by determining the number of different sections (which are referred to as “views” in this document) that you want the window to contain, and by further configuring these sections, for example by adding tabs. For each of these el - ements (views or tabs), you can specify the editor that is displayed. All these functions can be performed via the setup op- tions. For views, these can be accessed via the View pop- up menu. For tabs, they are available on the context menu. The following setup options are available: Select… (Editor) To select the editor to be displayed, open the Editor sub- menu, and select the editor or choose “Select…” to dis- play a pane showing icons for the available editors and click on an icon. “Split |” and “Split --” You can add a view or tab to the window by splitting an existing view or tab. •To perform a vertical split, select “Split |”. This adds a new editor to the right of the current editor. •To perform a horizontal split, select “Split --”. This adds an editor below the current editor. A view with a single editor. A view with multiple editors on different tabs.
14 The HALion Control Panel •You can also create a split view or tab by clicking its up- per left corner and dragging it to another position in the window. This creates a copy of the view or tab at the drop position. A colored frame indicates where it will be inserted when you drop it. Adjusting the Size of a Split View •To adjust the size of two split views, point the mouse at the divider between these two, click, and drag. If a view is split into three or more parts, these parts are resized propor- tionally. To resize an individual part, hold down [Ctrl]/[Command] and drag. ÖSome editors have fixed default sizes for height or width. For example, the Slot Rack can only be resized ver - tically but not horizontally. Create Tab •Select “Create Tab” to create a tab. You can also create tabs within tabs. You can also create tabs the following way: •Click in the upper left corner of an existing view or tab and drag it onto another one. •Click the plus icon to the right of the rightmost tab and click the icon for the editor you want to display. ÖIf a view contains more tabs than can be displayed, ar- row buttons are displayed to navigate between the tabs. Renaming Tabs When you create a tab, it gets the name of the editor it displays. You can rename tabs via the context menu. Close •To remove a view or a tab, select Close. Undock •To create a duplicate of the view or tab in a new win- dow, select Undock. Further Setup Options Moving Views and Tabs •To move a view or tab, hold down [Shift], click in its up- per left corner, and drag it to another position. Depending on the drop position, it is added as a tab or as part of a split view. Expanding and Resizing Editor Sections Some editors, such as the Options editor, contain ex- pandable sections. These sections can be resized or col- lapsed so that they only show their title bar. This helps you save space and focus on the edited parameters. •To expand or collapse a section, click the “+” or “-” icon on the left of the title bar, or click the title bar. •To open several sections at the same time, hold down [Ctrl]/[Command] and click the “+” icon or the title bar. •To resize a section, click in the middle of its lower bor- der (the position is indicated by a dotted line) and drag up or down. Setting the Focus It is useful to know which view, window, or tab has the fo- cus, because this is where your key commands are ap- plied, for example. The view that has the focus is indicated by a blue frame. •To set the focus on a specific view, use one of its con- trols or edit a parameter. You can also click on the frame of a view or in an empty background of a section.
15 The HALion Control Panel Working with Multiple Windows Creating Additional Windows You can create new windows from existing views using the following methods: •Click in the upper left corner of an existing view or tab and drag it out of the current window. •Use the Undock command, see “Undock” on page 14. The window menu bar contains a pop-up menu from which you can select the program that you want to edit. Using Window Presets HALion comes with several preconfigured window pre- sets. You can open these by clicking the “Open New Win- dow” button in the top bar and selecting a preset from the pop-up menu. You can also create your own window pre - sets using the corresponding commands on the pop-up menu. Locking Windows When you open an additional window, HALion shows the settings belonging to the focused object (program, layer, zone etc.). This way, all editors and separate windows re - late to the same material. However, in some cases it might be necessary to show different objects in different windows, for example, to compare the parameter sets of two zones or layers. This can be achieved by locking a window. •To lock a window, click the lock button in the upper right corner. If this is activated, the window no longer fol - lows selection and focus changes in the main plug-in win- dow. Instead, it displays the settings of the program that was selected when you clicked the lock button. Screen Sets When you have set up the HALion control panel to your liking, you can save this configuration as a “screen set”. This way, you can preconfigure HALion for different work - flows and editing situations. When you start HALion for the first time, the default screen set is used, which is optimized for wide-screen monitors and contains all editors. The following factory screen sets are available: Managing Screen Sets You can load, save, and delete screen sets by clicking the screen set button on the toolbar in the plug-in functions section and selecting the corresponding command from the pop-up menu. ÖFactory screen sets cannot be deleted. Screen SetRecommended ResolutionDescription Default1440 x 900Full editor screen set. Basic1024x768A minimized single slot player view. Extended11280x800Optimized for laptops. Extended21440 x 900As Extended 1, but slightly more complex. Advanced1440 x 900Full editor screen set.
16 The HALion Control Panel Overview of the Available Editors HALion provides a large amount of different editors that give you access to the parameters of the plug-in and its programs and modules. The following editors are available: Slot Rack Allows you to load and manage the loaded programs, see “The Slot Rack” on page 19. MIDI Allows you to configure the ranges and MIDI parameters of the slots, see “The MIDI Editor” on page 113. Program Table Shows all programs that are loaded. This includes the programs that are used in the Slot Rack as well as those that can be loaded via MIDI program change, see “Load- ing and Managing Programs” on page 27. Program Tree Allows you to create programs by combining samples, lay- ers, busses, as well as MIDI and audio effects, see “Using the Program Tree” on page 30. Sound Editor Gives you access to the parameters of the various pro- gram components. It can display the parameters of pro- grams, layers, zones, MIDI modules, busses, and effects. Which parameters are displayed depends on the object that is selected in the Program Tree. Zone Editor The Zone editor allows you to edit the parameters of all zones of the focused layer simultaneously (including any sublayers). In case any specific zones are selected in the Program Tree or Mapping editor, only these zones can be modified. MIDI Modules Editor The MIDI Modules editor allows you to edit the parameters of all MIDI modules of the currently focused layer. In case any specific MIDI modules are selected in the Pro- gram Tree or Mapping editor, only these modules are dis- played and available for modification. Optionally, you can show any MIDI modules found higher up in the signal flow by clicking the corresponding button. Macro This is a content-specific editor that provides a set of the most important program parameters. Whether such an editor is available for a program, depends on the content set, see “Macro Pages” on page 17. Mapping Editor Allows you to specify and visualize how samples are dis- tributed over the keyboard and velocity range, see “The Mapping Editor” on page 98. Sample Editor Allows you to define all sample and loop parameters, see “Editing Samples in the Sample Editor” on page 103. Mixer Allows you to mix the program slots, access the output and AUX busses, and manage effects, see “Mixing and Routing” on page 116.
17 The HALion Control Panel Import Allows you to import external sampler formats like Apple EXS, GigaSampler, Kontakt, and others, see “Importing and Exporting Samples” on page 55. MediaBay Allows you to load programs and layers, see “Managing Files via the MediaBay” on page 22. Options Contains global plug-in settings regarding the overall per- formance, global edit functions, and MIDI controllers, see “The Options Editor” on page 42. Undo History The Undo History lists all of your actions and allows you to undo changes, see “Undo/Redo” on page 41. Keyboard Combines a keyboard, two wheels, and the HALion Sphere. You can use these controls to simulate external hardware, see “The Keyboard Editor” on page 41. Quick Controls Allows you to remote-control any parameter inside the program, see “Quick Controls” on page 45. Trigger Pads Allow you to assign and trigger notes and chords. Further- more it is possible to use the trigger pads to switch the states of FlexPhraser modules, see “The Trigger Pads” on page 144. Macro Pages VST Sound Instrument Sets provide dedicated editors, so-called Macro pages. These Macro pages are precon - figured to show the most important parameters for the specific programs. Whether it is possible to edit a program only via its Macro page or whether you have access to all underlying zone and layer parameters depends on the instrument set. If a program comes with a Macro page, it is displayed when you open the Macro editor. When loading a program that contains one or multiple lay- ers with Macro pages, all Macro pages are shown to- gether in the Macro editor. For each existing Macro page, HALion inserts a navigation button on the toolbar that al - lows you to switch between the different Macro pages.
19 Managing Your Sounds The Slot Rack The Slot Rack allows you to load up to 64 programs into so-called slots. Slots are created dynamically for each loaded program. Their order can be arranged freely, sorted by MIDI channel, or slot index. Use the scrollbar to the right of the slots to navigate to the slot that you want to make settings for. Changing the Slot Size You can change the size of the slots that are displayed us- ing the sizing buttons above the slots. The following op- tions are available: Showing Empty Slots By default the Slot Rack only shows slots that are cur- rently filled with programs. •To show all empty slots, activate the “Show Empty Slots” option on the toolbar. Loading Programs Programs and layers can be dragged from the following locations into the Slot Rack: • HALion or Cubase MediaBay • Program Table or Program Tree •Import View • Explorer (Win) or Finder (Mac) Replacing Programs You can replace the program in a slot by dragging another program or layer onto this slot. Alternatively you can use the “Load Program” button at the right of the slot to load a new program. Loading Programs in between Slots •If you want to add a program or layer in a new slot be- tween two existing slots, you can drag it between these slots. A red line indicates that a slot will be inserted at this position. ÖThe slot number is taken from the first available slot and does not necessarily reflect the order in which the slots are listed. Loading Layers into Slots If you load a layer into a slot, HALion creates a new pro- gram. Managing Programs via the Slot Context Menu The slot context menu provides additional functions for managing programs. The following options are available:SizeFeatures SmallShows MIDI Indicator, Mute, Solo, Program Loader MediumShows MIDI Indicator, Mute, Solo, Program Loader, MIDI Port/Channel, Level, Pan, Level Meter LargeShows Instrument Icon, Mute, Solo, Program Loader, MIDI Indicator, MIDI Port/Channel, Polyphony, Level, Pan, Output, Level Meter Program Loader Mute Slot Solo Slot MIDI Activity Indicator Sort Slots Remove All Programs Show Empty Slots Slot Sizes OptionDescription Load ProgramsThis option opens the “Load Program” dialog. Select a program or layer and click OK to load it into the slot. Save ProgramThis option saves the program. Please note that fac-tory content cannot be overwritten. Instead, the “Save Program” dialog is opened and you can save the ed-ited program under a new name. Save Program As…This option opens the “Save Program” dialog where you can save the edited program under a new name. Remove ProgramSelect this option to remove the program from the slot. Revert to Last Saved ProgramSelect this option to discard any changes made to the program in the slot. Cut ProgramSelect this option to copy and remove the program from the slot. Copy ProgramSelect this option to copy the program without re-moving it. Paste ProgramSelect this option to paste the copied program into the slot. If the slot already contains a program, it is re-placed. Rename ProgramSelect this option to enter a new name.
20 Managing Your Sounds Loading Samples and Third-Party Programs Samples and third-party programs can be loaded into the Slot Rack from a file browser or the Import editor using drag and drop. Renaming Programs You can rename a program via the context menu. ÖTo make the program with its new name available in the MediaBay, you must save it. Sorting Modes By default, slots are arranged freely. New slots are set to the next available index number. •To change the sorting mode, click the Sort Slots button on the left side of the Slot Rack toolbar, and choose a mode: Slot Controls Depending on the selected slot display size you get ac- cess to additional slot controls. Level The level fader controls the output level of a program. The parameter has an influence on all outputs used by layers and zones inside the program. Pan Pan controls the stereo position of a program. The param- eter has an influence on all outputs used by layers and zones inside the program. ÖThe Pan control is disabled if the slot bus has a sur- round configuration. Solo Activate the Solo button of a slot in order to hear only the corresponding program. Several slots can be soloed at the same time. Mute Activate the Mute button to turn off playback of the pro- gram. MIDI Port and Channel Here you can specify on which MIDI port and channel the slot receives MIDI messages. MIDI Activity Indicator A green bar next to the slot number and symbol indicates incoming MIDI data. Polyphony Here, you can specify how many notes can be triggered simultaneously. ÖThe number of resulting voices can be much higher if one note triggers several zones at the same time. Output The output selector lets you define to which output bus the slot sends its signal. ÖThis setting does not affect any output routing that has been set up for individual layers or zones inside the pro - gram. Level Meter The level meter indicates the signal level of the slot output bus. ÖLayers and zones inside the program that are routed to individual outputs do not show any meter activity. The Relationship between Slot and Program Table The Program Table provides a list of all programs that are loaded into slots as well as programs that are not yet loaded but can be addressed by a program change. Reset Selected SlotSelect this option to reset the selected slot to the de-fault values. Reset All SlotsSelect this option to reset all slots to the default values. ModeDescription Custom SortingDefault mode. Sort Slots by MIDI Port and ChannelSlots are sorted by their MIDI channels. No reor-dering is possible. New slots are set to MIDI chan-nel A1. Sort Slots by IndexSlots are sorted by their index-number. No reor-dering is possible. New slots are set to the next available index-number. Option Description