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Panasonic Digital Business System Section 300 Installation Guide

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    of 790
    							FF9 key - Copy mode 63.89. 105 
    FFlO key - System speed dialing 64.65.89. 
    FF key code chart 85.86, 101.102 
    First attendant 46. 84, 100 
    FLASH 3, 74. 90 
    FLASH timer (CO line) 
    14. 75, 91 
    FLASH timer (PDX) 16. 75.91 
    Flexible feature 
    key assignment 42-44, 
    Forced verified account code 35.67. 68. 70. 
    Forced LCR restriction 
    35.67. 68. 70, 80. 96 
    Fourth attendant 4, 74.90 
    Frame loss 25. 76.92 
    Frame loss counter 26, 77.93 
    Framing format 25. 76, 92 extensions 81. 97 
    night I 
    rl CO line / pilot extension ring tables u 
    81.97 e 
    delayed-ring 40. 8 1, 97 
    no answer 20, 76, 92 
    pilot extension 40. 67. 68. 81. 97 
    pilot name 40. 
    recall timers 
    attendant 10, 75. 93 
    extension 11. 75. 93 
    search methods 
    tables (1 to 8) 38. 40. 8 1. 97 
    transfer extension 40.67. 68. 8 1, 97 
    transfer timer 40. 8 1. 97 
    Hunt Groups 70. 72, 
    Glare timer 
    immediate start 22. 77. 93 
    wink start 22. 77. 93 
    Group pickup 86. 102 
    Guard timer 22. 77. 93 
    Headset mode 86. 102 
    Hearing-aid compatibihty 109 
    HOLD 3. 74.90 
    HOLD-recall timers 
    attendant 8. 75, 91 
    extensions 9. 75.91 
    Hour 3 
    Hunt Groups 
    CO line / pilot extension ring tables 
    delayed-ring 40. 8 1, 97 Idle display / large-display telephone 37. 
    IDT(intercom dial tone) 37.86. 102 
    LDT (laqIedispl& 37 
    Incoming calls restriction (TRS) 
    5 1,87. 103 
    Incoming detection timer 22. 77. 93 
    Incoming Diahng Method 27.78.94 
    Incoming ground detection timer 
    17.75. 91 
    Incoming ring 
    delay timer 15. 76. 92 
    signal pattern 3 1, 76. 92 
    timer 14. 76. 92 
    Incoming ring 39.81.97 
    day rinR 
    night ring 
    Incoming signaDng class 27. 78,94 
    Index 111 
    Instructions 1. 2. 28. 34, 38. 42. 48. 50. 57.’ 
    63. 64. 66. 69. 73, 106. 111 
    Intercom 4 
    busy tone display / large-display telephone 
    37. 80. 96 
    							call status display (IDT) / large-display 
    telephone 37. 80, 96 
    dial tone (IDT) 37. 80. 96 
    key 86, 102 
    off hook display / large-display telephone 
    37, 80, 96 
    ring signal 81, 97 
    transfer 86. 102 
    Intercom timers 
    attendant 17, 18. 76. 92 
    HOLD recall 17. 76. 92 
    transfer recall 18. 76. 92 
    extensions 18, 19. 76.92 
    HOLD recall 18.76.92 
    transfer recall 19, 76.92 
    Intercom tone 
    continuous (SLT FLASH control) 3, 74. 90 
    International call (TRS) 51.87. 103 
    J. K 
    Plan 34. 38. 48. 66. 69. 70. 71 
    Key bank (automatic) HOLD 3.74.90 
    Large-display telephones 4.36, 37, 74. 80. 
    87.96, 103 
    add table 57. 62. 89. 105 
    area codes/office codes 57. 58.88, 104 
    delete table 57. 62, 89. 105 
    forced 35. 67. 68, 70. 80. 96 
    office codes/special area codes 57. 59, 88. 
    time bands 88. 104 
    time priority tables 57. 58. 60, 88. 104 
    trunk groups 57.60.61,88, 104 
    trunk ports 88. 104 
    LCR (Least Cost Routing) 28.57-62.86. 102 
    Least Cost Routing (LCR) 28. 57-62, 86. 102 
    Line coding format 24. 25, 77. 78. 93. 94 
    Lockout code 35. 67.68. 70.74.90 Long-distance calls 5. 74. 90 
    Loop keys hmlti-liue) 43.83.99 n 
    hop start, ground start, or DID truuk cards d 
    32. 76, 92 e 
    Loop start trunk card 32, 76.92 
    MC0 100, 101 
    Meet-me answer 86. 102 
    waiting 86. 102 
    Mmltes 3.74.90 
    ML/EL keys 83.99 
    ML/MC0 separation 37.80.96 
    Month 3.74.90 
    Multi-line key assigument 43.44.70. 72, 
    Multiple DID 5. 74.90 
    Mute key 86. 102 f- 
    Name and message storing 48.49.87. 103 
    Name assignment 48.49.87. 103 
    Network sync source recovery timer 
    76, 92 
    automatic switch 8 
    /day 82.84.98. 100 
    delayed-ring tables 82. 98 
    key 86,102 
    ring 39.75.91 
    TRS 55.86 
    all extensions 55.88 
    Non-appearance CO line HOLD (exclusive/ 
    system) 3.74.90 
    Number of channels used 24. 25. 77.93 
    Off hook signal (CO line) 36.80.96 
    Office codes 
    LCR 57.58 
    TRS 50. 52. 56 
    OHCA answerback 49. 87. 103 
    Onhook transfer 3, 74.90 
    One-touch dialing 3.74.90 
    Operating mode during alarm condition 
    24, 25. 77. 78, 93. 94 
    OrQinal forms 1.2.28. 34, 38. 42, 48. 50. 
    57. 63. 64.66.69. 73, 106. 111 
    Outbound ground detection timer 17. 75.9 1 
    Outgoing signaBn% class 27.78.94 
    Outpulse delay timer 22. 77, 93 
    Out of sync 25.26.77,78.93,94 
    Overrides TRS (allows SSD) 3.74.90 
    c 1 
    Page groups (00 to 07) 
    extensions 36.67.68. 72.86 
    relay 7. 8. 75. 91 
    Page zones 70.84.85. 100, 101 
    Page call display/large-display telephone 37 
    Pa@qj duration 5.74.90 
    Parity check (SMDR) 5.74.90 
    retrieve 84,85, 100, 101 
    Park-HOLD recall timers 
    attendant 11, 75. 91 
    extensions 12, 75.91 
    Pause (automatic after dialing 1 to 9,OI 6. 
    7, 75. 91 
    Pause-timer (automatic) 13. 75. 91 
    access codes 5. 6. 75. 91 
    FLASH timer 16.75.91 
    Permanent call forward 37.67.68. 70.80.96 
    extension 37, 67.68. 70, 80. 96 
    Personal speed dial (PSD) 
    86,89. 102. 105 
    Photocopying 1 I 
    Wet extension (Hunt Group) 40. 81.82.97, n 
    98 d 
    Pooled trunk access (MCO) group settings e 
    (9, 81 to 86) 28, 31. 86. 102 X 
    Ports 70 
    Pre-programmed codes 45.46. 83-85, 99- 10 1 
    Reface 1 
    Prime line preference 35.67. 68. 70.86. 102 
    Private line port number 3 
    Product SafetJr 110 
    Programming addresses - FFl to FFlO Keys 
    assignment (90 to 99) 49.87. 103 
    names - large display 
    PSD (personal speed dial) 
    86.89. 102. 105 
    Pulse or DTMF dial 31. 76. 92 
    99 R 
    Radio interference 
    RAl-A baud rate switch 5.74.90 
    RAI-B baud rate switch 4. 74.90 
    Recall timers 2. 8-12, 38. 75, 
    Red alarm counter 22.77.93 
    Red alarm detection timer 24.26, 77, 78. 
    Red alarm recovery detection timer 
    77, 78, 93. 94 
    Red alarm relay control 25.77.93 
    Redial 3. ?4 
    Registering equipment 107 
    Relay (page groups) 7.8. 75. 
    Release acknowledge timer 22.77.93 
    loopback detection 24.25. 77.78. 
    Remote Maintenance Code 
    19. 75.91 
    Responsibility of Manufacturer of 
    Registered Equipment 
    Restriction on maximum digits dialed 5 1. 
    87, 103 
    Reversion timer (attendant) 
    12. 75  
    							Ring assignment and Hunt Groups 38.39. 
    81. 82. 97, 98 
    Ring assignments, 70, 81.82, 
    Rw? signal 
    delay timer 14, 75, 91 
    incoming 31. 76. 92 
    pilot number and CO line 39.8 1.97 
    Ring timer (incoming) 14.81.97 
    Ringback tone with busy signal 37.67.68. 
    Ringback transmission 27, 78.94 
    Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) 107 
    Ringing Une preference 36. 67. 68, 70. 80. 
    Save/repeat 86. 102 
    Second attendant 4. 46. 74.90 
    Signal loss counter 
    25.26. 77, 78.93. 94 
    Single line telephone (SLT) 
    3. 14, 74. 75. 
    Slip counter 24. 26, 77. 78. 93.94 
    FLASH control 3, 74.90 
    hook flash 
    onhook FLASH timer 14. 75.91 
    SLT (single line telephone) 3. 14. 74. 75. 
    SLT DISA ringing pattern 5.74.90 
    baud rate 5. 74. 90 
    data length 5, 74. 90 
    print mode 1 5.74.90 
    print mode 2 (long distance/local calls) 
    74. 90 
    print mode 3 (titles and TN data) 
    5. 74. 90 
    printout/incoming calls 36. 67. 68, 70 
    stop-bit length 3. 5. 74. 90 
    timer 16/30 3. 74.90 
    lTY parity check 4, 74. 90 TTY parity type 4.74.90 
    Software versions 1 
    1.0. 2.0 - B card 
    3.0. 3.1 - A card 
    Special area codes 
    LCR 57. 59,88,89. 104. 105 
    TRS 50. 53, 56.87. 88. 103. 104 
    Special office codes 
    LCR 57,59,88,89, 104, 105 
    TRS 50. 53. 56.87. 88. 103. 104 
    Speed dial list 105 
    Splash tone 
    busy override 4. 74. 90 
    voice call 4. 74, 90 
    display mode 3.74.90 
    name assignment (00 to 89) / large-display 
    telephones 4, 49. 87. 103 
    toll restriction override 3, 74.90 
    SSD (system speed dial) 64, 
    65. 74. 86. 89. 90. 102. 105 
    Stacked calls (attendant overflow) 4.74.90 
    Station lockout code 102 
    Stored codes 21 
    Snbmodes 2.34 
    key plan 71.72 
    Synchronization setting 
    first sync source 22.76.92 
    second sync source 22.76.92 
    third sync source 22. 76, 92 
    Sync loss counter 25, 26. 77. 78. 93.. 94 
    System HOLD 3.74.90 
    System programming 2-27. 76.92 
    ID code 21. 75.91 
    System size 2 1. 76.92 
    System speed dial (SSD), 64. 
    65, 74. 86, 89. 90, 102. 105 
    Tl alarm 
    keys 43.44.86. 102 
    Tl port class 
    station 37. 80. 96 
    trunk 33.79.95 I 
    n / 
    							Talk back key 86, 102 
    Telephone types 
    Telephone line system (trunk type) 
    3 1. 76. 
    Third attendant 4. 74. 90 
    Time 2. 3. 74. 90 
    Time bands (LCR) 59, 88, 104 
    Time priority tables (LCR) 57. 58. 60. 88. 
    HOLD-recall 8, 75. 91 
    Hunt Group recall 10, 75, 91 
    HOLD-recall 17, 75. 91 
    transfer-recall 18. 75. 91 
    park-HOLD recall 11.75.9 1 
    reversion 12. 75, 9 1 
    transfer-recall 9. 75. 9 1 
    automatic pause timer 13.75.91 
    call forward/no answer 16.75.91 
    CO he FLASH 13. 75.91 
    dial pause 15.75, 91 
    DISA end 32.76. 92 
    DISA start 32, 76, 92 
    HOLD-recall 8, 75. 92 
    Hunt Group recall 10. 75. 92 
    HOLD-recall 18. 75. 91 
    transfer-recall 18. 75, 9 1 
    incoming ground detection 17. 75. 91 
    incoming ring delay 15. 75. 9 1 
    outbound ground detection 
    17. 75.9 1 
    PBX FIASH 16.75.91 
    SLT onhook FLASH 14.75.91 
    trunk disconnect 32, 76. 92 
    unsupervised conference talk-time 13. 75, 
    Wink start (DID) 
    32, 76, 92 
    Titles 5, 74. 90 
    Toll Restriction System (TRS) 
    3, 50-56. 67, 
    68. 87. 88. 103. 104 
    Tone busy (voice mail) 4, 74. 90 
    Tone call 3.86. 102 Tone pattern (incoming ring signal) 3 1. 76. 
    92 L 
    Transfer extension (attendant) 4. 74: 90 d 
    Transfer-recall timers e 
    X attendant 9. 75. 91 
    extension 10.75.91 
    area codes/of&e codes 50, 52. 87.88, 
    103. 104 
    block mode/area codes (1 to 4) 
    :,I,c COR types (3 to 61 56. 88, 104 
    block mode/of&e codes (5 to 8) 
    COR types (3 to 6) 56.88. 104 
    block mode/special area office codes 
    (13 to 16) 56, 88, 104 
    COR types (3 to 6) 56, 88, 104 
    block mode/special office codes (9 to 12) 
    COR types (3 to 6) 56.88, 104 
    COR 70.87.88, 103. 104 
    day assignment 50. 55. 67. 68. 88, 104 
    international calIs 5 1.87, 103 
    night assignment 50., 104 
    override 3.87.88. 103. 104 
    special area code table 50, 53.87. 103 
    TRS (toll restriction system) 3. 50-56. 67. 
    68, 87, 88. 103. 104 
    Trunk class 
    Tmnk mode 27.78.94 
    queueing 86. 102 
    Trunk selection 32.79. 95 
    Tnmk-to-trunk conferencing (unsupervised) 
    2. 13. 31, 75, 76.91.92 
    Trunk type 26.78,94 
    disconnect timer 32. 76. 92 
    features list 28.31-33, 76. 92 
    group order 61, 89. 105 
    group settings 28.88,89. 104. 105 
    group tables 60. 61. 88.89. 104, 105 
    lines 28.76.92 
    names 29.30. 49. 87. 103 
    port lists 28-30.76.92 
    port settings 31. 32. 76. 92 
    							piogramrning 28-33 I 
    setting 3 n 
    types (CO line/PBX line) 3 1, 76.92 d 
    use 31. 76. 92 e 
    lTY data 5.74.90 i 
    UNA (Universal Night Answer) 7. 75.91 
    Unattended (unsupervised) conference 2. 
    13. 31. 35. 67. 68, 75, 76, 91, 92 
    Universal Night Answer (UNA) riug pattern 
    7. 75, 91 
    Unsupervised conference 
    extension capability 35. 75. 91 
    talk-time 2, 13. 75.91 
    trunk capability 2, 3 1. 76. 92 
    Verified Account Codes 8.75.91 
    Verified Account Code Toll Restriction 8, 
    Voice call 3. 74. 86.90. 102 
    Voice mail (busy tone) 4. 74. 90 
    Whk signal start detection timer 22.77.93 
    Wink start timer @ID) 32.79.95 
    Yellow alarm couuter 25.26. 77. 78.93.94 
    Yellow alarm detection timer 24.26.77. 78. 
    Yellow alarm notification, 
    Yellow alarm recovery detection timer 24, 
    26. 77. 78. 93. .94 
    Yellow alarm relay control 25. 77.93 
    Year 3.74.90 
    ! /; ;I j 
    r ,  r- 
    ji i 
    __-_ .-- -_--. ---~ --- 
    Section 700  
    							FCC Warning 
    This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and, if not installed 
    and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause interference to radio comrnu- 
    nications. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A 
    digital device pursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable 
    protection against such interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation 
    of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference, in which case the user 
    at his own expense will be required to take necessary measures to correct the interference. 
    Battery Recycling Statement 
    The following statement applies if you purchased backup batteries with your system. 
    The product you have purchased contains rechargeable batteries. The- batteries are recycla- 
    ble. At the end of their useful life, under various state and local laws, it may be illegal to dis- 
    pose of these batteries into the municipal waste stream. Check with your local solid waste 
    officials for details on recycling options or proper disposal. 
    The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be 
    construed as a commitment by the Panasonic Communications & Systems Company (PCSC). 
    PCSC reserves the right, without notice, to make changes to equipment design as advances in 
    engineering and manufacturing methods warrant. 
    The software and hardware described in this document may be used or copied only in accordance 
    with the terms of the license pertaining to said software or hardware. 
    Reproduction, publication, or duplication of this manual, or any part thereof, in any manner, 
    mechanically, electronically, or photographically, is prohibited without permission of the 
    Panasonic Communications & Systems Company (PCSC). 
    @Copyright 1993 by Panasonic Communications & Systems Company 
    All rights reserved.  
    							About This Manual 
    Software Versions Covered by This Manual 
    This manual covers all versions of CPC-A and CPC-B software through CPC-B 
    Version 4.0. 
    Differences in feature availability or operation are noted within each feature 
    If you are using this manual for a single DBS system, make note of its software 
    version in the following table. This note may be referenced by technicians or owners 
    of the system. 
    SofrWare version information for systems shipped with this document 
    CPC Model: Software Version: 
    This manual contains detailed descriptions of DBS features. The feature descriptions 
    are organized according to the following categories: 
    Feature Categories 
    System Features Description 
    System Features are either available on a system-wide basis 
    or aid in the overall administration of the DBS. 
    Attendant Features Attendant Features assist the attendant in serving as a central 
    answering point. In addition, attendant features also provide 
    special capabilities for monitoring and programming 
    Key Telephone Features Key Telephone Features are available to DBS key phones. 
    DBS key phones are proprietary digital sets that provide 
    feature access through a combination of feature keys and 
    access codes. 
    Digital Single-Line Telephone DSLT Features are available to Digital Single-Line 
    (DSLT) Features Telephones. DSLTs provide digital audio quality and limited 
    feature key access in a single-lute set. 
    Single Line Telephone 
    Features SLT Features are available to industry-standard 2500 sets. 
    Since SLTs are not equipped with feature keys, most features 
    are accessed by using the dialpad and/or’ the switchhook.  
    The purpose of this manual is to provide an overview of feature operation and 
    requirements. Where applicable, the following types of information are provided for 
    each feature. 
    Types of information 
    Operation Purpose 
    The Description section provides an overview of how the 
    feature works and, in some cases, what it is typically used for. 
    The Operation section includes step-by-step instructions on 
    how to use the feature. 
    Hardware Requirements This section lists any special hardware that is required to use 
    the feature. 
    Related Programming 
    Considerations The Related Programming section lists the programming 
    subsystems associated with the feature. 
    This section provides details on feature interactions and 
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