Communications System
Panasonic Digital Business System Section 300 Installation Guide
Panasonic Digital Business System Section 300 Installation Guide
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FFIKey-System Address / Feature Program Options -32#-(0 to 1)W (CPC-B Vs. 4.0 or higher) DID/DNIS emulation 0: Disuble 1: Enable -32X-(0 or l)# (CPC-B Vs. 3.0 or higher) Multiole DID -- 0: Disable 1: Enable -33%-(0 or 1 )# 0: No limit Paging duration 1: 60 seconds -34%-(0 or 1 )# 0: ISecON/3SecOFF - -I#-(0 or l)# SMDR lTY parity check -2#-(0 or I)# SMDR lTY parity type -3#-(0 or 1)R SMDR baud rate -4#-(0 or 1)X .. SMDR stop-bit length . -W-(0 or 1)X SMDR data length -6#-(0 or l)# See FF3-14R SMDR print mode 1 -7#-(0 or l)# SMDR print mode 2 -8X-(0 or I)# SMDR print mode 3 -9#-(0 or l)# Dump data mode (Xon/XoffI -lO#-(0 or I)# RAI baud rate switch ( 0: No parity check 1: Purify check (CPC-A Vs. 3.0 and above) 0: Odd 1: Even 1: 300 bps 2: 1200 bp - WC-A V 2.0 3: 4800 bps 4: %lXl bps - WC-A V 3.0, CPC-B V 1.0,2-O 1: l.Obits 2: 1.5 bits 3: 2.0 bits 1: 5.0 bits (less than 90 ports) 2: 6.0 bits (less than 90 ports) 3: 7.0 bits 4: 8.0 bits 0: Outgoing calls only 1: lncofning und outgoing 0: Long-distance calls only 1: Ail outgoing calls O:lWCklfUonly 1: Titles and llY data 0: No control I: Control 0: 300 bauds (RAI-A, RAI-B) s Y S t e m W i d e S e t t i n B 8

FFlKey-System me Account Address Cutover Date Account Phone (Main Address / Feature -I#-(Up to 3 dlglts)# PBX access code 1 -2X-(Up to 3 dlgits)# PBX access code 2 -3X-(Up to 3 digits)# PBX access code 3 -4X-(Up to 3 dlgltsM PBX access code 4 -5HUp to 3 dlgtts)P PBX access code 5 -6#-(Up to 3 dlglts)# PBX access code 6 -7#-(Up to 3 dlgits)t PBX access code 7 -8WUp to 3 dlglts)# PBX access code 8 -9%~(1 to 3)# See FF2-13# Automatic pause after dialing 1 -low to 3)X See FF2-13t Automatic pause after dialing 2 -1 l#-(1 to 3)# See FF2-131 Automatic pause after dialing 3 -12#-(1 to 3)# See FFZ- 13# Automatic pause after dialing 4 -13w to 3)# See FF2-131 Automatic pause after dialing 5 1: Pause - 1st digit 2: Pause - 2nd digit 3: Pause - 3rd diait No entry at default 1: Pause - 1st digit 2: Pause - 2nd digit 3: Pause - 3rd diait No entry at deiautt 1: Pause - 1st digit 2: Pause - 2nd digit 3: Pause - 3rd digit No enfry at default 1: Pause - 1st digit 2: Pause - 2nd digit 2 Y 8. t e m W i d e S e t t i n Q 8 /- 6

PFlKey-System Account Address Address / Feature -14#-(1 to 316 See FF2-13# Automatic pause after dialing 6 -W-(1 to 3)# See FF2-13# Automatic pause after dialing 7 -l#-(1 to 3)# See FF2-13# Automatic pause after dialing 8 -17#-(1 to 3)# See FF2-13# Automatic pause after dialing 9 -18#-(1 to 3M See FF2-13# Automatic pause after dialing 0 -l#-(0 or l)# See FF4- 1#, 2# Universal Nigtif‘ Answer (UNA) ring pattern -2#-(0 or l)# External Page Interface (EPI) page group OC -3#-(0 or l)# External Page Interface (EPI) page group 01 -4#-(0 or l)# External Page Interface (EPI) page group 0: -5#-(0 or l)# External Page Interface (EPI) page group 0: -6#-(0 or l)# External Page Interface (EPI) page group 01 -7#-(0 or l)# Program Options No entry at defauff 1: Pause - 1st digit 2: Pause - 2nd digit 1: Pause - 1 st digit 2: Pause - 2nd digit No entry of defuu/f 1: Pause - 1 st digit 2: Pause - 2nd digit 1: Pause - 1 st digit 2: Pause - 2nd digit 1: Pause - 1st digit 2: Pause - 2nd digit 0:3secson/l secot7 1: Continuous 0: No fP/ reluy 1: EPI relay 0: No ffl reluy 1: EPI relay 0: No EPI rely 1: EPI relay 0: No EPI rew S Y S t e m W i d e S e t t i n Q S

FFIKey-system Account Address Account Phone (Main List) I I Address / Feature 8x-(0 or I)# ixternal Page interface (EPI) page group 06 lxternal Page Interface (EPI) page group 07 (l-8)+( l -20)#-(0 or 1)X :lass of Service settina (l-100)X-l#-(0001~9999)X ‘erified Forced Account Codes (1-l OO)#-2#-(0-7)s ‘erified Forced Account Code toll restrictior (0000 to 2359)# Uomatic switch to night mode (HHMM) (0 or 1 to 12)# rttendant HOLD-recall timer 1: EPI relay (Not in use) 0: No EPI relay 1: EPI relay (Not in use> 0: Restricted 1: Not restricted l “*: No uccount cooo1-9999w codes me 0:TRSTypeO 1: TPSType 1 2: m.S Type 2 3: TRS Type 3 4: lRS Type 4 5: TRS Type 5 6: TRS Type 6 No infry af defautf OWO to 2359: Automatic 0: No recall I: 20 seconds 2: 40 seconds 3: 60 seconds 4: 80 seconds 5: 100 seconds 6: 120 seconds 7: 140 seconds 8: 160 seconds 9: 180 seconds 10: 200 seconds 11: 220 seconds 12: 240 seconds Y s t e m W i d e

RF1 Key - System Account Address Account Phone (Main List) Address / Feature -(O or 1 to 12)X Extension HOLD-recall timer -(O or 1 to 12)# Attendant transfer-recall timer 0: No recall 1: 20 seconds 2: 40 seconds 3: 60 seconds 4: 80 seconds 5: 100 seconds 6: 120 seconds 7: 14Oseconds 8: 160 seconds 9: 180 seconds 10: 200 seconds 11: 220 seconds 0: No recall I: 20 seconds 2: 40 seconds 3: 60 seconds 4: 80 seconds 5: 100 seconds 6: 120 seconds 7: 140 seconds 8: 160 seconds 9: 180 seconds 10: 200 seconds 11: 220 seconds 12: 240 seconds S Y 8 t e In W i d e S e t t i n Q 8 9

I?FlKey-Systam Address / Feature -(O or 1 to 121% Extension transfer-recall timer Attendant Hunt Group recall timer 0: No recall 1: 20 seconds 2: 40 seconds 3: 60 seconds 4: 80 seconds 5: 100 seconds 6: 120 seconds 7: 14oseconds 8: 160 seconds 9: 180 seconds 10: 200 seconds 11: 220 seconds 12: 240 seconds 0: No recall 1: 20 seconds 2: 40 seconds 3: 60 seconds 4: 80 seconds 5: 100 seconds 6: 120 seconds 7: 140 seconds 8: 160 seconds 9: 180 seconds 10: 200 seconds 11: 220 seconds 9. F Y 8 t e m W i d e 10

FEY Key - System f-‘ Bs Account Name Cutover Date Sheet of ccount Address Account Phone (Main List) Address /’ Feature Extension Hunt Group recall timer Attendant park HOLD recall timer 1: 20 seconds 2: 40 seconds 3: 60 seconds 4: 80 seconds 5: 100 seconds 6: 120 seconds 7: 14Oseconds 8: 160 seconds 9: 180 seconds 10: 200 seconds 11: 220 seconds 0: No recall 1: 20 seconds 2: 40 seconds 3: 60 seconds 4: 80 seconds 5: 100 seconds 6: 120 seconds 7: 140 seconds 8: 160 seconds 9: 180 seconds 10: 200 seconds 11: 220 seconds S Y 8 t e m W i d e S e t t i n Q s 1:

FFY Key - Sgstem BS Account Name ccount Address Cutover Date Sheet of Account Phone (Main List) Address / Feature &tension park-HOLD recall tlmer (0 or 1 to 12)# Wendant reversion timer 0: No recall 1: 20 seconds 2: 40 seconds 3: 60 seconds 4: 80 seconds 5: 100 seconds 6: 120 seconds 7: 140 seconds 8: 160 seconds 9: 180 seconds 10: 200 seconds 11: 220 seconds 0: No recall 1: 20 seconds 2: 40 seconds 3: 60 seconds 4: 80 seconds 5: 100 seconds 6: 120 seconds 7: 140 seconds 8: 160 seconds 9: 180 seconds 10: 200 seconds 11: 220 seconds u /r. 8 t e In W i d e S e t t i Il Q 8 12

l?Fl Key - System unt Phone (Main List) Address / Feature (Oor 1 to 1511 See FF2-16#, FF3-131 Insupervised conference talk-time *(O or 1 to 1SM 4utomatic pause timer 1: 5 minutes 2: l0m//wfes 3: 15 minutes 4: 20 minutes 5: 25 minutes 6: 30 minutes 7: 35 minutes 8: 40 minutes 9: 45 minutes 10: 50 minutes 11: 55 minutes 12: 60 minutes 13: 65 minutes 14: 70 minutes 0: No pause 1: 0.5 second 2: 1 .O second 3: 1.5 seconds 4: 2.0 seconds 5: 2.5 seconds 6: 3.0 seconds 7: 3.5 seconds 8: 4.0 seconds 9: 4.5 seconds 10: 5.0 seconds 11: 5.0 seconds 12: 5.0 seconds 13: 5.0 seconds 14: 5.0 seconds t e m W i d e S e t t i n sr a

FFlKey-@stem Name Account Address Cutover Date Sheet of Account Phone (Main List) Address / Feature -(O or 1 to 1OM CO line FLASH timer see 18# -(O or 1 to 6)# SLT onhook FLASH timer -(O to 3M incoming ring timer 0: No FLASH 1: 0.2 second 2: 0.3 second 3: 0.4 second 4: 0.5 second 5: 0.6 second 6: 0.7 second 7: 0.8 second 8: 0.9 second 9: 1.0 secorld FLASH (0 Disconnect (D) I 0: 200-500 ms (I? Over 500 IT-IS CD) 1: 2OW50 ms (0 Over 750 ms 0 2: 200-1CXlO ms (0 Over 1 Ooo ms (D) 3: 2O@l200 ms (0 Over 1200 ms (0) 4: ZW-15W ms 0 Over 15W ms (0 5: Over 200 ms CD> 6: 30-W rns CR Over 500 ms (D) 0: 4 seconds 1:8seconds S/ Y s t e m W i d e f 14