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Panasonic Digital Business System Section 300 Installation Guide

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    of 790
    							Section 400 FFl 
    Issue 2 July 1993 DBS RolErpmmipg hdxuctions 
    CPGA / 3.0, CPGB / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 
    Determines how long the DBS tries to re- 
    cover from a yellow alarm before it re-syncs 
    the Tl trunk. 
    Options lo-15 
    1 O=O ms (immediate) I8=80 ms 
    JElshls !%I0 ms 
    2=2oms lO=llOms 
    3=30 ms 11=120 ms 
    44oms Lb130 ms 
    s=50 ms 13=140 ms 
    6=6oms 14=150 ms 
    7=70 ms 
    15=160 ms 
    For changes to this parameter to take effect, 
    the system must be powered down. then 
    back up. Detennineshowlonganoutoffixne(OOF), 
    loss of signal. sync loss. 0rAiS signal must 
    be on before the system generates an alarm. 
    lfan OOF, sync loss, or AIS alaxm occurs, a 
    corresponding LED on the Tl card lights. 
    (Sync loss alarms light the SLIP LED.) 
    close ifthe corresponding relay parameter is 
    turned on. 
    a=oms 8=mms 
    l=w) 9=25ooms 
    3=7soms 11=35ooms 
    4=1ooOmS l2=4omlns 
    s=l2soms l3=45ooms 
    6=15alms 14==mS 
    7=1750 ms l5=5sahns 
    For changes to this parameter to take effect, 
    the system must be powered down. then 
    back UD. 
    							DBS Programming Insl~~ctions 
    WC-A / 3.0, CPC-B / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 Section400 FFl 
    bsue 3 July 
    Determines how long the DBS tries to re- 
    cover from an out-of-frame (OOF), Loss of 
    Signal, Sync Loss, or AIS alarm before it 
    resyncs the Tl trunk. 
    Options lo-15 
    values lo=o~ 18=3cxIoms I 
    1=250 ms 9=4oooms 
    2=500 ms lO=SCCIO ms 
    13=7SOms 111=6OOOms 1 
    14=1OOOms ~12=7OOOms I 
    I5=1500 ms 
    I 13=8000 ms I 
    6=2000 ms 14=9000 ms 
    7=2500 ms lS=loooO ms 
    For changes to this parameter to take effect, 
    the system must be powered down, then 
    The following counters determine when FF 
    alarm keys light. FF alarm keys light when 
    an error counter exceeds the spectied num- 
    ber within 24 hours. FF alarm keys can 
    indicate the following types of alarms: 
    Red alarms 
    Loss of signal abmx3 
    sync loss alarms 
    Yellow alarms 
    slip alarms 
    Fl-arne loss alarms 
    telephone. However, the keys onlywork on 
    a non-attendant phone that has the pro- 
    gramming authorization code (#98 9999) 
    activated. With attendant phones, the keys 
    work whether or not the programming au- 
    thorization code is activati. 
    Determines how many fi-ame losses occur 
    spedfied number within a 24hour period. 
    0-9CXM/24 hours Jm 
    							section 400 FFl 
    Issue 2 July 1993 DBS Pro@amming Intstruction~ 
    CPGA / 3.0, CPC-B / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 
    Determines how many slips occur befonz a 
    Slip Loss Alarm key is lit. 
    ‘Ihe key lights when the counter exceeds the 
    specified number within a 24-hour period. 
    This parameter also determines the number 
    of slips that can occur before the system 
    switches to the next clock source. When the 
    system switches to the next clock source, 
    the slip en-or counter for the first clock 
    source is reset. 
    Slips are losses of data bits due to fixming 
    errors. Determines how many red alarms occw 
    before a Red Alarm key is lit. 
    The key lights when the counter exceeds the 
    specified number within a 24-hour period. 
    O-9000/24 hours I90001 
    							DBS Programming Instructions 
    WC-A / 3.0, CPC-B / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 Section 400 FFl 
    Issue 3 July 1993 
    Determines how many instances of signal Determines how many instances of sync 
    loss occur before a Signal Loss Alarm key is 1ossoccurbeforeaSyncLmsAkmnkeyislit. 
    lit. The keylightswhenthecounterexceedsthe 
    The key lights when the counter exceeds the specified number within a 24hou.r period. 
    specitM number within a 24-hour period. 
    							Section 400 FFl DBS Ro#ammlqj Instn~ctions 
    Issue 2 July 1993 WC-A / 3.0, CPGB / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 
    Determines how many yellow alarm indica- 
    tions occur before a Yellow Alarm key is lit. 
    The key lights when the counter exceeds the 
    specified number within a 24-hour period. 
    (See instructions on programmingT1 alarm 
    keys.) Determines whether the system closes the 
    of yellow alarms. 
    like ah-m rday can be connected to an 
    tztemalalaxmdevicesuchasabuzzer. The 
    external alarm device must be purchased 
    separate& it is noit provided with the DBS 
    Tl. f- 
    ~ ‘~~ 
    O=OfT@he alarm relay does not close.) 
    							DBS Programming Instructions 
    Section 400 FFl 
    CPC-A / 3.0, CPC-B / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 
    Issue 3 July 1993 
    Determines whether the system closes the 
    alarm relay on the Tl MDF card in the event 
    of red alarms. 
    The alarm relay can be connected to an 
    extemalalarmdevicesuchasabuzzer. The 
    external alarm device must be purchased 
    separately; it is not provided with the DBS 
    A red alarm indicates a loss of fi-ame @OF) 
    or loss of signal has continued for over 2.5 
    O=OB (The alarm relay does not close: the 
    alarm is not reported.) 
    l=On (The alarm relay closes, so the alarm 
    is reported.) Determines whether the system closes the 
    alarm relay on the T MDF card in the event 
    of sync loss alalms. 
    The akmn relay can be connected to an 
    externalalanndevice suchas abuzzer. ‘Ihe 
    external alarm device must be purchased 
    separately; it is not provided with the DBS 
    O=Off (the alarm relay does not close: the 
    alann is not reported.) 
    l=On (Ihe alarm relay closes, so the alarm 
    is reported.) 
    Sync-loss alarms result from clocking er- 
    							Section 400 FFl DBS Programming Instructions 
    Issue 2 July 1993 CPC-A / 3.0. CPC-B / 2.0 i 3.0 / 4.0 
    Determines whether the system closes the 
    of fi-ame loss alarms. 
    The alarm relay can be connected to an 
    external alarm device such as a buzzer. The 
    external alarm device must be purchased 
    separately; it is not provided with the DBS 
    O=Off CIhe alarm relay does not close: the 
    alarm is not reported.) 
    l=On me alarm relay closes, so the alarms 
    is reported.) Determines whether the system closes the 
    alannrelayontheT1 MDFcardin theevent of alarm indication signals. 
    An alann indication signal is comprised of 
    all l’s and is unfi-amed. 
    The alarm relay can be connected to an 
    extemalalarmdevicesuchasabuzwr. The 
    cxtemal alarm device must be purchased 
    separateb it is not provided with the DBS 
    O=OB flhe alarm relay does not close; the 
    alarm is not reported.) 
    l=On me alarm relay closes, so the alarm 
    is reported.) 
    							DBS Programming Instructions 
    Section 400 FFI 
    WC-A / 3.0, CPC-B / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 
    bsire 3 July 1993 
    Determines whether the Tl alarm relay is 
    cleared (opened) automatically or manuaJly. 
    If cleared automatically, the relay is opened 
    approximately one second after the alarm 
    condition ceases. 
    Ifcleared manually, the relay can be opened 
    by entering the Alarm Relay Clear code. 
    To enter the Alarm Relay Clear code, first 
    enter the programming authorization code 
    (#98 9999). 
    . Determines what trunk type each Tl chan- 
    nel emulates. 
    o=LQop start 
    l=Ground start 1 
    2=Gmund start 2 
    For changes to this parameter to take effect, 
    the system must be powered down, then 
    back up. 
    							Section 400 FFl 
    Issue 2 July 1993 DBS Programming Instruct.io~ 
    CPC-A / 3.0, CPC-B / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 
    Deterrnines the type of trunk signaling that 
    each Tl channel emulates. 
    O=Loop start 
    I=Ground start 1 
    2=Ground start 2 
    For changes to this parameter to take effect, 
    the system must be powered down, then 
    back up. Determines if DID and/or DNIS is provided 
    for a trunk. DNIS is available only with Tl . 
    If DID is selected, the system uses a DID 
    Numbers Table, which supplies 500 DID 
    numbers. If DNIS is selected, the system 
    uses aDNISNumbersTable, which supplies 
    500 DNIS numbers. 
    The DID NumbersTable canbe used for DID 
    or DNIS. Therefore, ifall the numbers in the 
    DNISNumbersTableareused, aT1 channel 
    can be set to DID, and DIVE service can still 
    be used. 
    O=Not nrovided 
    1. The DBSonlysupports 4-digit DID/DNIS 
    2. For changes to this parameter to take 
    effect, the system must be powered down, 
    then back up. 
    3. When the central oI3ce sends a DID/ 
    from the DEB before sending the digits. 
    Once the wink is received, the central of&e 
    should wait at least 200 ms before sending 
    the digits. It is the installer’s responsibility 
    to request the delay from the central office. 
    							DBS Programming Inst~ctions section 400 FFl 
    WC-A / 3.0, CPC-B / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 bsue 3 July 1993 
    Determines the signaling cbs used by T1 Determines the signaling class used by Tl 
    channels on outgoing calls. channels on incoming calls. 
    O=Immediate start 
    l=Wink start 
    2=Dial-tone start 
    ~~~ @ggzpJg;:; O=Immediate start 
    l=Wink start 
    For changes to this parameter to take effect. 
    the system must be powered down, then 
    i ~ 
    For changes to this parameter to take effect, back up. 
    the system must be powered down, then 
    back up. 
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