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Panasonic Digital Business System Section 300 Installation Guide

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    of 790
    							Section 400 FFl 
    Issue 2 July 1993 DBSRogramm~Instructiom 
    WC-A/ 3.0,CPC-B / 2.0 J 3.0 / 4.0 
    If a Central Office line has been set to 
    ring on an extension(s), and the call is 
    not picked up, this timer determines 
    the amount of time it will ring there 
    until extensions that have been set for 
    delayed ringing on a Central Oflice line 
    will begin to ring. 
    If an -ension call is ringing at another 
    extension, and the call is not picked up, 
    this timer determines the amount of time 
    it will ring there until extensions that have 
    been set for delayed ringing for extension 
    callswillbegintoring. If a call has entered a hunt group, and an 
    idle extension in the group starts to ring, 
    but the call is not picked up, this timer 
    determines the time that the extension 
    will ring before the next idle extension in 
    the hunt group starts to ring. 
    - 104 Afta44seamda 
    31 After 16 Seumds ll# Ana46second8 
    7W ( Afta 32 6eamds 1 15U 1 A&r 64 6axmds 1 
    into day mode automatically. 
    Automatic Night Mode (FFl, 3#, l#) al- 
    lows the DBS to go into night mode auto- 
    To turn automatic day mode off, enter: 
    FF13# 29# CONF key ON/OFF key# 
    1. If only one of the auto modes is turned 
    on, the NIGHT key is used to turn off the 
    auto mode. For instance, if night mode  
    							DBS Programming Instructions 
    CPC-A / 3.0, CPC-B / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 Section 400 FFl 
    Issue 3 July 1993 
    has been activated automatically, the at- 
    tendant must press the NIGHT key to go 
    into day mode. 
    2. If both auto day and auto might modes 
    are turned on, the attendant NIGHT key 
    cannot be used. 
    3. Ifboth auto-modes are set, the starting 
    times must differ by at least one hour. 
    4. When one auto mode is turned on, the 
    mode cannot be reset by the NIGHT key 
    until 3 minutes after the auto mode is 
    activated. (Whenbothautomodesareset, 
    the NIGHT key cannot be used.] 
    If a remote programming ID code is set, 
    a dumb terminal or PC can be used to 
    program the DBS from a remote site or 
    on site, by connecting to the RS232C 
    To set the remote programming ID code 
    to 0001, for example, enter: 
    [eel], 4#, ooo1n 
    To reset the remote nro~ramrning ID 
    code to the default initialized value, 
    press IFFll. 4#. lCONF1. ION/OFFl. 
    Remote programming of the DBS requires 
    the foIlowing: 
    2. Knowledge of the 4-digit DISA ID code. 
    l# through 5# program 
    3. After the DBS automatically answers 
    your inbound call on the preset DISA line 
    with the intercom dialing tone, remote 
    the 4-digit remote-programming ID code. 
    4. An attendant or extension user can 
    manuaily transfer 
    the remote 
    programmer into programming by 
    putting the remote programmer on hold, 
    dialing #6. and the 4 digit remote 
    programming lD code. 
    5. The following remote operations are . - 
    al Remote programming: 
    Remotely setting any DBS parameter, 
    just as would be done with on site 
    b) Bus monitor data: 
    commonly used to troubleshoot 
    operational problems. This may be 
    possible in real time. depending on the 
    buffer of the device being used. 
    1. A central o&e line that is set with DISA 
    							Section 400 FFI 
    issue 2 July 1993 DBS Programming Instructions 
    WC-A / 3.0. WC-B / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 
    The DISAID code provides direct access to 
    a DBS intercom dial tone, on an inbound 
    central ofIke Iine that is preprogrammed 
    as a DISA Iine. 
    To set the DISA ID code to 0001, for 
    example, enter: 
    pFl1, St, OoolW 
    To reset the DISA ID code to the default 
    initiaIized value. Dress IFFll. 5#. ICONfl 
    The default setting of the DBS supplies 
    intercom dial tone to a Iine defined as a 
    DISA line. If a DISA ID code is stored in 
    place of the default setting (via remote 
    programming) an intercom dial tone wiII 
    not be heard, but rather a DISA dial tone 
    (fast busy tone). 
    The DISA dial tone is a signal to proceed 
    with your caII until you enter the stored 
    DISA ID code. After the DISA ID code is 
    entered, the intercom dial tone is 
    presented. This provides the opportunity 
    to make a DBS extension caII. 
    To make an outbound central office Iine 
    call. enter #7, dial 9 or 81-86 (to access a 
    central ofke line), then dial the 4-digit 
    DISA ID code. See (FFl], 6#, l# and 2# 
    addresses. To provide an inbound DBS caller with 
    access to “fresh” outbound central 
    office dial tone, a four digit access code 
    is required. 
    To set the first DISA outgoing call ID 
    code to 0001, for example, enter: 
    IFFlI,6#, lW, OOOl# 
    To reset the first DISA outgoiw calI ID 
    code to the default initiaked value, 
    press IFFll. 6#. l#. ICONFl. ION/OFFl. 
    To provide an inbound DBS caller with 
    access to “fresh” outbound central 
    office dial tone, a four digit access code 
    is required. 
    To set the second DISA outgoing caII ID 
    code to 0002, for example, enter: 
    WF1],6#, 2W, 0002# 
    To reset the second DISA outgoing caII 
    ID code to the default initiahzed value,. 
    press IFFll. 6#. 2% ICONFl. ION/OFFl. 
    							DBS Programming Instructions 
    WC-A / 3.0. CPC-B / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 Section 400 FFl 
    Issue 3 July 1993 
    To perform DBS programming ikom an 
    extension other than the attendant 
    position, this option must be set. The 
    4-digit ID code set in this option must be 
    used as part of the access attempt to 
    program the DBS. when a non attendant 
    position is used in this manner. 
    To set the ID code for system 
    programming to 000 1, for example, enter: 
    To reset the ID code for svstem 
    c- promamming to the default initialized 
    value. Dress IFFll. 7#. ICONFl. ION/OFFl. 
    Only one non attendant extension can be 
    a programming extension at a particular 
    time. To set a different non attendant 
    position as the programming &en&on. 
    cancel the capability of the first extension 
    by reentering the 4digit ID code at the 
    original non attendant extension, then 
    enter the same ID code at the second 
    On CPC-A software versions later than 
    3.2 1, and WC-B versions later than 2.00, 
    entering the ID code for system 
    programming at a second extension, will 
    automatically cancel the programming 
    capabiltty that may have been previously 
    set but not canceled at a different 
    extension. Direct Inward Dial numbers that have 
    been set up as a part of WC-B ver. 2.11 or 
    older software, need to be defaulted with 
    the use of this program after upgrading a 
    DBS to ver. 3.00 software. Also, at any 
    time that a default of ALL assigned DID 
    numbers is desired. this program must be 
    To choose not to reset existing DID 
    number assignments, enter: 
    pFll.8#. l#.O# 
    At any time a reset of all assigned DID 
    numbers to the default value (no DID 
    numbers assigned) is desired, enter: 
    DrIrl], 8#. I#, 1n 
    DID settings have to be manually 
    configured if the DBS has a software 
    version older than 3.00, that is being 
    upgraded to version 3.00 or newer. Before 
    this manual reconfigurafion can be done 
    however, the DID reset program ([FFl], 
    8#, l#), must be done. 
    The maximum amount of DID number 
    assignments that a DBS can have is 500. 
    Multiple DID number assignments canbe 
    assigned to any extension port, and/or 
    the same DID number can be assigned to 
    multiple extension ports. Each DID 
    assignment uses one of the 500 that are 
    							Section 400 FFl 
    Issue 2 July 1993 DBS Programming Instructi01~1 
    CPC-A / 3.0,CPC-B / 2.0 / 3.0 /4.0 
    This is a cor&rmation program for the 
    resetting of DID numher assignments 
    that can be accomplished with the use of 
    program number [FFl], 8#, l#. 
    To not reset the DID number 
    assignments, enter: 
    j?Fll. 8#.2#.0# 
    To reset all of the DID number 
    assignments, enter: 
    ml), BW, 2#, 1W 
    ifthe DBS has a software version older than 
    3.00, that is being upgraded to version 
    3.00 or newer. Before this manual 
    reco&gumtion can be done however. the 
    DID reset program ([FFl]. 8#, l#), must be 
    The maximum amount of DID number 
    assignments that a 
    DES can have is 500. 
    Multiple DID number assignments can be 
    assigned to any extension port, and/or 
    the same DID number can he assigned to 
    multiple extension ports. Each DID 
    assignment uses one of the 500 that are 
    Resets program settings stored in SAM 
    (Static Random Access 
    Memory). The reset 
    must be performed before upgrading from 
    one software version to another. For ex- 
    ample. if you are upsadirq from Version 
    3.00 toVersion4.00, you need to perform the 
    However, if you are upgradiq to a 
    point release (4.10 to 4.11). you do not need 
    to perform the reset. 
    CkNo (retain settinfls1 
    l=Yes (clear settings) 
    							DBS Programming Instructions 
    CPC-A / 3.0, CPC-B / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 Section 400 FFl 
    issue 3 July 1993 
    The purpose of this display is to make sure Direct inward dialed numtws that have 
    you want to reset the data 
    Enter “0” or ” 1,” been dialed by a cakr need to be assigned 
    depending on whether you want to complete to extension ports, so that the number 
    or cancel the reset. dialed will ring on all extensions they are 
    supposed to appear on. A DID number can 
    ~~~ ::‘“‘~~~~~. 
    be set to ring on muhiple extensions, or only 
    one extension. 
    O=Do not reset 
    l=Reset To set DID number 4444 to ring on 
    extension number 120, for example, 
    1. If you enter a “1,” the following display 
    Wll, 8#, 3#, 4Q44#, 120# 
    CONFmM To set DID number 6358 to ring on 
    0: NO 1: YES extension number- 500, for example, 
    enter: -LT. 
    2. This command erases a.U Tl and DID 
    @WI], 8#,3#,6358#, 5oon 
    To reset DID numbers that have been as- 
    signed to extensions to the default 
    initialized value. Dress lFF1’. 8#. 3#, 
    didWCXX#. lCONFl#. ION/OFF. 
    							Section 400 FFl 
    Issue 2 July 1993 
    Allpcmmekm inthissectionreferbCPC-B, 
    Vet-son 4.00 or newer. 
    The following information describes pro- 
    gramming parameters for the Tl Interface. 
    The descriptions of each parameter include 
    alist of available options and the associated 
    programming address. 
    Default options are shown underlined. 
    DBS Programming @iWuctions 
    CPC-A / 3.0. CPC-B / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 
    The Sync Card (installed on the WC-B) 
    providesamethod ofsynchronizingtheDBS 
    with the public network. This parameter 
    determines the first clocking source for net- 
    work synchronizmon. If the first source 
    kils, the system will switch to the second 
    source. The system will attempt to go back 
    to the first source based on thevalue entered 
    under the Network Re-sync Timer. 
    The system considers a clock source to have 
    failed when the slip rate error counter is 
    exceeded within a 24-hour period. 
    In most cases, the 1st sync source is set to 
    Idenmes the system size. 
    Optlons M 
    1 =DB!5 72 
    2=DBS 96 
    3=DBS 40 + DES 40 Cl-1 
    must be in the slave 
    4=DBS 72 + DBS 40 VI 
    IS not supportrd.) 
    S=DBS 72 + DEB 72 VT1 
    must be tn the slave 
    6=DE3s 96 + DBS 40 
    7=DL3S 96 + DEE 72 
    R=DL3S 96 + DEE 96 
    For changes to this parameter to take effect, 
    the system must be powered down, then 
    back up again. 
    To apply changes to this parameter, power 
    the system down, then back up. 
    							DBS Programming Inst~ctions 
    Section 400 FFl 
    WC-A / 3.0. CPC-B / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 
    Issue 3 July 1993 
    Determines the source of clocking for the 
    second sync source. The system will at- 
    tempt to switch from the second source 
    back to the first source based on the value 
    entered under “Network Re-sync Tfmer.” 
    lfthe second source fails and the first source 
    is not working, the system will switch to the 
    third source.. 
    ln most cases, a system with one Tl has the 
    2nd sync source set to “3.” Systems with two 
    Tls normally have the 2nd sync source set 
    to “2.” 
    One of the three sync sources should be set 
    to “3” (free run). A free-run setting is needed, 
    so the DBS Tl can provide its own clocking 
    if the network clock fails. 
    Options O=None 
    l=Tl of the master cabinet 
    2=Tl of the slave cabinet 
    Deterrnines the source of clocking for the 
    third sync source. The third sync source is 
    used ifboth the first and second source fail. 
    The system will attempt to switch from the 
    third source back to the first source based 
    on the value entered under “Network Re- 
    sync Timer.” _._ 
    In most cases, a system with one Tl has the 
    3rd sync source set to “0.” Systems with two 
    Tl s normally have the 3rd sync source set to 
    One of the three sync sources should be set 
    to “3” (free run). A free-run setting is needed, 
    so the DBSTl can provide its own clocking 
    if the network clock fails. 
    3=Free run (internal clocking) 
    For changes to this parameter to take effect, 
    the system must be powered down, then 
    back up. 
    For changes to this paraxneter to take effect, 
    the system must be powered down, then 
    back up again. 
    							Section 400 FFl 
    Issue 2 July 1993 
    lf one clock source falls, the system will 
    switch to another clock source. The re-sync 
    timer determines how often the system at- 
    tempts to return to the original clock source. 
    For example, if the first clock source (1st 
    sync) f&, the system switches to the sec- 
    ond source. However, the system will try to 
    return to the fxst source based on the re- 
    sync timer. 
    continues to be out-of service, the system 
    switches to the third source. Again, the re- 
    sync timer determines how often the system 
    will attempt to return to the first source. 
    3ptions O-25 
    O=lmmechatc (DBS returns to 
    the first clock tmmedlately.) 
    I-24=hours (Determines how 
    often the DBS attempts to 
    return to the first clock) 
    25=no reties (DBS does not 
    attemDt to PO hack to the tlrst ( 
    When the system attempts to go back to the 
    fI.rst clock source, existing calls will be dis- 
    DBS Programming Instnictions 
    WC-A / 3.0, CPC-B / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 
    Determines how long the DBS waits before 
    sending a disconnect signal from the Tl to 
    the CO. (II&e CO Disconnect Timer (FF2 (l- 
    64)# 18# (0-15#)] determines how long the 
    system waits to receive a disconnect signal 
    from the CO.) 
    o-15 (1) 
    0= 15Oms 
    6= 1OOOms 
    12=Off (DES does not 
    automatically send a 
    disconnect signal.) f- 
    For changes to this pammeter to take effect, 
    the system must be powered 
    down, then 
    back up. 
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