Communications System
Panasonic Digital Business System Section 300 Installation Guide
Panasonic Digital Business System Section 300 Installation Guide
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Scction4-OOFF3 Issue3JulylS93 Define the EM/24 extension module hardware port number, then assign an extension port number that will be used with it. The first program entry relates to the EM/24 port number, the second program entry refers to the extension port that the EM/24 works with. To set a po& for the EM/24 to work with extension port 30, for example, enter: pF3], 55#, 31c;3ow To reset the use of an EM/24 on anv extension sort to the default initialized value. Dress (FF31. (DBS extension DOI% number). 3#. lCONF1. ION/OFF1 DBSRo@ammin~Ins~ctions CFGA/ 3.0, CPGB /2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 a. set the port that the EM/24 is on [FF3], (l- 144)#, 2#. b. Reset the EM/24 by unplugging it and reconnecting it. c. Proceed with key programming via [FF5], (l-144)#, (l-24)#. When programming an EM/24 with CPC-B software versions newer than 2.11. this programming order is not required. SeeTechnote 15 (August 1992) for complete information. After manually reprogramming an EM/24 when any version of CPC software is used, disconnect the modular jack from the device and then reconnect it. When a change to the default key assignments is required on an EM/24, and CPC-B 2.0X series software prior to version 2.05 is being used, the program procedure must be done in the following order: 100

DBS Programming Inst~~ctlons CPGA / 3.0 CF’C-B / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 Section 400 FF3 Issue 3 July 1993 If an extension is set for Least Cost Routing, the user must dial “9”. or press an FF key that is set for the LCR h&ion, in order to gain access to a central office line. To set an extension port so that the dialing of a “9”. or the necessity to press an LCR key is not needed. enter: [FF3], (DBS eit&on port number)#, 46, on Tosetanextensionportsothatthedialing of a “9”. or the necessity to press an LCR key is needed, enter: . DBS extensions can be set so that central office-line calls can only be made after entering an account code. “I. To set an extension so that an account code is not needed to make a central office line call, enter: 1. IDBS extension sort number)%, 5#.0# To set an extension so that an account code is needed to make a central of&e line call, enter: WI. @BS extension port number)#, 5#, I# 1, lDBs extension sort numb, 4#.1# 101

Scction4OOFF3 Issue3 July1993 DBS I’m@ammiq Iustructions CFGA/ 3.0, CPGB /2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 DBS extensions can be set so that central office-line calls can only be made after entering a forced account code that is verified. Verification is enabled or disabled on an extension basis. To set an extension so that a verified forced account code is not needed to make a central of&e line call, enter: 1. lDB6 exte!nsion DOIt numberI%, 5#. on To set an extension so that a verified forced account code is needed to make a central office line call, enter: D31, @Bs extension port number)#, 5#, 1# WC-B versions 3.00 and newer, do not have the forced account code capability of earlier versions. All forced account codes have to be verified. The use of non forced, non verified account codes is still an option if stringent access to Central Office lines is not required. A 4-digit lockout code can be set on an extension to prevent unauthorized people from making central office line calls from the extension. To set extension 100, with lockout code 452 1, for example, enter: PF3],11y,6#,4521# To reset anreviouslvlocked out extension to the default inttialtzed value. DRSS lFF3l IDBS extension sort number)#. 6#, jCONFi. lON/OFFI, 102

DBS Pro@ammh~ I.nstructions Section 400 FF3 CPGA/ 3.0 CPGB / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 Issue 3 July 1993 To be notified by a tone. when a new central o&e line call has anived at an extension that is currently engaged in a conversation, this option must be set. To disable extension 100, for example. for off hook signaling, enter: ml, I#* 7#,0# To send a tone from acaJling extension to an extension that is in use, this option must be set. A tone is not sent however, when off hookvoice announce is enabled. ln the case of OHVA being used, the calling party to an extension in use can verbally override the existing conversation. To enable extension 100, for example, for off hook signaling, enter: To disable the call waiting notitication tone or the OHVA capability on extension 100, for example, enter: JFF3L I.#. 7#. l# pFe31. 1#,8#,0# , ./ To reset anv extension DORIS to the default initialized value, Dress IFF31. uort.#. 7#, To enable the callwaitingnot&alion tone conf#. ION/OFFl. or the OHVA capability on extension 100. for example, enter: pm. I#. 8#. l# This tone will not be sent during a conference call, while the called extension is on hold, or during a &l on m central office line for which there is no kne key on the telephone. The call waiting noti&ation tone cannot be sent to an extension set with an The off-hook signal volume and the off-hook signal pattern are separate settings. See program addresses [FF3], 15#, & lf3. When an off-hook tone is enabled on an extension. the extension will be excluded Tom any hunt group setting that may be enabled for it. absence message, or that is on hold, or that is receiving another call or that is involved in a conference call. IfaVoiceAnnoun~ Unit (modelVB-43708) is co~ected to the DEB off hook signalkng @ES], (l-144)#, 7#, l#) must be enabled on all&ensions.SeeTecbnote 14(March 1992) for complete tiormation. 103

Section 400 FF3 DB3RogmmmhnInstructions Issue3July1993 WC-A / 3.0, CPGB /2-O / 3.0 / 4.0 To be able to “barge into” an extension that is currently in use from another extension, this option must be enabled on the baruinq extension. To disable the use of the busy override option from extension 100, for example, enter: plea. l#. 9#,0# To enable the use of the busy override option from extension 100, for example. enter: pF31, lW, 9#, l# The busy override option cannot be disabled on the attendant telephones in all WC-A software versions, and CPC-B softwareversi0nsearlierthanversi0n2.00. The busy override option can be disabled on the attendant telephones in CPC-B software. newer than ver. 2.00 Busy override is not possible to an extension: that is not set to accept it, or is involved in a conference call. To be able to override a busy extension, the calling extension must be in the same page group. Page group 00 is not included in this exception. To allow an extension to be able to be “barged into” from another extension, this option must be enabled on the barged extension. To disable extension 101, for example, from being barged into by another extension enter: fFF3],2#,10#,0# To enable extension 101, for example, to be able to be barged into by another extension enter: jFF31.2#.10#:1# l The override tone can be set to sound during an ongoing central office call, to indicate a new call arrival. 104

DBS Pro@ammin~ Instmctions CPCA / 3.0 CPGB / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 Section 400 FF3 Issue 3 July 1993 Access to an available central office line assigned to the FFl key can be automatic by picking up the receiver. If the FFl key is a pooled trunk key, an available central office line is accessed in numerical order from the highest line number assigned to the key, to the lowest. To disable prime line pickup on extension 100, for example, enter: pF31. l#. ll#.O# To enable prime line pickup on extension 100, for example, enter: fm3],1#,11#,1# Picking up the receiver at a ringing extension connects the incoming central office line call, hold recall, or transferred call, if this option is enabled. . . To disable auto pickup at extension 100. for example, enter: p3],1#,12%,0# To enable auto pickup at extension 100. for example, enter: @F31. l#. lb. l# Intercom calls cannot be made with this option enabled, unless an intercom call key is assigned to another FF key. 105

Section 400 FF3 Issue3 July1993 DBS ~ogmumiq~ Instructiona WC-A / 3.0. CPC-B /2.0 /-3.0 / 4.0 c To enable a DBS user to initiate a three party conference between 2 central office lines and his extension, this option must be set. Once the conference is initialized, the DBS msion user can drop out of the callbypmssingeitherofthecentralofficeline keysusedtocalltheoth~parties. To disable extension 100, for example, to not be able to initiate a three party conference, enter: mm 1#.13#.0# To enable extension 100, for example to be abletoWiateathreepartyconfen3rce,enten pF31, 1n,131Y, l# TheDBSusercanreentertheconferenceby pressing either of the two centml office line keys used to initiate the conferenaz. The conferencewillautornaticallyexpireafterthe period of time set in the Unsupervised conference l7me.r. set by the Wl], 3#, 1 l# address. See auto pause for PBX line address (FF2], 13#. Auto pause cannot be used ifthe mnfmce feature is desired when the DBS isusedbehindaPBX The Central Office line program for conferencing, [FF2], 16# must also be set when conferences are allowed. Any extension can be removed from the SMDR report, so that call activity from that port will not be recorded. To not include extension 100. for example, in the SMDR report, enter: ml, lW, 14#, ow To include extension 100, for example, in the SMDR report, enter: ml. I#. 14#. l# Check the SMDR start timer feature found at program address [FFl], 2#, l#, 2#. Communication program options that need to be checked when this option is set include all options found under [FFl], 2#, 2#, l-lO#. I CPC-B software version 2.00 should be upgraded to version 2.05 to eliminate two intermittent potential SMDR deficiencies in recording Aeld codes. See Technotes 8 & 12 (March 1992). for complete information. 106

DBS Ro@ammin~ Instructions CPGA / 3.0 CPGB / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 Section 400 FF3 Issue 3 July 1993 Off-hook signaling volume can be set to either of four different levels. To set the off hook signal volume to the minimum level on extension 100, for example, enter: When off hook signaling is set on an extension, the tone pattern can be sent continuously or only once. To send a continuous tone pattern for an off hook signal to extension 100, for example, enter: wF3], 19, 15#, l# LFF31. 1#.16#.0# To set the off hook signal volume to the next level on extension 100. for example, enter: To send a single tone pattern for an off hook signal to extension 100, for example, enter: jFF31. l#. 15#.2# lep3], l#, 166. 1W To set the off hook signal volume to the third level on extension 100, for example, enter: (pLIp3], lW, 15#,3# To set the off hook signal volume to the maximum level on extension 100, foi example, enter: (FF3],1#,15#,4# See alert tone for busy override at address [FFl], 2 #, l#, 17#. See alert tone for busy override at ad- dress [FFl], 2 #, l#, 17#. See off hook signal address [FF3], 7#. See offhook signal volume address [FF3], 15#. See off hook signal address ]FF3]. 7#. See off hook signal pattern address [FF3], 16#. 107

Section4OOFF3 DBS Ro@ammin~ Instructions Issue3July1993 WC-A/ 3.0, WC-B /2.0 13.0 / 4.0 The large screen telephone can show either 5 or 10 personal speed dial names when this feature is chosen. To choose to display 5 names on a large display telephone that is at extension 100, for example, enter: If an extension is to be included in one or more of the eight hunt groups, this option needs to be set. To exclude extension 100 from page group 0, for example, enter: m3],1#,18#,0# JFF31.1#.17#.0# To choose to display 10 names on a large display telephone that is at extension 100, for example, enter: wF31, l#, 17W, l# When the 10 name option is used, the maximum length of a name is 7 characters. See address [FFG], 3#, to assign personal speed dial names to personal speed dial numbers. See address (FFlO], 2#, l-14# to assign personal speed dial. numbers to an extension. To include extension 100 in page group 1. for example, enter: rFF31, 18, 19#, l# To exclude extension 100 from page group 2, for example, enter: . /- pw3],1#,20#,0# To include extension 100 in page group 3, for example, enter: pm], 1#,21#, 1w To exclude extension 100 from page group 4. for example, enter: ml. 1#,22#,0# To include extension 100 in page group 5, for example, enter: lFF3],1#,23#,1# To exclude extension 100 from page group 6. for example, enter: tFF3],1#,24#,0# 10s

DBS Pro@mmhg Inb-uctions CFGA/ 3.0 CPGB / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 Section 400 FF3 Issue3 July1993 ThejXowing program options apply toI~dispZayte&phonesonZy. To include extension 100 in page group 7. for example, enter: p3], I#, 25#, I# To reset Dagle IlrOuD inclusion to the default initialized value. Dress lFF3L IDBS extension Dart number)#, j18-25)#. O#. lON/OFFl: c I . -I To display soft key options on the large display telephone (VB-43225). when the phone is in the idle mode, this option must be set. To review the screen prompts associated with the options of this program, see the appendix following this section. 109