Communications System
Panasonic Digital Business System Section 300 Installation Guide
Panasonic Digital Business System Section 300 Installation Guide
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section 400 FF7 DBS PrognmminqInat~~tio~~ Isaue3Jdy1993 CPGA3.0, WC-B / 2.0/.3.0 / 4.0 restrictions. 3 digit diaIing of 2 1 l-9 11 numbers is restricted according to the program option [FF7], l#, (4- 11). Outbound dialing of system speed dial numbers is restricted according to the program option [FFlJ, 2#, l#, 4#. Outbound dialing of up to fifty preset 7 digit numbers in program option [FM]. 6#, is restricted (depending on the setting in [FF7], l#, 14#). Four specialIy selected area codes (FF7], 4#, (l-4)# will restrict the first 6 digits. by tying each of these special area codes to a special of&e code table [FF7], 5#. (1-4)#, 000-999# ofrestrictions. International caI.Is are restricted according to program option [FM], 1#. l#. Operator caIIs are restricted. Inter-digit timer is set for 6 seconds. Inbound ringing centraI office lines to aI.I telephones can be answered and/or transferred by a type 4 toII restricted telephone. t’ . Type 5: No restriction (in default condition) of aII area code diaIing. No restriction (in defauh condition) of alI office code diahng. Options to restrict outbound dialing to selected area codes (FF7],2#, 5#, and selected office codes [FF7], 3#, 5# to alter default restrictions. 3 digit dialing of 2 1 l-9 11 numbers is restricted according to the program option [FF7], l#, (4- 11). Outbound dialing of system speed dial numbers is restricted according to the program option [FFl], 2#, l#. 4#. Outbound diaIing of up to fifty preset 7 digit numbers in program option [FM], 6#, is restricted (depending on the setting in [FF7], l#, 15#). Four specially selected area codes [FM], 4#, (l-4)# wiII restrict the tirst 6 digits, by tying each of these special area codes to a special of&e code table [FF7], 5#, (1-4)#, 000-999# of restrictions. International calls are restricted according to program option [FM], 1 #, l#. Operator caUs are restricted. Inter-digit timer is set for 6 seconds. Inbound ringing central office Iines to alI telephones can be answered and/or transferred by a type 5 toll restricted telephone. c Type 6: No restriction (in default condition) of dialing to any area or of&e code. Options to restrict outbound diaIing to selected area codes [FM], 2#, 6##; and selected ofIke codes [FM], 3#, 6#. 3 digit diaI.ing of 2 11-911 numbers is restricted according to the program option [FM], l#, (4-l 1). Outbound diaI.ing of system speed dial numbers is restricted according to the program option [FFl], 2#, l#, 4#. Outbound dialing of up to Wty preset 7 digit numbers in program option [FF7], 6#, is restricted (depending on the setting in [FM], l#, 16#). Four speciaIIy selected area codes (FIV), 4#, (1-4)# wiII restrict the first 6 digits, by tying each of these special area codes to a special office code table [FM], 5#. (1-4)#, OOO-999# of restrictions. International caI.Is are restricted according to program option [FM], l#, l#. Operator calls are restricted. ToII free dialing is allowed. Inter-digit timer is set for 6 seconds. Inbound ringing cent& office lines to a.II telephones can be answered and/or transferred by a type 6 toII restricted telephone. Type 7: No restrictions to outbound dialing on ah central office Iines in the defaulted configuratlon. For ToII Restriction types 3 through 6 operator calIs are allowed in default if FM- l#- l# is set to l#. The Of&e code tables are used to restrict aII 0 plus diaIi.ng, the next two digits wiII also be anahzed. i 150

DBS Pro@ammhqf hdructiona CPGA/ 3.O,CPC-B / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 3tction4oom7 Inllt-3JutylQQ3 The dialing of international calls can be allowed or denied on all central office lines set with a toll restriction classes of 3-6. To restrict dialing of international calls for central office lines set with a toll restriction classes of 3 through 6, for example, enter: To enable dialing of international calls for central office lines set with a toll restriction classes of 3 through 6. for example, enter: This progmm option is tied to the System installation of&e code address [FFl], 2#, l#, 18#. When a new outbound call is being placed on a central of&e line (with class of service 3 through 6). immediately after a call has been received on that line, this option enables toll rest&ion, To restrict the use of the flash key and additional digits dialed, to make an outbound call on a line set for a toll restriction class of 3 through 6, enter: (FF71,1#,26,0# _ To allow the use of a flash key to make a new outbound call on a line set for a toll restriction class. of 3 through 6, enter: jFF7l.l#.2#. l# If international calls are allowed, 011 should be allowed in types 3 through 6 offlce code tables. 151

section 400 FF7 lrsue3July1993 DBS Ro@amming Instxuctio~ CFCA3.0,CPGB / 2.0 /S.O / 4.0 The m-urn number of digits that can be dialed on central offke lines set with a toll restriction class of 3-6 can be limited to 15 to 29 digits, or can be unlimited. Special three digit numbers (2 1 l-9 11) can be restricted from being dialed on central ofke lines set for toll restriction class types 2-6. ; I I l# I 15 Digits I 9# I 23 Digits ~s#:D~tglts 1 14# 1 28 Digits I 7# 21Dlgits :‘ 151 ., 29 D&its 86 22.Digits ” JJo L&& I I 211 Is.1 I” 1 la 911 I To allow 411 to be dialed on a central ofilce line having a toll restriction class of 2 through 6, for example, enter: JFml. 18.7#.0# To restrict 911 fkom being dialed on a central o&e line having a toll restriction class of 2 through 6, for example, enter: 2 1 l-9 11 are allowed in default. 152

DBS FVo@mmh. Jndructions section 400 FF7 WC-A / 3.0, CPC-B / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 Insue 3 July 1983 ( Seven digit toll restriction allows or denies the dialing of a certain 7 digit number when a toll restriction type 2 through 6 is set. Reference is made to [FF7], 6#. That address is for special 7 digit numbers. If there are any entries set in [FFV];-6#, these entries will be reviewed before the call continues to be processed. To disable the 7 digit table for type 2 toll restriction, enter: ~,1#12#,0# To enable 7 digit toll restriction for type 3, enter: ” :’ pF7l.l# 13#.1# (FFTj. l#, (12-16)# the 12-16 refers to types 2 through 6 toll restriction. 7 digit toll restriction when enabled will look at the last seven digits dialed, area codes which are allowed may be denied access to specific telephone numbers such as WX 555- 12 12. Areacode dialing restrictions on central oflice lines set for toll restriction types 3-6 are set in this program option. Telephone users that access a central ofllce line set to one of these classes of service, will be allowed or denied access to a specific area code; -according to the setting in this option. To allow dialing to area code 404 on a central office line set with a toll restriction class of service of 3, for example, enter: lr(le7l,2#,3#,404#,0# To allow dialing to area code 406 on a centralo~celinesetwitha~~restriction class of service of 4, for example, enter: To restrict dialing to area code 212 on a central of&e line set with a toll restriction class of service of 5. for example, enter: Iee7],2#,5#,212#,1# To restrict dialing to area code 506 on a central of&e line set with a toll restriction class of service of 6, for example, enter: [FF71,2#,6#,508#,1# 153

&?ction 400 FF7 I.asut3Jtdy1993 To reset area code toll restricllons for central office lines set as classes 3 and 4 to the default initialized value. Dress jFF71,2#. I3 or 4)#. KKIO-999)#. l#. ION/ OFFl. To reset area code toll restrictions for central of&e lines set as classes 5 and 6 to the default initialized val e. press JFF71.2#. (5 or 61#. 1000-9991#k. ION/ OFFI. This address is tied to the system installation area code address. (FFl], 2#, l#, 18#. DBS~IMXUCtiOM CPC-A 3.0. CPCB / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 Oflke code dialing restrictions on central oflice lines set for toll restriction types 3- 6aresetinthisprogramoption.‘Ikkphone LlsasthatacJcEss acentmlofEcehnesetto oneoftheseclassesofsewi~willbeabwed or denied accesstoaspecffko&ecode, accordingtotheseUinginthisoption. To allow dialing to o&e code 663 on a centralofkeline setwithatollrestriction class of sewice of 3. for example. enter: Iee7],3%,3#,663#,0# ; f To restrict dialing to of&e axle 346 on a centraloBkeline setwithatollrestriction class of sewice of 4, for example. enter: Iee7],3#,4#,346#, l# To restrict dialing to o&e code 261 on a 1 central of&e line set with a toll restriction class of sewice of 5, for example, enter: 154

DB3Pro@ammingInstructio~ CPGA/ 3.0, CPC-B / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 To restrict dialing to of&e code 588 on a central of&e line set with a toll restriction class of service of 6, for example, enter: .-. m, 3#, 6#, 588%. l# To reset ofike code toll restrictions for central of&e lines set as classes 3 to the default initialized value. press IFF71. 3#. 3M. @OO-999)#. l#. ION/OFFL To reset of&e code toll restrictions for central ofhce lines s t as classes 4. 5 and 6 to the defaulteinitialized values press lFF71. 3#. (4. 5 or 61#. fOOO- 9991#.0#. ION/OFFl. ThisaddressistiedtolheSystcminstallation area code address pl], 2#, l#, 18#. Four area codes can be tied to four special oflice code tables to allow or restrict a broad range of o&e codes on central of&e lines set with tollAriction classes of service 3 through 6’ Typically, area codes such as 900 are selected as spe- cial area codes. For example, to select area code 900 as the first “special area code” enter: m,41y, 1#,900# To select area code 808 as the second “special area code”, enter: plq. 4#, 26,808# To select area code 408 as the third “special area code” enter: pFq, 4#, 3#, 408W To select area code 600 as the fourth “special area code” enter: [FF71,4#, 4#,600# To reset anv of the four special area codes to the default initialized value, p ess IFF7). 4#. tl-4M. lCONF1. ION/ OkF, . lb8

&ction 400 FF7 Iuuc3July1833 DBs~gmnmingInstmctions CFGA3.0, CPGB / 2.0/.3.0 / 4.0 Four special of&e code tables are tied to four special area codes to allow or restrict a broad range of office codes for each special area code, on central office lines set with toll restriction classes of service 3-6. Typically, office codes such as 976.555 or other *pay for call” line sexvices are selected as special o&e codes. To select of&e code 976 as an oflice code to be restricted with the first “special area code”, on a central of&x line set for toll resMction class 3 through 6, for example, enter: .5#. lIy.9768. l# To select oflIce code 555 as an allowed office code to work with the second “special area code”, on a central office line set for toll restriction class 3 through 6, for example, enter: [FF71,5#, 2#, 555#, O# To select of&e code 976 as an office code to be restricted with the third “special area code”. on a central office line set for toll restriction class 3 through 6, for example. enter: Iee7], SW, 3W, 9761y, l# To select of&e code 444 as an of&e code tobe allowedwiththefourth”specialarea code”, on a central ofWe line set for toll restriction class 3 through 6, for example, enter t- (FF71,5#, 4#, 4448, on To reset mecial office code 1 & 2 toll restrictions for central oflke lines set as classes 3-6 to, the default initialized value. Dress lFF71. 5#. I1 or 2M. fOOO- 999M. l#. lON/OFFl. To reset soecial office cod 3 & 4 toll restrictions for central officz lines set as classes 3-6 to the default initialized value. Dress lFF71. 5#. (3 or 4)#. KM30- 999M. O#. ION/OFFl. Special office code tables 1 and 2 are restricted as default values, special ofike code tables 3 and 4 are allowed as default vaules. Default values can be changed globally in FM 9#, 13- 16#. 156

DBS Pro@ammh~ h~truction8 CPGA/ 3.0, CPGB / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 section 400 FF7 Issue3JuIy1803 Up to 50 preset 7 digit numbers can be restricted from being dialed behind all area codes on central of&e lines set for toll restriction types 2 through 6. The identifkation of these numbers are set in this program option. [FM], l#, (12- 16)#, determines whether the seven digit number that is dialed is reviewed by this address. Toassign5551212asthef%tof50preset numberstoberestxictedfiombeingdtaled onacentral office line set for toll restriction class 2 (assuming [FF7], l#, 12# is set witi l#), for example. enter: [FF7),6#,1#,5551212# - To assign 976- 12 12 as the second of 50 preset nuxnbers to be restricted from being dialed on a central office line set for toll restriction class 3 (assuming [FF7), l#, 13# is setwith l#). forexample, enter: m,6#, 2W.97612128 To reset anv of the 50 nreset restricted 7 digit numbers to the default initialized value. Dress lFF71.6#. (l-50)#. ICONFl, JON/OFFl. There are 7 types of toll restriction that can be used to curtail dialing of certain types of calls on a central office line. when the DBS is in the day setting. Toll restriction is effective on a line by line basis, per extension. See the overview at the beginning of this programming section for a review of each type of toll restriction. To set toll restriction on extension port 60 (when the DBS is in the day setting) for central office line 10 to type 3. for . example, enter: :; : To set toll restriction on extension port 22 (when the DBS is in the day setting) for central office line 5 to type 7, for example, enter: _ Iep71,7#,22#,5#,7# To reset central office toll restriction on am line on anv extension (when the DBS is in the dav setting). to the default initialized value. Dress iFF71. 7#. fl- 144)#. (l-64)#. 7#, lON/OFFk 157

section 400 FF7 Issue3July1993 DB3Frogrammin~~~~ons CPGA3.0, CPGB / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 This option provides the ability to take a single toll restriction class of service and apply it to all lines that appear on a specific extension, when the DBS is in the day setting. There are 7 types of toll restriction that can be used to curtail dialing of certain types of calls on a central office line. Seetheovemiewatthe nofsection3-7forareviewofeach type of toll mstriction. To set all lines that appear on extension port 14, when the DBS is in the day setting, to central of&e toll restrictfon class 4, for example, enter: IIfIF71,7#, 14#,65#,4# To reset the toll restriction on anv extension when the DBS is in the dav setting. to the default initialized value, press lFF41.7#. (l-1441#. 65#. 7#. ION/ OFFl. There are 7 types of toll restricUon that can be used to mrtail dialing of certain types of calls on a central office lihe, when the DBS is in the night setting. Toll restriction is effective on a line by line basis, per extension. See the overview at the beginning of section 3-7 for a review of each type of toll restriction. To set toll resUicUon on extension port 50, central of&e line 11 (when the DBS is in the night setting) to type 3, for example, enter: m7l,8#,50#,11#,3# /- To set toll restriction on extension port 6, central of&e line 15 (when the DBS is in the night setting) to type 7, for example, enter: IFF7),8U,6#,15#,7# To reset central of&e toll restriction on anvline on anvextensionwhen the DBS is in the night setting. to the default initialized value. Dress lFF71. 8#. (l- 144M. IL-64M. 7#. ION/OFFl. The program option outlined above has an address specifically for CPC-B software versions. To perform the same task with WC-A software, the address is: [FM], 7#, (l-72)#. 33#, (0-7)#. 158

DBSPro@ammh&jInstructio~ CFCA/ 3.0, CPC-B / 2.0 / 3.0 /4.0 section 400 FF7 Issue3July1993 This option provides the ability to take a single toll restriction class of service and apply it to all lines that appear on a specific extension, when the DBS is in the night setting. There are 7 types of toll restriction that. can be -used to curtail diali.ngofcertaintypesofcallsonacentral office line. See the overview at the beginning of section 3-7 for a review of each type of toll restriction. To set aJl lines that appear on extension port 31, when the DBS is in the night setting, to central oflice toll restxiction c class 5. for example, enter: IFF7],8#,31#,65#,5# ToresetthetollrestHctiononanve~tension whentheDBSisintheniQhtsetUng.tothe default initialized value. DIFSS f’FF41.8#. (I- 144]#. 65#. 7#. ION/OFFl. The program option outlined above has an address specifically for CPC-B software versions. To perform the same task with CPC-A software, the address is: [FF7], 8#. (l-72)++. 33#. (O- 7)#. To allow or restrict all area codes of each area code table of each toll restriction class of service to the same setting, this program option must be used. To allow dialing to all area codes in the table that controls central office line toll restriction class 3, enter: [Irp/l,9#,16,0# To restrict dialing to all area codes in the table that controls central office line toll restriction class 3, enter: Iee7],9#,1#,1# To allow dialing to all area codes in the table that controls central office line toll restriction class 4, enter: To restrict dialing to all area codes in the table that controls central ofhce line toll restriction class 4, enter: To allow dialing to all area codes in the table that controls central office line toll restriction class 5, enter: 159