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    of 1226
    MIDI Modules ReferenceMegaTrig
    The MegaTrig module is used for controlling playing styles and articulations and for 
    triggering release samples and instrument noises.
    Setting up Conditions
    By setting up conditions, you can determine which zone is triggered. For each 
    condition, you can specify an event and range.
    Proceed as follows:
    1.In the Program Tree, insert the MegaTrig module at the position where you want to 
    apply the playback rules.
    This can be the program or one of its layers. Any zones within the program or layer 
    are affected, too.
    2.Open the editor of the MegaTrig module.
    3.On the pop-up menu for the first condition, select an event. 
    4.Activate the condition by clicking the On button to the left of the menu.
    5.Use the faders and value fields to the right to adjust the minimum and maximum 
    value of the range.
    6.To set up more conditions, repeat these steps for additional rows.
    7.Select the logical operations, AND or OR, from the menu to the left of the 
    conditions. To invert a condition, activate the NOT operation (the button with the 
    exclamation mark).
    The Expression field displays the conditions and logical operations you set.
    ÖThe operation AND is executed before the operation OR.
    8.Set the Trigger option to determine which notes are triggered when the expression 
    becomes TRUE.
    Setting up the Expression Manually
    Instead of using the AND/OR menus and NOT buttons, you can enter the expression 
    manually. This way, you can also influence the execution order of the expression.
    Proceed as follows:
    1.Click the edit button next to the Expression field.
    2.Type in the conditions and logical operations, for example A AND B OR C.
    Instead of AND, OR, and NOT, you can also type &, | and !. 
    MIDI Modules ReferenceMegaTrig
    3.Put in parentheses to specify the execution order, for example A AND (B OR C).
    ÖIf you edit the expression manually, the AND/OR menus and the NOT and On buttons 
    are not available. 
    Selecting a Condition
    You can combine up to 8 conditions into an expression using logical operations. For 
    example, the expression “Note-on AND Sustain On” is TRUE when you play notes 
    while holding the sustain pedal down. Any assigned zones only play back if the whole 
    expression is TRUE. 
    For each of the conditions, you can make the following settings:
    The following options are available on the Condition pop-up menu:
    ConditionYou select the event for the condition from the Condition pop-up 
    menu. The condition is TRUE when the event is of the right type and 
    within the specified range.
    OnClick this button to activate the corresponding condition.
    MinUse the fader and value field to adjust the minimum value of the 
    range. This is the lowest possible value for a TRUE condition.
    MaxUse the fader and value field to adjust the maximum value of the 
    range. This is the highest possible value for a TRUE condition.
    ANDCombines two conditions logically. The expression is TRUE if both 
    conditions are TRUE.
    ORCombines two conditions logically. The expression is TRUE if one of 
    the conditions is TRUE.
    NOTActivate this to invert the condition. A condition that was previously 
    TRUE becomes FALSE, and vice versa.
    ExpressionDisplays how the logical operators and conditions are executed. 
    Click the “e” button to edit the Expression manually. Put in 
    parentheses to influence the execution order.
    Note-onThe condition is TRUE when a key is pressed. You can specify a 
    key range for this event.
    Note-offThe condition is TRUE when a note is released and a matching 
    note-on event was received. This includes notes that are released 
    by lifting the sustain pedal. You can specify a key range for this 
    This option allows you to avoid triggering the wrong release 
    samples after switching between articulations of an instrument. 
    Note that for this to work, the layers of the note-on and note-off 
    samples must reside in the same layer of the corresponding Key 
    Switch MegaTrig module.
    Forced Note-offThe condition is TRUE when a note is released. Forced means that 
    a matching note-on event is not needed. In other words, the note-
    off event always passes through. This includes notes that are 
    released by lifting the sustain pedal. You can specify a key range for 
    the note-off events.
    Key UpThe condition is TRUE when a note is released even when the 
    sustain pedal is pressed. This condition uses the full range of the 
    Sustain OnThe condition is TRUE when the sustain pedal is pressed. 
    MIDI Modules ReferenceMegaTrig
    Sustain OffThe condition is TRUE when the sustain pedal is released.
    Key SwitchThe condition is TRUE when a note in the specified note range is 
    pressed. Multiple Key Switch assignments across different layers of 
    the program work like radio buttons, so only one Key Switch 
    assignment can be active at a time. By default, the Key Switch 
    assignment with the lowest key is TRUE.
    Note: If you want the Key Switch assignments across different 
    layers to work individually, activate the Individual MegaTrig 
    Management of the corresponding layers. For example, this can be 
    necessary when two programs with Key Switches are copied 
    together into one program.
    Key Range 1stThe condition is TRUE beginning with the 1st note that is held 
    within the specified note range.
    Key Range 2ndThe condition is TRUE beginning with the 2nd note that is held 
    within the specified note range
    Key ToggleThis condition toggles between TRUE and FALSE each time you hit 
    a key within the specified note range. By default, the condition is 
    TRUE. If you toggle the condition from 0, the odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 
    7, and so on) are FALSE and the even numbers (2, 4, 6, 8, and so 
    on) are TRUE.
    VelocityThe condition is TRUE when the received velocity is within the 
    specified velocity range.
    Playing SpeedThe condition is TRUE when the time between successive notes is 
    within the specified range.
    LegatoThe condition is TRUE when you play notes legato. You can specify 
    a key range for the legato played notes.
    RetriggerThe condition is TRUE when a note is retriggered. You can specify 
    a key range for the retriggered note.
    Note that this condition must always be combined with Note-On 
    and that Mono and Retrigger must be activated in the Voice 
    Management of the corresponding layer or program.
    IntervalThe condition is TRUE when the interval between successively 
    played notes is within the specified range.
    Note CountThe condition is TRUE when the number of played notes is within 
    the specified range.
    Lowest NoteThe range control specifies the order of the notes in a chord from 
    low to high. The condition is TRUE when the played notes match 
    the specified range. For example, a range from 0 to 1 means the 
    first and second lowest note play and all other notes are filtered out.
    Highest NoteThe range control specifies the order of the notes in a chord from 
    high to low. The condition is TRUE when the played notes match 
    the specified range. For example, a range from 0 to 1 means the 
    first and second highest note play and all other notes are filtered 
    MIDI ControllerThe condition is TRUE when the position of the controller is within 
    the specified range.
    Quick ControlsThe condition is TRUE when the Quick Control is within the 
    specified range.
    RandomProduces a random value between 0 and 100 for each note that is 
    played. The condition is TRUE, when the random value is within the 
    specified range.
    Option Description 
    MIDI Modules ReferenceMegaTrig
    ÖTwo MIDI note events combined by an AND operation can never turn TRUE. For 
    example, the expressions “Note-on AND Note-off”, or “Note-on AND Key up”, or 
    “Note-off AND Key up” can never be TRUE.
    ÖWhen using several MegaTrig modules, the random value is the same across all 
    MegaTrig modules, if you select the Random option in the same row. By setting the 
    ranges so they do not overlap, you can switch randomly between the corresponding 
    Trigger Options
    In addition to the expressions, you can specify the Trigger options.
    The following options are available:
    Note-Off Velocity
    Below the Trigger options, the parameters to control the velocity of note-off samples 
    are located. This includes any sample selection through velocity mapping of the note-
    off samples. The velocity may also have an effect on the level of the note-off samples, 
    as programmed in the zone.
    The following parameters are available:
    New NotesWhen the expression is TRUE, only new notes trigger the zones.
    Held NoteWhen the expression is TRUE, the currently held notes and any new 
    notes trigger the zones.
    Fixed NoteWhen the expression is TRUE, a single note is sent. 
    When Fixed Note is selected, the Note and Velocity parameters become 
    available. Use them to determine the note to be sent.
    For example, to trigger the pedal noise of a grand piano, select the 
    condition Sustain On and set Trigger to Fixed Note. You can adjust the 
    note and velocity of the fixed note that is triggered. The Held Notes and 
    New Notes options trigger the notes as you played them on the keyboard. 
    SourceHere, you can select if the velocity that is sent to the release 
    samples is taken from the note-on or the note-off event.
    Velocity AmountAllows you to adjust how much the selected option affects the 
    velocity of the note-off sample. This includes any sample selection 
    through the velocity mapping of the release samples.
    Note that the velocity may also have an effect on the volume of the 
    sample, as programmed in the zone.
    Decay TimeDepending on the time you set, the velocity of the note-off sample is 
    reduced the longer you hold a key.
    Decay CurveSets the curvature of the note-off velocity decay. Use positive 
    values for an outward shaped curve and negative values for an 
    inward shaped curve. Without changing the overall decay time, an 
    outward shaped curve reduces the note-off velocity faster and an 
    inward shaped curve reduces it slower.
    Decay Key FollowScales the decay time across the keyboard. You can set a center 
    key that is used as the central position for the Key Follow function. 
    For example, set this parameter to positive values to decrease the 
    decay time for notes above and increase it for notes below the 
    center key. 
    MIDI Modules ReferenceLayer Alternate
    Layer Alternate
    You can use this module to switch between different layers automatically. This is 
    useful for alternating between the up and down bows of a string instrument or the left 
    and right hand of drum strokes, for example.
    To alternate playback between different layers, proceed as follows:
    1.Insert the Layer Alternate module above the layers between which you want to 
    2.Open the editor for the module and drag the layers from the Expression Pool into 
    the Alternation List in the order you want to switch them.
    You can rearrange the order of the list using drag and drop.
    3.Select the Alternation Mode and start playback.
    ÖLayer Alternate always switches the playback between layers. For switching between 
    single zones, use Variation Groups instead, see “The Variation Groups Section” on 
    page 94.
    ÖTo play back a specific expression, turn off the Enable button to stop any automatic 
    alternation and select the expression in the Alternation list.
    Expression Pool
    This list shows the available layers that can be alternated.
    Alternation List
    To alternate the layers, drag and drop them from the Expression Pool to this list. You 
    can change the order of the listed layers by dragging them to a new position. The layer 
    that is currently played back is highlighted. To remove an expression from the 
    Alternation list, use the context menu.
    Using Key Switches
    In some cases, it is useful to switch to a particular layer, regardless of the current 
    position in the Alternation list. To make this possible, you can specify a key switch per 
    layer. As soon as the key switch note is played, the alternation list jumps to the 
    corresponding layer. The alternation then continues from that position.
    •To set the key switch, type in the note, as text or number, in the key switch column 
    of the Alternation List.
    Decay Center KeySpecifies the note number that is used as a central position for the 
    key follow function of the Decay Time. The range extends from C-2 
    to G8.
    Option Description 
    MIDI Modules ReferenceLayer Alternate
    Alternation Mode
    The process of alternating between layers is determined by the following options:
    Per Key
    Select this option to apply the alternation for each MIDI key separately. When this is 
    switched off, the alternation is applied globally across the whole keyboard, so that any 
    key you play advances the alternation sequence.
    Here, you can specify the MIDI key that starts and stops the alternation sequence. 
    This key will be used exclusively for this function and will not trigger any notes.
    When set to Off, playback remains on the selected layer.
    Here, you can specify the MIDI key that switches to the previous/next expression.
    Here, you can specify the MIDI key that resets the Alternation sequence.
    Grace Time
    The Grace Time parameter sets a minimum time between two steps, which allows you 
    to play chords, for example. Otherwise, each note of the chord will play with a different 
    Cycle UpSelect this mode to cycle through the layers in descending 
    Cycle DownSelect this mode to cycle through the layers in ascending 
    RandomSelect this mode to alternate the layers randomly with each 
    note you play.
    Exclusive RandomSelect this mode to alternate the layers randomly, but without 
    MIDI Modules ReferenceKey Switch Alternate
    Key Switch Alternate
    Use this module to switch automatically between different layers that are using 
    MegaTrig key switches to define whether they are played or not.
    To alternate the playback between different key switches, proceed as follows:
    1.Insert the Key Switch Alternate module above the layers that contain the MegaTrig 
    modules with key switch settings.
    2.Open the module editor and drag and drop the key switches from the Available 
    Key Switches list to the Alternation List in the order you want them to alternate.
    You can rearrange the order of the list using drag and drop.
    3.Select the Alternation Mode and start playback.
    ÖThis MIDI module is provided for compatibility with HALion 3 programs, because in 
    HALion 3, the alternation of layers was realized using key switches. When using this 
    version of HALion, no additional MegaTrig modules with key switch settings are 
    necessary. Instead of using Key Switch Alternate, you can use the Layer Alternate 
    Available Key Switches
    This list shows the currently available key switches that can be used to control an 
    alternation. To create new alternations, drag a key switch from this list to the 
    Alternation list. Note however, that there is no direct relation between the Available 
    Key Switch list and the Alternation list and once created, an alternation can be 
    renamed and assigned a note. 
    Alternation List
    To alternate key switches, drag and drop them from the list of available key switches 
    to this list. Depending on the selected alternation mode, the triggered key switches 
    alternate in the order they are listed or randomly. You can change the order of the 
    listed key switches by dragging them to another position. The key switch that is 
    currently triggered is highlighted. To remove a key switch from the Alternation list, use 
    the context menu for the selected key switch.
    To trigger a specific key switch, turn off the Enable button to stop any automatic 
    alternation and select the key switch in the Alternation list.
    Adding New Alternations
    Normally you add alternations by dragging existing key switches from the Available 
    Key Switches list. However, it is also possible to create new alternations from scratch.
    Proceed as follows:
    1.Click the “+” button above the Alternation list.
    2.An new alternation is added to the list.
    3.Specify the name of the alternation.
    4.Specify the key switch note to be sent. 
    MIDI Modules ReferenceKey Switch Remote
    Naming Alternations
    The available key switches come with an additional name that is derived from the layer 
    name of the MegaTrig parent layer.
    Alternation Mode, Per Key, Reset, Enable, and Grace Time
    These options are the same as for the Layer Alternate module, see “Layer Alternate” 
    on page 275.
    Key Switch Remote
    The Key Switch Remote module allows you to remote-control key switches that are 
    used within the current parent layer.
    The expression list shows all available layers. If a layer contains a MegaTrig module 
    set to “Key Switch”, the specified key is displayed in the Key/Active column.
    Key Switch Mode
    Here you can define if you want to use the original key switches as set in the MegaTrig 
    modules, remap them to other keys, or to use a MIDI controller instead.
    No matter which mode you select, the original key switch assignments still work. This 
    is important for phrases for the FlexPhraser module that make use of the original key 
    switches. The last key switch that is received always has priority.
    Key Switch
    When Key Switch is selected, the original key switch assignments are used to switch 
    to an expression. The keys are displayed in the list and cannot be edited.
    When Remapped is selected, you can transpose the original key switch assignments 
    to the playable range of your MIDI keyboard.
    To do so, enter the MIDI note you want the expression to be reassigned to.
    You can also transpose multiple key switches at the same time. Press [Shift] and drag 
    one of the text faders for the key switch you want to change.
    The MIDI notes you use for key switches can no longer be used to trigger samples.
    MIDI Controller
    The MIDI Controller mode allows you to define a MIDI controller that remote-controls 
    the original key switches. In this mode the list does not show any MIDI note names, 
    but checkboxes that allow you to specify the expressions you can switch to. Inactive 
    expressions cannot be addressed.
    •To assign a MIDI controller, select it from the MIDI Controller pop-up menu.
    Refreshing the Expression List
    When adding, moving, or removing layers with key switches after the Key Switch 
    Remote module has been set up, it can become necessary to refresh the Expression 
    list. To do so, click the Refresh button in the title bar. 
    MIDI Modules ReferenceMIDI Randomizer
    MIDI Randomizer
    The MIDI Randomizer module allows you to trigger notes randomly. These notes can 
    be created by modifying the original notes and/or velocity values using an adjustable 
    deviation amount, or within a completely independent range that can be set for key 
    and/or velocity. You can also limit the input range for incoming MIDI notes to decide 
    on which notes the module reacts.
    In the Input section to the left, you can make the following settings:
    In the Output section to the right, there are two rows of settings. 
    The upper row offers the following parameters:
    The lower row offers the following parameters:
    Low Key/High KeyThese values define which incoming notes are used by the 
    Randomizer to create random notes.
    Low Vel/High VelThese values define the velocity range that is used by the 
    Randomizer to create random notes.
    ActiveActivate this switch if you want the Randomizer to create 
    notes within a certain key range.
    SpreadIf you activate this, you can use the input values and vary 
    them randomly. Use the Amount parameter to define how 
    much the random notes can diverge from the original keys.
    By deactivating this option, you can create notes within a 
    specific key range, which is set using the Low Key/High Key 
    value fields.
    ActiveActivate this switch if you want the Randomizer to create 
    notes within a certain velocity range.
    SpreadIf you activate this, you can use the input values and vary 
    them randomly. Use the Amount parameter to define how 
    much the random notes can diverge from the original keys.
    By deactivating this option, you can create notes within a 
    specific velocity range, which is set using the Low Vel/High 
    Vel value fields. 
    MIDI Modules ReferenceTrue Pedaling
    True Pedaling
    This MIDI module produces a modulation signal from the sustain pedal, which you can 
    use to simulate true pedaling of grand pianos. Instead of switching between two 
    layers, this module allows you to crossfade between layers when you press or lift the 
    sustain pedal, which produces a more realistic sound.
    To set up a crossfade between two layers, proceed as follows:
    1.Set the Level parameter of the zones with the note-on samples to the default level 
    2.Set the Level parameter of the zones with the sustain resonance samples to the 
    minimum setting.
    3.In the modulation matrix, select the True Pedaling module as the modulation 
    source and assign it to the modulation destination Level.
    4.To bring the crossfade into effect, modulate the level of the note-on samples in 
    negative direction and the level of the sustain resonance samples in positive 
    The following settings are available:
    5.Once the modulation is set up, the resonance samples are triggered with each 
    note, but you do not hear them until you press the sustain pedal.
    Fade In TimeSpecifies the fade in time of the modulation signal, when you 
    press the sustain pedal.
    Fade In CurveSets the curvature of the fade in. Use negative values for an 
    outward shaped curve and positive values for an inward 
    shaped curve.
    Fade Out TimeSpecifies the fade out time of the modulation signal, when 
    you lift the sustain pedal.
    Fade Out CurveSets the curvature of the fade out. Use positive values for an 
    outward shaped curve and negative values for an inward 
    shaped curve.
    Time OutOn acoustic pianos, pressing the sustain pedal after a certain 
    time has little to no effect. You can achieve the same effect 
    by using this parameter: Pressing the sustain pedal after the 
    time you set here will have no effect. Any resonance samples 
    that have been triggered, but were not faded in, are released. 
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