Communications System
Mitel Voice Processing Solutions Installation And Service Manual
Mitel Voice Processing Solutions Installation And Service Manual
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Configure the Enhanced In-Band Application1.Access the Online Menu (enter G from the VoiceMemo Configuration - Main Menu) to modify the inactive configuration. The system displays the following: Group #1 Lines = [Name]Voicememo Configuration - Online Menu-__-_--___-___--_-____________________ (G) Group Selected = [l] (M) Modify Application (C) Report Current Configuration(Q) Quit - Forget Changes (X) Exit -Save Changes 2.Enter G to select your group. tiEnter the number of the Enhanced In-band line group. 3.Enter M to Modify Application. The system displays: Enhanced In-Band---____-_---_-_---________ (A) Configure Application (B) Other Features (X) Exit 4.Enter A to select Configure Application. The system displays the Enhanced In-band menu: Enhanced In-Band-_-__-_----_--_----_______ Date Installed: XXXXXXXX Dated Modified: XXXXXXXX(N) Application Name = [](D) Application Description = [] (T) Edit Template Menu (P) Edit Parameters Menu (0) Show Applications (I) Install Application (L) List Applications (S) Other Features (X) Exit 5.Enter N to name the application. The Application Name is used to install the integration; it is case sensitive. 3 Enter Mitel. 6.Enter D to select Application Description. 3Enter Mite1 Enhanced Integration. Templates are used to match codes sent by the PBX. 12

7.Enter T to access the Edit Template Menu. The system displays the following: IN-BAND Edit Template Menu-___--------__-_________________________---(M) Modify Template = [](D) Data = [I(A) Action = [](T) Timeout = [](E) Error Action = [](N) Next Template = [] (C) Comment = [] (X) Exit 8.Enter M and enter the Template Number to modify. *Enter the template information as shown in the following example. Template Data will vary from site to site, depending on Feature Access Codes used in the SX-2000. 8, *Press Enter to expand the template menu for each template. Press Enter to re-display each template and verify your entries. Enter Template information, as in the following Example: Template 1Data = RAction = T Timeout = Error Action = Next Templates=23456789 Comment = Incoming Seizure Template 2Data = *62#dx#sx#(*62 - programmed FAC for Call Forward Busy External)Action = V4 Timeout = 10 Error Action = H Next Templates = Comments = CFB External Template 3 Data = l 63#dx#sx#(*63 - programmed FAC for Call Forward Busy Internal)Action = V4 Timeout = 10 Error Action = H Next Templates = Comments = CFB Internal Template 4Data = *65#dx#sx#(*65 - programmed FAC for Call Forward No Answer External)Action = V3 Timeout = 10 Error Action = H Next Templates = Comments = CFNA External 13

Template 5Data = *6f%dx#sx#(*66 - programmed FAC for Call Forward No Answer Internal)Action = V3 Timeout = 10 Error Action = H Next Templates = Comments = CFNA Internal Template 6Data = *64#/215O#sx#Action = VlTimeout = 10 Error Action = H Next Templates = 8 (*64 - programmed FAC for Call Forward Always) (2150 - Voice Mail Hunt Group for Messaging) Comments = Callback Login Template 7Data = ##sx#Action = VlTimeout = 10 Error Action = H Next Templates =Comments = Local Login Template 8Data = *64#dx#sx#Action = V2 Timeout = 10 Error Action = H Next Templates =Comments = CFA (*64 - Programmed FAC for Call Forward Always) Template 9Data = ####Action = V5 Timeout = 10 Error Action = H Next Templates = Comments =Auto Att - VM 9.After defining the templates, enter X to Exit and return to the Enhanced In-band menu. 10.Enter 0 to Show Application. Ensure that all Templates are set up correctly. Install the Enhanced In-Band Application 1.Enter I to Install Application, from the Enhanced In-band menu. =Enter the Application Name. This name is case sensitive and must be entered exactly as it appears in the Application Name field (refer to page 12). 2.Enter S to save the application. 3.Enter X to Exit and save changes. 14

4.Make any other necessary program changes. 5.Activate the inactive configuration. 6.Run a Configuration Report to confirm programming. NOTE:This will result in service outage. The following reports provide example configurations for Enhanced /n-band Signaling and ONS Message Waiting. Key areas that should also be programmed for initial setup, in the Online Menu, are highlighted in bold text. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION November, 1995 8:30 am Group #l: “Mitel Enhanced Integration” [lines OA,OB,lA,l B] Application = [ENHANCED IN-BAND] Dial plan = [4,4,4,4,4,4,4,0,A] Administrator mbox # = [6668] General Greeting mbox # = 0 Attendant mbox # = [6669] Wait Prompt = [Yj Caller multiple messages enabled = r/l KEY-O for attendant transfer during greeting = [y] Disconnect string = 0 Pre-company name string = 0 Pre-mailbox greeting string = 0 Passcode Length Min = [4], Max = [lo], Language = [E] Start of day = [08:00 AM], End of day = [05:00 PM], Days of Week = [DDDDDNNI Passcode trip count = [5], Passcode trip period = [24] Dial-by-name: Last First = M, Match Threshold = [3], Exact = M Suppress Number = [N], Single Digit Access = [y] Delay Before Answer = [30](For Screened calls only) E-mail Transfer String = fl Allow Dial an Extension for callers = [y], users = [y] Analog Networking: Call Setup timeout = [S] .International Access Code = [1, Country code = 0 Area/City code = 0, 1 plus dialing = 0 Area/City code is dialed with Local Telephone Number = [N] Telephone number = 0, Loop-back Test Mailbox = 0 Receptionist Enabled q [Y] - Pre-DN = [S+], Post-DN = [+H], Connect = u, Serial = IS+]lind Transfer) Return = [S+*ll], Return call reject = [S+*ll], Reorder Action = [S+*ll] PBX dial plan = 14 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 a],,,91,1,ball Hold Offsets = [O,O,O,O,O,O,O,O,O]Retrieve) Deleted digits = [O,O,O,O,O,O,O,O,O] Time-out for receipt of first DTMF digit (.l seconds) = [0] Greet/Name = [G], PBX console operation = [N] Day operator = [OH], Night operator = [2215H] Attendant extension = [2202H] Attendant’s extension = [2202H] 15

NAME: MitelSX-2000DESCRIPTION: Mite1 Enhanced Integration Installation Date: 16-May-95 3:35:02 pm Last Modify Date: 21-Sep-95 4:14:55 pm Tl: R, T, , Next:23456789 Comment: Incoming Seizure T2: l 62#dx#sx#, V4, 10, H Next: Comment: CFB External T3: *63#dx#sx#, V4, 10, H Next: Comment: CFB InternalT4: *65#dx#sx#, V3, 10, H Next: Comment: CFNA External T5: *66#/dx#sx#, V3, 10, H Next: Comment: CFNA internal T6: *64#215O#sx#, Vl , 10, H Next: 8 Comment: Callback Login T7: ###sx#, Vl, 10, H Next: Comment: Local Login T8: l 64#dx#sx#, V2, 10, H Next: Comment: CFA T9: ####, V5, 10, H Next: Comment: Auto Att - VMGroup #2: “ONS MESS WAIT” [lines 2A] Application = [DTMF TO PBX DIALER] lnitiai Dialtone Detect = [Y] Access dial string = 0, Dial tone confirmation = 0 Pre-DN ON dial string = p90], Pre-DN OFF dial string = [f91](FACs for Message Act/Deact) Post-DN ON dial string = [#I, Post-DN OFF dial string = [#](Enable End of Dial # in System Suppress message light updates = [Yj, Wait for dial tone = [N]Options) Alternate Code = [I i16

=aPhone Line Exceptions Flash Hook Timer change required: Exception Number 23: Set to 20 for all Enhanced In-Band Lines, as shown below: Host 1:l Line 1 configuration: 23 Flash hook time20 .Ol set Host 1:2 Line 2 configuration: 23 Flash hook time20 .Ol set Host I:3 Line 3 configuration: 23 Flash hook time20 .Ol set Host I:4 Line 4 configuration: 23 Flash hook time20 .Ol set 8. aFCOS Conditional greetings can be used by enabling FCOS 161: Conditional Greetings. When this FCOS is set; mailboxes must be initialized before these conditional greetings can be recorded. 17

MESSAGE WAITING CONS!DERATIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Message waiting indications activated from an ONS voice mail port with Class of service option “COV/ONS/E&M Voice Mail Port” ENABLED, and in a voice mail hunt group type, can ONLY be deactivated from a port (with this COS option ENABLED) within the same voice mail hunt group. These are “call me back” (callback) messages, which are readable from a display set. NOTE: This applies to PBX software level MS2007 only. The maximum number of call me back messages permitted on any one PBX is controlled by the purchased dimension (MFRD) level. Message waiting indications activated from an ONS voice mail port with Class of service option “COV/ONS/E&M Voice Mail Port” DISABLED, can be deactivated from any port with this COS option DISABLED. These are “Dialed Message Waiting” messages, which are only lamp indicators on all sets. *.“Call me back” and “Dialed Message Waiting” indications are retained after a main control activity switch (reload or restart) occurs. This is true-for software loads MS2005 (L08.1) and above. Prior to this, these messages were not retained, making it necessary for the voice mail system to reactivate messages. Class of service option “Message Deactivate on-off hook” does not apply to Callback Messages activated by the ONS voice mail port(s).NOTE: This applies to MS2004/1 (K04.7E) and above only. Attendant consoles are unable to receive a Message Waiting indication. This includes the SUPERSET 7@, SUPERSET 7DNTM, SUPERSET 700TM, SUPERCONSOLE lOOO@and SUPERSET 7000TM.Analog SUPERSET 3TM Telephones and Single Line Telephones without Message Waiting lamps require “Message Waiting Audible Tone Notification” Class of service option enabled. Subscribers with several voice messages in their mailboxes will have only one “call me back” or “Dialed Message Waiting” applied to their sets. Advisory messages displayed on Analog SUPERSET 4 telephones take priority over the Message Waiting count displayed on the sets. Messages can be activated from E&M (analog or digital) ports. However, these will only be “Dialed Message Waiting” indications (lamp only). Mite1 recommends the use of ONS ports for call me back functionality. 18

1 VoiceMemo Configuration Main Menu Main Menu (7 2 VoiceMemo Application r VoiceMtsmo Configuration Main Menu VoiceMemo Configuration t”$ GCftine Menu Q-l Duplicate Active Configuration AutoGather Menu Monthly Gather Menu + (El or (F)-1 Mailbox on Demand b(data entry parameters) 3 Mailboxes Mailbox Maintenance List Maintenance __) (CreateNew Mailboxes; Modify Mailboxes; other data entry parameters) 4 010 VoiceMemo Application VoiceMemo Configuration VoiceMemo Configuration Line Groups Menu +(data entry parameters)

3 Pager Application Line Groups Menu b;Only for Massage Delivery \ / ixi h (PILp(Pager systems supported) 6 M-232 Message Lights Application ACMassage WalngLights b(data entry parameters) 9 IITMF-to-Pgll Message lights Application ILine Grows MenuI I 8 Hard Disk Utilities Hard Disk Utilities Menu SCSlStatus MenuSCSI Enable Menu a Billing b Aeports 4 CL)L (Cl4Configuration Report ‘f-iSystem Information Report !Fi Logfile Menu A71 I1&IWOtTline System Verify logfile I>(othei reports) 10 Pboaeline Exceptions Main Menu 1Menu

11FCOS, ~COS, LCOS, RCOS, NCRS and TCOS12 System Maintenance.Main Menu blMain Menu9 -I-System MaintenanceMenuSystem Configuration ./ ,r,Menu- mFeature Class of Service Menu Group Class of Service Menu h1JMore Limits ParametersMenu (511Even More Limits IParameters Menu\ I 3Call Placement MenuI --?FaxMemo LimitsMenuMessage RetensionLimit Menu 6,I JRCOS System Wide Parameters Menu ‘MuRCOS Selected Menu IDigit Absorption Menu (ElL)Exact Match Menu NPAINXX Menu Network Class of Set&e Menu ‘4 z Service MenuTenant Class of L’ *System Maintenance Menu(A Automatic Wakeup Menu p Auto. Receptionist Extensions Menu Floppy Backup :sa LSystem Shutdown -3Module Maintenance Menu ?System Verffy Menu I->Event Recorder Menu r.-bNetwork Menu IAdditional Options Menu(CTerminal Type Menu Digital ConnectivityStatus I Maintenance Menu I (I) I l-3Set Console Type Menu I Console / Serial Port SetupMenuI Alarms Maintenance Menu ----AOnline Software Update Menu Time and Date Menu tUtility Menu I I Ime ZoneConfiguration Menu rSystem Configuration MenuRh IiIHardware ConfigurationMenu>/ (KUResource Configuration IMenu 6)1 ---tOffline Menu