Communications System
Mitel Voice Processing Solutions Installation And Service Manual
Mitel Voice Processing Solutions Installation And Service Manual
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List of Centigram Procedures Page 3 of 3ProcedureChapter NumberNumberTitle CPs CalledCalled By CP65902Model 70 InstallationCP1340 CP6201 CP6215CP6216 CP6261 CP6268 CP7001 CP65925Offline Disk Replacement (Non-CP5703 Redundant Systems/RedundantCP 6221 Systems)CP6224,,CP6298 CP7001 CP70012Run Verify With System OnlineCP6590 CP6592 CP6483 a?70045Name the Configurations CP70055View the Configuration Names CP70145Enable a Module CP70155Update Disk RedundancyCP6281 CP6282 CP6283 CP7019 cl? 7017 5Shut Down a Hard Disk CP70195Enable a Hard DiskCP7015CP6281 CP7021 3Perform an Online Increase SystemCP6282 HoursCP 7022 CP7025 CP 7029 CP 7030 CP703 1 5Add or Cancel a Phoneline Exception 5Activate New SoftwareCP7000 5Diagnose a Disk With System Online 5Run Diagnose From Hard Disk 5Run Diagnose From Diskette

Index Aactivating new software, Cl? 7025add.disk Cl? 6282 program, adding hard disks, CP 6282phoneline exception, CP 7022 redundant hard disks, CP 6281GCOS, 1-17 LCOS, 1-17 NCOS, 1-17 RCOS, 1-17 restoring, Cl? 5413 TCOS, 1-17 Configurable Data Link, l- 16 configuration Administrator’s mailbox, l-l 8 AMIS Analog, 1-15 Attendant mailbox, l- 18 Auto Wakeup, 1 - 14 Automated Dispatch, l- 16 automatic exit, avoiding, xivnaming, CP 7004 viewing names, CP 70%connectors, A-2 console passcode, recovering, CP 5303 console, installing, CP 62 16 B backup classes of service, CP 5412floppy, CP 5703 Broadcast mailboxes, l- 18console, tips, xiiicustomer turnover, 2-6 customization, 1 - 12Cut-Through paging, l- D 14 defaults, accepting, xiii c cabinetdescription, l-5 installing, CP 6224removing, CP 6224 Call Detail Recorder (CDR), l-1 CaMgent, 1 - 13diagnose program, CP 7031, CP 7030, CP 7029 Direct Data Link, l-l 6 disk. See hard disk disks 6running diagnose, CP 7031, CP 7030, CP 7029shutting down, CP 7017 viewing operational parameters, CP 53 13 canceling phoneline exception,CP7022 distribution lists, 1-13, 1-15 cardsdistributors, 4-3 -Ethernet, l-l 1 Fax, l-11Eline, l-10editing history file, CP 5304 Serial 16/32, 1-11 Electronic Set Emulation, l-l6 Smartcards, l-l 1enabling, hard disks, CP 7019 specialty, 1- 10 Centigram Service Partners, 4-3 Chain mailboxes, 1-18 classes of servicebacking up, CP 5412 defined, 1-16FCOS, 1-17 equipment log,2-3 equipment, protecting, xvi Ethernet cards,l-l1 FFax l-l 1 cards, fax publishing mailboxes, l-19 Index-l

Index-17 Fax Store and Forward, I-19 FaxMemo, l-14 FCC regulatory compliance, l-4 Feature Class of Service (FCOS), 1 field repairs, 4-2 floppy disk drivebacking up, CP 5703 description, l-9 installing, CP 6222removing, CP 6222 running diagnose from, CP 703 1Foreign Language Prompts, l-l 6 Functional System Partition Administration(FPSA), l-l 5 GGreeting Only mailboxe, l- 18 Group Class of Service (GCOS), l-17 Guaranteed Fax mailboxes, l-l 9 Guest mailboxes, 1-l 8 H 14adding, CP 6282 adding redundant, CP 628 1 changing module status, CP 53description, l-9 enabling, CP 70 19 installing, CP 6221offline replacement, CP 6592 removing, CP 6221 replacing redundant, CP 6283 updating redundancy, CP 70 15 hardwarecabinet, 1-5 hard diskfloppy disk drive, l-9 hard disk, l-9 line cards, 1- 10 overview, l-5 specialty cards, 1 - 10 history file, viewing and editing, CP 5304 I increase system hours, CP 7021 installationcabinet, CP 6224 console, CP 6216 floppy disk drive, CP 6222hard disk, CP 6221line card, CP 6220 Model 70, CP 6590 modem, CP 6270 optional feature, CP 5402 preparing for, xv printer, CP 62 15quality check, CP 6258 redundant hard disk, CP 6284 integrations, 1- 15 Jjack types, A-2 Limits Class of Service (LCOIS), 1-17 line cards description, 1-l 0installing, CP 6220 removing, CP 6220 loads, A-2M mailbox Administrator’s, l- 18Attendant, 1-l 8 Broadcast, l-18 Chain, 1-18 fax publishing, 1 - 19Greeting Only, l- 18 Guaranteed Fax, l- 19Guest, l-18 optional special application, l-l 9 Rotational, l- 19 special application, l- 18Tree, 1-19 mailbox user featuresAuto Wakeup, 1-14 Cal&gent, 1 - 13 customization, 1 - 12 Cut-Through paging, 1 - 14 distribution lists, 1- 13 FaxMemo, l-14 Message Waiting, l-1 3 Outdial Notification, 1-l 3 Receptionist II, 1- 14 speciai pager terminal protocol paging, 1- 14 voice mail/messaging, 1- 12Index-2 J

. makeredundant program, CP 628 1maximum system capacities, l-3 menusreturning to main, xiii viewing complete, xiiiMESA Forms, l-l 9 MESA-Net, 1-16 Message Waiting, l-1 3 messaging, 1- 12Model 70 capacities, l-3 connectors, A-2 expanding, 4-4 field repairs, 4-2 hardware overview, l-5installing, 2-5, Cl? 6590 loads, A-2 server specifications, 1-4 service strategy, 4-2 servicing, 4-4 software overview, 1-l 2 support plans, 4-3 system connections, A- 1troubleshooting, 4-5 modem, installing, Cl? 6270 module, changing status, Cl? 53 14Multi Vendor Independent Protocol (MVIP), l-10N naming configuration, CP 7004 Network Class of Service (NCOS), I- 17 0 offlinerunning diagnose, CP 7030 updating sohware, CP 6263 offline replace disk, CP 6592 offline software update, Cl? 6483 OneView, 1 - 15online, running diagnose, CP 7029 optional special application mailboxes Fax Publishing, 1 -I 9Fax Store and Forward, l-1 9 Guaranteed Fax, l- 19MESA Forms, 1-19 optional system features. See also mailbox user features AMIS Analog, l-15 Index Automated Dispatch, I- 16Call Detail Recorder (CDR), l-l 6 Direct Data Link, 1-16 Electronic Set Emulation, 1-16 Foreign Language Prompts, l-l 6 Functional System Partition Administration(FSPA), l-15 installing, CP 5402 MESA-Net, 1 - 16 OneView, 1 - 15 Video Dispatch, 1 - 16 Outdial Notification, l- 13 outside caller features, 1-14 P parameters, disk, CP 53 13 ’ passcode, console, CP 5303 phoneline exceptions, setting, CP 7022 physical specifications, l-4 power cord, 2-3 power supply setting, 2-3 printer, installing, CP 6215 procedures, documentation conventions for, xi programs add.disk, Cl? 6282diagnose, CP 7031, CP 7030, CP 7029 make.redundant, CP 628 1 system.reload, CP 6267 system.restore, CP 5704 prompts, updating, CP 6262 Public Telecommunications Network Connection, A-l Q quality check, CP 6258 RReceptionist II, l-14 redundant hard disk installing, CP 6284 replacing, CP 6283 reloading system, CP 6267report, System Information, CP 1340 restore classes of service, CP 5413Restriction Class of Service (RCOS), l-17 Rotational mailboxes, 1- 19 running, online verify, CP 7001 Index-3

system increasing hours, CP 7021naming configuration, CP 7004 reloading, CP 6267 setting time and date, Cl? 5414shutdown, Cl? 6268 verify online, Cl? 7001 viewing configuration, CP 7005 system administration hardware, 5-4phone, 5-3 system administrator, 5-2 system components. See hardware overview system features distribution lists, l- 158.integrations, 1-l 5optional, 1-15 System Information Report, CP 1340 system.reload program, CP 6267 system.restore program, CP 5704 T telephone connecting lines, CP 626 1 testing basic functions, CP 620 1Tenant Class of Service (TCOS), l-17 time and date, setting, CP 5414 timeouts, avoiding, xiv tools required, 2-4 Tree mailboxes, 1 - 19 troubleshooting application software problems, 4-7 comunications failure, 4-7 console/terminal problems, 4-8 floppy disk drive problems, 4-9 hard disk problems, 4- 10 integration problems, 4- 10 line card problems, 4-l 1 overview, 4-5 power supply problems, 4-7system and miscellaneoud problems, 4-12 U updating hard disk redundancy, CP 70 15prompts, CP 6262 software, CP 6263 user distribution lists, l-13, l-15

V Video Dispatch, I - I6 viewinghistory file, CP 5304 system configuration, CP 7005 voice mail, l-12 IndexW warnings, documentation conventions for, xii worksheets, 5-4 Index-5

issue 1 Release 2.0 January 1996Voice Processing Solutions TM, @ - Trademark of M itel Corporation 0 Copyright 1996, Mite1 Corporation All rights reserved.Printed in Canada. I Prompt Installation Instructions

0 1996 Centigram Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by federal copyright law. No part of this publication may be copied or distributed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any human or computer language in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, magnetic, manual or otherwise, or disclosed to third parties without the express written permission of Centigram Communications Corporation, 91 East Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA 95134. REPRODUCTION Licensed users and authorized distributors of Centigram products may capythis document for use with Centigram products provided that the copyright notice above is included in all reproductions. PROPRIETARY TERMS The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of Centigram Communications Corporation: AIP, CallAgent, CallText, Centigram,PROSE, Speaklt, SpeechPlus,SPEECH+, TruVoice, VGS, VoiceMemo, FaxMemo, OneViewPROSE 2000 Version 1 01992 Centigram Communications Corporation. All other brand and product names are claimed or registered marks of their respective companies. NOTICE The information contained in this document is believed to be accurate in all respects but is not warranted by Mite1 Corporation (MITELB). The information is subject to change without notice and should not be construed in any way as a commitment by Mite1 or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries. Mite1 and its affiliates and subsidiaries assume no responsibility for any errors or omissionsin this document. Revisions of this document or new editions of it may be issued to incorporate such changes.

Page 2 Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................................3 1.1. SCOPE.....................................................................................................................................................................3 1.2. INTENDED AUDIENCE...............................................................................................................................................3 1.3. RELATEDIDOC-~.............................................................................................................................................3I .3.1. Obsolete Documents........................................................................................................................................3 2. NEW FUNCTIONALITY.......................................................................................................................................3 2. ~.NOONL~EINSTALLATION.......................................................................................................................................3 3. INSTALLING NEW PROMPTS............................................................................................................................33.1. SLIMMARY OFINSTALLA~ON....................................................................................................................................4 ~.~.INSTALLATIONINS~JCTIONS..................................................................................................................................4*. 4. UPDATING PROMPTS..........................................................................................................................................64.1. S-YOFUPDATE..............................................................................................................................................74.2. UPDATEINSTRUCTIONS............................................................................................................................................7 5. RELATED ISSUES.................................................................................................................................................7 ~.~.NLJMERICPROMPTSSETS..........................................................................................................................................75.1 .I. Overlay Set.....................................................................................................................................................7 5.2. ONLINE ENABLE......................................................................................................................................................7 5.3. LANGUAGES PER SERVER..........................................................................................................................................8

1. 2. m 3. Page 3 IntroductionThis document describes how to install and update prompts diskettes on a Centigram Series 6 server. This information is currently not available in Series 6 documentation. 1.1. ScopeThis document covers installation and updating instructions only. It is for use with all prompt sets for software release 6.0, except hotel, for all languages. 1.2.Intended AudienceThis document is intended for anyone who needs to install or update pgompts on a Series 6 server. This includes customers, field engineers, customer support engineers, and customer education personnel. 1.3.Related DocumentsFor reference information on how prompts work with VoiceMemo software, refer to the VoiceMemo Reference and ConJciguration Manual. For information about specifying drive types, such as prompts drives, refer to the appropriate Series 6 Installation and Service Manual for your server. For information on ordering prompts, see Product Note 48A, Series 6 System Prompts. 1.3.1. Obsolete DocumentsProcedures CP 6262, CP 7008, and CP 7009, which were included in 5.0x manuals and in drafts of 6.0 manuals, are superseded by this document. New functionalityThere are changes in prompt installation between 5.0x software and 6.0 software. 2.1. No Online InstallationFor software release 6.0, online prompts installation is no longer an option. In previous releases, prompts could be installed while the server was processing calls Installing New PromptsThis section covers installing new prompts on a Series 6 server. Refer to Section 4 for updating prompts.