Communications System
Mitel Voice Processing Solutions Installation And Service Manual
Mitel Voice Processing Solutions Installation And Service Manual
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1.7Mailbox Modify - The Hotel should be able to modify the mailbox number of a particular guest without losing any of the recorded information in that mailbox. 2.0ConfiaurationSee Chapter 2 for initial configuration information. Once the application has been setup it is also necessary to access the following Menus: SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Configure PMS integration Feature COS Group COS Limits COSNetwork COS Phoneline exceptions Reconfigure system Configure Video Dispatch Configure Citywide SMDIConfigure Smartcard Table ExitEnter letter in ( ) to execute command. When you need help later type ?.COMMAND (E/F/G/L/N/P/R/V/W/X): E Users will then view the following: Answer the following questions to configure the PMS Clear passcode on Check-out = MClear messages on Check-out = MClear name on Check-out = [N] Clear greeting on Check-out = [N] On Check-in set the mailbox FCOS = [O] 2 On Check-out set the mailbox FCOS = [0] 64 - Page 14

3.0Mailbox SetuoOnce the application has been setup, the user must create guest mailboxes with either the Check-Out or Check-In FCOS (it is not critical to match the existing roomstatus since the integration handles a re-synchronization of the databases when it first starts up).It is important to set the MWI type for the guest mailboxes to be type 16:Message Waiting Type #l: ? 0:None 1:Not Available 2:AC msg lamp 3:DTMF to PBX 4:Fixed RS232 5:Pager 6:SL-1 BkGround 7:Program RS232 8:T/R RS232 9:Centrex RS232 10:lntecom RS232 11:NEC RS232 12:Video Dispatch 13: I-T-T RS232 14:Citywide SMDI 15:AT&T System 75 16:HIS PMS 17:SL-I Msg Waiting Message waiting type #l: 16 This is so that the guest room’s MW light is controlled by the PMS system.(Note:this integration does NOT preclude the use of another integration running on a different serial port).After both the configuration and the mailboxes have been set up, the integration will update the room status. - Page 15 -

4.0Text MWIAs a new PMS feature, it is possible for a guest to find how many (if any) text messages are waiting at the front desk (in the PMS system). This is done both upon login and logout of the mailbox: “Hello , you have N unplayed messages, 2 messages total.X text messages at the front desk. Press P to play the first message...’ “You have 3 messages remaining.” (No prompting done when thereare NO text messages.) This announcement of text messages is controlled with a new, FCOS Feature Bit 154: “Announce text (E-Mail) message count.” 5.0Installation Use the extra cost feature diskette for both the enabling of the feature and with theHard Disk Maintenance Menu choice of “prompts.add” to add the following additional prompts: Prompt 2131: “text message” . Prompt 2182: “text messages” . Prompt 2183: “at the front desk.” ** **Note:This prompt can be replaced with an optional: “in your E-Mail System.” **Note: Only English prompts support this prompt. -Page16-

6.0Console Administration Presently only the Hyatt Encore PMS has control over the Text message count field in the user’s mailbox. This count can be monitored via the Mailbox Dump utility. The new field now shows immediately following the network statistics/billing fields:Sent urg-msgs = 0 Recspt=0 Net-urg-mien = 0 Net sent node = 0 Greet count= 0 Recpccomplt = 0 Recpt-msgs = 0 Clr connect= 0 Net sent mlen = 0 Net-node mien = 0 Tes-msgIcnt = 3 Tas-msgsSent-to-node Net-msgs-revNet-send nurg Successl&gins Recpt,busy Recpt-attend Callp-connectNet rcvd mlen NetlrecipImlen =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 Pages Urg-to-node Net-urg-revNet-send-rep Recpt-calls Recpt-maUser connect Disk -use Netjcvd-urgNet-node-urg =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 Message Queues: TypeCount Total Head Tail Free 73--072 Played0a- -1-1 Receipts 0----1-1 Future delivery 0----1 -1 TypeCount Total Head Tail Unplayed0--1-1Urgent 0--1-1 Undelivered0---1-1Call placmt 0--1-1 If this field is other than 0, it will be displayed every time a full mailbox report is run(either when deleting, modifying, searching, etc), under a new field called ‘TEXT MW” (text messages waiting): MAILBOX:100 MSGS:0UNPLAYED:0URGENT:0 RECEIPT: 0 LCOS:Default :1FCOS:Unlimited :1 GCOS:DefauttGCOS 1 :1NCOS:Default :1 BAD LOGS:0LAST LOG:05/04/901:26pmMINS:0.0 PASSWD: NTUTOR: NDAY: MNIGHT: M NAME: CODE: EXTEN:100INDEX:0 TEXTMW: 2- AlTEN DN: INDEX: 0 ACCESS: None - Page 17 -

7.0Batch Mode A new batch mode program /cmds/atext now exists in order to change/query this new field via the console.The following is a set of examples that demonstrate its usage: $ atext ? use: atext ml = [startlmaiibox t =text-count [m2=end_maiibox] [ +verbose]$ atextSet text count for mailbox: ? Enter a number in the range, 1 to 99999999999 or a range of mailboxes separated by a hyphen ’Set text count for mailbox: 100 New text count (O-255) [2]: ? Text count is used to announce user of an existing electronic message waiting at either the hotel/motel front desk or at the user’s E-mail system. User must have the correct FCOS to allow announcement. New text count (O-255) [2] :Set text count for mailbox: $ atextSet text count for mailbox: 100 New text count (O-255) [3] : 2 Set text count for mailbox: $ atext ml=101 t=2$ atext ml =102 t=l +vMailbox 102: Text count set to 1 $ atextSet text count for mailbox: 103-l 05New text count (O-255): 5 Set text count for mailbox: $ atext ml=103 m2=105 +v t=3Mailbox 103: Text count set to 3 Mailbox 104: Text count set to 3 Mailbox 105: Text count set to 3 3 Mailboxes affected Note that when an individual mailbox is modified, the actual text count is shown. 2-Page18-

8.0Communication DescrictionThis integration is based on communication between the PMS and VMS via an RS232 Full Duplex link. The connection should be a DB25 pin male connector. 8.1link Setup Baud = stop =1200 Asynchronous, Bits = IO, (Start = 1, Data = 7, Parity = 1, 1) Panty = Even. Note: A Null Modem adapter may be needed with an Encore PMS lntegfation.Test the RS232 link without one, and if the data packets are notreceived correctly, install a Null Modem Adapter. *. 9.0Messaae Formats Each fixed length record will contain: All messages start with an STX, followed by the message text. All message text must be followed by ED( and the last byte LRC, to guarantee integrity. ACK and NAK are sent by the receiver to the sender to indicate positive or negative acknowledgement to the transmitted message. A NAK should be used by the message sender as a request to retransmit the last message sent. ENQ is a sender request for a repeat of the acknowledgement (ACK or NAK) as a replyto the last transmitted message. - Page 19 -

The following is a summary table of the valid data transferred between the PMS and the VMS:STX = El-x = ENQ = ACK = NAK = SP = LRC = MBOX = MSG = FCOS = UNP = URG = UNR =02H Start of data text 03H End of data text 05H Request for retransmission of acknowledgement 06H Positive acknowledgement 15H Negative acknowledgement 20H ASCII space character (to padd fields) Longitudinal redundancy check (XOR of all bytes after STX including the Rx character, with a OOH Null seed) A 6 digit (left justified and space filled) mailbox ASCII number “1” RESYNCHRONIZE “2” CHECK IN1.“3” CHECK OUT “4” MESSAGE WAITING STATUS “5” BAD MAILBOX ADDRESS“6” QUERY MESSAGE WAFTING STATUS “7” MOVE MAILBOX “8” MODIN FCOS “9” TEXT MESSAGE MW Where the message is sent in hex (ex: “4” is 34H). See Message Format Table (Table 1.0) A 2 byte number (00-64) representing the Feature Class of Sewice to use when modifying the mailbox (set up via the console configuration menus) A 2 byte number (00-99) representing the number of unplayed messages in the guest mailbox (valid ranges 30H to 39H) A 2 byte number (00-99) representing the number of all unplayed messages with URGENT priority found in the guest mailbox (valid ranges 30H to 39H) A 2 byte number (00-99) representing the number of unread text messages in the PMS system (valid ranges 30H to 39H) Note: All messages are of a fixed length record (76 bytes), space padded.10.0 Diaanostic Information See Appendix A for detailed diagnostic information available through the error log file, the CDR file and the system console. - Page 20 -

VoiceMemo/Encore PMS Message Format Table 1.0 Message Format Table - Page 21 -

Appendix A HIS and Encore Diagnostic Specification - Page 22 -

CENTIGRAM COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATIONDiagnostic SpecificationPart Number 2750-0009-01 Rev A June 24, 1991 Prepared by Walter Croft HIS/Encore PMS Integration References: Centigram Document Part No. 2750-0009-00 ‘VoiceMemofficore PMS Integration ENGINEERING SPECIPICATION’ Definitions: ACECDR: cdrmenu: EECO:ENQ: eecomenu:hisinit: hismwi: hiSl.CV: hiSESpC:hissnd: mwk NAEOAA: PMS: TlT: An ascii control character used in the RS232C serial pro&&l for positive acknowledgement of a single character or full message packet.A group of routines, data and files that allow the VoiceMemo system to do call detailed recording of selected information for diagnostics. A VoiceMemo routine that runs only when the system administrator requests to inspector modify the CDR log fiIe and/or configuration. An OAA record that stores the configured data set up by eecomenu. An ascii control character used in the RS232C serial protocol.It is used to request retransmission of the Iast character or full message packet. A VoiceMemo routine that mus only when the system administrator requests to inspect or modify the EECO OAA record for the HIS/Encore PMS integration. A VoiceMemo routine that is started by hissnd to read though all mailboxes on the system and update message waiting for any with message waiting type 16. A VoiceMemo routine that receives message waiting update requests from the mwla, reformats the data and requests hissnd to transmit the message across the serial link to the PMS system.Upon completion it reports the status back to the mwia. A VoiceMemo routine that receives the serial link data from the PMS system. A VoiceMemo routine that is started by hisrcv if it receives a resync message from the PMS system.It sends a message to hissnd to start hisinit and then dies.A VoiceMemo routine that sends data across the serial link to the PMS system. A VoiceMemo routine that oversees message waiting updates for all the messagewaiting integrations. An aski control character used in the RS232C serial protocol for negative acknowledgement of a single character or full message packet.Open Account Administrator. The method to store VoiceMemo mailbox and configuration data in 4K records. Property Management System. Tela-typewriter. The purpe of this document is to explain the available diagnostic information for the HIS/Encore PMS Integration.The information is located in three areas: the log tile, the CDR file and the system console. Any messages that are displayed on the system console are from the nmning tasks hissnd, hi%?, hismwi-.or hi&it showing that they aborted and why.