Communications System
Mitel Voice Processing Solutions Installation And Service Manual
Mitel Voice Processing Solutions Installation And Service Manual
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LOCI File: when VoiceMemo is running there are two possibilities: the link is up or the link is down.When VoiceMemo is booted, the PMS system integration software starts with the assumption the link is up.If the VoiceMemo system sends any data over the Iii to the ~S/Encore PMS system and it is not eCkn0Wledged Within tW0 .SCCOnds, the data is resent for amaximumoffourtimes. Ifsti.urlo acknowledgement, the VoiceMemo system considers the link down and logs it.At any fi~turc time if the l3WErxore PMS system sends valid data to the VoiceMemo system, it is acknowledged and the link is considered up and it is logged. At any time while VoiceMemo is running, if a message waiting notification sent to the HTSEncore PMS system fails due to an internal error, the mailbox number and message waiting state lost is logged. If the VoiceMemo system is nqucsted to do a move message command (swap) and for any reason the event fails it is logged with both the source and destination mailbox numbers.It is also possible during a swap that the source mailbox is deleted and can not be mcmated.If this eventoccurs, it is logged with the maillmx number that is dekted.1.To check the log file for information including HWEncore PMS integration, complete the following. From the console main menu enter (R) Report generation then enter Q) Log fiie then enter (S) Show logfile To display the contents of the log file, possibly including information for the HIS/Encore PMS integration. Log File Entries: “HIS PMS Link is up”“HIS PMS Lii is down” “Unable to update MWI (ON/off) for mailbox (x)” “Failed to swap mailbox (x) with (y)” “Deleted mailbox (x), unable to re-create” CDR Fife: While the VoiceMemo system isnmning, cdrmenu provides an interface to cause se&ted information tobe written to a CDR log file.For the HIS/Encore PMS system interface, one new CDR level has beenadded to allow diagnostic monitoring. The additional 1eveI is 22, ~SffECO/Encore PMS. It is useful to have this level active for short periods of time for full diagnostic monitoring of the integration.Disk space on drive 4 is required to allow logging into the CDR file.If drive 4 becomes 100% full, the CDRlog file and the log file will loose additional information king written to these files.Listed below are methods to operate CDR and monitor drive 4 dish space. The data logged is from one of three active tasks and two short lived spanned tasks that make up the running programs of the HWEncore PMS system interface.The names of the tasks are hissnd, hisrcv, hismwi, hisinit and hisresync where hisinit and hisresync are the short lived spanned tasks. Each of these tasks when enabled with CDR level 22 logs data to the CDR file for specific events.Data logged by hissnd starts with ‘hissnd:’ in the CDR file. Data logged by hkrcv starts with ‘HISRCV:’ in theCDR~

file.Data logged by hismwi starts with ‘HISh4WI:’ in the CDR file. Data logged by hisinit starts with %isinit: * in the CDR file. Data logged by hisresync starts with ‘MSRESYNC:. in the CDR file. To log diagnostics for HIS/Encore PMS integration with the Call Detail Recorder, complete the foIlowiIlg.From the console main menu triter (S) System Maintenance then enter (V) Call Detail Recorder then enter (C) ConKguns CDRFor Host lines, make sure line zero is configured. For EVMON Host lines, the selected data is notreferenced. For message leveis, enable 22 HWEECO/Encore PMS. Enable CDR and select a name for the CDR log data tile. then enter (R) Run CDR Do testing of the HIS/Encore PMS integration. then enter (S) Show CDR log file View the CDR log file and confirm consistent results with system integration testing.then enter (D) Delete CDR log file To remove accumulated data. repeat these last two steps as required.then enter (7) Terminate CDR Turn off the logging of diagnostic information to the CDR log file. To monitor drive 4 disk spaces complete the following. From the console main menu enter (S) System Maintenancethen enter (Xl) Utility Menu then enter (T) Task then enter (query 4) One line displays the number of bytes free, number of bytes used, percentage full, number of blocks free,number of blocks full and the total number of blocks on drive 4.To free up additional space, the .CDR-log file and/or the log file may be deleted.It is recommended to scan the contents of the files beforedeleting either one. As an aIterative to sending messages and deleting messages from a mailhox to activate message waitingtype 16 for HISIEn~re PMS integration, complete the following. From the console main menu enter (S) System Maintenancethen enter Q Lights test Enter the mailbox number and message waiting setting to be sent out. This testing tool causes the message waiting notification to be sent across the iink to the PMS system without the need to send messages too or delete messages from a mailbox.Level 22, HIS/EECO/Encore PMS:

Messages logged at this level are logged for link and program level diagnostics. This level of diagnostics should not run on an unmonitored system.The CDR data logged is of a large quantity and may causeproblems with disk utilization. Some of the error messages logged arc followed by task aborts. These messages are identified below by XII additional comment line bracketed with asterisks.Any of the tasks below may abort, either during a system boot or while the system is in full operation.Only the tasks hissed, hisrcv and hismwi will be nstarttd.It may he thxt the task immediately aborts again for the same or another error condition. After five aborts of a task, the system will auto reboot to try and solve the problem by reinitialization.The reason for the task abort is reported to the console and if CDR logging is enabled also to the CDR logfile. hissnd: “hissud: Lii is up” (Link failure recovery) “hissnd: Link is down”(Link failure) This data is logged at the same time and for the same reason as it is defined in the log file section above. “hissnd: Lii down condition, timeout”(Link failure) This data is logged if after sending any form of message across the link, the PMS system does not reply even after four attempts.At this point the link is logged as down. “hissud: Configuration change” (Normal operation) This data is logged after a message from eecomenu reports that the system administrator has changed the check-in or check-out mailbox configuration data. This information is passed on to hisrcv so it willreread the information from the disk file. It is this communication that allows changes to check-in and check-out handling without a system reboot. “hissnd: Got send resj~~ message” (Nomxl operation) This data is logged when hissnd is redirected a message from hisresync via hisrcv.VoiceMemo sends a-re-sync message out on the RS232C serial link to the PMS system. “hissnd: Got send MW” (Normal operation) This data is logged when hissnd is redirected a message from hismwi via hisrcv to update P mailboxes message waiting. VoiceMemo sends a MW status message with the requested mailbox number, number of urgent and number of unplayed messages out on the RS232C serial link to the PMS system. “hissnd: Got send bad mailbox”(Mailbox undefined in database) This data is logged when hissnd is toId by hisrcv to report the bad mailbox number.VoiceMemo sends a bad mdbox message out on the RS232C serial link to the PMS system. “hissnd: Store MWI command”

(Normai operation) This data is logged when hissnd is actively sending or hisrcv is actively receiving a message from the PMS system when a got send MW command is delivered.The message can not be directly sent out overthe link and is saved until the link becomes idle.Once idle, tke Mw status command is sent out and the entry is removed from the saved message state.At mst one MW update can be held at any one time. This is because the mwla is not replied to until the MW status message is sent out, weather it wastemporarily held on an active link state or not. “hissnd: Add to bad mailbox queue” (Normal operation) This data is logged when hiasnd ia actively sending or hisrcv is actively receiving a message from the PMS system when a got send bad mailbox is delivered.me message can not be directly sent out over the link and is saved until the link becomes idle. Once idle, the hlW status command is sent out and the entry is removed from the saved message state.The entries are queued up and sent out in order as the link idle state permits.if the queue is full, any new bad mailbox messages are lost. “hissnd: Send ACK” (Norma1 operation) This data is logged immediately after one character is transmitted over the RS232C serial link. The charac~rsentisan,hex06. “hksnd: Send NAK” (Normal operation) This data is logged immediately after one character is transmitted over the RS232C serial link. The character sent is a CNAK> , hex 15. “hissnd: Send ENQ” (Normal operation) This data is logged immediately after one character is transmitted over the RS232C serial link.The character sent is an , hex 05. “hissnd: Send (h)” (InternaI error, report condition) This data is logged immediately after one character is transmitted over the RS232C serial link.The character sent is in error and its.value in hex is shown. “&ssnd: (m)” (Normal opemion)eThis data is logged immediately after one data packet is transmitted over the RSU2C serial link.The packet sent should be of the form: < STX > message < ETX > LRC = 1. %iind: Received a bad requesP (Internal error, report condition) This data is logged when hissnd receives an unknown request from another task on the VoiceMemo system.lihe task hissnd tries to get that task to be reset in an attempt to keep the condition from reoccurriog. “hissnd: Use hid Sport [+hyatt]” (Internal error, report condition) *Error condition causes abort, errur dispIayed on console and task restart*-

This data is logged when hissnd is started without a port first parameter.?ne +hyatt is the optional setting that tells the software to interface to an Encore PMS system at 1200 baud.Without the setting, the software assumes to interface to a HIS PMS system at 2400 baud. “hissnd: Bad RS232 port name” (Internal error, report condition) *Error condition causes abort, error displayed on console and task restart* This data is logged when hissnd is started with an undefined port parsme&. “hissnd: Unable to attach port” (Intermd error or configuration error, check configuration and report condition) *Error condition causes abort, error displayed on console and task restart* This data is logged when hissnd is started with a port number that can not be attached by this task. Check the configuration of all CPU serial ports of the system for conflicts. If the configuration is altend to repair the problem, reboot the system and monitor for -ce. “hissnd: Unable to attach name” (internal error, report condition) *Error condition causes abort, error displayed on console and task nstart* This data is logged when hissnd is started and is not able to attach a task name for its use. “hissnd: Unable to open serial port” (Internal error or serial port error, check serial port and report condition) *Error condition causes abort, error displayed on consoIe and task restart* This data is logged when hissnd is started and it is not able to open the serial port that it just attached to this task. “hissnd: Unable to get stty on RS232 port” (Internal error or serial port error, check serial port and report condition) *Emor condition causes abort, error displayed oa console and task restart* This data is logged when hissnd is started and it is not able to get the current TTY options of the serial PO*- “hissnd: Unable to SET stty on RS232 port” (Internal error or serial port error, check serial port and report condition) *Error condition causes abort, e&or displayed on console and task res&t* This data is logged when hissnd is started and it is not able to set the desired TTY options of the serial port. This includes baud rate, parity, data and stop bit settings. “hissnd: Unable to SET device attributes for RS232 port” (Internal error or seria1 port error, check serial port and report condition) *Error condition causes abort, error displayed on console and task restart* This data is logged when hissnd is started and it is not able to set the desiral device attributes for theserial port. This includes disabbng break, X-o&&off, escape and other features. hisrcv: “HISRCV: Checked in mailbox (x)” (Normal operation) This data is logged when the PMS system sends valid data to change the configuration of mailbox (x). The changes to the mailbox are configured for FCOS.The changes to the mailbox are compIeG~

“HISRCV: Checked out mailbox (x)” (Normal openltioIl) This data is logged when the PMS system sends valid data to change the configuration of mailbox (x). The changes to the mailbox are FCOS, password, name recording, greeting #l and messages. The changes to the mailbox are complete. “HISRCV: Swapped mailbox (x) with Q)” (Normal operation) This data is logged when the PMS system sends valid move mailbox data to move source mailbox (x) todestination maiibo~ (y). Destination mailbox (y) is also swapped to source mailbox (x). The fields that are swapped arc FCC& password, text message count, all four mailbox greetings, name recording and ah messages and message data. NOTE: because all message data is swapped, if messages in the mailbox are from other mailbox users (as apposad to outside callers), the source of the message may play as the wrong user name. This will happen if mailbox 100 sends a user message to mailbox 200 and then swaps to 101.At this time, the name recording for room 101 is now in IO0 and so if user 200 listens to the source of the message it will say the name now associated with 100 (the old lOl), the wrong name recording.This is not a problem when a message is left by an outside caller or with integrations that do not supply the caIhng number.“HISRCV: Modified FCOS (f), MBOX (x)” (Normal operation) This data is logged when the PMS system sends valid modify FCOS data packet. The FCOS number of the mailbox is updated to the requested value.“HISRCV: Text update COUNT (c), MBOX 6)” (Normal operation) ‘This data is logged when the PMS system sends valid text message data packet. The text message count of the mailbox is updated to the requested value.“HISRCV: Received a BAD MAILBOX (x)”(Mailbox undefined in database) This data is logged if the PMS system sends any message packet that includes an undefined source mailbox number.It is invalid -use the mailbox passed could not be found in the VoiceMemodatabase. This message is discarded. No change to the mailbox database is made. The VoiceMemo system responds by sending a bad mailbox packet to the PMS system -“HISRCV: Received a BAD NEW MAILBOX (x)”(Mailbox undefined in database) ‘Ihis data is iogged if the PMS system sends a move mailbox message packet that includes an undefineddestination mailbox number. It is invalid because the mailbox passed could not be found in the VoiceMemo database. This message is discarded. No change to the mailbox database is made. The VoiceMemo system responds by sending a bad mailbox packet to the PMS system. “HISRCV: Received a BAD NEW MAILBOX (same number)” (Error in PMS system) This data is logged if the PMS system sends a move mailbox message packet that includes the same source and destination mailbox number. This message is discarded. No change to the mailbox database is made. The VoiceMemo system responds by sending a bad mailbox packet to the PMS system. “HISRCV: No check in FCOS configured”

(Check VoiceMemo system configuration, Configure PMS integration) This data is logged if VoiceMemo reads nonconfigured or invalid data configured for the PMS integration in the EECO OAA record. “HISRCV: No check out or bad configuration” (Check VoiceMemo system configuration, Configure PMS integration) This data is logged if VoiceMemo reads nonc~nfigured or invalid data configured for the PMSintegration in the EECO OAA record. “EUSRCV: Unable to lock source mailbox (x)” (Internal error, report condition) This data is logged when hisrcv is unable to lock the source mailbox record as part of the move mailbox message sent by the PMS system. “HISRCV: Unable to open source mailbox (x)”8.(Internal error, report condition) This data is Iogged when hinrv is unable to open the source mailbox record as part of the move mailbox message sent by the PMS system. “HISRCV: Unable to delete source mailbox (x)” (Internal error, report condition) This data is logged when hisrcv is unable to delete the source mailbox record as part of the move mailbox message sent by the PMS system. “HISRCV: Unable to lock destination mailbox (x)” (Internal error, report condition) This data is logged when hisrcv is unable to Iock the destination mailbox record as part of the move mailbox message sent by the PMS system. “HISRCV: Unable to open destination mailbox (x)” (Internal error, report condition) This data is logged when hisrcv is unable to open the destination mailbox record as part of the move mailbox message sent by the PMS system. “HISRCV: Unable to close destination mailbox (x)” (Internal en-or, report condition) aThis data is logged when hisrcv is unable to close the destination mailbox record as part of the move mailbox message sent by the PMS system. TXSRCV: Unable to create swapped source mailbox (x)” (Internal en-or, report condition) This data is logged when hisrcv is unable to create the swapped source mailbox record as part of the move mailbox message sent by the PMS system. “HISRCV: Unable to r+create original source mailbox (x)” (Internsi error, report condition) This data is logged when hisrcv is unable to re-create original source mailbox record as part of the move mailbox message sent by the PMS system. “HISRCV: Failed to swap mailbox (x) with mailbox (y)”

(Internal error, report condition) This data is logged when hisrcv is unable to swap the source and &e d&nation mailbox records during amove mailbox. This message follows the specific reason listed above listing the level of the failure in the swap. “HISRCV: Invalid FCOS request (f)” (PMS system error) This data is logged when hisrcv receives an invalid FCOS value in a modify FCOS message seat by the PMS system.“HISRCV: Received an = send ” (Link failure, test link protocol using data scope) This data is logged wheo hisrcv reads a first character from the RS232C serial port and it is a~ < ENQ > .This choice to send out a C NAK > is made if VoiceMemo has already sent a message four times and the PMS system continues to reply with an rather than the expecti positive result < ACK > .The information is sent by hisrcv to hissnd.8.“HISRCV: Received an < ENQ > = send last msg” (Link failure, test link protocol using data scope) This data is logged when hisrcv rrzads a first character from the RS232C serial port and it is an .This choice to send out the last message is made if VoiceMemo has not sent this message four times with the PMS system continuing to reply with an < ENQ > rather than the expected positive result < ACK > .The information is sent by hisrcv to hissnd.“HISRCV: Received an < ACK > ” (Normal operation) This data is logged when hisrcv reads a first character from the RS232C serial port and it is an < ACK > .The information is sent by hisrcv to hissnd.“HISRCV: Received a ” (Link failure, test link protocol using data scope.If error is not consistent, suspect PMS system overloador stressed RS232C data connection) This data is logged when hisrcv reads a first character from the RS232C serial port and it is a CNAK> - The information is sent by bisrcv to hissnd. “HISRCV: (data packet)” (Normal operation) This data is logged when hisrcv reads in any packet that begins with an . This message isedisplayed if it is a good or bad pack&The packet is shown in the format messageLRC=(h). “HISRCV: BAD LRC” (Link ftilure, test link protocol using data scope) This data is logged when hisrcv reads a packet from the RS232C serial port and the LRC passed in thepacket does not match hisrcv’s calculated LRC. LRC is defintd as longitudinal redundancy check (XORof all bytes after CSTX> including the 43X> character, with a OWex null seed). “HISRCV: Received a Resynchronize” (Normal operation) This data is logged when hisrcv reads a good resynchroniz packet from the RS232C serial port. “HISRCV: Received a Check-in or Check-out”

(Normal operation) This data is logged when hisrcv reads a good cheek-in or check-out packet from the RSU2C serial port. “HERCV: Received a Message Waiting Stat& (Nonnal operation) This data is logged when hisrev reads a good message waiting status packet from the RS232C serial port. “HISRCV: Received a Move Mailbox” (Normal operation) This data is logged when hisrcv reads a gcod move mailbox packet from the RS232C serial port. “HISRCV: Received a Modify FCOS” (Nod operation) This data is logged when hisrcv reads a good modify FCOS packet from the RS232C serial port. “HISRCV: Received a Text Message MW” (Normal operation) This data is logged when hisrcv reads a good text message MW packet from the RS232C serial port. “HISRCV: Received a bad packet” (Lii failure, test link protocol using data scope) This data is logged when hisrcv reads a bad packet from the RS232C serial port.The information is sent by hisrc~ to hissnd. The partial packet is displayed in a preceding message showing what data has been received, complete or incomplete. “HISRCV: Received < STX > and then a timeout” (Link failure, test link protocol using data scope.If error is not consistent, suspect PMS system overload or stressed RS232C data connection) This data is logged when hisrcv gets a two second timeout while trying to read the full packet length from the RSU2C serial port.The data is thrown away and hisrcv resets to look for a first character. “HI!3RCV: Received a good mailbox” (Normal operation) This data is logged when hisrcv reads a good mailbox number in a check-in or check-out packet.The mailbox was able to be found in the open account database. “HISRCV: Check in packet (x)” -(Normal operation) This data is logged when hisrcv reads a good check-in packet.The extension number (x) in the packet is used to read in the mailbox and change the state of the mailbox depending on the hismenu con!iguratiot~ If hissnd has sent hisrcv a configuration change message, the data stored on disk by hismenu is reread before the changes to the mailbox are made. This allows the system manager to change how check-in and check-out effect mailboxes without a VoiceMemo system reboot. “HISRCV: Check out packet (x)” (Normal operation) This data is logged when hisrcv reads a good check-out packet.The extension number (x) in the packet is used to read in the mailbox and change the state of the mailbox depending on the hismenu configuration.If hissnd has sent hisrcv a configuration change message, the data stored on disk by hismenu is reread before the changes to the mailbox are made.This allows the system manager to change how check-in and check-out effect mailboxes without a VoiceMemo system reboot.

“HTSRCV: Request MW for mailbox (x)” (Normal operation) This data is logged if a valid check-out packet with an extension number that lead to a good mailbox was received.And if the current configuration in hismenu for the check-out packet is configured to delete all messages in the mailbox.A message is sent to the mwla to eventually nturn to bissnd turn off this station numbers message waiting.“HISRCV: Ignored bad start character, HEX (h)” (Link failure, test liuk protocol using data scope) This data is logged if hisrcv is looking for a start character and the character r4 in from the RS232C serialportisunlmown. Validstartcharactersare , , and . The received unknown start character is displayed in hex and the packet is iabelcd bad. “HISRCV: Incomplete packet” (Link failure, test link protocol using data scope) This data is logged when the first characters of the packet (< SIX> ) has been read *m successfully, but the two second packet timer expires before the full number of characters for a packet are read.The packet is labeled bad. The partial packet is displayed in a preceding message showing what data has been received, complete or incomplete. “HISRCV: Unable to locate hissnd” (Internal error, may locate next transmission, else report condition) This data is logged when hisrcv needs hissnd to send data allowing the link to stay active but ‘the task hissnd can not be found by name.Each time data is received over the data link from the PMS system,hisrcv retries to locate hissnd. If it is again unsuccessful, this message is again logged. At this point, the PMS system sees the link as down.When hissnd successfully restarts and attaches it’s name, hisrcv andhisrnwi czt locate it and link communication will proceed as expected “HISRCV: Unable to locate hisnd, data lo.sF (Internal error, message lost, report condition) This data is logged when hisrcv needs hissnd to send data allowing the link to stay active but the task hissnd can not be found by name. lhe data is lost and hisrcv continues to run looking for further link data.The PMS system is probably not getting any data from hissnd and so it will consider the link down.When hissnd successfully n&arts and attaches it’s name, hisrcv and hismwi can locate it and Iink communication will proceed as expected. “HISRCV: Unable to send to hissnd, data lost”-(hxmal error, message lost, report condition) This data is logged when hisrcv needs hissnd to send data allowing the link to stay active but the task hissnd can not be found by name.The data is lost and hisrcv continues to run looking for further link data. The PMS system is probably not getting any data from hissnd and so it will consider the linkdown. When hissnd successfitlly r&arts and attaches it’s name, hisrcv and hismw-i can locate it and link communication will proceed as expected.“HISRCV: Unable to resend to hid, data lost” (Internal error, message lost, report condition) This data is logged when hisrcv needs hissnd to send data allowing the link to stay active but the task hissnd can not be found by name.It tries to send once to hissnd and fails, then it is temporarily able to attach by name to hissnd again, tries to send a second time and tails.The data is lost and hisrcv continues to run looking for further liuk data.The PMS system is probably not getting any data from