Communications System
Mitel Voice Processing Solutions Installation And Service Manual
Mitel Voice Processing Solutions Installation And Service Manual
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Wait for paging queues to be empty? [Y]:(Press Enter key here)Line states (A-active, I-idle, S-stopped) for module 1 (s1ot:pot-t)39-S 3:l -S 3:2-I Message Indicator Request Queue Lengths active:0 untried:0 retrying:0 calls expected:0 Paging Request Queue Lengths active:0 untried:0 retrying:0 calls expected:0 **** SHUTDOWN COMPLETE **** cp: Copying lusr/vmiconfigltcp.init to iusrivmlconfigitcp.init.oldcp: Copying /usr/vm/config/tcp.init.O to /usr/vm/configltcp.initcp: Copying lusr/vmiconfigltcp.host to iusrlvmlconfigltcp.host.oldcp: Copying /usr/vm/config/tcp.host.O to /usr/vm/config/tcp.hostMaster configuration record updated, restarting tasks . . . . . (.... system restart messages not shown . ...). . . . . ti Wait for the system to restart and display Program Initialization complete:

6.2.Step 2 - Configure the Enhanced In-Band ApplicationAfter the line group is set to run the Enhanced in-band application, configuration is required for the application to work correctly. The previous steps left the system at the VoiceMemo Configuration - Main Menu prompt.(Enter S - R - R from the Main Menu.) VOICEMEMO CONFIGURATION _ MAIN MENU (40%CC)CD)(E)F)wPCwActivate Configuration Hardware Configuration Increase System Hours Define Floating Modules Modify Active Configuration Modify Inactive Configuration Offline Menu Configure Unified IntegrationExitIf you need help iater. type ?. a.COMMAND (A/BIC/DIWF/GIWX): 1. Enter E to select Modify Active Configuration. The system displays:ONLINE MENU: operating on configuration number 0. Currently active configuration number is: 0. Configuration last edited by OFFLINE MENU is 0. MKCONF2: confignum is 0, vtnqort string: iusrlvtnkonfigivm.report.0Enter “?&ETURN>” at any time for help. Group #I lines - [VOICEMEMO] VoiceMemo Configuration Online Menu (G)Group selected = [l](M) Modify Application (C)Report Current Configuration (Q)Quit -- Forget Changes (X) Exit -- Save ChangesONLINE MENU: a Enter G to select the group number to configure.Enter a Group number - [I] 3 * Enter the number of the Enhanced In-band line group (3 in this example). = Enter M to Select the Modify Group menu option:ENHANCED IN-BAND __________-______--______________(A) Configure Application (B) Other Features (X) Exit 16

2.Enter A to select Configure Application. The system displays the Enhanced In-bandmenu: ENHANCED IN-BAND (N)Application Name = []0)Application Description = []CT)Edit Templates MenuP)Edit Parameters Menu(0)Show Application(1)Install Application CL)List Applications (VSave ApplicationPaExit ti Enter N to select Application Name. This name will be used to install the application later in this procedure (refer to page 23).Application Name - [] EIB-2OOD = Enter an Application Name (EIB-200D in this example). j Enter D to select Application Description: ApplicationDescription - []MlTEL ENHANCED INTEGRATION = Enter an application description (MITEL ENHANCED INTEGRATION in this example) 3. Enter T to select the Edit Template Menu:IN-BAND EDIT TEMPLATE Menu CM)0)6)(‘009PO((3W)Modify Template - [l]Data = []Action - []Timeout = []Error Action = []Next Templates - []Comment = []ExitEDIT TEMPLATE MENU: Current Template - [l](Template 1 Is selected by default) =J Templates are used to match codes sent by the PBX. Seven templates are required for this application. Enter the following information for Template 1:EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M.D,A.T.E,N.C.X): D Data- [] REDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M.D.A.T.E,N.C,X): AAction - [] T EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M.D,A,T,E.N,C.X): N Next Templates - [] 2 3 4 5 6 7 EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M.D,A.T.E.N.C.X): cComment -[I Answer call and run templates 2,3,4,5,6 and 7 EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M,D.A.T.E.N,C,X): 17

3 Press Enter to re-display Template 1, and check that the information you entered iS correct:IN-BAND EDIT TEMPLATE Menu (M)Modify Template - [ 11(D) Data - [RI(A)Action - [T](T)Timeout - [I(E)Error Action - [](N)Next Templates - [Z 3 4 5 6 71(C)Comment - [Answer call and run templates 2,3,4,5,6 and 71(X) Exit EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M.D.A.T.E,N,C,X):Current Template - [I] 3 Enter M to select Modify Template option. Enter 2 to select template 2:EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M.D.A.T.E.N.C.X):(Press Enter key to expand tT?enU)*. 3 Press Enter to display Template 2 in its expanded form.IN-BAND EDIT TEMPLATE Menu (M) Modify Template - [2] 03 Data-H(A)Action - [](T)Timeout - [](E)Error Action - [](N)Next Templates - [I(C)Comment - [I(X) Exit 4. Enter the following information for Template 2:EDIT TEMPLATE MENU: D Data - [I 632#dX#SX#EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M,D.A.T.E,N,C.X): A Action - [I v4EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M,D.A.T,E,N,C,X): T Timeout - [] 10EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M,D,A,T,E.N.C,X): EError Action - [] HEDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M,D,A,T.E,N.C,X): cComment -[I Call Forward Busy (External) EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M,D.A.T.E,N,C,X): d Press Enter to re-display Template 2 and check that the information you entered is correct:IN-BAND EDIT TEMPLATE Menu (M)Modify Template - [2](D)Data - [632#Idx#sx#](A)Action - [V4](T)Timeout - [lo](E)Error Action - [HI(NJNext Templates - [](C)Comment - [Call Forward Busy (External)](X) Exit EDIT TEMPLATE MENU !M.D.A.T.E.N.C.XYCurrent Template - [I ] 18

* Enter M to select Modify Template option. Enter 3 to select template 3:EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M,D.A.T,E,N,C,X):(Press Enter key to expand menu) + Press Enter to display Template 3 in its expanded form:IN-BAND EDIT TEMPLATE Menu (M)Modify Template - [3](D)Data - [](A)Action - [](T)Timeout - [](E)Error Action - [I(N)Next Templates - [](C)Comment - [](X) Exit 5.Enter the following information for Template 3:EDIT TEMPLATE MENU: D Data - [] 622#dX#Sx#EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M.D.A,T.E.N.C,X): A Action - [] v4EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M,D,A.T.E.N.C.X): T Timeout - [] IOEDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M,D.A.T.E.N.C.X): E Error Action - [] HEDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M,D.A.T,E,N,C,X): cComment -[I Call Forward Busy (Internal)EDIT TEMPLATE! MENU (M,D,A,T,E,N,C,X): =J Press Enter to re-display Template 3 and check that the information You entered is correct:IN-BAND EDIT TEMPLATE Menu (MlModify Template - 131 0%Data - [62Z#dx#sx#] (4Action - [V4] CT)Timeout - [lo] 6%Error Action - [H] (N)Next Templates - [] (C)Comment - [Call Forward Busy (Internal)] (WExitEDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M,D,A.T,E,N,C,X):Current Template - [l] 3 Enter M to select Modify Template option. Enter 4 to select template 4:EDITTEMPLATE MENU (M,D,A.T.E,N,C.X):(Press Enter key to expand menu) 3 Press Enter to display Template 4 in its expanded form:IN-BAND EDIT TEMPLATE Menu CM)Modify Template - [4] CD)Data - [I(A)Action - [] CT)Timeout - [I(E)Error Action - [] (N)Next Templates - [](0Comment - []PaExi! 19

6. Enter the following information for Template 4: EDIT TEMPLATE MENU: D Data - [I 633#dx#sx#EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M.D.A.T,E.N.C,X): AAction - [] V3EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M,D.A.T.E.N.C.X): TTimeout- [] 10EDITTEMPLATE MENU (M,D,A.T,E.N.C.X): E Error Action- [] H EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M,D,A.T.E.N,C,X): c Comment -[I Call Forward No-Answer (External) EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M,D,A.T.E,N,C,X): 3 Press Enter to re-display Template 4 and check that the information you entered is correct:IN-BAND EDITTEMPLATE Menu _._.__.___.._--.._--.~--~~.~~--..~---.-----~~~~~.(M) Modify Template - [4](D)Data - [633#dx#sx#](A)Action - [V3](T)Timeout - [lo](E)Error Action - [H](N)Next Templates - [](C)Comment - [Call Forward No-Answer (External)] (X) Exit EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M,D,A,T,E,N,C,X):Current Template - [l] 3 Enter M to select Modify Template option. Enter 5 to select template 5:EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M.D,A,T,E,N.C.X):(Press Enter key to expand men@ 3 Press Enter to display Template 5 in its expanded form.IN-BAND EDIT TEMPLATE Menu (M) Modify Template - [5](D) Data- [](A)Action - [](T)Timeout - [I(E)Error Actlon - [](N)Next Templates - [](C)Comment - [](X) Exit 7. Enter the following information for Template 5:EDIT TEMPLATE MENU: D Data- [I 623#dx#sx#EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M,D,A.T.E,N,C.X): A Action - [] v3EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M,D,A.T,E,N,C,X): T Timeout- [] 70EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M.D.A.T.E.N.C.X): E Error Action- [] H EDIT TE.MPLATE MENU (M.D,A.T.E.N,C.X): c Comment -[I Call Forward No-Answer (Internal)EDIT TE.MPLATE MENU (M.D.A.T,E.N.C.X):20

3 Press Enter to re-display Template 5 and check that the information you entered is correct:IN-BAND EDIT TEMPLATE Menu (M)Modify Template - [5](D)Data - [623#dx#sx#](A)Action - [V3](T)Timeout - [lo](E)Error Action - [H](N)Next Templates - [](C)Comment - [Call Forward No-Answer (External)] (X) Exit EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M.D,A,T,E,N,C.X):Current Template - [I] + Enter M to select Modify Template option. Enter 6 to select template 6:EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M.D.A,T.E.N,C,X):(Press Enter key t(;! expand menu) + Press Enter to display Template 6 in its expanded form:IN-BAND EDIT TEMPLATE Menu (M)Modify Template - [6](D)Data - [](A)Action - [](T)Timeout - [](E)Error Action - [](N)Next Templates - [](C)Comment - [](X) Exit 8. Enter the following information for Template 6: EDIT TEMPLATE MENU: D Data - [I ##SX# EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M.D,A,T.E.N.C,X): A Action - [] VIEDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M,D.A.T,E,N,C.X): T Timeout - [] 70 EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M,D,A,T.E,N,C,X): EError Action - [] H EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M,D,A.T.E,N,C.X): cComment -[I Local LoginEDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M,D,A,T.E,N,C.X): 2 Press Enter to re-display Template 6 and check that the information you entered is correct:IN-BAND EDIT TEMPLATE Menu (M)Modify Template - [6](D)Data - [##sx#](A)Action - [VI] (T)Timeout - [lo](E)Error Action - [H](N)Next TemDlates - I1(C) Comment- [Locai’LogIn](X) Exit EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M,D.A.T.E.N.C.X):Current Template - [ I] 21

3 Enter M to select Modify Template option. Enter 7 to select template 7: EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M,D.A,T,E.N,C.X):(Press Enter key to expand menu) 3 Press Enter to display Template 7 in its expanded form: IN-BAND EDIT TEMPLATE Menu (M)Modify Template - [7](D)Data - [](A)Action - [](T)Timeout - [](E)Error Action - [](N)Next Templates - [](C)Comment - [](X) Exit 9. Enter the following information for Template 7: EDIT TEMPLATE MENU: DData - [I ###EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M.D.A,T.E,N.C,X): A Action- [] I/EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M,D,A,T,E,N,C.X): TTimeout - [] 10EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M.D,A,T,E.N,C.X): E Error Action - [] v5EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M.D.A,T,E.N,C.X): cComment -[I A uto A ttendant (Receptionist /I)EDIT TEMPLATE MENU (M,D.A.T,E,N.C,X): 3 Press Enter to re-display Template 7 and check that the information you entered is correct: IN-BAND EDIT TEMPLATE Menu-___.________._____.-~----------------~.-~~-~-~~(M)Modify Template - [7](D)Data - [###I(A)Action - [V5](T)Timeout - [lo](E)Error Action - [VS](N)Next Templates - [] (C)Comment - [Auto Attendant (Receptionist ZZ)](X) Exit EDIT TEMPLATE MENU: * Enter X to Exit from templates menu. * Press Enter to display Enhanced In-band menu in its expanded form: ENHANCED IN-BAND Date Installed: Mon Feb 5 12:36: 12 1996 Date Modified : Wed Apr 24 15:22:46 1996 (NJCD)CT)(P)(0)(1)u-16)(X)Application Name - [EIB-200D]Application Description - [MITEL ENHANCED INTEGRATION] Edit Templates Menu Edit Parameters Menu Show ApplicationInstall Application List Applications Save Application Exit 22

10.Enter 0 to Show Application. Ensure that all Templates are set up correctly:NAME: EIB-2OODDESCRIPTION: MIT-EL ENHANCED INTEGRATION Installation Date: Mon Feb 5 12:36: 12 1996 Last Modify Date: Wed Apr 24 15:22:46 1996 Tl: R, T. ,Next: 2 3 4 5 6 IComment: Answer call and run templates and 7 TZ: 622#dx#sx#. V4, 10, HNext:Comment: Call Forward Busy (External) T3: 622#dx#sx#, V3. 10. H Next: Comment: Call Forward Busy (Internal) T4: 633#dx#sx#. V3. 10. HNext:Comment: Call Forward No-Answer (External) T5: 623#dx#sx#, V3. 10. H Next: Comment: Call Forward No Answer (Internal) T6: !##sx#. VI, IO, HNext:Comment: Local LoginT7: ##I#, v5,10, v5Next: Comment: Auto Attendant (Receptionist 11)IN-BAND MENU (N,D,T.P,O,I,L,S,X):Step 3 - install the Enhanced In-Band Application After the templates are defined and entered, the application must be installed. 3 Press Enter to display Enhanced In-band menu in its expanded form:ENHANCED IN-BAND Date Installed: Mon Feb 5 12:36: 12 1996 Date Modified : Wed Apr 24 15:22:46 1996 WICD)CT)(PI(0)(1)0-j6)wApplication Name - [EIB-2OOD]Application Description - [MITEL ENHANCED INTEGRATION]Edit Templates MenuEdit Parameters Menu Show ApplicationInstall ApplicationList Applications Save Application ExitIN-BAND MENU: 23

1. Enter I to select Install Application:Application name to install - E/&200D 3 Enter the Application Name. The name is case sensitive and must be entered exactly as it appears in the application name field. In this example, the name is EIB-200D (refer to page 17). 2.Enter S to save application. The system prompts for the following:Do you want to overwrite existing copy? (YIN): Y =a Enter Y to confirm the overwrite:Application saved. IN-BAND MENU (N,D.T.P,O.I,L.S,X): 3. Enter X to Exit and return to the In-band menu. 6.4.Step 4 - Set Additional In-Band Features (Receptionist II) The previous steps installed the Enhanced In-band application. Additional features for the application must now be set up.IN-BAND MENU (A.B,X):ENHANCED IN-BAND(Press Enter key to expand menu)(A) Configure Application (B) Other Features (X) Exit 1. Enter B to select Other Features from the Enhanced In-Band menu:Group #3 lines - [ENHANCED IN-BAND] INBAND Application (1)Enable Receptionist (y/n) = [N](N) Day/Night(D)Dialing Plan Menu(2)Dial String and Mailbox Menu(K)KEY-O for attendant transfer during greeting (y/n) = [NJ(W)Prompts “Enter mailbox # or wait” (y/n) - [Y](M)Allow multiple messages for outside caller (y/n) - [Y]u-)Default prompt language - [English] 03Delay Before Answer (.O 1 set increments) - [SO](0Dial-by-Name Menu(P) Passcode Menu(0) OneCall Menu (A)Allow Dial an Extension Menu (Q)Speech Quality Menu(R) Receptionist Menu6)Analog Networking Configuration Menu(B)Mailbox On Demand Menu(X1 Exit 2. Enter I to select Enable Receptionst from the In-band Menu:Receptionist Enabled? (y/n) - [N]Y 3 Enter Y to enable to enable Receptionist.2 24