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Mitel Voice Processing Solutions Installation And Service Manual
Mitel Voice Processing Solutions Installation And Service Manual
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hissnd and so it will consider the link down. When hissnd successfully resta& and attaches it’s name, hisrcv and hismwi can locate it and link communication will proceed as expected. “HISRCV: Unable to read eeco OAA record”(Internal error, report condition) -*Error condition causes abort, error displayed on console and task restart+ This data is logged when hisrcv is started and it is not able to read from disk the conf?guration data set by hiSmUlU.“HISRCV: Use hissnd $port [+hyatt]” (Lntemal error, report condition) *Error condition causes abort, error displayed on console and task restart* This data is logged when hisrcv is started without a Port first parameter.The +hyatt is the optional setting that tells the software to interface to an ?&core PMS system at 1200 baud. Without the setting, the software assumes to interface to a MS PMS system at 2400 baud. “HISRCV: Bad RS232 port name” (Internal error, report condition) 8. &Error condition causes abort, error displayed on console and task restart* This data is logged when hisrcv is started with an undefined port parameter. “HISRCV: Unable to open serial port” (Internal error or serial port error, check serial port and report condition)*Error condition causes abort, error displayed on console and task restart* This data is logged when hisrcv is started and it is not able to open the serial port that it just attached to this task. “HISRCV: Unable to get stty on RS232 port” (Internal error or serial port error, check serial port and report condition) *Enor condition causes abort, error displayed on console and task restart* This data is logged when hisrcv is started and it is not able to get the current TTY options of the serial PO*- “HISRCV: Unable to SET stty on RS232 port” (IntemaI error or serial port error, check serial port and report condition) *Error condition causes abort, error dispiayed on console and task restart* This data is logged when hisrcv is started and it is not able to set the desired lTY options of the serialport. This inciudes baud rate, Parity, data and stop bit settings.- “HISRCV: Unable to SET device attributes for RS232 port” (Internal etror or serial port error, check serial Port and report condition) *Enor condition causes abort, error displayed on console and task restart* This data is logged when hisrcv is started and it is not able to set the desired device attributes for theserial port. This includes disabling break, X+m/X-off, escape and other featurts.hismwi: “HISMWI: MWI ON for station number (x)” (Normal operation) This data is logged after the following task communication completes.The task mwla requests hismwi to send a message waiting request for station number (x).The task hismwi in turn requests hissnd to send

out the specific message waiting packet. The task hissnd completes the packet transfer and replies to bismwi.At this time the CDR message is logged and hismwi replies to mwla. “HISMWI: MWI off for station number (x)” (Normal operation)This data is logged after the following task communication compietes.The task mwla request.3 hismwi to send a message waiting request for station number (x). The task hismwi in turn quests hissnd to send out the specific message waiting packet. The task hissnd completes the packet transfer and replies to hismwi.At this time the CDR message is logged and hismwi replies to mwla “HISMWE Unable to locate hissnd” (XntemaI error, may locate next transmission, else report condition) This data is logged when hismwi needs hissnd to send data allowing the link to stay active but the task hissnd can not be found by name.Each time data is received over the data link from the PMS system, hismwi retries to locate hissnd.If it is againunsuccessful, this mesaage is again logged. When hissnd successfully restarts and attaches it’s name, hisrcv and hismwi can locate it and link communication will proceed as expected.8. “HISMWI: Unable to send to hissnd, data lost at level (x).” “HISMWL Unable to turn MJVI (ON/off) for mailbox (x)” (Internal. error, message lost, report condition) This data is logged when hismwi needs hissnd to send data allowing the link to stay active but the task hissnd can not be found by name.The data is lost and hismwi continues to run looking for further link data.The PMS system is probably not getting any data from hissnd and so it will consider the hnk down. When hissnd successfully restarts and attaches it’s name, hisrcv and hismwi can locate it and link communication will proceed as expected. The level number is for engineering use to determine which one of three levels of sending the failure occurred. The second half of the messsge informs what mailbox was involved and if message waiting failed for an on or off attempt. “HISMWI: Unable to locate mwla” (Tntemal error, report condition) *Error condition causes abort, error displayed on console and task restart* This data is logged when hismwi starts and it tries to locate the mwla task and fails. “HISMWI: Unable to.locate mwla in loop”(Internal error, report condition) *Error condition causes abort, error displayed on console and task restart* This data is logged when hismwi tries to send a response to the mwia at any time and fails. hisresync: wHISRESYNC: Resync message sent” (Normal operation) This data is logged when hisrcesync sends a resync message to the PMS system. “HISRESYNC: Resync message failed” (Internal error, report condition) This data is logged when hisresync fails to send a resync message to the PMS system. wHISRESYNC: Unable to locate hissnd” (Internal error, report condition)

This data is logged when hisruqmc needs hissnd to send a resync message to the PMS system. The task hisresync returns to hisrcv without completing the command. “HISRESYNC: Unable to send to hissnd, data Iost” (Internal error, message lost, sport condition) This data is logged when hisreqnc needs hissnd to send &ta Aowing the link to stay active but the task hissnd can not be found by name.The data is lost and hisresync returns to hisrcv without compieting the command. “EISRESYNC: Unable to re-send to hid, data lost” (Internal error, message lost, report conaition) This data is logged when bisresync needs hissed to send data aIlowing the link to stay active but the task hissnd can not be found by name.It tries to send once to hissnd and fails, then it is temporarily able to attach by name to hissnd again, tries to send a second time and fails. The data is lost and hisrqnc returns to hisrcv without completing the command. hisinit: “hi&it: Mailbox (x) MWI update” (Normal operation) This data is logged for each mailbox in the system that has a message waiting type #16 (HIS PMS). This is the result of a resyuc command sent from the PMS system. %isinit: Exit mailbox resynchronize loop” (Normal operation) This data is logged after aI1 the mailboxes in the system have been scanned for the ones that have a message waiting type #16 (HIS PMS). “hisinit: Unable to attach to HISINJT port” (Internal error, report condition) *Error condition causes abort, error displayed on console and task restart* This data is logged when hisinit is started with a port number that can not be attached by this task. “hitit: Unable to locate mwla” (Internal error, report condition) *Errnr condition causes abrt, error displayed on console and task restart* This data is logged when hisinit tries to send a response to tbe mwla at any time and faiis.- “hisinit: Unable to locate oaa” (Internal error, report condition) *Error condition causes abort, error displayed on console and task restart* This data is logged when h&it tries to send a response to the oaa at any time and fails.

Issue 1 Release 2.0 January 19961Voice Processina Solutions 1JI IU, @ - Trademark of Mite1 Corporation 0 Copyright 1996, Mite1 Corporation All rights reserved. Printed in Canada. ITNPP Installation and Configuration MITEa‘. i

0 1996 Centigram Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by federal copyright law. No part of this publication may be copied or distributed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any human or computer language in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, magnetic, manual or otherwise, or disclosed to third parties without the express written permission of Centigram Communications Corporation, 91 East Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA 95134. REPRODUCTION Licensed users and authorized distributors of Centigram products may copy this document for use with Centigram products provided that the copyright notice above is included in all reproductions. PROPRIETARY TERMS The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of Centigram Communications Corporation: AIP, CallAgent, CallText, Centigram, PROSE, Speaklt, SpeechPlus,SPEECH+, TruVoice, VGS, VoiceMemo, FaxMemo, OneViewPROSE 2000 Version 1 01992 Centigram Communications Corporation. All other brand and product names are claimed or registered marks of their respective companies. NOTICE The information contained in this document is believed to be accurate in all respects but is not warranted by Mite1 Corporation (MITEL@). The information is subject to change without notice and should not be construed in any way as a commitment by Mite1 or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries. Mite1 and its affiliates and subsidiaries assume no responsibility for any errors or omissionsin this document. Revisions of this document or new editions of it may be issued to incorporate such changes.

.Tefocator Network Paging Protocol (TNPP)installation and Configuration INTRODUCTION *.TNPP is a standard data communications protocol that is used for communications between paging terminals or other types of equipment required to implement a paging system network. The implementation of support for this protocol on VoiceMemoallows message waiting notification for mailboxes to be done by sending a TNPP page packet over a serial link to a Paging Terminal. The Paging Terminal delivers the page via the TNPP network. Mailboxes contain information about the individual pagers which is used in making the TNPP packet. Software Reauirements To support the TNPP Paging feature the following software must be installed: l VoiceMemo Release 5.03 or later l Extra-cost Feature diskette: Telocator Network Paging Protocol Release 5.03 Hardware ReauirementslAt least one serial port on VoiceMemo per TNPP link (Smartcard ports are optional). .An RS232 Cable connecting each link between VoiceMemo and a Paging Terminal. LIlWITATIONS lIf built-in serial ports are used (Sterml , $term2), the application must be configured on host l_ .A maximum of ten TNPP links may be configured. i

SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION There are two areas of VoiceMemo that need configuration information for TNPP to operate. These areas are the Offline menu and Mailbox configuration. The Offline Menu To configure the Offline portion of TNPP, choose the RS232 or Smartcard Integrations selection from the Offline Menu. From the RS232 or Smartcard menu, choose the TNPP Paging option.This is the main configuration menu for TNFP. The fustselection that must be made is to choose the host that the TNPP application will run on. If built in serial ports are used, the ?NPP application must run on Host 1. Offline Configuration Steps: lChoose the VoiceMemo host that the TNPP application will An on lAccess the Pager Systems Menu and configure one or more pager systems for TNPP. lAccess the RS232 Link Menu and configure the serial link attributes l Access the TNPP System Information Menu and configure the TNPPNetwork Information lOPTIONAL: Access the TNPP Timing Parameters Menu to change any of the default timing parameters used by the TNPP protocol. e Select the Verify TNPP Pager System Config option to check for any missing configuration information. lSelect the Display TNPP Pager System Config option to show the completed configuration information for active links. l Exit the TNJ?P configuration, RS232 and Smartcard Integrations, and Offline menus. The data will not be save-d until the Offline Menu has been exited. Offline Configuration Menu Parameters: Host for TNPPEnter the number of the host that the TNPP application will run on Pager Systems Menu Current Pager System Select the number of the pager system to be configured or modified for TNYPP.Pager Name Enter a name that will identify this pager system. This field is optional. Show Pagers This option will show all the pager systems that have been configured in the VoiceMemo system.

RS232 Link Menu TNPP Link Number Enter the TNPP link number to be configured Active Enter Y or N. TNPP tasks will only be started for links that are active.Enter Y to make this an active TNPP link. Select Current Serial Port Enter the name of a VoiceMemo serial port that will be used for this TNPP link. ($terml, $term2, $ctil...etc.)Pager systems this link supports Enter the pager system(s) that this TNPP link will support. The pager system can only support TNPP.Baud rate 1.Enter the appropriate baud rate for the serial link. between VoiceMemo and the Paging Terminal. VoiceMemo’s built in serial ports can be up to 1200 baud. Smartcard ports can be up to 9600 baud. Number of data bits This item has a default of 8 data bits which is standard for TNPP.Number of stop bits This item has a default of 1 stop bit which is standard for TNPP.Parity This item has a default of NONE which is standard for TNPP.Display TNPP Serial Ports Select this option to display the TNPP serial port information that is configured for each TNPP link. Dispiay System Wide Serial Ports Select this option to display the serial ports that are available on the VoiceMemo system and the applications that are using them. TNPP System Information Menu TNPP Link Number Enter the TNPP link number to be configured Source Address Enter the TNPP network source address to be used by VoiceMemo.Paging type Enter either CAP or ID depending on which type of TNPP page packets will be sent to the Paging Terminal. Inertia Enter the inertia value for this TNPP serial link. This number represents the number of nodes that a packet may pass through before it is removed from the TNPP network.

System Message Enter a system message. (Example: Call VoiceMemo). This message will appear on alpha-numeric pagers under certain circumstances.If a page is not a cut-through page and the mailbox does not have post-pager digits configured, the system message will be sent. Display TNPP System Information Select this option to display the TNPP System information that has been configured for each link. TNPP Timing Parameters Menu NOTE: The following parameter values represent the defaults recommended in the TNPP specification. No changes are necessary for a standard configuration. TNPP Link Number Enter the TNPP link number to be configured Inter-char time within packet (tict)This parameter represents the amount of time that VoiceMemowill wait between characters in a packet before generating a timeout. The name of the timeout event is tict. This applies topackets that are being received by VoiceMemo. Currently, the only packet that is received by VoiceMemo is a zero packet from the Paging Terminal. Timeout on response with idle receiver (tnri)This parameter represents the amount of time that VoiceMemowill wait for a response from the Paging Terminal when the VoiceMemo side of the link is idle. If the time expires, a tnritimeout will be generated. This timer is set after a packet is sent. Timeout on response with busy receiver (tnrb) This parameter represents the amount of time that VoiceMemowill wait for a response from the Paging Terminal when the VoiceMemo side of the link is busy. If the time expires, a tnrbtimeout will be generated. This timer is set after a packet is sent. Timeout on response to ENQ (tnre)This parameter represents the amount of time that VoiceMemowill wait for a response from the Paging Terminal after VoiceMemo has sent an ENQ to the Paging Terminal. If the time expires, a tnre timeout will be generated. RS flag hold off time (thold) This parameter represents the amount of time that VoiceMemowill wait before re-sending a packet if an RS was received from the Paging Terminal after the packet was sent. When the timer expires, the packet will be sent again.