Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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i&l&e DVX’andDVX’ Di,@at my T&phone systeme - STATION FEATURE DESCRfPTlON SECTION 300 KEY STATION FEATURE DESCFUPTION The System and Key Station features of the tirite Digiti Key Telephone System are listed and described below in alphabetical order. An abbreviated feature index is provided in Table 300- 1 Key Station Feature Index. 300.1 ACCOUNT CODES An account code is the last field within Station Message DetaiI Recording (SMDRL that pro- vides the abtity to track spedfc calls by enter- ing a non-verified, variable length (up to 1%digits) identifier. The use of forced Account Codes is optional, offered on a system wide basis. 300.2 ATTENDANT RECALL When a line has been left on hold for a program- mable period of time, the station placing that line on hold will be recalled. If that station fails to answer tbe recall, the calI wiU be recalled to the attendant(s) for handling. There can be three attendants per system. Transferred, Parked and Camp-on recalls will also recall the Attendant. 300,s AWTOMATIC CALL BACE TIMER To accommodate the reduced number of but- tons on the irlfinite &button keyset, an auto- matic caIl back feature has been implemented. This feature will invoke a call back anytime a user listens to busy tone for a preset period of time. By default, this timer is disabled and is variable from 00 to 99 seconds. 300.4 AUTOMATIC CXLL DISTRIBU- TION (ACD) The Basic ACD Software package is an optional sofhmre package available for the w Digi- tal Systems. When purchased, Uniform CalI Distribution fIJCD1 is not used and is replaced by tbe ACD functions identified in the followir$, EightAutomatic CaIl Distribution (ACD) groups can be programmed, each containing up to eight three-digit station numbers. Each group is assigned a piiot number. When this number is dialed. tbe first available agent in that group is rung. Calls are routed to the station that has been on-hook for the longest period of time. k Agent Podtiom3 l Agent Login/LDgout w/Agent ID Fea- ture: The Agent Login/Logout Feature will provide a means for an agent to log into one of the ACD groups and receive calls. The Agent ID entered in the login process identifies the agent and places that agent in the available agent list for the ACD group specified in the login process. This feature will alIow an agent to log into any ACD group from any station in the system and receive calls. l Agent IdqM%zation: Each ACD Agent has a unique. Agent ID code (0000-9999) which he uses during login and logout procedures. This unique ID code is not vetied or stored as part of the system database. l Agent Available/Unavailable Mode: Sta- tionsprogrammedint.oaACDgroupmay remove themselves from their assigned ACD group by dialing the Available/Un- available code. When an agent is in the Available mode, that agent will receive ACD calls in the normal manner. When an agent is in the Unavailable mode. that agent will no longer receive ACD type calls, however he may receive non-ACD dls v Agents that have gone Unavailable will receive a visual reminder with a flashing LED and or a IED display mes- sage- l Agent Help Request: The HELP feature provides a means for an ACD agent to signal his assigned supervisor for assis- tance. The agent while on a call can press the HELP button to sigrial the assigned supenrisor. The supervisor may respond by use of his HELP button and his ACD Barge-h feature. l Agent Call Qualification: This feature provides a means for an agent to enter codes on ACD type calls that ident@ the call. This feature provides up to four digitsfortheACD SMDRreportingwhich are compatible with the Basic ACD soft- ware package. This feature will permit up to l2-digits to be entered, however, only the f5rst four digits are provided for ACD reporting. Issue I, January 1993 300-l

IlEy STATION FEATURE DESC~ON iqjinite DV2I’ and DVX” D&&al Key Telephone Systems Table 300-l Key Station Feature Index [Cont’d) FEATURE Do Not Disturb [DND) .............................. 300-17 One-Time Do Not Disturb (DND}. .......... 300- 17 DTMF Sending ......................................... 300-17 E Emergency Transfer ................................. 300-17 End to End Signailing .............................. 300-17 Exclusive Hold ......................................... 300-18 Executive Gvcn-ide ................................... 300-18 Executive/Secretary lkmsfer .................. 300-N External Night Ringing ............................ 300-18 F &ash ....................................................... 300-18 Flash On Intercom ................................... 300-18 Flash with Speed Dial .............................. 300-M Fiexible Attendant ................................... 300-18 Fletibfe Button A&went ..................... 300- 18 Fltible PortAssignrnents.. ...................... 300-19 Forced Account Cock ............................. 300-19 Forced Least Cost Routing (UZR) .............. 300-19 G Group Call Pick-up.. ................................ 300-19 Group Listening.. ..................................... 300-19 H Headset Compatibihty ............................. 300-19 Headset Mode .......................................... 300-19 HezuingAid Compatible.. ......................... 300-19 Hold Preference ....................................... 300-19 Hold Recall .............................................. 300-19 Hot Line/Ring Down ................................ 300-20 Hunt Groups ........................................... 300-20 Hunt Group Chaining ......................... 300-20 - Pilot Hunting ....................................... 300-20 Station Hunting .................................. 300-20 E ICLID Feature .......................................... 300-20 Calling Number/Name Display ............. 300-20 Lncoming Number/Name for SMDR ReC0l-h ............................................. 300-20 Unanmered Call Management ............. 300-20 Idle Speaker Mode ................................... 300-21 hcorning CO Lines Off-Net For-w&d via Speed Dial ......................................... 300-21 Lntercom CaIling ...................................... 300-21 Lntercom Signaling Select ........................ 300-21 . . . = Standard Feature; O=Opti~nal: Requires additiona naraware ~VAXAELE S S S 0 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S s S S 0 S S S S S S S INTERN& ExrERNAI, EQUIPMENT EQTJIPMENT REQUIRED REQUIRED N N N N N N ! I OPX/PFl-LJ N N N N N 48v or 12v Supply i N N N paging E&ipment N N N N N N N N N 33-Btn/8Btn N N N N N N N N N N N Headset N Headset N N N N N N N .: N N N N N N N N N software ICED Keyset N N N N N N N N J=No addftior N N N N N N Ihard-requirec I

iqfinite DVX’ and DVX= Digital Key Telephone Systems KEY STATION FEAX’URE DEBC~ON Table BOB-1 Key Station Featnro Index (Cont’d) FEATURE $VAIUBLE K keyset Self Test ........................................ 300-21 S _L Last Number Rediai &NR] ........................ 300-21 S LCD interactive Display ........................... 300-21 S Least Cost Routing (LfJR) ........................ .300-21 . s 6-Digit Table.. ...................................... 300-21 D&ly Start Time Tables.. ...................... 300-22 : Default LCR Data Base ........................ 300-22 S Except&m Tables ................................. 300-22 S Insert/DeJete Tables ............................ 300-22 S LCR Routing for Toll Information ......... 300-22 S Route List Tables ................................. 300-2 1 S Weekly Time Tables ............................. 300-22 S 3-D@ Table ......................................... 300-21 S Local Number/Name ‘IYansIation TabIe . , . .300-22 S hop Button CO Line Access.. ................. .300-22 S M Meet Me Page ........................................... 300-22 S Message Waiting ...................................... 300-22 S Message Waiting Reminder Tone.. ........... .300-22 S Messages - Personalized.. ........................ .300-22 S Custom Messages.. ............................. -300-23 S .: 1 S Date and Time Entry to Personalized Mewgels) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...300-23 Message Code on a FlexKey . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...300-23 Music On Hold . ...*. . . . . ,.I.*...* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *a . . . . 1. 300-23 Mute Key l *...*. . . . . . . . . . . . I*..** . . . . *,...* . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . 300-23 N - Name in Display ..P . . . . . I...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . a* 300-23 Night Service F&m-c. . . . . . . -,.....m.,., . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300-23 S S S S S S Night service Mode .................................. 300-23 S Automatic Night Mode Operation.. ....... .300-23 S External Night Ringing ......................... 300-23 S Manual Operation ................................ 300-23 S Night Class of Service (COS) ................. 300-23 S Night Rtn@ng Assignments.. ................. 300-24 S Universal Night Answer TcMA) ............... 300-24 S Weekly Night Mode Schedule ................ 300-24 S 0 % Hook Voice Over (OHVO] .................... 300-24 S Off-Hook Preference ................................. 300-24 S Auto Feature Access ............................ 300-24 S Auto Line Access ................................. 300-24 S Hot Line/Ring Down ............................ 300-24 S Intercom Access .................................. 300-24 S = Standard Feature; O=OptionaI: Requires addltIonaIhan+are INTERNAL EQUIPMENI REQUIRED N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N g=No additia lzxTmNAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Exec Keyset N Exec Keyset N N N I? N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Music Source N Exec Keyset N N N N N N N N N OHYO Keyset N N N N N 1 hardware requim Issue 1, January 1995 900-S

iqfinite DVX’ and DVX I’ xSY STATION FEATURE DESCRWMON Digital Key Telephone Sy8tcm.s Table 300-1 Key Station Fcabre Index [Cont’d) FEATURE user Programnl able Preference.. .......... 300-24 ’ Off-Hook Signauing ................................. 300-24 i Off-Premise Extensions (OPX) .................. 300-24 On Hook Dialing ...................................... 300-24 On Line Programmhg .............................. 300-25 IP - i Page/Relay Control . . . . . . -.* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...-.* 300-25 pti - ..... ................................................ 300-25 ExternalPaging ................................... 300-25 intemalPagi.ng ..................................... 300-25 paging Access Restriction.. .................. 300-25 Pause Timer ............................................ 300-25 PBX Dialing Codes ................................... 300-25 PA Button Operation ............................. 300-25 Preferred Line Answer .............................. 300-26 Privacy Release ........................................ 300-26 Per CO Line Option ............................. 300-26 Per Station Option ............................... 300-26 PrivateLine ............................................. 300-26 Pulse-To-Tone Swltchover ........................ 300-26 E Range Programmhg ................................ 300-26 Remote Adminisiration ............................ 300-26 Database UpIoad/Download.. .............. 300-26 Remote System Monitor & Maintenance. ,* 300-26 Remote System Maintenance.. ............. 300-26 Remote System Monitor ...................... 300-27 s gave Number Redial (SNR) ....................... 300-27 Single Line Telephone (SLT) CompattbWy 300-27 * 2x4 SLT Expander ModuIe, 4x8 SLT Interface -Board (CSB), or Single L;ine Adapter (OPX) w/4& Supply can be used for SLT operations. Speakerphone ......................................... 300-27 Station Chss of !%mice [COS) .................. 300-27 Station Message Detailed Recording.. ....... 300-27 Station Relocation Feature ....................... 300-27 Station Speed Dial ................................... 300-27 System Capacity.. .................................... 300-28 Up to 1m8 Cor@$ration .................. 300-28 Up to 28x56 Confiiuratfon .................. 300-28 system Hold ............................................ 300-28 system Speed Dial ................................... 300-28 r I ! , I c S rat Me=ging (Silent Response). ............ 300-28 rd.I Restriction (Table Driven) ............. . .... 300-28 = St.amhrd Feature; O=Optfonak Requires adduo INTERNAL licxTERNAL EQUIPMEM EQUIPMENT EQUIFZED REQUIRED N N SLA (OPX) N N N N 48v Supply N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Relay/Sensor Unil Paging Equipment N 4 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N PC/Term/Modem N PC/Term/Modem N PC/Term/Modern N PC/Term/Modem N PC/Term/Modem N l .: N 2500 Qpe N N N N N Printer/Terminal N N N .N N N N N N N N N N N N N I=No additior Exec KeyseA N hardwarereq~ 300-6 Iesue 1. January 1983

irlfinite DVX’ and DVX’ I)Jgital Ecy Telcphane Systems KEY STATION FEATURE DESCRWMON Table 300-1 Key Station Fcaturc Index [Cont’d) Transfer Recall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..e... . . . . . . . . . . . ..w 3OCk2E ‘u - &form CalI Distribution (UCD) ............. .300-28 Agent Queue Status Display ............... -300-2s Alternate UCD Group Assignments ...... 300-21 Auto wrap-up w/Timer ....................... 300-2E Avaflable/Unavailable Mode ................ 300-Z Incomhg CO Dkect Ringing ................ 300-2s No-Answer Rec.&l Timer ....................... 300-2s No-Answer Retry Timer ........................ 300-2C Overfiow Station Assignments ............. 300-2E Recorded Announcements CRAN) ........ -300-2: universal NightAnswer pJNA) .................. 300-25 v Voice Mail Groups [VM) ............................ 300-26 CO Disconnect SeaI .......................... 300-3c In-Band Signaling Integration.. ........... .300-3C Message Waiting Indication ................ .300-X Tone Mode Calling Option.. ................. .300-X Transfer/Forward ................................ 300-3c VMTransferwithIDDQits ................ ..300-3 C Vohme Controls.. .................................... 300-3c 4VAILAEU S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S = Standard Feature; O=Optional: Requires additional hardware IIvTTsRNAL FQUIPMENI REQUIRED N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N I=No addition N N N N N N N N N RAN Device(s) N VM System N N N N N N N hardware require! Isauc 1, Jammy 1993 300-7

m STATION FEATURE DESCRIPTION iqfinite DVX’andDVXn D$jital Key Telephone Syntems 13. Alternate ACD Gmup Aaaignmenta An alternate ACD group can be pro- gmmmed so that if stations in one group are busy, the alternate group will be checked for an available station. C. Group Member Status The SupeTYisors Group Member Status feature provides a means for an ACD su- pervisor to view the status of each of the eight ACD groups in the system individu- ally. This display will teI1 the supervisor which stations are logged into the group, and if the station logged in is available, unavailable, out of service, in DND. or busy on a call. The supervisor can use this dis- play to determine why there are a lot of queued calls in a specific group. D. Incoming CO Ditect Ripging CO Lines can be programmed to ring di- rectly into a ACD group. When ali agents are busy and RAN is enabled, the system will answer the caller and present the 1st RAN announcement automatically. E. No-Answer l&call Timer If a call routed to a station via ACD is not answered by the ACD Agent/Station before theNo-AnswerRecalltirnerexpires.tbecd will be returned to ACD Queue with the highest priority, in addition, the station that failed to answer the ringing ACD call will be placed into an out of service @OS] state. F. No-An8wcr R&q mmcr When the No-Answer Recall timer [email protected]. a station that failed to answer the ringing ACD call is placed into an out-of-service (00s) state. The station that was taken out-of-service (OOS] will be placed back in - service if the agent hits hf.51 available flex button or dials the available flex code. In addition, the agent will be placed back in service if the No-Answer Retry timer ex- pires. If the agent does not answer his next ACD call. he will again be taken out-of- service. This cycle will continue until the station answer5 calls, logs out, or goes unavailable. G. ovemow station #l88ignlncnts An overflow station may be assigned to route callers in queue to a designated sta- tion after a specified time, The ovdow station may not be one of the ACD group stations. R. Recorded houncementt3 (RANj Recorded announcement devices can ‘be assigned to provide up to eight different messages. ifall stations in aACD group are busy. The eight messages are available to all eight ACD groups in different conf@ura- tions. A RAN device can provide an an- nouncement to one caller at a time. Subsequent callers will be queued onto the message on a first-in basis. I. supeld8or Po8ition8 l Supervisor Login/Logout Feature: The Supervisor Login/Logout Feature will provide a means for a supervisor to log into one of the ACD groups. ‘The Super- visor ID entered in the login process identifies the supeti&~br for the specific ACDgroup he is assigned to. This feature will allow a supervisor to log into any ACD group from any station in the sys- tern. However, to have the supervisor monitorwithbarge-infeatunz, tbesuper- visor must log in at a station with moni- tor barge-in capability. l Supavisor Identification: Each ACD Su- pervisor has a unique Supervisor ID code (0000-9999) which he uses during login and logout procedures. This unique ID code is not verified or stored as part of the system database. l Supervisor Help Request: The HELP fea- ture provides a means for an ACD agent to signal his assigned supervisor for as- sistance. The agent while on a call can press the HELP button to signal the as- signed supenisor. The supexisor may respond by use of his HELP button and his ACD Barge-In feature. l Sup&or Monitor w/Barge-In Feature: TheACDSupewisor MonitorwithBarge- In feature provides a means for an ACD supervisor to monitor an agent% call in progress or provide assistance in train- ing ACD personne1. When used, a super- visor may intrude onto an agents call in a listen onlymode or in a true conference mode. This feature is available with or without a warning tone. 6 Supervisor Station Assignment Feature: The ACD Supervisor Station Assignment feature provides a means to assign each ACD group a supervisor. This supervisor station can receive the calls in queue display in real time. receives No An- swer/Out of Service, receives TIEW 300-S l8auc 1, January 1093

imite DVX’ and DVX” Digiti Key Telephone Sy&ems KEY STATION FEATURE DESCRIPTJON displays from the groups that the super- visor is assigned to and can barge in on active calls in his ACD group or groups. J. Supervifmr/Agent Calls in Queue DOPEY This feature provides a means for an agent and ACD supervisor to view the status of their ACD group. This display is an idle state display and will prompt a supervisor that his agents in the group are having problems answering all their calls. The dfs- play will tell the agent and his supervisor how many ealk are in queue, how many agents are logged into the ACD group, and the length of time in minute.5 that the oldest call ha5 been in queue. IL PC/ACD Interface Tract This feature is only available when the Basfc ACD Software package is purchased separately. The PC/ACD Interface ‘II-ace provides a series of events trace output which is compatible with the fn@.&e PC/ACD Reporting package. 300.6 AUTOMATIC LINE ACCESS Each station, key or SLT, may have their phone programmed to access a particular CO Line such a5 a private line or a line from a Group of CO line5 upon going off-hook. This IS useful in Centrex or PBXapplications when station users have dedicated or individual lines. Outside line dial tone is received just by going off-hook, without the need to dial an access code. 300.6 ATJTOMM’IC MIGHT SERVXE The system may optionally be programmed to go into and out-of night service automatically. This method does not require the attendant to activate or deactivate night senrice on a dnily basis. The automatic night service is enabled and disabled on a programmable daily schedule including Saturday and Sunday schedules. A time can be set to enable Night Service and to Disable Night Service on a per day basis. 300.7 AUTOMATIC PAUSE INSElyITON WITH SPEED DIAL If a flash command is placed into system speed dial numbers, station speed dial numbers, save number redial or last numbeT redfal, a pause will automatically be inserted after the flash. A pause wfll also be automatically inserted after a PBX diakng code has been used. 300.8 AUTOMATIC PRIVACY Privacy is automaticaliy provided on all calls. if one station is conversing, another station can- not intrude on that line. The Automatic Privacy feature can be disabled, allowing one other station to join in on fzi5ting CO line conversa- ti0l-E.. 300.9 AUTOMATlC SELECTION The user can select an outside line, intercom station, speed dial button, or dial a feature and automatically place the phone in the dialing mode without pressing the ON/OFF button or lifting the handset. 300.10 BACKGROUND MUSIC Each Digital Terminal user may receive music over their speaker whed an optional music source is connected to the system. This feature can be allowed or denied on a system-wide basis by programming. 300.11 BATTERY BACK-UP @UQdORy) A ‘Super Cap” is located on the Main Key Serv- ice Board WB) of the [email protected] I System, and a NICAD battery is located on the Central Proc- es&g Board (CPBI of the tn&k!e DVX ’ System to protect system memory in case of commercial power outage or the system powerbeing turned off for a period of time. Battery Back-up Memory retains all system features including both sys- tem and station speed dial durjng a power out- age- 300.12 BUSYI.&UPFlEIlD(f3~ When a button on a Digital Terminal is assigned as a DSS, it also smes as a Busy lamp Field to display the status of that telephone. .: 300.13 CAttANNOUNCE-PRIVACY Each telephone user can set their titercorn signaling switch to receive intercom call an- nouncements without having the calling party hear any convemations in progress. SW.14 CALL RACK A station can initiate a call back request to another busy statton. As soon as that station becomes idle, the station that left the caU back request is signaled. 300.18 CALL COST DISPLAY FEATURE The Call Cost Display Feature provides a user to view the appmximate cost of each call made. This approximate cost will also be printed as part of the SMDR record. Issue 1, JammrylBBS 300-B

ir@ite DVX I and DVX” gEp STATION FEATURE DESCRIPTION [email protected] Key Telephone Systems The call Cost Display will replace the call dura- tion display when a call is made using LCR. This display is enabled in programming. The cost information is programmable by se- lec!ing one of the 16 route list tables and one of the four time periods. This allows the user to program four separate costs based on the time of day for each of 16 routes. The costs entered in the tables will be a cost for one minute, however. costs are calculated using a 1/ 10th of a minute value. These costs are rounded down and are based on the start time of the call, even if the call extends into a different time period. The SMDR printout will contain a cost calcu- lated using a l/ 10th of a minute increment and the display will update approximately every 30 seconds. The user must have LCR enabled to get the call cost display. 300.16 CALL FORWARD: PRESET This feature allows the system database to be configured so that incoming CO Lines, which are programmed to ring at a particular station. can be forwarded elsewhere in the system pre- determined by programming. This feature is am tithe station ringing is not answered in a specified time. This is particularly useful in kverflow” applications where a Voice Mail or Auto Attendant may be in use. . A station may have one designated preset forward location defined in the database. * Preset Cdl Forward is chainable only to other predetermined preset forward stations speci- fied in the database up to a chain of 5 sta- ti0I-B. l Chainable Preset Call Forwarding will force the incoming CO he to ring at each station preassigned in the database for the Beset Forward Ring Tfmer specffied in the database _ before forwarding. l Each station in the system may, inde- pendently, have incoming CO calls preset forwarded to the following destinations: A. Preset Call Fommrd - Hunt Groups CO Lines can be preset forwarded to ring into a Hunt Group from any station. A CO line will not preset forward to a busy Hunt group. however each time the preset for- ward timer expires {for a total of tie at- tempts) the group ~II be checked for an idle station. If a member of the group is idle the ca.li wIl.l then be presented to that mem- ber. B. c. D. E. Reset Cdl Forward - Off-Net CO Lines can be preset forwarded to r&g Off-Net via speed dial kom any station. After the expiration of the preset forward timer, the system will select an idle CO line and dial the off-net location, then connect the two CO lines. Reset Call Forward - Stations Each Digital Terminal user may have pre- set in the database Initial Ringing Incom- ing to be directed to another station in the system, if the call goes unanswered for a predetermined amount of time. Reset Cdl Forward - UCD Groups CO Lines can be preset forwarded to ring into a UCD Group fro- any station. A CO line will not preset forward to a busy UCD group, h owever each time the preset for- ward timer expiiks (for a total of five at- tempts1 the group will be checked for an idle station. If a member of the group is idle the callwill then be presented to that mem- ber. Preset Call Forward - VM Groups CO Lines can be preset forwarded to ring into a Voice Mail Group from any station. A CO Iine will not preset forward to a busy Voice Mail group, however each time the preset forward timer expires (for a total of five attempts) the group will be checked for an idle Voice Mail port. If a V&f port is idle the call will then be presented toVoice Mail. 300.17 CALL FORWARD: STATXON ; A. CaIlFomard-AUCdb This feature allows a station the abiLity to have all their calls (internal or external) forwarded immediately to a designated sta- tion. a UCD group pilot mxnber. Voice Mail group number. or Hunt group. (See Note) 3. CallForward-Busy This feature allows a station the ability to have their calls forwarded to a designated station, a UCD group pilot number, Voice Mail group number, or Hunt group when their station is busy. (See Note) C. Call Forward - Busy/No An~wcx Allows a stations the ability to forward a combination busy/no answer calls to a designated station. a UCD group pilot number, Voice Ma.3 group number, or Hunt 300-10 beue 1, January 1893