Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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irlfinfte DvX’andDvX” DQ.$w &y Telephone Systems CO LlNl3A~U’Xl-S PROG-G co IJNE ATTRIBUTES (Cont’d) Pro$!yM steps 1. Press the LOOP SUPV flexible button (But- ton #61. 2,Enter a one-digit timer value on the dial pad between 1 and 9 which corresponds to 100-900 msec. 3.Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Description LOOP SUPV. Loop supervision is used primar- ily with DlSA, Voice MaiI/Auto Attendant and with unsupervised conference applications. It provides the system with the ability to detect when loop current has been broken and an outside line is no longer being used. To deter- mine timer value for loop supervision, consult your local serving central office for type and duration of loop supervisfon signal. It is recommended that Loop Supervision be enabled, especially when connecting a Voice Mail orAuto Attendant to the infinite Digital Key Telephone Systems. The duration of the Loop interrupt is 700 msec. Default: By default, Loop Supervision is dis- abled for all CO Lines. Related Progl%mldng: Refer to Sec. 710.1, System Thners. CO Ring Detect Timer; Sec. 720.1, CO Line Programming. DISA Pro-: Sec. 755.1, Voice Mail Groups (VI@, and Sec. 755.2, Voice Mall Outpulsing Table. h3uel.Jfmuaq1993 720-b

infutite DVX’ and DVX” Dij@tal Xcy Telephcme Systems G. Dl!SA Programming Profframming steps I. Press the DISA flexible button (Button W). 2. Enter a one-digit value on the dial pad to Indicate type of DISA desired. - I= 24hou.r - 2= Night ordy - 0= no DISA (disable DISA) 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry- Confirmation tone is heard and the display will ROW update. Description DIM. A line can be assigned as a DlSA line during night service only or on a 24- hour basis. A maximum of three DISA lines can be pm- gmmmed into the system. A DISA access code can also be programmed. Incoming DISA call- ers may dial any vaIid internal station or access outside Iine groups. DISA callers WiII be sub- jected to the Class of Setice placed on the line accessed for outdiahng. It is recommended that hop Supervision be enabled when setting up DISA Iine(s). Sec. 710.1, System Timers , Conference/DISA Timer allows the system ad- ministrator to control the length of time a DISA caller is allowed after establishing a “lYmk-to- Tnmk” cdl. After expiration of the Conference Timer. a tone will be presented to both DISA parties, then one minute later the system will automatically release both trunks, ‘Ike Confer- ence Timer does not affect or control a DISkto- station CalI. Default: By default, there are no outside rines assigned as DEA lines. F&elated Ro grrg: Refer to Sec. 720.1, CO Line Programming, Conference/DISA Timer: Sec. 710.9. Access Codes: Sec. 720.1. CO Line Pro@ * ig, Loop Supervision ProgmmmUng DISATrunk-to-Trunk (Per CO Line]. and Class of Service (COS) Programming. Also refer to Sec. 760.1, Exception Tables Programming. 720-6 Il5sue 1. January 199s

irlfinite DVX’andDVXn ~)@taI zxey Telephone Systems CO LINE ATTRIBIJTES PROGRAMMING CO LINE ATTRIBUTES (Cont’d) W. FlashTfmcr Programming Pr0jpnmm.g Steps l.Press the FLASH TIMER flexible button (Button #8). Z.Enter a two-digit timer value on the dial pad between 01-20 which corresponds to 100 msec-2 seconds. 3.Press the HOLD button to save the entry. ConiTirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. I. Line Group Programming Prw Steps I. Press the CO LINE GROUP flexible button [Button #9). 2. Enter a one-digit value on the dial pad between O-7 which corresponds to Groups o-7. 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confiiation tone is heard and the display wiIl now update. Description FLASH TIMER. Flash is a programm able open- ing on a line for signaling. When using an outside line. flash allows a user to obtain new dial tone without Iosing the line. This is particu- larly useful behind a PBX or Centrex. Each indivfdual CO line can be programmed for a flashtime. Default: By default, the Flash Timer is set for 10 (1 .O seconds) and is variable from 01 to 20 (100 msec. to 2 seconds). Related Pro@ammiq& Refer to Sec. 720.1 ,CO Line Progrm, CO/PI% Programming. . Description CO LINE GROUP. Eight line groups are avail- able for CO line assignment. Groups should be assigned according to type Ilocal, FX, WATS, etc.) Line group 0 is used for programming a line(s) as a private line. Me Grouping affects Line Queuing, Pooled Group access (Pool Buttons), Speed Dial, and LCRfetures. ; D&tit: By default, AU lines are placed in Line Group 1. Related programmfng: Mer to Sec. 730.1, Station Attributes Programming, Flexible Button Prom - Pool Buttons. Also tier to Sec. 765.2, L.CR Route List Table. Issue 1. January 1999 720-7

iqfiniie DVX’andDV2Kn cOLINEA’M’RIBUTESPRO-G D$$taI Key Telephone Systems co LJNE ATI’RIBUTES (Co&d) J. class of Semite (COS) F+ro& Programming Steps ’ g 1. Press the LINE COS flexible button (Button #lO). 2.Enter a one-digit value on the dial pad between 1-5 which corresponds to five pos- sible class of service to which a line may be aSsigned: - COSl= No res&ictions. - COS2= Table A governs, Station COS 2 and 4 are monitored. - COS3= Table B governs. Station COS 3 amI 4 are monitored. - COS4= Restricts O.l.*,# dialed as first digit and places a seven digit di- aling limitation. In addftion. l-800, 1911, and 1611 areahwedand 411, 976. and 555 numbers are denied. - CO!%= Overrides station COS 2,3,4, and 5 and allows unrestricted dialing. 3. Press the HOLD button to save the e&y. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Description LINE CO!& Through assfgmnents of a CO Class of Service the assigned CO line wit1 either inter- act with a staffon Class of Service, provide a “canned” restriction or provide unrestricted di- aling capabilities. (when a CO line is marked PBX COS restrictions apply to the station only if one of five codes are dialed first.) Refer to Table 720-l Class of Service (COS) for CO to Station Class OfService relationship. De&t& By default. all CO lins are assigned Class of Service 1. Related Programming: Rqer to Sec. 730.1, Station Attnibutes Programmhg, Station Class of Service (COS) options. Also refer to Sec. 760.1, Exception Tables Programmiq. Table 7!2u-1 class of sedce [Cos) CO LINE CLASS OF SERVICE I I .2 f 3 -1-4 5 S T 1 Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted ~~~~~n~ Unrestricted - A i T 2 TableA Table A Unrestricted kzEa$nW Unrestricted I 0 3 Table B Unresticted Table B canned N Restriction* Unrestricted 4 TabIes A&B Table A Table B C-d Restricti 0l-P Unrestricted C 0 5 canned canned Canned Canned S Restriction* Restriction* Restriction* Restriction* Unresfricted 6 Intercom Intercom Intercom Intercom Intercom only OdV 1 only only l Canned Restriction= No ‘0’. 1, #. l *’ only as.a first dialed digit, and 7 digits maxhnum plus l-800. 1911, 1611 are allowed and 411,976. and 555 numbers are denied. 720-S Issue 1, January 1999

i@ite DVX’ and DVX s ~i@aI Key T&phone Spstema CO LIME ATTRIBUTES PROGlUiMMING co LINE ATTRIBUTES (Cont’d) K. CO Line Ringing Assignments Progranxniug Steps Each CO line in the system may be assigned initial incoming ringing to one of the following destinations: a one or more stations (keyset or SLT) l to an ACD, UCD. Voice Mail or Hunt Gl-Wp . Off-Net (via speed dial) 1. Press the RING ASSIGNMENT fI&ble but- ton (Button #Xl] to toggle to the Ringing Assignment display. The display wilI show the following information: 2.Enter the three-digit destination (DDD) and the one-digit ring type (R) followed by the HOLD button. Confirmation tone Is heard and the display will now update. 3. Press Button # 17 to display ring assign- ments. Assfgnments will be displayed in sets of 8 up to the number programmed. Press Button # 17 additIonal limes to cycle to the next group of 8 rkrg assignments. The following format is used to display the SSsignm~tS: Where: - DDD= Destination - R= D for Day - N=Night - B= Both Day & Night. Deleting a station (eWerIng a 0 for ring type) only removes that station from the ring assign- ment. Ring assignments will be continuous and will be displayed in order of the destination number from 00 1 to 557. Description RINGASSIGNMENT . When ringing is assigned as a part of the CO line parameters. ringing of a station is independent of that stations button configuration. However, Stations that are as- signed for initial ring-in MIJS’I” HAVE a LCOP button(s) to answer the cdl(s) if a direct CO appearance is not avaikble. Multiple station assignments are allowed for a particular CO line in a mixture of Day. Night. or Day 8r Night ring types. An incoming CO line may be programmed to any number of stations but it cannot be programmed to ring a mixture of stations and groups (iem. a Hunt Group and four stations. or more than one Hunt Group). Incoming cab directed Off-Net will be con- nected to an outgoing system speed bin. CO lines assigned to ring multiple stations will not follow any stations’ forward to a UCD, ACD, Voice Mail, Hunt Group or Off-Net. Forwarding to another station will be allowed. . 3 mdestfnatlulls &k,. - 02CW99 = System Speed Bins 20-99, for off-net ringing. - 100-l 55 = Station extension Num- bers - 199=DirectRingingtoModem Group - 330-337 = Hunt Groups l-8 - 440447 = Voice Mail Groups l-8 - 550-557 = ACD or UCD Groups 1-8 - 0 = unassigrkd (to delete a station) - l=DayF2inging - 2=Ni&htRir@ng - 3=Day&NightRinging Multiple station assignments are accomplished by assigning another destination with ring status. DDDR and pressing the HOLD button. This can be done for up to the maximum nurn- ber of stations on the system, Defhlt: By default. all CO lines are assigned to ring at the first programmed attendant, Sta- tion 100. Related Frogrammlng: Refer to Sec. 750.2, ICLlD Ringing Assignment. IfumE 1, JaxllxFu-y 1883 720-g

r CO LINE ATTRIBUTES PFtOGRAMMING iqj?nite DVX’aadDVX” Di.#aI Key Ttlephone Syratms co LINE ATTRIBUTE!5 (Cont’d) L. CO Line Identificatfon Display pro@-mming steps Each CO line in the system can be programmed to have a name associated to it in database programming. 1. Press the CO LINE IDEIWIFICATION flex- ible button (Button #12). The folIowing message is shown on the display phone: 2. Enter the name by using keys on the dial pad as follows. Valid alpha-numeric char- acters are: A-Z. O-9. l , #, - [spaces] and other ASCII characters as listed below. The name may be entered in any combination up to 1%characters in length (this repre- sents 24-digits entered). A=21 B=22 C =23 D =31 E =32 F =33 G =41 H =42 I=43 J=51 K =52 L =53 M =61 N =62 0 =63 P =71 Q =74 R =72 s =73 T=81 U =82 v=83 w=91 x =92 Y =93 T- ! I z=94 I 1 =I# 2 =2# 3 =3# 4 =4# 5=5# 6 =6# 7 =7# 8 =8# 9 =9# OEO#/ jpace ~11 : 112 - =13 ’ =14 * =Ol , =02 7 =03 / =04 1=*1 $ =+2 0% =*3 & =*4 * =‘# [=#l ) =#2 + =#3 = =#4 # =## 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display W-III now update. Description This feature shows a name to be entered into the database prog ’ g for each individual line (trunk) connected to the system. Once entered into the database, LCD phones incIuding the attendant staff ons will receive the programmed line “name” in place of the default ‘LINE XX message. This applies to all line call processing conditions where the current ‘LINE Xx message appears. SMDR will continue to print out the Iine num- ber in place of the programmed name. If the line name has not been programmed, then the current “LINE XX” display will be used as the default. A programmable data field is avaiIable for each he in the system. Line namea may be pro- grammed using the range programming. A message similar to the fohowing wiII be used for aII CO Iine displays when a name has been programmed for a CO line. 720-10 fsfme 1, Jan- 1895

CO LINE A’ITKIBUTE!3 PROGRAMMING 720.2 DIALPULSE PARAMETERS gntmmhg Steps If this feature is to be assigned: a. Press FLASH and dial 141). The following message is shown on the display phone: I._...,., ml 10PFs b.‘Ihe Dial Pulse features will toggle on and off with each depression, and the display will update with each depression. . JXDon=60/40(RKTI0). 1OppsW’EED~ . ISDoff = 66/33 (RATIO), 20pps WEED1 c. Press the HOLD button to save the entxy. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now upaate. Desctiption By default all lines are DTMF (tone) signaling. If outpulsing is required, the individual outside line must be programmed for pulse. Refer to CO line programming section. The break/make ra- tio and the dial speed can be programmed at this time. The buttons on the digit& terminal are defined as shown beiow when entening the Dial Pulse Parameter programming Wea: D&m&: By default, the b&&/make ratio IRA- TI0) is set at 60/40 but can be changed to 66/33. By default, the dMng speed [SPEED) is XOpps but can be changed to 2Opps. R&edPro~ l g: Refer to Sec. 720.1, CO Line Programming for DTMF/Dial Pulse programming. Issue 1, January 1983 720-11

r CO IJNE A-UTES l’ROGlUMMING iqfhzite DVX’ and DVX” D&ital Ecy Telephone Systems co I~INE ATTRIBUTES (Cont’d) 720.3 FLEXIBLE PORT ASSIGNKENT FlrATuRE Programming steps Description if the CO Line numbers need to be relocated to different ports: a. Press FLASH and dial (421. The following message is shown on the display phone: 5 b.The buttons 1 through 7 indicate cards 1 through 7. When the relocation program is initially entered, Button #I will be lit indi- cating that the user is progmzumningthe CO Line numbers on the first card (CO Ports 1 through 4). The LCD wiiI display the CO Line numbers presently assigned to the first four ports. To change the CO Line number assigned to any port: a. Dial the position number on the display (01 through 04). folIowed by the CO Line num- ber desired. Example: ‘Ike Fltible Port Assignment feature will pro- vide a means to assign CO line numbers to any CO line port in the system. This provides com- plete flexibtily in determinWg CO line numbers within the system as long as fhey stay witbk the system numbering plan. A CO line can be assignedanynumberbetweenO1 and 14ontbe in@zite DVX’ system and any number between 01 and 28 on the in.. DVX I* system. This restrktion is required to rninknize memory re- quirements on the smaller !5pms. The buttons on the digital terminal are defined as shown belowwhen entering the Flexible Port Assiient feature programming arca: ~&Eq gg Fi [a &ETR h;Ti All CO line numbers entered are stored in a temporaq database area which is uploaded to the main database when the system is reset. - If 0103 were dialed, the CO line num- ber of the first enuy on the display would be changed to 03. In addition, since 03 was shown as the third cn- try on the display, that enuy would be bknk (##I. - lntheDVX1System,ifa2x4Ex- pander Module were installed, the en- by would be 0 1 for CO5. followed by the CO Line number desired. To select another card in the system: a. Press the button associated with that card. For example, ff Button #3 were pressed (CO ports 9 through 121, the CO Line numbers assigned to the third card would be dis- played. CO Line numbers on the third card are changed in the same manner by enter- ing the position number (01 through 04), folkwed by the CO Line number desired, 720-12 Istrue 1, January 1883

r infinite DVX’ and DVX’ D&itd Key Telephone SyrMms STATION ATTRIBUTES PROGRAMMING SECTION 730 STATION ATTRIBUTES PROG~NG 750.1 INTRODUCTION Pr0g-t +ng Steps If the system is in the programming mode, continue using the program codes. If starting to program here, enter the programming mode. Refer to 700.2. Program Mode Entry (Key Staffon). If station features are to be changed: a. Press FLASH and dial [50). The following message is shown on the &play phone: ;I b. Enter a six-digit number (1 OO- 155) for sta- tion range being programmed. If only one station is being programmed, enter that number twice i.e. (lCH3100). c. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display tif now update. Flexible button #20 (New Range) will be lit. The display updates to current programming for Page A: 111 where: - XXX= Station Range - - A= Page “A” Features - PA= paging Access is allowed - DD= Do Not Disturb is allowed - CF= Conference Is allowed - -A= Executive Override IS allowed - PR= privacy is enabled - SP;=Syatem Speed Dial is allowed - QU= Queuing is allowed - PL- Preferred Line Answer is enabled - OH= Off-Hook Voice Over is allowed - ~=Cdl Forward is allowed - LC= Forced LCR Enabled - SB= ACD Supervisor Barge-in* Description This section describes tbe steps and proce- dures necessary to program station attributes for stations connected to the in_finite Digital Key Telephone System. When entering the Station attributes portion of the database, the pm- grarnmer may decide to enter information for either a range of stations or one specific station. Range programming allows the progrannner to change a spe&c pammeter or a few parame- ters for an entire range of staff on5 leaving intact the remaining data fields that do not require change. Those data fields will conttnue to oper- ate with the previously programmed data. Station Attributes are divided between those features that require either a simple aflow/deny or Enable/Dfsable (toggle) operation and those that require a numeric entry. The allow/deny (toggle) type features are programmed on page “A”. When programmmg the Page ‘IA” features. the flexfble buttons are mapped as follows: - Button #I18 PAGE “A”] selects Page *A” and displays Page “A” parameters.. - Button #19 [PAGE “B-1 selects Page ‘B” and displays Page “B” parameters.. - Button #20 (Select Range] will prompt for a new Station range. l ACD Features are ONLY av&ble when the Basic ACD Software package Is purchased separately. Issue 1, January 1993 730-l

iqfhtite DVX’ aad DVX I1 s’.IXl’ION ATTRIBUTES PROGEUIMMZVG Digital Key Telephone Systems PAGE ‘A” STATION ATTRIBUTES [Cont’d) 1. Press the PAGE ACCESS fl&ble button (Page A, Button # 1). ‘Ihis feature will to&e on and off with each depression. and the display will update with each depression. l LED on = Paging is allowed . IEDoff=Pagirqisdenied 2. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard. Description PAGE ACCESS. Stations can individua@ be allowed or denied the ability to make pages. This applies to alI intema.l and external zone paging. A station denied access to paging may still answer a meet-me page announcement. (Station COS 6 will not deny a station the ability to make a page.1 Debault: By default, Paging is allowed at all stations. B. Do Not Disturb ggxmmhg steps 1. Press the DO NOTDISTURB flexible button (Page A. Button #2). Tl-& feature will toggle on and off with each depression. and the display will update with each depression. l LED on = Do Not Disturb is a.Uowed l LED off= Do Not Disturb is denied 2. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confkmation tone is heard. _ Description DO NOT DISTURB. Stations can be individu- ally allowed or denied the ability to place their telephone in Do Not Disturb. Default: By defau2t. Do Not Disturb is allowed at all stations. 730-2 Issue 1. January 1993