Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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irlfnite DVX ’ and IX% Drprital Key Telephone Systenm INSTATAKIION 0 ;--‘** ________-----*- * _____. *.-*._____-__-_--*--*-*--------. T 0 rs -5 E 8 ----I-----*-~‘~T ______---.--__., : .---.-..----------*--; I E$ gg I = 2-m rpssurt 500-3 Main Key Service Board of the Basic KSU IwnIc 1, Jaauary lB93 two-7

INSTATLATION injhite DVX’ and DVX’ Drpital Key TeIepbone Systems bottom right comer of the main key service board (KSB). A potentiometer labeled R40 located directly above the RCA connector allows for volume adjustment for Music- On-Hold. Refer to Figure 500-l Digital Flatpack Mounting Arrangements and Figure 500-2 Digital Flatpack Mounting Dimensions for location of components. Modem Connections: The optional 1200 Baud modem module may be installed on the main key service board to conneotor 514 located directly below the EPROMS. The modem port itself is accessed via system software control. No hardware connections are required to con- nect to the modem. x/o Ports connectioll5: The Basic KSLJ contains one RS-232C, I/O port [fern&e, DB-25 type connector] lo- cated on the main key service board (55). This I/O port is oapabIe of transmitEng and receivhg data at 300, 1200, 2400. 4800 and 9600 Baud rates. 3 RmhaDam > 3 2 RS-23ZC PINOUT Data ccmmuniealbn Re.wirem8nts em: 1 A) Bekl Port compaWa 8) ASCII Code Compatible f $taas and 1 Stop Bii 4 F!aw Cantmf Methad: xarlxoff NOTE: Amws show fbw mnrml dimeM F’igure 5004 Digital Flatpack RS-232C colJnectioll5 An optional I/O module may be added to the main key service board &!jB) on con- nector J15 adding one additional RS-232C Poti b-de, DB-25 type connector] and one l?S422 port (modular jack connector). Refer to Section 500.6. Appli&ion Modul&l hxtaliation for the pinouts and ~O~~cation requirements for the DVX RS-232C/R.S-422 I/O Module. Table 500-l Baefc IESU 511 Station COpnCCtiOXM pAII 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 m 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 50 25 COLOR WWBL BL/WH WH/OR ORm wH/GN GN/WH WH/BN BNlUrH wH/SL SL/wH RD/BL BL/RD RD/OR OR/RI3 RD/GN GN/RD RD/BN BN/RD RD/SL SL/RD BK/BL BL/BK BK/OR OR/BK BK/GN GN/BK BK/BN BN/BK BK/SL SL/BK YL/BL BLrYL n/OR OR/= YL/GN GNlVL YL/BN BN/m YL/SL SW= VI/BL BLm VI/OR OR/VI VI/GN GNrVI VI/BN BN/VI VIjSL nt -T DESIG Port 01 Xmt Tip XmtRing Rcve Tip RcveRing Port 02 xmt Tip m.itRing Rcve Tip RcVeRing Fort 03 XmtTip XmtRtng Rcve Tip Rcve Ring Port04 xmtl-ip -tw Rove Tip RcveRIng Port 05 xmt Tip antRing Rcve Tip -m Port06 XmtTip XmtRing Rcve Tip me-% ?ort 07 xmt Tip XintRing Rcve Tip &Ring ‘m-t 08 xmt Tip xntRing RCWTip RcveRing ‘art oQ* Port 10s ?ort 118 ‘al-t 125 kternd Page Tip Sxtemal Page Ring P Expander Module or 2x4 SLT Expander Module is installed 500-S fssuc 1, Jantury 1993

iqffnite DVX’andDVX” Mgital Key Telephone Sy&exm mSTALT,ATION B. Eagyi~n KSU with POmr Supply T’he Expansion Key Service Unit F.KSu) is a unit which comes equipped with a power supply and circuitry providing four addi- tionaI loop start CO/PBX/Centrex Ltae ports and eight digital key telephone ports to the Expansion KSU. All processing and control functions as well as voice connec- tions and switching are controlled by cir- cuitry on the Basic KSU and transmitted to the Expansion KSU through the ribbon cables. The main key service board on the Expan- sion KSU allows connection of one optional application module (Le. IYI’MF Receiver) to the system and connectorfs) for installing an additional 2x4 Expander Module, 2x4 SLT Expander Module or a 4x8 Expander Module. Refer to Figure 500-5 Main Key Service Board of the Expansion KSU for printed circuft board layout and location of connectors. Power 8upply-z The power supply, installed in the Expan- sion KSU at the time of manufacture, has an input voltage of 117V ac, &lO%. The power supply provides power, a fil- tered/unregulated +12V dc, to the Expan- sion Key Service Board (EKSB). A slo-blow 1.5 amp fuse on the AC side of the bans- former Provides the necessary fire and overload protection. Power is regulated and disixibuted to stations/circuitry in the sys- tan on the main key sewice board on the Expansion KSU. The power supply and cabinet meet ail safety requirements to comply with UL 1459 Second Edition and CSA C22.2 No. 225 standards. ,LEDs a Indicators: Four green LEDs are located on the main kqr service board on the Eqxmsion KSU. Two of the LEDs (DS2 & DS3) indicate tie presence of +5V & -5V. LEDs DS 1 and DS5 indicate the presence of +I2V dc used to supply power to the key stations (one LED for every four stations). An extinguished LED indicates the absences of the assoei- ated voltage. Expansion KSU Mounting: The Expansion Key Service Unit (EKSU] is housed in a wall mountable cabinet which cmtains the main key setice board of the EXPEUIS~OII KSU, power supply and pre- wired connectors far station and CO Z;ine interfaces. The Expansion RSU is mounted directly to the right of the Basic KSU and connects via two ribbon type cables pro- vided with the unit. Once the area for the telephone equipment has been selected, mount a plywood back board to the wall. The back board size will vary depending upon the size of the MDF. The entie sys- tem and f&u-he can be mounted on a 4’x 6’ x 3/4” plywood. A hlly loaded Expansion KSU can weigh approximately 15 Ibs . Make cer&in proper mounting procedures are followed. 1. Mount the ExpsnsionaKSU to the plywood using 3/4” #12 pan-head sheet metal s- such that the top of the Expansion KSU is approximately three feet (1 meter) from the ceiling, and bottom is four feet (I .2 meters) from the floor. 2. Use the mountmg template supplied with the cabinet to locate the mounting holes. Refer to Figure 500-2 Digital Flatpack Mounting Dhnensions. 3.m the holes and mount the Expansion KSU. Gr0U.U~: A No. 12 AWG copper wire shouId be used to connect a ground between the Basic KSU and the Expansion KBU. A two posl- tian terminal strip (p3) is located along the bottom edge of the main key service unit and is accessible through the bottom of the Basic KSU. A sfmllar two position terminal strip. P3 is located along the bottom edge of the main key sentice hoard and is acces- sible through the bottom of the Expansion KSU, One terminal position on each P3 connector can be used to connect the ground wire fimn the Basic KSU to the Expansion KSU. co Line/station Intufact8: The Expansion KSU contains the neces- sary circuitry to connect an additional four CO/Centrex/PBX loop start lines and eight digital key telephones to the system. This card also contains one additional voice Itransmit) path for external paging. The main key service board on the Expan- sion KSU contains four Central Gffice, Centrat or PBX loop start, line interfaces.

INSTALtATIOs ini@de DVXl and Dvx” Di@id Key Tdephone Systems i)- L I- . i -r ! - ,_ . _ -. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. : * Ri _.--__--_-__ I / - L r L t Fi@uc 500-S Main Key Se&cc Bard of the Expaxmion KSU 600-10 J66UC 1. Jamary 1993

c irlfinite DVX’ and DVX” ~&it.& Key Telephone 6yatems INSTALLATION The protection circtilxy to allow the system to be classified as a fill@ protected system are located on the card for each CO circuit. The CO circuits are equipped with current sensing circuitry that identifies distant end disconnect (loop supetiion). Each CO line interface design also provides proper fusing or protection to comply with the requirements of UL 1459 Second Edition and CSA C22.2 No. 225 standards. CO lines are connected to the systemvfaRJ- 11 modular lacks mounted on the bottom of the ma& key service board of the Expan- sion KSTJ. The main key service board also provides the interface for e&ht digital key tele- phones using two 64K channel arrange- ments. Stations connect to the board via the MDF through a %-pin connector lo- cated inside the Expansion KSU. Each sta- tion connection requires four wires to connect to the board. A Digital DSS Console, a Single Line Tele- phone Adapter (OPX) or other specif~caliy designed adapter with a digital interface can be assigned to any one of the interface circuits. The key station interface circuits are protected fi-om mis-wfrfng and over- currentt. co Lines conRections: CO Lines are connected to the system via modular RJ-11 connectors accessed through the bottom of the Expansion KSU. The Expansion KSU connects CO Line ports 9. 10. Il. and 12 to the system through modular connectors Jl. 52, 53. and 54 respectively. The pinouts of the modular connector are as follows: djiy::& d,j in* Sbdkm5 Connections: The station ports are wired to the main distribution frame via a 25-pair, (XI-pfn) male amphenol-type connector located on the main key service board on the Expan- sion KSU on connector Jl 1. A 25-p& ca- ble with a 50-pin female amphenol-type connector is required to extend the station ports to the main distribution hme. Table 500-2 Erpanaion KSU Jll Station Connections PAIR 1 2 E 13 Fi- L ! ! COLOR WHjBL BLlWK WH/OR OR/W WH/GN GNrWH 4 WH/BN BNlwH 5 wH/SL SL/wH 6 RD/BL BL/RJJ 7 FZD/OR OR/RD 8 RD/GN GN/RD 9 RD/BN BN/RD 10 RD/SL SLIRD I1 BK/BL BL/BK 12 BK/OR OR/BK 13 BK/GN GN/BK 14 BK/BN BN/BK 15 BK/SL SL/BK 16 YL/BL BL,ln, 17 YL/OR ORrYL 18 YL/GN GNW 19 YL/BN BN/YL, 20 YL/SL SLryL 21 VI/BL =/VT 22 VI/OR OR/VI 23 Vl/GN GN/vI 24 Vi/BN BN/VI 25 vI/SL =/VI ‘Only present when PIN 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 50 25 DESIG I I Port 13 xmt ?Yp XmtRing I Rcve Tip Reve Ring I Port 14 Xmt Tip XmtRillg j Ez& / Port 15 XmtTip 1 ?hltRing j Rcve Tip Port 16 km 1 Xmt Tip XTntRing RCWZTip WeRIng Port 17 %ntTip XntRing Rcve Tip -RLng Port 18 XmtTip XmtRing Rcve Tip -w Port 19 XTltTip -tw =-=-m -Ring Port 20 xmt Tip tit RinE! RCWTip -Ring Port 21+ Fort 22’ Fort 23+ Fort %I* :4 Expander Module or Sternal Page Tip 2x4 SLT Expander Module is installed Issue 1. Jan- 1993 ESOO-11 :

INSTALLATIQN iqfinite DvX*anrd~vX~ Di@tal KeyTelephoneSystcnm Refer to Table 500-2 Expansion KSU Jll station Connections for additional pinouts in- formation. The 25-p& cable used to extend &he -tothexuPrIwP~to& Ehiddai. liimemr, the 25pair cable must pass thtvagh a S/8” CiinmeterftrrIte core b@imazit@theESUq@ntocomplywith Fz!cponll6 rqpkdms Split rcx// ferrite core 25-pair port card to MDF cable Exted Pa@ng c&tctions: The Expansion KSU is equipped with an external paging port which provides a one- way transmit voice path. This port is wired to the JI 1 connector (50-pin male amphe- nol-type connector) on the Violet/Slate, Slate/Violet pair of wires (pins 50 and 25). Refer to Table 500-2 Expansion KSU J 11 Station Connections for additional infor- IIBti0l-L Application Moaule(s] Connections: The Jl connector on the main key service board of the Expansion KSU allows the installation of one application module (i.e. DTlvIF reeeiverl to the system. Refer to Sec- tion 500.6. Application Module(s] Installation for a description of the avail- able application modules.

irlfinite DVX ’ and DVX ’ mgitd Key Telephone Syatcms INSTALLATION c. 2x4 Expander Module The 2x4 Expander Module is a two CO by four key station interface module that plugs onto the main key service board of the Basic KSU or the main key service board of the Expansion KSU through the use of two ribbon cables. This module is a combination board that contains the nec- essary circuitry to connect two CO/Cen- ?r&PBX loop start lines and four digiti key telephones to the system. This card also contains one additional voice (trans- tit) path for external paging, and a con- nector for adding one application module (i.e. DI’MF ReceWer) to the system. Lmkl L Indicators: . Three green LEDs are located on the 2x4 Expander Module. Two of the LED’s (DS3 Br DS2) fndieate the presence of +!5V & -!TV dc. LED DSl monitors the +12Vdc used to supply power to the key stations. An extin- guished LED mdicates the absence of the associated voltage. 2x4 l!iqmdcr Module bmtaiiation: 1 .Rernove power f&n the Basic KSU and Expansion KSU, ff instaIled. 2.Locate the J9 connector on the main key service board on the Basic KSU or main key sewice board on the &pan&on KSU and the Pl connector on the 2x4 Expander Module. Refer to Figure 500-l 8 basic KSU Application Card Lomtions. 3. Gently push the cable f?om the Pl connec- tor on the 2x4 Expander Module onto the J9 cmx.m.ncct.or on tit main key service board of the Basic KSU or the m&n key sew-ice board of the Expansion KSU. 4. Locate the JlO connector on the main key service board of the Basic KSU or main key service board of the Expansion KSU and the P2 connector on the 2x4 Expander Module. Refer to Figure 50@ 18 Basic KSU Application Card Locations. 5. Gently push the cable from the P2 connec- tor on the 2x4 Expander Module onto the JlO connector on the mafn key service board of the Basic KSU or main key service board of the Expansion KSU. 6. Sa.m the six screws attached to the 2x4 Expander module to the main key sewice board of the Basic KSU or main key service board of the Expansion KSU. 7. Restore power to the Basic KSU and Ex- pansion KSU. if installed. 0 0 0 -. -. 5. 4, ..-1-_-_-------,; :: : :t & :, ‘. -- RcvR..@ -. -. .n ‘. *. c3 g tt -.’ ‘. ,- : . 0 Issue 1. Januay 1993 600-1s

~sTALLAT~ON in@nite DVX’ and DVX li D&ital Key Telephone Spsttms CO Line/StatioJl Interfaces: Station6 Counections: me 2x4 Expander Module provides the The station ports of the a4 Expander Mdd- interface for two Central Of&e, Centiex or ule are wired to the main distribution PBX loop start, lines. The protection cir- frame via a 25pair. [5O-pin) male amphe- cuitry necessary to allow the system to be nol-type connector located on themain key classified as a fuIly protected system are service board or expansion key service located on the card for each CO circuit. The board, connector Jl 1. A 25pair cable with CO circuits are equipped pvith current a 50-pm female amphenol-type connector sensing circuitry that identifies distant end is required to extend the station ports to disconnect (ioop supervision). The module the main distribution frame. The pinouts design aiso provides proper fusing or pro- for the stations on the 2x4 Expander Mod- tection to comply with the requirements of ule activate ports 009 through 0 12 on con- UL 1459 Second Edition and CSA C22.2 nector J 1 I as shown in Table 500-3 2x4 No. 225 standards. CO lines ate connected Expander Module Jll BKSU Connections to the system via RJ-11 modular connec- when installed on the main key service tors mounted on the bottom edge of the board in the Basic KSU. Also refer to Table board. 500-l BasicKSU Jll St@ionConuections. The 2x4 Expander module also provides the interface for four digital key telephones us~two 64K cllanne!l armngemerlts. sta- tions connect to the board via the MDF through a 50-pin connector located on the main key service board inside the Basic KSLJ or a similar connector on the main key service board on the when installed in the Expansion KSU. Each station connection requires four wires to connect to the board. A Digital DSS Console, a Single Line Tele- phone Adapter [OPX), or other specifically designed adapter with a digital interface can be assigned to any one of the interface circuits. The key station interface circuits are protected from mis-wiring and over- C-t. co wmu, conllcctiorl6: Table 500-S 2x4 Expander Moddc Jll BKSU Connections CO Lines are connected to the system via moth&r RJ-11 connectors mounted on the 2x4 Expander Module and accessed on the bottom of the KSLJ. The 2x4 Expander _ Module connects CO Line ports 5 and 6 (when installed on the Basic KSU) or ports 13 and 14 (wheninsta.IledintheExpansion KSUI to the system through modular con- nectors 521 and J22 respectfvely. The pi- nouts of the modular connector are as follows. PAlft 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Yj& COLOR 42 YL/OR 37 OR/yL 43 YL/GN 18 GNryL 44 yL/BN 19 BNln 45 YL/SL 20 SL/yL 46 Vl/BL 21 BL/VI 47 W/OR 22 OR/VI 48 VI/GN 23 GNrVr 49 VI/BN 24 BN/VI 50 W/SL 25 sL/vT DESIG Port 09 XmtTip -tRing Rcve Tip RcveFthg Port 30 Xmt Tip XmtFklg Rcve Tip Rcve Ring Port 11 xmt Tip XintRing Rcve Tip RcveRing Port 12 Bit Tip XntRillg RCVC?Tip hRm2 El3cbmd Page lip External Page Ring The pinouts for the stations on the 2x4 Expander Module activate ports 025 through 028 on connector Jl 1 are shown in Table 500-4 2x4 Expander Module Jl 1 EKSU Connections when installed on the maiu key setice board in the Expansion KSU. Also refer to Table 500-2 Expansion KSU J 11 Station Connections. CO1 TIP t CO1 RING 500-14 I6eut 1. Januacy 1993

INSTALUITION Table 500-4 2x4 Expander Module Jll EKSU Connectione PAJR t 17 18 i 19 20 ;21 22 ‘23 24 PIN 42 17 43 18 4-4 19 45 20 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 50 25 T COLOR YL/OR ORm, YL/GN GNrYt YL/BN BN/YL YL/SL SL/n vI/BL BW- VI/OR ORlVI WGN GNjVI VI/BN BN/VI vI/SL sL/vI -i 7 DESIG Port 2 1 Xmt Tip -tRtng Rcve Tip Rcve Ring Port 22 Xmt Tip y-t Ring Rcve Tip heRlng Port23 XmtTip XmtRing Rcve Tip RcveRing Port 24 Xmt Tip XrntRing RCVt?TSp -m External Page Yip External PaPe Ring Paging c4Iulectione: A two position termhal strip 52 mounted on the 2x4 Expander Module provides con- nection to the exkmal one-way transmit voice path page port provided for on the 2x4 Expansion Module. Application Moduk(e) Connections: The Jl connector on the 2x4 Expander Module &lows the installation of one appli- cation module (i.e. DTMJT receiver) to the system. Refer to Section 500.6, Application Module(s) Installation for a description of the available application modules. . .

infinite DVX I and DVX” Digital Key Telephone Systems D. 2x4 SLT Expander Module me 2x4 SLT Expander Module is a two CO by four single line telephone Interface mod- tie that plugs onto the main key service board of the Basic KSU or the main key service board of the Expansion KSU through the use of two ribbon cables. This module is a combination board that con- tains the necessary circuitry to connect two CO/Centrex/PBX loop start lines and four single line telephones to the system. This card also conks a connector for adding one application module (i.e. DTMF Receiver) to the system. Message Wafting capability comes in- staked on the 2x4 SLT Expander Module. This circuiby provides message waiting voltage to single line telephones equipped with message wafting lamps, and supports up to four single line telephones message waiting lamps at 9OV dc typical across tip and ring. LED5 clt Indicator8: Two green LEDs indicate the presence of +5V & -5V dc. An extinguished LED indi- cates the absence ofthe associated voltage. 2x4 SLT Expansion Module InstAation: l.Remove power from both the Basic KSU and Expansion KSTJ, if installed. 2.Lucate the Message Waiting module and remove the two screws holding it to the 2x4 SLT Expander Module. Remove the Mes- sage Waiting Module to expose the hold down screw underneath. 3. Locate the J9 connector on the main serv- ice board of the Basic KSU or main key service board of the Expansion KSU and the Pl connector on the 2x4 SLTExpander Module. Refer to Figure 500-18 Basic KSU Application Card Locations. 4. Gently push the eabfe from the PI connec- tor on the 2x4 SLT Expander Module onto the J9 connector on the main key service board of the Basic KSU or main key servfce board of the Expansion KSU. 5. Locate the J10 connector on the main key service board of the Basic KSU or main key service board of the Expansion KSU and the p2 connector on the 2x4 SLT Expander Module. Refer to Figure NO- 18 Basic KSU Appfication Card Locatfons. 6. Gently push the cable from the pz connec- tor On the 2x4 SLT Expander Module onto the. 3 10 connector on the main key service board of the Basic KSU or main key service board of the Expansion KSU. 7. Secure the four screws attached to the 2&4 SLT Expander module to the main key service board of the Basic KSU or main key service board of the Expansion KSU. 8. Re-install the Message Waiting Module and secure It with the two mounting screws. 9. Restore power to both the Basic KSU and Expansion KSU, if installed, I i 0 Pi? 0 0 Figiuc 500-7 2x4 SLT Expander Module 500-16 knlc 1. J8nuary 1993