Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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s-3uTrON KEYSET FEAT- OPERATION i&n&e DVX1andDVXn D@itaI FKey Telephone Systems A=21 j M=61 [ l=l# 1 “=Ol 1 33 =22 ! N&2 1 2=2# I ,=02 C =23 D=31 E=32 F =33 G 741 H =42 I =43 J =51 K =52 L=!% ! L L o&3 ! 3=3# ! ?=03 P -71 1 4 =4# ! Q =74 R =?2 s =73 T=81 u =82 v-83 W=91 x =92 Y =93 Z=94 I ! 1 - 5 =5# 6=6#! 7 =7# 8 =8# 9 =9# 0 =O# Qace =ll : =12 - =13 ’ =14 / =04 1=*1 $ =*2 % =*3 &=‘4 l =a# (=#l I=#2 + =#3 = =#4 # =## d. Press the SPEED button to complete the programming process. 405.15 VOLUME CONTROL A ‘slide” switch is provided on the front of the infinite S-button DgitaI Terminal to adjust the volume of the voice and tones presented to the tmninat speaker. - The “slide” switch controls the speaker volume which conlrols alI voice signals sent to fhe speaker i.e. Speaker Phone conversations, BGM, and Page an- nouncements. - The same blide” switcfi aIso controls the ringfng volume which controls all tone signals presented to the speaker i.e. Fagirlg, sptash tones. camp-OII etc.,. Muted ringing is also controlled by the slide switch. The muted ringing volume will be proportionately quieter than nor- mal ringingbased on the current switch setting.

r imite DVX I ad DVX ’ D@$tal Key Telephone Systems SLT FTXTURE OPERATION SECTION 410 SLT FEATURE OPERATION 410.1 INTRODUCTION This section of the manual contains the operat- ing instnxtions for Sfngle Line users. It is de- signed to provide step-by-step instructions for operating the Single L3ne telephones in the system. Literature similar to these operating hsiruc- tions has been prepared for use by the customer in the form of a Single Line Teiephone User’s Guide. 410.2 ACCOUNT CODE SLT stations can enter an account code to iden- tlfy the call or calling station. Entering Account Code before a talk a. Wt the handset. b. Dial 16271 on the dial pad. c. Dial the account code. If the account code contains fewer than 12-digits, dial I+&] to return to intercom dial tone. Dial tone fs heard. d. Dial [9] or CO Access code and the desired number. Entering Account Code during a call: a. Depress the hookswitch momentarily. Your call til be placed on hold while you enter your account code. b. DiaI [627j on the dial pad. c. Dial the account code. Ifthe account code contains fewer than X2-digits, dial [St] to retum automatically to the call. ,410.3 AUTOMA’l’X CALLDISTIUBU- TION &CD) The Basic ACD Software package is an optional software package available for the in$n&z Digi- tal Systems. When purchased, Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) is not used and is replaced by the ACD functions identffied in the foIiowing. Eight Automatic CallDistribution (AC01 groups can be programmed, each containing up to eight three-digit statfon numbers. k Agent Lagin/Ingout Feat& The Agent Login/Logout feature provides a means for a.n agent to log into one of the ACD @mps and receive calls. For an agent to be placed into an active ACD state, the agent must f&t logfn. 1. Dial the LOGIN CODE 15721 on the dial pad, followed by the ACD group number (55x) that tbe agent is going to log into. 2.The agent enters his unique AGENT ID code (0000-9999). ConfFnnation tone is heard and the agent is logged onto the ACD group. When the agent logs in. an ACD login event is sent to the ACD SMDR port. if active, mm For an agent to remove himself from the ACD group as an active agent: l.DiaI the LOGOUT CODE I5711 on the dial pad. When the agent logs out and removes himself fi-om the ACD group, an ACD lo- gout event is sent to the ACD SMDR port, if active. Conditfons: l If an agent logs into an ACD group from a station that is logged into another ACD group, the station w-III be automatically removed Tom the previous ACD group. l An agent may log out while in wrap-up, or unavailable. l An agent logging in wiIl first be placed in wrap-up mode before receiving an ACD CaIL l If an agent attempts to log into an ACD group that already has eight members. that agent will receive error tone. l The in#t&eDfgltal System will not verify agent’s ID codes, other than requiring four digits to be entered. B. ACD Agent “HELP” button The ACD Agent XELP” feature provides a means for an ACD agent to signal his as- signed supervisor for assistance. Wldle on a call in progress, the agent: I.Aft.er hook-flashing, dial the “HELP” code on the dial pad. The agent must hook-flash again to return to his call after the code is dWed. Ii no supervisor is logged in. the agent will receive one-burst of error tone. The ACD super&or station recetves a Issue 1, Jammy 1993 410-l

iqjinite DVX’endDVXn lX&d Key Telephone Systems Table 410-l Digital System SLT Numbering Plan IOO- 127 Station Later-corn Numbers (DVX ‘I lo&155 Station Intercom Numbers (DVX ‘1 22 ICI call Park Location O-7 (system) 226 Personal Park 33 IHI Hunt Group Pilot Numbers 0-7 MM Voice Mail Group Pilot Numbers O-7 420 m Voice Mail Enable MSG Wait 42 1 [xrorl Voice Mail CanceI MSG Wait 55 P.Jl ACD/LJCD Group Pilot Numbers O-7 566 ACD/LJCD Available/Unavaiiable 571 ACD Agent Logout 572 55 [Llj ACD Agent Login Mm Tone Mode Ring Option 620 Camp-On 621 Line Queue 622 Cd Rack 623 Message Waft 624 Conference 625 Executive Override 626 LCR Queue Cancel 627 Account Code Enter 631 Do Not Disturb 633 I221 Personalized Messages 633 IOO] Clear Personalized Messages 640 AU Call Forward 640 I71 No Answer - Cdl Forward 640 I81 Busy - Cab Fowarcl 6fK’ 191 Busy/No Answer - Call Forward 640 14 Off-Net - Call Forward 660 SLT Flash Co mmandtoCOLine sslfwl SLT Station Speed Dial Progmmrmng - “HELP” message if a member of one of the ACD groups he is assigned to initiates a “HELP” request. The ‘HELP” function also sends a Camp-On tone to the speaker of the supervisors keyset. The ‘HELP” mes- sage takes precedence over any other mes- sage and can be cleared by the supervisor by pressing his “HELP button. At tie time the supervisor receives a “HELP” request, be can press his ‘HEI;p” flex button followed by his override feature button to bridge onto tie ACD group mem- bers call. The “HELP” button will place an intercom call to the station requesting “HELP”. The ‘HELP” message will be cleared after the supemisor’s “HELP” but- ton is depressed. In addition, the ‘HELP” 662 663 664 666 m 690 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 WI 76 [PI 77 9 0 #O #1 #22 [Cl #3 SLT Clear - call Forward. DND. Personal Messages Message Watt return SLT Conference W/ Personal Park SLT Speed Dial Access Name in Display Programming All Call Page Qm.mal & Extemal~ lnteraal Page Zone 1 Internal Page Zone 2 Internal hge Zone 3 Inten-& Page Zone 4 Internal AU Cdl Page External All Call *ge (All Zones) memal Page Zones 1-7 Meet-Me-Page Answer LCR or CO Line Group 1 (if LCR is disabkxl) Atttndant Group CalI pick Up [Key & SIX) Directed Call Pick-up [SLT] CalI Park pfckup IKey and SLT] UnWwsal Night Answer I XXX = Intercom Station Numbers YY = Speed Dial Bin numbers Zz = PeraonaIized Messages U = UCD Group Number O-7 C = Call Park Location 0-7 H = Hunt Group Number O-7 V = Voice Mail Group Number O-7 P = External Page Zone Number 1-7 ..’ message will be cleared if’the agent was on a call and went back on hook before the supewfsor could respond. In this case, the ‘~~message~be~nvertedtoames- sage wait indication. Conditions: l Up to fhte messages can be left at any supervisor statfon. * The supetisor can cancel the ‘HELP” request signal by depressfng his &shing ‘HELP” button. In addition, a call wiLl be placed to the agent requesting “HEW. If the agent is on a call. the supervisor can press his barge-in button to monitor the call or give assistance on the call. 410-2 Issue 1, January 199s

i@nite DVX’andDKXn Dj#tal Key Telephone Systems SLT FEATURE OPERATION c. Skip Step c. for immediate forwarding, oth- erwise dial the appropriate code: [7j = Cdl Forward No Answer IS]= Call Forward Busy [9f = Call Forward Busy/No Answer [jkj = Call Forward W-Net (via speed dial) d.Dial the three-digit extension number or . speed bin number where calls are to be forwarded. Confirmation tone will be heard. e. Replace handset. To Remove Call Forwarding: a. Lift handset. b. Dial (6401 on the dial pad or [662] on the dial pad. ConfIrtnation tone will be heard. c. Replace the handset. c. ACD Avaihhk/Ihundhble Mode lfyou are a ACD agent, you may place your station in the Available mode to receive ACD we of calls or you may place your station in the UnaMilable mode to block ACD type calls from ringing your station. To go Available: 1. Dial I5661 on the dial pad. Coniirmation tone will be heard through the handset, You may now receive ACD calls. To go Unavailable: 1. Dial [ 5661 on the dial pad. ConfG-mation tone will be heard through the handset You are now blocked from receiving ACD CEilIS. 410.4 CALL BACK You call a busy station and receive busy: a-Briefly depress and release the hook- switch. b. Dial (6221 on the dial pad. c. Replace handset. Ch@onefhUBackmquutcabtl@atu stution;6he-n~wiuoorPmttD JmsQ~waitingReqaut. 410.5 CALL FQRWARDIIYG To call forward calls to another station: a. I& handset. b. Dial (6401 on the dial pad. 410.6 f2AILlNG STATJON TONE MODE OPTION Allows a calbng station to override a called key station’s ‘HF” or ‘w” intercom switch setting. When placing a caU to a key station and Tone ringing is desired: a. Dial [6#] on the dial pad. b. Dial three-digit station extension [call tone rings station) - 410.7 CAMP-ON After receiving intercom busy tone: a. Briefly depress and release the hook- switch. b. Dial [6261 on the dial pad. When the called party answers. consult with them. While on a CO line you receive a Camp-on warning tone through handset: a. Choose desired call (bang up on present call and take the new one. or ignore the Camp-on signal). (also see Personal Park) 410.8 CALL PARK [System) To place an outside call on hold and consult with, page, or call an internal party before transferring the outside call. While connected to an outside line: a Depress and release ihe hookswitch. The caller is put on Exclusfve hold. b. Dial parking location 1220 to 227) on the dial pad. ConfInnation tone is heard. c. If you hear busy tone, depress and release the hookswitch and dial another parking lomtion. Retrieving a Parked Call a. Wt handset. b. Dial a pound [#I on the dial pad. C. Dial parking location (220 to 227) where tie call was parked. 410.9 CArLTRANsFER: Making an Unscreened Transfer a.Briefly depress and release the hook- Switch. b. Dial desired intercom number. c. Hang up to complete the transfer. Making a Screened Transfer: a. Briefly depress and release the hook- SwftCb. b. Dial desired telephone number. Announce the call. Isauc 1, Jazluary 1993 410-S

SLT FJCATURE OPERATXON irzfnite DVX ’ and DVX ’ Digitat Eey Telephone Systems c. Hang up to complete the transfer. 410.10 CLEAR CALL FORWXRD, DND. PERsoNALfzED MESSAGES SLTs can activate and cancel call forward by dialing (64OJon the dial pad and DND by dialing (63 11 and enable and cancel personalized mes- sages by dialing [f533xxI. A convenient code I6621 has been incorporated to cancel either Cal3 forwarding. DND. or Per- sonalized Messages when the SLT user has forgotten which code has been programmed on the phone To cancel Call Forward. DND, Personalized Messages: a. Lift handset. Notification tone will be heard. b-Dial E62] on the dial pad. Con&nation tone will be heard. c. Replace the handset. 410.11 CO LINE QUEUING a. Dial outsfde line access code. Receive busy tone. b.Briefly depress and release the hook- switch. c. Dial I6211 on the dial pad. Con&-nation tone is heard. 410.12 CONFERENCE You may set up a conference of 1 external and 1 other intemal station. a. Lift handset. b. Make outside calL c. Briefly depress and release the hookswitch to put the call on hold, d. Dial number of intcmal station you wish to add. k. When that station answers, briefly depress and release the hookswltch again and all 3 parties will he connected. 410.13 CONFERENCE WITH PERSONAL PAXZK While connected to an outside line: a. Depress the hookswitch momenWy. In- tercom dial tone is heard. b. Dial 12281 on the dfalpad. (1st call is placed in personal park). c. Dial desired number for 2nd call. d. Depress the hookswitch momentarily. in- tercom dial tone is hcarcl. e. Dial [664J on the dial pad. All three parties are conferenced. f. Hang up to terminate conference. Thewm!anazItFnrabelyaon~etto~~ daermI1bgdoingahook-flashanddinlimg 1 /2281rrrmangtklrsasn.err?sjary. : 410.14 DIRECT OUTSIDE LKiVE ACCESS a. Lift handset.. b. Dial access code (9.81- 87) on the dial pad. c. Dial desired telephone number. 410.lS DIRECTED CALL PICK-UP Upon hearing an unattended telephone ring: a. Lift handset. b. Dial [#Xl on the dial pad. c. Dial station number of ringing telephone. You wiIl be connected to intercom. incom- ing, recaIl.ing or transferred outside line. 410.16 DO NOT DBTURB ActMating Do Not Disturb: a. Lift handset. b. Dial [631] on the dial pad, c. Replace handset. To cancc1 Do Not Disturb: a. Lift handset. b. Dial 1631 J on the dial pad or 16621 on the dial pad. c. Replace handset. 410.17 PEBX/CENTREX TRANSFER (Flash Command to CO Line) To iniuate a PBX or Centrexl’I-ansfer command from an SLT. While connected to a PHX or Centrex line: a.Briefly depress and release the hook- switch. intercom dial tone will be heard. b.Dial I6601 on the dial pad. A Flash com- mand will be presented to the PEG% or Cen- frex line. c. PBX or Centrex &udder tone wfll be heard. Did number of desired extension. d. Replace handset to complete uansfer. 410.18 GROUP CALL PICK-up Upon hearing au unattended telephone ringing: a. Uft the handset. b.Dial [#O] on the dial pad. You will be con- nected to intercom or transferred or recall- ing outside line call. 4lO-4 Lseue 1. January 1993

irIfin$te DVX l ftnd DVX II [email protected] Key T&phone Systems SLT FUYMJRE OPERATION 410.19 PIAClNG CALLS ON EXCLUEXVE HOLD While connected to an outside line: a. Briefly press and release the hookswitch. (Call is placed on Exclusive Hold). To retrieve the call: a. Press and release the ho&switch again. 410.20 INTERCOM CALLING a. You will hear ringing if called station is in the TN” answering mode: or two bursts of tone if called station is in the “HF’ or “PV” positton. b. Lift the handset. - 1 OO- 127 for DVX I System, - 100-155 for DVX ’ !System). c. Converse after the two tone bursts stop. d. Rep&e the handset to end tie call. Answering an Intercom Call a. Lift handset to convex-se. b. Replace handset to end call 410.21 LEAST COST ROUTING To place an outside caII when IER has been enabled in the system: a. Lfft the handset. b. Dial [9J on the dial pad. c. Dial the desired seven-digit telephone number (i.e.: 1+ area code+7-digit num- bed. d. Wait for an answer, then converse. If all lines avaiIabIe to you are busy. remam off-hook for four seconds to automatically be queued onto LCR for an available line. If an LCR Queue CaIlback has been activated: - a. When telephone is ~signaled, answer the can. b.Desired telephone number will automat- ical& be re-dialed. lf an LCR Queue Callback has been activated and you wish to cancel that caIlback request: a. Dial the U=R Queue Cancel code, [626] on the dial pad. b. Replace the handset or press the UN/OFF button. 410.22 MEssAGE WAITING Leaving a Message Waiting Indication a. Lift handset. b.DiaI the desired intercom station. Receive no answer. or DND tone. c. Briefly depress and release the hook- switch. d. Dial [623] on the dial pad. e. Replace handset. Answering a Message Waiting Indication. Your message waiting lamp is flashing: a. Lift handset. b.DiaS 16631 on the dial pad. Station that left the message will ring. 410.23 OFF-HOOK PREFZRENCE If your phone has been programmed for Off- Hook Preference, you wiIl hear outside line dial tone when lifting the handset. When thls operation is enabled, you may not have access to all features contained in this User Guide. However, consult your Centrex or PBX User’s Guide for addftional features you may have. 410.24 PERSONAIZZED MESSAGES Each station can select a pre-assigned message to be displayed on the LCD of any Key Tele- phone c&g that station. To select one of the ten available messages: a. Dial 16331 on the dial pad. b-Dial the two-d&it code for the messa,qe which will app&. 00 01 02 03 CM 05 06 07 08 09 10 clears message ON VACATION R.ElwKNAM RETLJRNPM RETURN TOMORROW RETURN NEXTWEEK ON TRIP IN MEEnNG AT HOME ON BREAK AT LUNCH This $ieutzwe Ir not amzilable to. the hmue 1, January 1993 410-b

iqfkite DVX’amiDVXn D&&al Eey Telephone Systems c. Replace the handset. (Activating DND or Call Fomrding cancels selected mes- e. Dial I2281 on the dial pad. (1st call is re- sage.) turned and 2nd call is placed in persofial park. 410.25 PAGING a. LifI handset. b-Dial tie two-digit paging code. Wait for page warning tone 70 AU Call - Internal & External 71 Internal Zone 1 72 Internal Zone 2 73 Internal Zone 3 74 Internal Zone 4 75 Internal AU CaII 76 tOI Ektemal All Cdl (All Ext Zones) 76 (21 External Zone (Dvx I =1-4, Dvx L 1-7) c. Speak in normal tone of voice to deliver message. f. The user can alternately connect to the other call by doing a hook flash and dialing I2281 as many times as necessary. 410.28 PROGRAMMTN GYOURNAME INTO TEE LCD DISPLAY EV~IY SLT extension has the capability to pro- gram the users name so that people using dis- play telephones will see the name instead of the station number. a. Lift handset. b. Dial I6901 on the dial pad. c. Enter your name (up to 7 letters) using the pattern shown below. ’ Stations off-hook or in DND will not heaf tfie internal page announcement. A=21 M=61 1 =l# - =Ol B=22 Nz62 2 =2# .=02 C=23 0=63 3 =3# 3 =03 D =31 P=71 4 =4# /=04 E =32 Q =74 5 =5# F -33 R ~72 6=6# ill; G =41 s =73 7 =7# o$f) =*3 H =42 T=61 8 =8# & =*4 I =43 U&2 9 =9# * G# J=51 K =52 I v=83 0 =O# (=#l I W=91 Space=11 ) =#2 L=53 x=92 : =12 + =#3 Y=93 - =13 = =#4 294 ’ =14 # =## 1 amithe~-isbrrsy,tlw-~bl~rroilL receive ringback tone .unkil ths zone becomee~le.Ymwilltlu~2heura warning tone wtd can muke the pqe d. Deliver page in normal tone of voice. e. Replace handset to terminate page. 410.26 MEET BEE PAGE To request another party to meet you on a page: a-Dial the desired two-digit or three-digit paging code. b. Request that party meet you on the page. c. Do not hang up; wait for the requested partyto answer. As soon as the paged party answers and is connected to you. the page _ circuit is released. Answering a Meet Me Page a. Go to the nearest telephone and dial 177) on the dial pad. You will be connected to the party that paged you. 410.27 PERSONAL PARX @‘Up-Flop) WhiIe connected to first call: a. Depress the hookswitch momentarily. hi- tercom dial tone is heard. b. Dial 1228) on the dial pad. (call is placed in personal park]. c. Dial desired number for 2nd tail. d. Depress the hookswitch motientarily. In- tercom dial tone is heard. d. Press the ho&switch to complete the pro- I3 - 1g process. 410.29 STATION S-D DIAL a. LiR handset. b. Dial 1666) on the dial pad. c. Dial desired station speed bin number (Oo- 19). 410.30 STORING STATION SPEED NUBI- BERG a. Lift handset. b. DiaI [SSl) on the dial pad. c. Dial desired station speed bin number [OO- 19). d. Dial telephone number you wish to store. e. Briefly depress and release the hook- switch. (Confkmation tone is heard.) 410-6 Issue 2, Jaauaq 1993

iqfmite DVX1andDVXn Dfgitd 3.~9 Tclephoae Sy&ema SLT FEATURE OPERATION 410.31 SYSTEM SPEED DIAL a. Lift handset. b. Dial I6661 on the dial pad. c. Dial desired system speed bin number (ZO- 99). 410.32 UNWERWW NIGHT ANSWER Upon hearing an incoming signal a. IAl handset. b-Dial the UNA access code I#31 on the dial pad. You wi.lI be connected to ringing out- side Me. 410.33 UCD AVNLAi3LE/UNAVAlL#LBLE If you are a UCD Agent. you may place ymxr station in the AvaiIable mode to receive UC.13 type of calls or you may place your station in the Unavailable mode to block UCD type of calls f?om ringing at your station. To go Available: a.Mal [566] on the dial pad. You may now receive calls. To go Unavailable: a. Dial [5661 on the dial pad. You are now blocked from rtxeivhg UCD calls. Iague 1. January 1993 410-7

i@ite DVX ’ and DVX ‘I Digital Key Telephone Systems A’l”I’ENIMNT F&i- OPEEWI’ION SECTION 420 ATTENDANT FSATURE OPERATION 420.1 INTRODUCTION The infinite Digital Key Telephone System has a wide variety of features and flexible program- ming, allowing each telephone user to program his/her telephone to meet his/her own in&id- ual needs. This section of the manual contains the operat- ing instructions for Attendant Key Telephone user[s) and includes an illustration of the 33- button digital key telephone used in the in@Ue Digital Key Telephone System and description of the keys on the telephones and their func- tions. It is intended that this section be used in conjunction with the Station Operation section to provide step-by-step instructions for operat- ing tie Attendant(s) Digital Termiual(s] in the system. Visual and audible cues which accom- pany the various steps in the operation of the features are also include LiteratLlrE similar to thesse 0pel-atin.g instruc- tions has been prepared foruse by the customer in the form of an Attendant User’s Guide. 420.2 ATTENDANTHEpTELEpHONE STATION FE&m Each tiQi.r&z Digital Key Telephone System pro- vides the following keys, indicators and fea- tures: HANDSET AND SIJEAHER are located at the left side ofthefrontpanel. Ahandsetis provided to allow cotidenttal conversation when de- sired. Lifting the handset from its cradle (going off-hook) disengages the station’s built-in speaker. *The speaker is located dii-ectlybelowthe center portion of the handset. The station may be operated with the handset on-hook. When this occurs. audio is transmitted to the station user through the station’s speaker. FLEXIBLE BUTTON8 are used to access idle outside lines, provide DSS/BLF for internal stations. access speed dial number and activate features. These buttons are programmed by the individual station user. The default flex feature buttons are described below: CALL HACK Ulexl button allows you to initiate an automatic call back request to another busy station. As soon as that sta- tion becomes idle, the station that left the call back request Is signaled. A flex button must be assigned to use this feature. CALL FWD (flex) button allows you to for- ward your calls to another station. DO NOT DISTURB @NIB) (flex} button al- lows the user to place his/her telephone into a Do Not Disturb mode to eliminate incoming outside line ringing. intercom calls, transfers and paging an- nouncements. The station in DND can use the telephone to make normal outgoing calls. On Attendant &ations. this button becomes the system Nfght Mode button. A flex button must be assigned to use this feature. COKFERENCE (CONF) (flex) button is used to establish and build conference C&S. FIXED FEATURE BUTTONS: PICK-UP button allows you to pickup a tone ringing intercom cdll, msferred. in- coming, or recalling outside line call to a sped& unattended station either hy group or directed call pick-up. FIA6H button is used to terminate an outside call and restore dial tone without having to hang up the handset. It is also used to transfer calls behind a PBX or Centrex within those systems. MESSAGE WAIT &¶SG) button allows you to initiate a message waiting indication at stations that are-busy, unattended, or in Do Not Disturb. Message Waiting C&back request left at your station will indicated by a fktshing Msg Wait LED. ‘IBANS- (TRANS) button is used to transfer an outside call from one station to another. SPEED button provides you with access to speed diakng, save number rediat and last number red&L This button is aiso used to access speed dial and flexbutton program- ming- CAMP-ON button enables you to alert a busy party that an outside line is on hold and waiting for them. MUTE button allows you to swkch the built-in mimphone on or off when using Issue 1, Janusry 1993 420-l

r the speakerphone, or the handset micro- phone when using the handset. ON/OFF button enables you to make a telephone call without lifting the handset. It turns the telephone on and off when using the speakerphone. HOLD button enables you to place an out- side caller on hold. OUTSIDE CALLS are announced by a tone signal repeated every 3.2 seconds. The corie- sponding outside line indicator will flash slowly. INTERCOM CALLS can be tone ringing orvoice announce. If it is voice announced, the receiv- ing station will receive two bursts of tone prior to the announcement. Ifit is a tone ringing call, the receiving station wiI1 hear a tone ring every 2.4 seconds. l m 420-l 33-Button Attendant DispLay Ttrmfnal 420-2 belle 1. January 1993