Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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r ir#idte DVX’ and DVX” D&.&al Key Telephone Spstcms (! Q; Ngum 200-18 48-Button Dss/DLs con6ok 200-24 Issue 1, Jaaaarp m93

iqfmite DVX’ and DVX” [email protected] Eey Tckphone Syattma GENERAL DESC-ON MAF#l hasbydefaultthefirst28Stations(Stas 100-127). and 14COLines, threeC!allParklocations. Release, Attendant Override. and an All Call Page button mapped to the buttons. All buttons except the 14 CO line buttons and Release button are flexfble and can be changed by the station user. Fi@m 200-14 085 Console Map 1 Issue 1, Janumy 1993 2ocb26

GENE&!&L DESCRIPTION . infinite DVX’ and DVX ‘I Di#taI I.&v Telephone Systems MAP #2 has by default all 28 CO lines. and the first 12 stations (Stas 100-l 1 l), followed by four Call park locations, Release. Attendant Override. an All CaH Page button, and the first Internal Page Zone mapped to the buttons. AU buttons except the 28 CO line buttons and the Release button are flexible and can be changed by the station user. 200-26 Is5ue1,Jnxmq71993

I. digital Key Telephone Systems GENERAL DESC!RPl’ION t MAP #S by default is intended to be used with MAP # 2 on an DVX” System, in that it has the remaining stations (Stas 112- 155) to provide a full CO Une by Station mapping. Additionally, Internal Page Zones 2. and 3 appear and the last two buttons are unassigned. All of the buttons on MAP #3 are flexible and can be changed by the user. CO Line ringing on Map I and Map 2 is determined by CO Line Ringing Assignments. STA 136 El Figure 200-16 DS!3 Console Map 3 Imue 1, January 1993 -27

iqjhite DVX’autdDVXn GENE= DESCRT.PTION D#td key Telephone Spstcms 200.6 SLT ADAPTER / OFF-PREMISE EXTENSION MODULE This external module provides the interface for one long loop (OPX) single line telephone (2500 type) extension. This module requires a sepa- rate&provided -48V dc power supply to provide the necessary current for long loop applications and to support ring generation. This module is wired to and interfaces with a digital terminal Fey station) port from either the DVX ’ or DVX a systems. The OPXboxmeek the requirements of the FCC for connection to the telephone relco) netwbrk. Telephones connected to the OPX bax must be DTMF only (2500 Qpe). This module also provides for one Power Fail circuit in the event of an AC power failure. l-r m K MDF CONNECTING . OPX Bbek wim b - of exfernal48Y supply Fled wfra to + of external 4Bv supply I, BJadc to Trunk lip Yellow to Trunk Ring 200-28 bsue 1. January 1993

irlfinite DVX’ and DVXn n&itaI Key Tdephone Systems /.- ;- y :c. . ,: GENERAL DESCRIPTION 200.7 RELAY / SENSOR INTERFACE MODULE The Relay Sensor Interface Module connects to either the DVX ’ or DVX ‘I systems using one digital station port and provides three relay activated contacts and three sensing circuits. The relays provide for applications such as Loud Bell ControI contacts. CO Line control contacts, FWU Start contacts, Page Relays, Power Fail contact and additional applications as software will permit. The sensing dkuits provide for such applications as RAN Stop (end of message) and other applications as devel- oped and allowed by software. An external power source is required to drive equipment connected to the relay contacts. The contacts are rated at 24V dc max at 1 amp. xwr nnp XMIT RING mm np ACVE RING . Oevim Output Relay (dry mntacts) (ie: RAN Device) Customer Provided Power Supply (if needad) NOTE: RAN device does not require external power supply Pvgwe 200-18 Rclag / 8ensor Interface Module Itssue 1. Janunry 1993 200-29

in..ite DVX’ and DVX I1 GEI’iERAL DESCRIPTION Digital IKey Telephone Systems 200.8 POWER FAILURE TRANSFER =IpFTu) This unit provides the rely tmnsfer circuits for up to 22 CO lines in the event of a power or processor failure. The unit is housed in its own enclosure and mounts external to the KSU. Activation of the PFT relays is controlled by a multi-use relay on any one of t&e CO / Station Interface boards that is programm ed for PJ3. A customer provided 12V dc power supply is re- quired to operate the unit. There is a manual switch that activates the PFTU for testing pur- poses. With loss of power to the system or a failure of system processing. the PFTU will automatically connect up to twelve CO lines to prewired WI/2500 type telephones. When power is re- stored, the PFTU will automatically restore the CO hunks and stations to normal operation. These SLT stations do not have to be used for intercom, but can be if so desired. Method #I 1 Method #2 . I =z i Power Faibm ; +-- I Transfer Unit , j (PFmJ) : ’ 1zvDc Mm I 1N.w I DVX II t&a& KSU China!

irlfinite DVX * and DVX’ D&&&d Xey Telephone Systems GENE&% DESCRIPTXON 200.9 DATA FEATURE me Data Feature is a time division switched. point to point data transmission capability which perrrdts simultaneous (on the same sys- tem but not the same port) voice and data communications. The Data Feature offers the abUy to transmit data information between personal computers, prh-iters, plotters. mo- dems, CFZT terminals, and main frame com- puter ports. To establish a Data call, a Digital Data Interface Unit [DDIV is required to be connected to each data communications device. Data information can be switched through the system at speeds of 300, 1200, 2400, 4800. 9600, 19.2K and 38.4Kbaud asynchronous. Refer to Figure 200- 20 Digital Data Interface Unit tDDIU) wiring The Digital Data Interface Unit (DDIU) is wired to the in&&e Digital Key Telephone Systems like a digital telephone. and requires one sta- tion port. All connections to the DDIU are made on the back panel. The back paneI has a modular jack andaDB-25Qpeconnector.Themoclularja& labeled KSLJ. is used to connect the DDIU to the station port of the system. The DB-25 connector supports an FLS-232C connection and is used to connect the data device to the system. A green LED lights to indicate the DDIU is properly wired to the system. Connection of the individual data communica- tion devices requires that the installer be famil- iarwith data communications terms. and has access to the appropriate tionnation for con- necting the variety of data communications de- vices that may be encountered. This information consists of. but is not knited to: 1.1s the device configmed as data terminal equipment [DTE), or data communications - equipment (DCE. 2.What pin on the RS-232C type connector performs what function? 3.What sfgnal leads are required to make the device operate? When planning the installation of the data fea- ture, use a digital display phone at any location that is to originate a data connection. A DDIU can onlybe called, it cannot originate a connec- tion. A digital display phone would typically be connected to a CRT terminal, or personal com- puter. A DDIU would typically be connected to a printer,or a MODEM. The station wiring for a digital display phone and a DDIU are identical. The data connector of the Digit& Data Interface Unit [DDIW is a 25-pin. type D connector which is configured as Data Communications Eqtip- ment with the following pin configurations. -- - PIN # USE ! DIRECTION ; 2 I Receive Data i into telephone (or i : DDI 1 3 i -tit DATA ; ;rt;g$phone 1 4 Request TO Send i i into telephone (or I DDIU) 5 Clear To Send 1 out of telephone i , or DDIU Data Set Ready 1 o$$T 7 6 1 7 SignaIGround 1 out of telephone 8 Data wrrier.detect o= DDI 11 unassigned into telephone (or DDIU) 12 Secondary DCD If out of telephone or DDIU) 15 Transmit Clock I( out of telephone or DDIU) 17 ; Receive Clock I( out of telephone or DDIU) 19 I Secondary riTs tnto telephone (or DDIU) 20 I Data Terminal into telephone (or Ready I DDIU) 22 Rtng indicator out of telephone (or DDIU) The following diagram will aid in the design of cables to connect the many different configura- tions of data communications devices. DigItaX Systems Data Switching Issue 1. January 1993 200-31

iqjinite DVK’ and DVX” Digital Key TeIephone Systems GREE II - t STATION CONNECTING BLOCK 7-r TR RT RR MODULAR ( ) KSU ( > OFF 8( oo”oo*ooooooooooooooooooo ] Q - m HoOoK To Data Device I / / 200-32

i&.&e DVX’andDVXn Digital Key Tekphone Systems GENERAL DEXRPTION MODEM GNDl RD2 Tm 567 mss DcDa DTFl2D WI6 RI22 Modem to DDN Cable PC DISPLAY PHONE Computer to Phone Cable To establish a connection to any idle data pork 1, A user with an associated DDIU dials the station number of the DDIU or the group access number of the group that the DDIU has been inserted into or presses a DSS button representing the DDIU. The digital key system wilI then determine the baud rate setting for the called DDIU and c0nveI-t the user’s associated DDIU to the same baud rate. l’he system will then complete the connection. A second method to establish a connection between two DDIUs is done by the first &ten- dant. 1 .The first attendant dials the extension number of one data unit. Dial tone is re- ceived and the display will show the BAUD RATE. Z-Then dials the station number of the sec- ond data unit, confirmation tone is heard. To break down an established connection: 1. ne station user dials his associated DDIU number or press the DSS button for the assocfated DDIU followed by pressing the FLASH button. The first attendant can dial one of the DDIUs. followed by pressing the FJ..ASH button. Conditions: . l The System is transparent to the devices being connected. Therefore each DDIU must be configured with a specific baud rate, num- ber of data bits and number of stop bits. This configuration wiIl be done by the iirst atten- dant or in the case of an associated data unit can be conf@ured by the user. l Data switching is accomplished using the same wMng the telephone station uses for voice switching. * Data ports can be arranged in UCD Groups or Hunt Groups. l Data ports do not have to be associated wltb a keyset, however to connect two DDIU de- vices one of them must be associated with a keyset unless the connection is made by the first attendant. l When the data connection has been com- pleted, the baud rate used in the connection will be displayed on the keyset. l Non associated DDIU connections can be broken down by the Brst attendant. l A DDIU has a DCE interface. Therefore a straight through RS-232C cable can be used connect to a DTE device [printer, PC, etc.). l Each DDIU requires a digital terminal port. Refer to Station Attributes Programming, 730.2, Station Identification for progrmg the Station ID of the Digital Data interface Unit (DDiU). Also refer to Sec. 730.3, Digital Data Interface Unit (DDIU) for progmmming the pa- rameters of the Digital Data interface Unit (DDIU).