Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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@fir&e DVX I and DVX’ ~&&al Key Telephone Systcmts < Tnmmil Dam 2 > Rabivscma > 3 > CT.5 (ChuulvSend) 5 0s.R (Data se! RMdy) 6 < GND > 7 DTR tDam?enninal Rsadyj 20 DTR mm Wz;z ‘8” ~ckam h-cm the RS-232C PINQUT Data Communication R~uirwnent6 are: A) seri8l Port Compatible 6) ASCII coda compatible C)8Data~BltsandlStopB11 3 RZ%trol Melhod: xon/xoff NOTE Arrows show flow control direction SIrrNla) ’ l Rs-422 PlNwT DaU Communkation Flequiremanta are: A) setid port compa!w B) ASCII Code Compatible . g 1 fl&!aai and 1 Slop &I E) now corltml Methcd: xolv?Ioff NOW Arrows show flow contml direction. * If nzqulmd by the printer or terrnlnel * There is no set standard for pins to be used with RS-422 connectors. Refer to your particular terminal instellation guide for proper hook-up. pigurt SOO-16 DVX’ Erpansfon f/O Module pin-oats Issue 1, January 1QQQ 500-37

r INSTALLATION iqfhite DVX’tmdDV2K” DigitalEeyTelephone8ystems . Pin I1 Ioranaal Jy; Pin #2 (blue) Pin #3 (black) Pin M (red) tin #a {brown) cKs{clurtu&cq ’ 5 6 A) SerfsI Porn Compatible 5) ASCII code compalti C)8DataSf!sand1StcpBH 8 I!EZZLA Mehd: iadx0n NOTE: Amws show ffow oomrd direction. * ff mqulred by tha prfnter or t6fr~inal 3 ----- .- Pin fll (blue) Pin #2 (bkick) Pin #3 (tad) - Pin 114 (grew) g ----- Pii x5 (yellow) pilnrfs (white) 2 (bWJ Tmrumtl dpm {-) > . . 4 wd < Recsiva Oala (+) .’ l 6WM8~ < .._.... -.._. “?“.???!?.. . - __.. > l l AS422 PINOUT Data CPnmunfcation Requirements are: A) Serial Port Compatible ASCII CQde ConlpatiIlla e$i$aE$k and 1 Stop Bit E) Fkw Contml &hod: Xmlxoff NOTEc Amws show How cadd dimciion. * H required by the pdntsr or tennfnal l There is no sst standard for pins to be usad with RS-422 mm. Refer to your pa&~lar terrnfnat instak~ion guide for proper hook-up. 500-38 bsne 1, January 19B3

r INSTALLATiON RS-23% Cmnttctor or M Wute Comxtor(5~ -fo~DFor D&n - I=.*~~ -. C. 12QO Band Modem Module (MM) This optional 1200 baud modem can be installed on either the DVX ’ or the DVX JJ systems to add the capability of communi- cating with the system from a remote site or location at the rate of 1200 baud. Both systems provide as standard an on-board modem capable of transmi tting data at 300 baud. With this module installed a trans- mission baud rate of 1200 baud can be selected. Aprogramma ble option allows for auto baud detection between 300 and 1200 baud, Connection to the modem is accomplished by simply w into the system and con- necting to the modem. This can be done by: 1. Ringing directly to the modem, 2. Going through DISA. 3. After being answered by a station user and transferred to the modem port. Connection to the modem port is under sofimare control. The 1200 baud modem module maintains the compatibilitywitb the Hayes command protocol and uses theBell System (Western I Electric) standards 103 and 21ZA for mo- dem design. The modem operates on-line in both Full and Half duplex modes. 1 0 P 1 I Q 1 Installing the I200 Baud Modem Module onto the main key service board of the DVX l Basic K!3J: 1, Remove power from the Basic KSU. 2. Locate the J 14 connector on the main key service board on the Basic KSU and the Pl connector on the Modem Module. Refer to Figure 500-18 Basic KSU AppIication Card Locations. 3. Gently push the P1 connector on the Mo- dem Module onto the J 14 connector on the main key service board on the Basic KSU. 4.Sectu-e with the screv?s provided on the module. 5. Restore power to the Basic KSLJ. Installing the 1200 Baud &odem Module onto the Central Processor Board of the DVX ’ Sys- tern Cabinek 1. Remove power from the Basic KSU. 2. Remove the Central Processor Board (CPB) i+om the Basic KSU. 3. Locate the 55 connector on the CPB board and the PI connector on the Modem Mod- ule. Refer to Figure 500-l 1 Central Processor 3oard (CPB). 4. Gently push the Pl connector on the Mo- dem Module onto the J5 connector on the CPB board. S.Secu.re with the s(lfews provided on the module. 6. Re-insert the CPB board in the Basic KSU cabinet. COontcti0nS: Connection is under system software con- trol. D. Ipstalllng the DTMF Rtceiver M~ule This module is used to provide DTMF re- ceivers in the system to support single line telephone and DISA applications. Cur- Fntiylhfs module can be added to the DVX System Expansion KSU, 2x4 Expander Module, 2x4 SLTExpander Module and the 4x8 Expander Module. This module can also be added to the DVX” System on each 4x8 Key Interface Boards. and each m SLTInterface Boards. Each DTMF Receiver Module contains one DTMF receiver. A maximum of three MMF Receiver Modules can be installed in the DVX * system for a total of four receivers for the system(one DTM!? Receiver is located on the main key service board on the Basic KSU. A maxi- Issue 1. January 1993 500-39

r INST:AI;[LATION irzfirrite DVX ’ and DVX’ DigItal Key Telephone Systems mum of 13 DTMF Receivers can be in- stalled in the DVX ’ system. depending on whether the DTMF Receiver Module or the Dual IYTMFjTalk-Back Page Module is in- Genera@. one receiver will support DISA and/or 8 SLT stations under light to mod- erate traffic, K SLT and or DISA traf& is heavy, addiffoional DTMF receivers should be added. It is also recommended to add additional DTMF Receivers when a Voice MafI or Auto Attend-t is connected to the !syE.tem. connectfons: The DIMF Receiver Module plugs onto a 20-pin connector on the following printed circuit boards (one M’MF Receiver Module may be instaIled on each card): l 2x4 Expander Module l 2x4 SLT Expander Module l Main Key Semite Board of the Expan- sion Key Service Unit (EKSU) l 4x8 Expander Module l 4x8 Key Interface board (CKB) l 4x8 SLT Intetiace board (CSB) infinite DVX I System Installing the M’MF Receiver Module onto the 2x4 Expander Module: 1. Locate the Jl connector on the 2x4 Ex- pander Modtie and the PI connector on the DlMF Receiver Module. Refer to Figure 500-18 Basic KSU Application Card Locations and Figure 500-19 Expansion KSU Application Card Locations. 2. Take the MMF Receiver Module and push the Pl pin connector gently onto the 31 pins on the 2x4 Expander Module. 3. Secure the DTMF Receiver Module with the screw provided on the module, Installing the DTMF Receiver Module onto the 2x4 SLT Expander Module: 1. Locate the Jl connector on the 2x4 SLT Expander Module and the P1 connector on the DTMF Receiver Module. Refer to Figure 500- 18 Basic KSU Application Card Locations and Figure 5OO- 19 Expansion KSU Application Card Locations. 2. Take the DTMF Receiver Module and push the PI pin connector gentry onto the Jl pins on the 2x4 SLT Expander Module. 3. Secure the DTMF Receiver Module with the screw provided on the module. hx%albng the IYIMF Receiver Module onto the main key service board of the Expansion KSU: 1. Locate the 55 connect# on the main key service board of the Expansion KSU and the Pl connector on the DTMF Receiver Module. Refer to Figure 500- 19 Expansion KSU Application Card Loc&iom. 2. Take the MMF Receiver Module and push the P1 pin connector gently onto the 55 pins on the main key service board of the Eqansfon KSU. 3. Secure the DTMFReceiver Module with the screw provided on the module. Installing the DTMF Receiver Module onto the 4x8 Expander Module: 1. Locate the J5 connector on the 4x8 Ex- pander Module and the Pl connector on the DTMF Receiver Module. Refer to Figure 500-19 Expansion KSU Application Card Locations. 2. Take the Dl’MF Receiver Module and push the Pl pin connector gently onto the JS pins on the 4&3 Expander Module. 3. Secure theDTMFRe&verModuiewitb the screw provided on the module. ir&i.te DVX a System: Installing the DTMF Recefver Module onto the 4x8 Key Interface Board (CKB): l.Locate the Jl connector on the 4x8 Key Interface Board (CKB) and the P1 connec- tor on the DTMF Receiver Module. Refer to Figure 500-13 4x8 Key Interface Board (CK01. 2. Take the DTMF Receiver Module and push the PI pin connector gently onto the Jl pins on the 4x8 Key Interface Board (CKB). 3. Secure the DTIW Receiver Module with the screws provided with the module. 4. Replace the 4x8 Key Interface Board (CKB) back in the Basic KSU cabinet. 50040 Issue 1. JaIulary 1993

@finite DVX ’ and D’VX * D&r&d Key Telephone Systems INSTALLATION hmalling the DIMF Receiver Module onto the 4x8 SLT Interface Board (CSBl: 1. Locate the Jl connector on the 4x8 SLT Interface Board (CSB) and the Pl connec- tor on the M’MF Receiver Module. Refer to Figure 500-15 4x8 SLT Interface Board (CSB). Z-Take the DTMF Receiver Module and push the Pl pin connector gently onto the Jl pins on the 4x8 SLT Interface Board (CSB). 3. Secure the DTMF Receiver Modulewith the screws provided with the module. 4. Replace the 4x8 SLTinteTface Board (CSB) back in the Basic KSU cabinet. Installing the DuaI DTMFITalk-Back Page Module onto the 4x8 SLTInterface Board (CSB): 0 l%ismodule is used to provide additional D?MF receivers in the system to support single line tefepbone and DISA applications along with two-way external paging capability. Cunwtly this module can only be added to the DVXn 4x8 SLT Interface Board ICSB). Each Dual m/Talk-Back Page Module contains two DTMF Receivers. A maximum of six Dual DTMF/Talk-Back Page Modules can be in- stalled in the DVX I1 system, (A CEB must be installed in Slot 1 for programming f?om an Executive DigitalTerminal (0nIya single D’IMF Receiver module can be installed on the CKI3 board}, CSB boards can be installed in Slots 2 thru 7. Each CSB board having a Dual M’MF/TaIk-Back Page Module installed, re- sulting in thirteen DTMF Receivers in the sys- tern. 1. Locatetie Pl and P2 connectors on the 4x8 SLT Interface Board (CSB) and the J 1’4 and J16 connectors on the Dual MMF /Talk- Back Page Module. P-Take the Dual DTMF/Talk-Back Page Module and push the J14 and J16 pin connectors gently onto the Pl and P2 con- nectors on the 4x8 SLT Interface Board (CSB). 3.Secure the Dual lXMF/Talk-Back Page Module with the screws provided with the module. 4. Replace the 4x8 SLT Interface Board (CSB) into the Basic KSU cabinet. coIulectlons: The Dual DTNF/Talk-Back Page Module plugs onto a 20-pin cohnector and a 14 pin connector on the 4x8 SLT Interface Board. . Optional Dual DTMF/ Talk-Back Page Module Pl (FUTURE) p2 Generally, one receiver will support DISA and/or 8 SLT stations under light to moderate tra&. If SLT and or DISA tra& is heavy, additional DTMF Receivers should be added. It is aIso recommended to add additional D’IMF Receivers when a Voice Mzdl or Auto Attendant IS connected to the system. Ifume 1. January 1993 500-41

r XNSTALLATlON iqfinite DVX’ and DV2C’ Digital Key Telephone Systems /f ----_-----.-----__-- * ---__--__ I_____ ___. -__-__. ,-__.--____-__-_*________ -822 q ..;: .: wm .’ .I RS-422 Moclule

i&.&e mxl and Dvx” Digital Key Telephone Symtema . . . INST~TION I” 0 I -._. I -.__ . .._. :‘-.... : l., 3. ; i .lC “...;.-....--....-., .-.. --. -_ --.__ i . . . G.. =_, : 1 ; . ..i ! Ii=!1 _ .__.__._ :y.: I Ii 0 hsue 1. Januarg 1993 50043

INSTAUATZON iq#inite DVX’ and DVX I1 b&&al Key Telephone Spsttms 500.7 DIGITS TERMINALS A. Digital Terminal Installation: The Digital Terminals are interfaced with the DVX ’ Basic KSU or Expansion KSU main key service board which provides eight circuits. E&ch of the e@ht clrctits are interfaced from the Jll connector on the Basic KSU or Expansion KSU maIn key service board to the MIX?. The digitaI ter- minals are interfaced witi the DVX II 4x8 Key Interface Board (CKB) and 4x8 SLT Interface Board (CSB) which each have eight circuits per board. Each 4x8 Key Interface Board interface is extended from the Basic KSU or the Expansion KSU to the MDF through the front edge connector on the CKl3 or CSB board. At the mF are the terminated distribution cables that are run from each key tele- phone location. Each Key Telephone re- quires two-pair twisted cable wiring to connect the digital tern&mls to the system on a “home run” basis. The telephone end of the cable is terminated on a modular jack and the MDF end of the cable should t-k on a punchdown block making up the MDF. Refer to F’fgure 500-l Digital Flatpack Mounting Arrangements and Figure 500-9 Basic KSU Equipment Cabinet. Telephones are connected to the station interfaces via industry-standard twisted, 2-pair. 22 or 24 gauge wire. The station cable run from the main distriiution frame to the station wall jack should not exceed 1000 feet. It is recommended that the sta- tion cable contain 4 pairs of wires. Refer to Figure 500-20 Digital Terminal Modular Block Wiring. - Station cable is connected to the ?kDF at one end. and a modular connecting block at the other end. The modular line cord of the telephone is then plugged into the con- necting block. The system communicates with each phone using 4 wires. ?plo of the wires are used to send digital information (voice and COnId signals) from the system to the telephone. and two w&es are used by the telephone to send digital information to the Sydem. All 4 wires are necessary for the telephone to fwnction. Each telephone con- nected to a station port has two &@tal channels. The primary channel is used for voice communications only. The second&y channel is used to provide a secondzuy path for data switching applications [fu- mre). The installer should exercise caution when connecting a digital terminal while system power is on. Each digital terminal station circuit is overload protected by internal circuitxy on the 4x8 Key Interface Board (CKE) or 4x8 SLT Interface Board [CSB)). however the proper polarity of the wired connections must be maintained for proper operation. The standard Single Line Telephone. Sin- gle Line Telephone Adapter (OPX). and Dfgital DSS Console arl all considered to be telephones by the system. These inter- faces are all wired to digital key station ports the same as a digital telephone. B. D&&al DSS Console Installation: The Digital DSS/DLS Console is assigned to operate with a digital terminal. Up to three DSS/DLS Console units can be as- signed to any one station. There are a maxi- mum of 21 DSS/DLS Console that can be installed in the infinite DVX’ System, and a m-urn of 42 DSSIDLS Consoles tit can be installed in the in@nite DVX ’ Sys- tem. Each unit uses a digital terminti in- terface circuit and reduces station capacity on a one-per-one basis. A two-pair twisted cable is required for connecting the DSS/DLS Console unit to the MDF. The cable should be run from the DSS/DLS Console to the MDF in a “home run” manner. The DSS/DLS Console end of the cable is terminated on a three-pair modular jack and the MDF is “punched down” on a terminaI block for cross con- nection to the appropriate station cable. Refer to Figure 500-20 Digital Terminal Modular Block Wiring. Since the system supplies power to the DSS/DLS Console, no transformer or cx- tanal power device is required. C. Wall Mounting the 33-Button Digital TCrmiaal To wall mount the &JJ%I& Digital Terminal, it is necessary to use the X%-Button Wall Mount bracket and one standard-type jack assembly designed for normal wall hang- ing applications. 1. Unplug the line cord from the phone. A 4-foot line cord is provided with the wall 500-44 Issue I, Janwy 1993

irlfinite DVX’ EUXI DVX” D&$d Iby Telephone s~8tCIIlB INSTALLATION Key Telephone Wtring DBSIDLB Console Wiring BK YL GREEN XMTTIP RED XMT RING Single Line Telephone Wiring Figure 600-20 Digital Terminal Modular Block Wiring

INST&LATION iqfinite DVX’andDVX” D&&al Key Telephone Eqstems bracket. 2.Ltie up the hooks at the bottom of the bracket so that they engage with the slots cut in the bottom of the telephone base. Tilt the telephone back and lock the telephone into the hooks at the top of the bracket. The bracket wiIl snap in place. 3. Route the line cord from the wall jack and plug into the connector on the back of the telephone. Now match the two key hole slots on the base plate with the lugs on the 630-A type jack. Align the modular connec- tor and slide telephone into place. Refer to Figure 500-21 Digital Terminal Wail Mounting. D. Wall Moudting the &Button Df.@ti TtSHlbd To wall mount the GI.I. Dig- Terminal. it is necessary to use the 8-Button Wall Mount bracket and one standard-type jack assembly designed for normal wall hang- ing applications. 1. Unplug the I&e cord from the phone. A 4-foot line cord is supplied with the wall bracket. 2.Line up the hooks at the bottom of the bracket so that they engage with the slots cut in the bottom of the telephone base. Tilt the telephone back and lock the telephone into the hooks at the top of the bracket. The bracket will snap in place. 3. Route the line cord from the wall jack and plug into the connector on the back of the telephone. Now match the two key hole slots on the base plate with the lugs on the 630-Atype jack. Align the modular connec- tor and slide telephone into place. Refer to Figure 500-21 Digital Terminal WalI MOlXlttng. E. - Single Idne Telephone In~taIlation Single Line Telephones (SLTs) can be ex- changed for digital terminals on a groups of eight or one-for-one basis with an OPX box. The 4x8 SLT Interface Board (CSB) can be pluged into any designated CKB card slot. Each 4x8 SLT Interface Board supports eight standard single line telephones (standard DTMF Single Line Telephones ami mwage waiting DTMF SLTs).lt is rec- ommended that the Tellabs 8101. 30 Hz, 9OVAC Ring Generator be used with this board. o#tl&JoneRtigOarnatorisnquindpuI iIEzzcdkcut-- lzb%xwe&T’ int?lesptcnL I Either the singk DTMF Receiver Module or the Dual DTMF/Talk-Back Page Module may be installed on each 4x8 SLTinterface Board installed. The single DTMF Receiver Module {RM) installs onto either a 4x8 Key Interface Board [CKB) or 4x8 SLT Interface Board [CSB) and provides 1 DTMFreceiver. The Dual m/Talk-Back Page Module can ONLY be installed onto the 4x8 SLT Interface Board and provides two DIMF receivers. M’MF receivers can be added to the system to support Single Line Tele- phones. If SLT &afEc is heavy or a Voice Mail system is being installed, it is recom- mended that additional DTMF Receiver Modules be installed in the system. Each SLT requires one-pair cable. The ca- ble should be placed from the telephone location to the MDF in a -home run” man- ner. The telephone end of the cable run should be te-rl ’ &ted in a modular jack. Refer to Figure 500-l Digital Flatpack Mounting Arrangements and/or Figure 500-9 Basic KSU Equipment Cabinet. The MDF end should be “punched down” on a terminal block for cross connection to the appropriate station cable. Refer to Table 500-9 4x8 SLT interface Board (CSB) for SLT wiring connections. F. SLT Adapter / Off-m EXkIlSi0n Moddc (OPX) This external module provides the inter- face for one long loop (OPX) singIe line telephone (2500 type) extension. This mod- ule requires a separately provided -48V dc power supply to provide the necessary cur- rent for long loop applications and to sup- port ring generation. This module is wired to and uses a key station port from any digital key terminal station poti on any card plugged into the system. The OPX card meets the requirements of the FCC for connection to the telephone (‘&lco) net- work. Telephones must be DTMF only 12500 type). Refer to Figure 500-22 CH- Premise Extension (OPX) Module This module also provides for one Power Fail circuit in the event of an AC power faiIure. Buttons aud xm&3: An LZD located on the back of the unit indicates correct connection and WIU light