Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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VOICE IYUUL GROUPS (VB%l VOICE MAIL GROUPS (Cont’d) C. “Retrieve” Mail Index Entry Prom Steps To program the ‘Retrievti” mail index [out- pulsing table) to be accessed by the Voice Mail group: 1. Press the RETRIEVE flexible button (But- ton #ill. 2. Enter the one-d&It outpulsing table mnn- ber (O-7) on the dial pad. 3.Pres.s the HOLD button to save the entry. Confiiation tone is heard snd the display will now update. D. St&ion hsi@mcat@) prog-mmmbg steps To program the stations in the Voice Mail group: 1. Press the STATION ASSIGN flexible button (Button # 121. 2.Enter the three-digit station numbers (100-155). A m-urn of eight SLT sta- tions may be entered. 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry- Confirmation tone is heard and the dispIay wiIl now update. Description RETRIEVE. The “Retrieve” mail Index spe&es the outpulsing table where the In-band” digits required to connect a station user to their own mail box are stored. Refer to Sec. 755.2 for prom entries into an outpulsing table. 1 To delete a “Retrieve” maiI index entry, enter one pound [#I on the keypad and press the HOLD button. Description Up to eight SLT or OFX port extension numbers may be programmed into a Voice Mail group. The ports wilI be designated as two-way ports by directing &Is to any one of the ports and alIowing any one of the ports (or all ports) to be used as VM out dial and/or VM not@ ports. A flexible button may be programmed with a Voice MaiI group pilot number. This button will then act as a DSS for that Voice Mail group when pressed and also serves as the message waiting inckation ior that VM group. IBSUC 1, January 1893 756-3
VOICE MA= GROUPS WW iqjinite DVX’andDVXn Digital Key Telephone Systems VOICE hTA= GROUPS Wnt’dl 755.2 VOICE WUL OUTPULSING TAB- k Voice Mail In-Band SQpa.lbg ProJip3mdg steps If Voice Mail In-Band signaling is to be used: 1. Press FLASH and dial [66]. The following message is shown on the display phone. Li Where: - y = Table index (O-7) - x = Entered digits 09, #, *, F’ausesj 2. The TABLE 00 flexible button (Sutton # 1 led is lit. To change tables, press the appm - -_ priate flexible button (Buttons 2-W and perform the following procedues. 3. Dial one of the following. if requited; - O=ifapretlxisrequired - l=ifasuf&cisrequired - #=ifen~istobedeleted 4. Enter up to 12 digits required including y’ and I#‘. TFWN button = pause, 5. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Description Entries into one of the eight Voice Mail Out- pulsingTables determine the In-Band signaling required for “R&-kvin~ messages Iallows for stations to pick up mail) and ‘Leaving” mes- sages (allows stations to leave messages in voice mail]. The buttons on the digital terminal are defined as shown below when entering the Voice Mail Outpulsing Table prom area. pg&gq WI pq ~pqgqpig p!TxGKJh;;;i Build a table (‘0” for example) for any additional digits other than the Station Exknsio~ Number (Voice Mail Box Numberlneeded for a caller to leave a message in a station’s mailbox. [“Leave”) Build another table (‘1” for example) for any additional digits needed for a mailbox holder to retrieve a message (“Retrieve”). To clear enties in aTable. press the pound key once I#]. followed by the HOLD button. mm] Related Rogramming: Refer to Sec. 755.1. Voice Mail Groups IVM): Sec. 755.2. Voice Mail In-Band Signaling on incoming CO Calls. 7564 Lesue 1. January 1993
ifiite DVX I and DVX” ~igitd Key Telephone Systems VOICE MAIL GROUPS Wont’4 VOICE B5AIL OUTKKSING TABLE (Cont’dl B. Voice Mail Dfeco~nect Table Prog * :! Steps 1. Press the DISCUNNECT TABLE 8 flexkble button (Button #9). This is the table num- ber used for the Voice Mail disconnect sig- la. 2. Enter up to 12-digits which will be used for the disconnect sQm.l. i.nclu~ ‘W and W. TRAN button = pause. S-Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. . Description To avoid Voice Mail ports from being tied up as a result of CO line callers abandoning the call or not exiting the VM system properly, a d&con- nect signal can be programmed into the infinite Digital Key Telephone System to noufv the VM system that a call has been abandoned. This is accomplished through ‘in-band* signaling. If a CO disconnect signal is detected, the ir@~f@ Digital Key Telephone System will send a series of M’MF digits programmed in the Voice Mail disconnect table (outpuklng table #8) to the Voice Mail port. This can be any digit stream up to 12-digW.sinch~Ung”~” and V’. This tablewill serve all eight voice mail groups. These d@ts are not used as a result of an internal station disconnecting fmm Voice h&x& In this case silence is provided for a short period followed by busy tone. This method is also used for CO lines when the VM disconnect table is empty. The infinittz Digital Key Telephone System will provide Loop Supervision monitoring while a CO call is connected to a port designated as Voice Mail. Default: l3y default programmtng there are no entries in the disconnect table mable #8). , Issue 1, Janunry 1993 IS&S
VOXCE MAIL GLOW IVM] iqjhdte DVX’ and DVX” D&&al Key Telephone Systeme VOICE MAIL GROUPS (CcM’d) 765.3 VOICE &SAIL IN-BAM) FEATURES - Programming Steps 1. Press FLASH and dial [67]. The following message will be shown on the display Description k voiec Mail In-Band Mgtte Fframming steps If Voice Mail In-Band Digits are to be enabled or disabled for Incoming CO callers; 1. Ffress the INCOMING ID DIGl’IZ flexible button (Button # 1). It will toggle on and off with each depression. . LEDon= ID digits are enabled l LED off = ID digits are disabled 2. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is hesrd and the display will now update. Description The infintte Digital Key Telephone System al- lows the system to be programmed so that if a station programmed to receive incoming CO line ringing is forwarded to Voice Mail they may have direct incoming callers muted directly into their stations voice mail box through the use of ‘In-Band” signaling. Alternately, when dis- abled, callers willbe answered by the Voice Mail or Auto Attendant Main greeting. Incoming CO callers can be Station Call For- warded into voice mail only when the ringing CO line is programmed to ring at one station. Additionally CO lines programmed to ring at an attendant station will station call forward into the Voice Mail. system (if programmed to ring only at one attendant station) and be presented to the main greeting (noi%be attendant stations mail box) even when ID digits are enabled. Default: By default, ID digits for incoming CO calls is enabled. Related Pro gramming:: F$&-; &755;Z; VoiceMaill%-ogr -- Ig - * Mail Cutpulsing Table mwi Xsmte 1, Janaarg 1993
iq@ik DVX’andDVXn D@taI Eey Telephone System VOKZ MAIL GROUPS (‘VW VOICE MAIL GROUPS (Cont’d) VOICE MAIL IN-BAND FEATURES (Cont’d) Pro&p- - gsteps Description If Voice Mafl CalI Forward is to be enabled or disabled for Incoming CO callers: 1. Press the CALL FWD ff exible button (But- ton #2]. It will toggle on and off with each depression. l LED on = call Forward is enabled l LED off = CaU Forward is disabled This feature allows Voice Mail calls, upon reaching a forwarded to VM station, to forward back into fhe Voice Mail unit. The fowarded station can be foxwarded to the same or a different Voice Mail group thm the calling VM group. This is usefkl when VM ports are being used as both Auto Attendant and VM ports. This feature can be enabled/disabled for allVM groups. Default: By default, the V$‘l ‘I’hnsfer/Fomard feature is disabled. hkil Outpulsing Table. fssue 1, January 1993 7m-7
@‘i&e DVX’ and DVX” ~j&al Key Telephone Systems EXCEPTION TABLES PROGRAMMING SECTION 760 EXCEPTION TABLES PROCZMMMING 760.1 EXCEFl!lON TABLES pROGR4kC MING Fkogrammiry! Steps The in. DigitaI Key Telephone System offers a flexible means of applying toll restriction to stations or Mlividuals. Dialing privileges (or toll restriction} is determined through assignment of station and CO line Class Of Sendce (COS). Several types of restriction can be derived sim- ply by programming cos assignments and co line accessto stations. This may, in some cases, be all that is necessary. However, when a more complex or spec%ic @pe of restriction is destred the system offers two allow and two deny tables along with four special tables. These tables can be programmed in a variety of way%!? to handle applications that are stxaight forward or appli- cations that require a more complex an-ange- ment. The allow and deny tables are assfgued to sta- tions based on their station Class of Service (COS) assignment. The Station (COS) interacts with CO Une COS assfgnments to p-de sev- eral different types of dialing privileges (Refer to CO/Station COS mat& below). The Albw and Deny tables allow entries of either general or specific allow and deny codes such as all&g all [l-800] type calls. and/or den~anIll+or[O]+calls.?heattowanddeny tables allow a maximum of eight digits to be entered as allow or deny digits. This allows for entry of certain area codes or office codes or a cornbinstion of area code plus office code that can specifkally be z&wed or denied. For exam- ple the code [1555-12121 maybe entered in the deny table to deny Jocal toil information calls. Each ahw table contains 20 bins for entry of aIlow codes. Each deny table contains 10 bins for e&y of deny codes. The following rules should be remembered when setting up the Allow/Deny tables. Refer toTable 760-I Class of Service (COS). 1. If both tables (allow and deny) have no entrfes, no restriction fs applied. 2. If entries are made in the allow table and only there, then only those numbers are allowed. All other dialing is denied. 3. If entries are made in the deny table and only there. then only those numbers are denied. All other dialing is allowed. 4. If there are entries in both allow and deny tabkss. the aliow table is searched fit and ifamatchisfound.itisallowed.Ifamatch is not found, the deny table is searched and ifamatchisfoundthere,thecaIlisdenied. If the number does not match an entry in either table, it is allowed. Tabie 760-l class of service [COSI Unrestricted
EXCJ@TION TABLES PROGRAMMXNG infinite DVX’ and DVX” Digital Key Telephone Systems 760.2 RELATED ll’EMS TO TOLL RI% Table 760-2 Allow/Deny Toll Table I ; CONDITIONS AND RJ.ZSUL7-S I /D’ 2 I I ’ R f [ FOUND ! D I NOT i FOUND j A !R! I LFOIJND~AI I Iuj FOUND 1 D I.-- NOT E FOUND ‘- l--T- Nm A 4 FOUND I I I I I A special YWYt Care” I’D”) character may be entered as a digit to either allow or deny any digit dialed in that digit sequence. For example a code (1 -D” 01 and [I “D” I) may be entered in the deny table which would allow local long distance calls [numbers dialed with a I followed by a seven-digit local number), but would deny long distance calls (numbers dialed with a 1 followed by an area code). The iTsfinite Digital Key Telephone System also offers four special tables that can be referenced from witi the two allow tables. Three of the special tables can be assigned to specific area codes that require further toll restriction defi- nition. The fourth special table is reserved for use as a home area code table (numbers within the same area code as the site where the system is in&&d). This provides expanded &ility to apply toll restriction on numbers that are dialed within an area code. Each special table wiIl allow up to 800 entries (200-999). This offers the ability to allow every office code on an individual basis A. B. CO/Pl3x Lines When CO lines are marked as PBX lines (refer to Sec. 720.1, CO Line Programming) the system w-ill first check the PBX code table [refer to Sec. 710.5. PBX Diahug Codes) for a valid match. If the frrst digits dialed do not match the entries in the PBX code table the call is considered an attempt to call another PBX extension and no toll restriction is applied. If the first digits di- aled are found in the PBX code table then toll restriction will start with the next di- a.led digft. Forced Amount Codes The system can optto& force the use of account codes on ah restricted calls. When forced account codes are enabled (see Sec. 710.2, Account Codes-Forced), an account code must be entered to place a call that is otherwise restricted Umn.gh toll restric- Uon. By entering an account code the sta- tions effective class of service becomes that equal to class of service 1 (unrestricted). When account codes are forced on a system wide basis selected users may be in- structed on how to enter account codes from any station and be allowed to dial unrestricted from a station that may oth- envise be restricted. Use of account codes in this manner, as a traveling class-of-sew- ice, is however not controlled by the sys- tem. Any station user with lmowledge of how to enter account codes to override a stations toll restriction wUi be allowed to do so. C. SLT DTMF Receivm STRICMON When single line telephones are connected to the tnfiniteDi@aI Key Telephone System and toll restriction is enabled, the DTMF receivers located on the station board(s) will monitor the call for a programmed period of time [refer to Sec. 710.1. SLT DTMF Receiver timer). WNle the DTMF receiver is monitoring the digits being di- aled by a single line telephone. it is consid- ered busy and not available for monitoring another SLT attempting to dial. When all DTMF receivers are busy, an SLT attempt- ing to go off-hook will not receive dial tone until a rece.iver is available. The system allows up to four DTMF receivers to be installed in the infintte DVX’ System, and up to 13 DTMF receivers on the ti$nUe 780-2 Iseue 1. January 1993
irlfinite DVX * and DVX ’ D@m fzey Telephone Sy8tcma DVX ’ System. for monitoring SLT dialing. lfa system has heavy SLTusage toll restric- tion may inhibit dialing by SLT stations. TWO options are available to help alleviate this problem; 1) shorten the SLT receiver timer (refer to Sec. 710. I, SLT DTMF Receiver timer). This will free up DYlMF receivers faster, however, may not provide the desired toll restriction for SLT stations; or 2) Enable LCR and force LCR on SLT stations. when the LCR database is set up the 3-d$jlt table allows for entry of the number of digits to be expected. When a SLT dials the appropriate number of digits, LCR will release the D’IMF receiver and then be av&JaMe for another SLT call. D. LCR vs. Ton Rc&xiction LCR is not intended to be an alternaffve to toll restriction nor is toll resirMion in- tended to be a alternate to LCR In fact they both work best when programmed to- gether. Toll restriction provides the dialing privileges that stations are allowed and LCR provides the routing of calis onto the proper type of lines. LCR can e&ance toil restriction in that LCR provides a ‘Store and Forward” operation that allows the system to analyze the digits befng dialed before a trunk is seized. This prevents us- ers from by-passing toll restiction by tak- ing advantage of the time it takes for a central office line to provide dial tone. Be- cause of this it is recommended that LCR be considered when toll restriction fs de- sired. Issue 1. January 1993
[email protected]@ D= I and DVX I1 Digit&l Key Telephone Svsttms 760.3 TOLL RESTRICTION PROGRAM- MlNG A. Entering Td Table Prom Projpammhg Steps If the system is in the programming mode, continue using the program codes. If starting to program here, enter the programming mode. Refer to Sec. 700.2. Program Mode Entry (Key 1. Press FLASH and dial 1701. The folkxvlng message is shown on the display phone: I 2.To program allow/deny tables, press the appropriate Table button and enter infor- mation as outlined in the followSng proce- dUrC3. 3. To program Special Tabks 1-3. it is neces- sary to associate an area code to the table. This is done by pressing the appropriate “AREA-CODE TBL” button and assign the area code. speciaiTobIt4fs -furtheiwme anzacodeanddoe5notrtQubc~arUiCOdC entry. 4.To display entries ln any of the tables. press the DISPLAY TAELES button (button # 12). Entries in the allow/deny tables will display two at atime. Entries in the special tables wiIl be displayed six at a time in ascending order. 760-4 Issue I.January1993 Description All toll tables have been conveniently placed under one program code to allow entry of all toll restriction data. The buttons on the digital terminal are defined as shown below when entering the Toll Restric- tion progmmming area. When the systtm searches the albw and deny tables, the entries are checked starling with Bin 01 and proceedfng sequentially through the table to the last bin. In addttion The allow table is always searched before looking at the deny table. Therefore the order of entry is important. Enties that are specific (i.e. [I 716)) should be placed ahead of entries that are more general (usually include “Don’t Care” digits i.e. [l ‘KY 111. Once a match is found, in the allow table. that references a special table the number dialed will be checked for an allowed code in the special tabIe. If a mat& is not found in the special table the system will continue to check for a match in the next alkw or deny table that is to be checked. The system will not retumto the table that sent the call to the special table.
EXCEPTION TABIJW FROG-0 EX~~ION TABLES FROG-G &ont’d) FL Allow Table Rogrammj% 1. press the ALlxlW TABLE A or ALLOW TA- Bl,E B flexible button (Button #l or #3). The following message is shown on the display telephone: The fkst two bins locations are displayed. 2. Enter the two-digit bin number (0 1 -ZO} of the bin to be programmed. Ittsrrcanmcndsd~~37knstrcrad f fbranmkythordIr6snsro# sptdor-k n-r 3; Bin 38 bc rrsapsdfbrrmantry thatwarr;fe~spedol.doMenrmrba3; nstfisafor~qpecirrI tabb?Yulmbers:Bin20k-~r the Borne 0-a code tab&, 3. Enter the allow code: where: - 0 to 9, l . # = corresponding allow dig- its (numbers) - MUTE = Don’t Care digit CD”) - TRAM = search special table (YY) 4.FVess the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. 5. When all entries for one table are complete, press the flexible button for the next table. The foIlowing rules should be applied when making entries that will reference the special -tables: 1. For entries referencing the first three spe- cial tables a sped& area code must be identified (one for each table needed). Then make note as to how the numbers will be dialed when dialing numbers to this area code (i.e. with a leading digit II] or no leading digit [l]] , The entry into the allow table would be entered as follows: Leading digit (11 - BB 1 XXX DDD (S) or Non Leading [l] - BBXXXDDD {S} WI-El-C . _ .?. - BB = Bin number (reeomrnended 17- 19) Descrintion Allow Table - Each AIIow table contains 20 bin numbers. Each bin number may be up to eight- digits in length including (Don’t Care) digits and {Search Special Table) commands. Entries into the azlow table represent exceptions to num- bers or codes that are to be allowed only if they would otherwise be restricted by an entry in the deny table. For example if f 1 555 12121 is to be aIlowed but [ 1+] numbers are denied. by an entry into the deny table, then 11 555 12121 should be entered into the allow table as an abwed number. . l Allow table A is referenced and searched first (before the deny table A) when Sta- tion COS is 2 and-CO line COS is either 1 or2. l Allow table B is referenced and looked at first (before the deny table B) when Sta- tion COS is 3 and CO line COS is either 1 or3. Q When station COS is 4 and CO line COS is 1 both allow tables are looked at first (allow table A first then allow table B) then both deny tabIes (deny table A &t then deny table 33)). Don’t Care digits specify that the system shoukl consider any digit dialed in that position as a match. Don’t Care digits should not be enteredastbelastdigitinanentxy,asthis would be an unnecessaq or meaningless com- mand. scatch Special Table commands must be en- tered in a specific manner and should always be placed as the last enties in the Auow table. It is recommended that the Iast four bins (17- 20) in the allow table be reserved forreferencing the four special tables w&b the reference to the home area code (special table 4) always being located in bin number 20. Search Spedat table commands can only be entered into the allow t&kS. To erase a bin. enter tie two-digit bin number fokwing by pressing the HOLD button. Issue 1, Jallllaly 1993 760-8