Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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r PRINTING. SBYI’EM DATABASE PARAMETERS itlfnite DVXTandDVXI1 D@ital Key Telephone Systema System DataBase prfatouts (Cont’dl c. Mt.ing Station Attributes Progpammbg Steps If a printout of the Station Attributes is desired: 1. Press the STAnON ATTRIBUTES flexibIe button putton #3). The following message will be shown on the display phone: 2.To print data for alI stations, press the HOLD button. To print Station data for a specified Station Range enter six digits to specif$ the Station range (three digits for the first station within the range and three digits for the last station in the range i.e. [100109]). Ifap~toutofonlyonestation is desired enter that station twice. (i.e. (1011011)+ Thex~ press the HOLD button. 3. The folIowingmessagewiIl be shown on the dlspIay phone and the requested informa- tion will be printed: When the system has &shed sending the re- quested information to the printer. con&ma- tion tone will be heard. Description With a printer connected to the RS-232C port of the Basic KSU or on the DVX II CPB board, tie currently stored customer database can be printed or ‘uploaded” into a file. This command allows either a range of station data or all stations data information to be ‘dumped” as a permanent record which can serve as a hard copy of the station attribute database . The system Baud rate must match that of the printer or receiving device. When printing the Station attributes the follow- ing data is printed; l AI1 current station parameters Refer to the foIIowlng Figure for an mple of a Station attribute database .ptit out. Default: None Related Prognwming: Refer to Sec. 710.8. Baud Rate Assignments. for setting the baud rate of the RS-232C pork on either the DVX I Basic KSU or the Central Processor Board (CPB) on the DVX I1 system. lkilnit.ion of Terms for Stations Printout PAGE= PagingAccess DND= Do Not Disturb CONF= Conference mR=Executive Overrtde PRl= Rivacy SPD= System Speed Dial Access QWS Line Queue Access PIA= Preferred Line Answer OHVO=Off-Hook Voice Over IWO= Station CalI Forward Access LcR= LCR Class of Service SID= station ID AID= Associated ID IDSS/DLS Console) DCOS= Day Class of Service NCOS= Night Class of Service SPK= Speakerphone Option PICKUP= Pickup Groups PAGE= Paging Groups PREI%‘D= Preset Forward Assignment LCOS=LCR CIass of senrice BUTTONS= Refer to Table 730-Z Flexfble Button Display Designations. Page 730-2 1. 775-6 Issue I, January 1993
mite DVXrandDVXn Dj@d Ecy Telephone Systems F’RWI?NG SYSTEM DATAaAsE PARAMETERG I 1 STATION ATTRIBUTES ! ; STA 100 PLIA owe FWD LCR SUB N NYNN SID AID DCOS NCOS SPK PAGE DND CONF EOR PRI SPD QUZ YYY YNYY PLA OHVO FWD LCR SD3 N NYNN SID AID DCOS NCOS SPK 0 1 1 0 PICKUP PAGE PREFWD LCOS 1 1 0 CO ACCESS 1 0 1 1 0 PICKUP PAGE PREFWD LCOS 1 1 0 CO ACCESS 1 BUTTONS OlDlOO OZDlOl 03D102 04DlO3 05D104 06Dl05 07DlO6 08D107 09D108 lOD109 110110 12Dlll 13COOl 14coO2 15COO3 16COO4 17c005 18COO6 19PLl 2OLP 21CBK 22FWD 23DND 24CNF PRIME KEY 0 Y STA 101 _I- PAGE DND CONF EOR PRI SPD QUE Y Y Y Y N Y Y PLA OHVO FWD LCR SUB N NYNN SID AID DCOS NCOS SPX 0 1 1 0 PICKUP PAGE PREFWD LCOS 1 1 0 CO ACCESS 1 BUTTONS OlDlOO 02D101 03D102 04D103 05D104 06D105 07~106 08D107 09D108 lODlO9 llDll0 12Dlll 13COOl 14COO2 1X003 16COO4 17COO5 18COO6 19PL1 ZOLP 21CBK 22FWD 23DND 24CNF PRIME KEY 0 Y STA 102 PAGE DND CONF EOR PRI SPD QUE YYY YNYY BUTTONS OlDlOO 02D101 03D102 04Dl03 05D104 06DlU5 07Dl06 08D107 09D108 lOD109 1lDlJ.O 12Dlll 13coo1 14coo2 15coo3 16COO4 17coo5 18COO6 19PLl 2OLP 21CBK 22FWD 23DND 24CNF PRIME KEY 0 Y STA 103 -- PAGE DND CONF EOR PRI SPD QUE YYY YNYY PLA OHVO FWD LCR SUB N NYNN SID AID DCOS NCOS SPK 0 1 1 0 PICKUP PAGE PRE??WD LCOS 1 1 0 CO ACCESS 1 BUTTONS OlDlOO 02D101 03Dl02 04D103 05D104 06Dl05 07D106 08D107 090108 lOD109 1lDllO 12Dlll 13CoOl 14COO2 15COO3 16CoO4 17~00.5 18c006 19PLl 2OLP 21CBK 22FWD 23DND 24CNF PRIME KEY 0 Y ..a and so on thru Sta 155 Figure 775-a DB Rintout of Station Attributes Itame 1, January 1993 776-7
PRINTINGS- DATABASE PARAMETERS iqfinite DVX I and DVX I1 Dfrriti Key Telephone Systems sptcm DataBase P arnmetere (Cont’d] D. prtnting CO and Station port Panuneters Prog ’ g Steps If CO/Station parameters need to be printed: 1. Press the CO/Station Port Parameters flex- ible button (Button #4). The following mes- sage will be shown on the display phone: 2. To print the CO/Station Port parameters, press the HOLD button. The foliowing mes- sage will be shown on the display phone: When the system has &YMI~~ sending the re- quested information to the printer, con&na- tion tone will be heard. Description With a printer connected to the RS-232C port of the Basic KSU or on the DVX ’ CPB board, the currently stored customer database can be printed or “uploaded” into a i3le. This command allows either a range of station data or all stations data information to be “dumped” as a permanent record which can serve as a hard copy of the station attribute database . The system Baud rate must match that of the printer or receiving device. Refer to the following Figure.for an example of a Station attribute database print out. Default; None Related Pro glvmd& Refer to Sec. 710.8. Baud Rate Assignments, for setting the baud rate of the RS-232C port on either the DVX I Basic KSU or the Central Processor Board (CPB) on the DVX I1 system. 776-8 Issue 1. January 1995
i-i& DVX * lllld DVX ’ DQ@td Key Telephone Sy6tems.i P-0 STEM DATABA8E PARAMETERS I ; CARD CO I - -- 01 - 01 02 03 04 I 02 - 05 06 +I# $3 03 - 07 08 09 10 04 - 11 12 13 14 I I * CARD STA :- 01 - 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 02 - 108 109 110 111 ##ii ##:: ### ##if 03 - 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 04 - 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 F+&urc 7764 DB Printout of CO/Station Paramcttrs Issue 1. January 3993 ?76-9
p-Q SYSTEM DAT-E PARAMETERS irlfintie DVX’aadDVX” D&WI Key Telephone Ssgteme sptem DataBase Printouts (Cont’d) E. Afntfng Exception Tables Prong ’ e Steps If a printout of the Exception tables are desired: 1. Press the EXCEPTTABLES flexible button (Button #5). The following message will be shown on the display phone: 2. To prfnt the ExceptTables. press the HOLD button. The following message will be shown on the display phone: When the system has Rnished sending the re- quested information to the printer, confirma- tion tone will be heard. Descripff on With a printer connected to the RS-232C port of the Basic KSU or on the DVX ’ CPB board. the currently stored customer database can be minted or “uploaded” into a file. This command allows each exception table to be printed indi- vidually to serve as a permanent record which can be saved as a hard copy of the exception table database. The system Baud rate must match that of the printer or receiving device. When printing information from the Exception tables, the following data is printed; l Allow Table A l Deny Table A l Allow Table B l Deny Table B l SpecialTable 1 l Special Table 2 I Special Table 3 l Special Table 4 Refer to the following Figure for an example of the Exception Tables database print out. Default: None Related [email protected]~: Refer to Sec. 710.8, Baud Rate Assignments. for setting the bauq rate of the RS-232C port on either the DVX Basic KSU or the Central Processor Board (CPB] on the DVX I1 system. 775-10 Immt 1. Jammy 1993
inmite DVX I and DVX ’ D&ital Key Telephone SpstexIS me SYiXt’EM DATABASE PARAMETERS j allow Table A ;-- SPECIAL TABLE 2 AREA CODE ; 01 11 ALLOWED OFFICE CODES j 02 12 1 03 13 i 04 14 05 06 07 08 09 10 15 16 17 18 19 20 SPECIZLt TABLE 3 AREA CODE AL&OWED OFFICE CODES SPECIAL TABLE 4 HOME AREA CODE Deny Table A ALLOWED OFFICE CODES 01 06 02 07 03 08 04 09 05 10 allow Table B -- 01 11 02 12 03 13 04 14 05 15 06 16 07 17 08 18 09 19 10 20 Deny Table B 01 06 02 07 03 08 04 09 05 10 SPECIAL TABLE 1 AREA CODE ALLOWED OFFICE CODES Figure 7755 DB Printout of Exception Tables i hwme 1, Jamary 1WS 77511
PRINTING SYSTEM DATABASE PARAMETERS ix@nite DVX’ and DVX” [email protected] Key Telephone Systems System DataBase Printouts (Cont’d) F. Rinting System Speed Bins Prof+ammhg Steps If a printout of the System speed dial entries are desired: 1. Press the SYSTEM SPEED fkxtble. button (Button #6]. ‘The following message will be shown on the display phone: 2. To print the System Speed bins, press the X&D button. The following wiU be shower on the display phone: Description With a printer connected to the RS-232C port of the Basic KSU or on the DVX ’ CPB board, the currently stored customer database can be printed or “uploaded* into a file. This command allows either a range of system speed dial bins or alI hi can be ‘dumped” as a permanent record which oan serve as a hard copy of the system speed dial database. The system 3aud rate must match that of the printer or receiving device. Fkfer to the following Figure for an wple of a System Speed Dial database print out. Default! None Related Rogsmmdng: Refer to Sec. 710.8, Baud Rate Assignments, for setting the baud rate of the PS232C port on either the DVX I Basic K!3U or the Central Processor Board (CPB) on the DVX I1 system. When the system has finished sending tie re- quested information to the printer, confirma- tion tone will be heard.
SYSTEM SPEED NUMEiERS 46 20 47 21 48 22 49 23 24 25 26 27 29 32 42 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 . . . and so on thru Speed No 99 FQurc77’543DB Printout ofSystcm8peedNumbcrs IESU~ 1. Janumy 1893 77S-13
pRIlyTING SYSTEM DATAEA!% PARAMETERS @r&e DVX’andDVXU D&.ital Key Telephone Systems system DataBase Printouts (Cont’d] 0. printing LCR Tables Progrmming Steps If a printout of the UIR tables are desired: 1. Press the l.ER TABLES flexible button (Button #7). ‘Ihe following message will be shown on the display phone: PIIIRI ll3l IABIIS PRESS lml 2. To print the LCR Tables, press the HOLD button. The following wfll be shown on the display phone. When the system has finished sending the re- quested tiormation to the printer, confirma- tion tone w-31 be heard. Description With a printer connected to the Rs-232C port of the Basic KSU or on the DVX ’ CPB bo&, the currently stored customer database can be printed or “uploaded” into a file. This command allows each exception table to be printed indi- viduallytosemeasaperman ent record which can be saved as a hard copy of the exception table database. The system Baud rate must match that of the printer or receiving device. when printing information from the LCR Ta- bles. the foIlowing data is printed: l Exception Table l Route List Table l Insert/Delete Table l Dally Tfrne Table l Weekly Time Table l TollTables l 6-Dtgit Table l S-Digit Table Refer to the following Figures for examples of the L+CR Tables database print out. Default: None Related Prom: Refer to Sec. 710.8. Baud Rate Assignments. for setting the baug rate of the RS-232C port on either the DVX BasicKSU orthe CentralProcessorBoard (CPB) on the DVX” system. 775-14 Issue 1,Jan~lBBS
. . itLfZn&DVXandDVX D&$t.d Key Telephone Systems PRINTiNG SYSTEM DATAWUiE P-KS EXCEPTION CODE TABLE CODE ROUTE NO ROUTE LIST TABLE RT TIME COST CO GRP INS/DEL GRP PR 0 1 1 2 ! 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 026 026 026 026 000 000 000 000 010 010 010 010 072 072 072 072 171 171 171 171 106 106 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 F# ## St: x:: #f ## C# ## #f *t t:: ##I xii #a ## #B ## ## #X ## #Q ## 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 106 1 4 106 1 6 1 277 1 2 277 1 3 277 1 4 277 1 DIGIT INS/DEL TABLE TABLE DIGITS DAILY START TIME TABLE TABLE TIME 1 800 2 1700 3 2300 4 ###X WEEKLY SCHEDULE TABLE START TIME MTWTFSS 800 111113 3 1700 2 2 2 2 2 i 2 2300 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 X### 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 LCR ROUTE FOR 555-1212 tt 6 DIGIT TABLE iti! I 1 I 8# 1 ! I #:: l i 8:: 1 AREA ROUTE OFFICE CODES CODE NO 1# 1 Figure 775-7 DB Printout of LCR Tables