Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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irlfinite DVX’ and DVX’ Dj.@tat Key Telephone System SINGLE LINE TE$LEPHONE FEATURE DESCRIPTION SECTION 310 SINGLE LINE TELEPHONE FEATURE DESCRIPTION Single Line telephones have access to most of the system and station features listed in the previous section. however, the additional fea- tures listed below are unique to Single Line Telephones. The 2x4 SLT Expander Module is required in the DKX I System, and the 4&3 SLT Interface Board (CS3) is required in the DVX ’ System for proper SLT operation. A Single Line Adapter (OFX) box and 48v Power Supply may also provide single line operation. An abbrevi- ated feature index is provided in Table 310-l Single Line Telephone (SLTI J?eature Index. 310.1 ACCOUNT CODE SLT stations may enter an account code, up to K&digits in length, to identify calls for bill- ing/tracking purposes. The account code may be entered either before the call or during the call (the outside caller is placed on hold while the account code is entered ri during the call.). The account code is recorded on the SMDR printout. Account codes are non-verified and can vary in length from 1 to 12 digits. 310.2 AUTOMATlC LINE ACCESS SLTs may have their station programmed to access a particular CO I&e such as a private line or a line from a Group of CO lines upon going off-hook. This is useful in Centrex or PBX applications when station users have dedicated or individual lines. Outside tine diat tone is received just by going off-hook, witbout the need to dial access codes. 310.3 CALLFORWART) - Single line telephones may direct intercom caIls and transferred CO lines to be forwarded to another station. SLTs have access to all for- warding options that Key station users have: l Cdl Forward -All Calls l CalI Forward - No Answer [7] * Call Forward - Busy (81 l CalI Forward - Busy/No Answer [9] l CalI Forward - Off-Net [+E] l Preset Call Forward 310.4 CAMPON A busy sMi011 can be notified that an outside he is on hold and waiting for them. The busy station is notified of this by a beep tone. Single line telephones can receive a camp on indica- tion or initiate one by using an access code. 310.5 CONFERENCE An SLT user can initiate a conference with an outside line and one other internal station. 310.6 CONFERENCE /WITH PERSONAL PARE Single Line Telephones (SLT) can initiate a con- ference between two ou$sfde (CO) calls. The Personal Park feature is used in confunction with the SLT conference code to make this possible. A combination of features are derived from these dial codes (Personal Park. Flip/Flop, and Multi-line Conference). 310.7 DIRECT OUTSIDE LINE GROUP ACCE66 Single line telephones can access outside lines by dialing CO line group access codes 9 or 81-87. 310.8 DIRECT OUTSIDE IJNE RINGING Single line telephones can be set up to receive direct outside line ringing. SLT& may be pro- grammed to receive incoming CO Ringing on more than one CO line. However. an SLT can answeronlyQNEcaUatatime.IfaSLTisbusy when a CO call rings in, camp-on tone will be given to that SLT station. 310.9 DIRECTED CALL PICK-UP Tone ringing intercom calla, Imtial pinging CO calls and -ierred outside line calls to spe- cific stations can be picked up by single line telephones. For this type of pickup, the stations do not have to be in the same pickup group. 310.10 DO NOT DI- @ND) Each telephone user can be allowed to place their phone in Do Not Disturb. The user will receive error tone if they are not allowed this feature. They will also receive a confidence tone when lifting the handset to remind them they are in Do Not Disturb. The attendant can over- ride a station in DND. 3 10.11 GROUP CALL PER-UP Tone ringing intercom calls, transferred outside he calls, and fnitially ringing calls can be Issue 1, January 199s 310-l

infinite DVX1 and DVX” SINGLE LXNE =L&PIXONE PEA- DEWJUPTXON D&im Xty Telephone Sytittms Table 310-l Single Line Teltphont (SLT) Ftabrt Index x i - Account Code ........................................... 310-I Automatic Line Access.. ............................ 310-I C &ll Forward ............................................. 310-l camp-on ................................................. 310-l COnfer~Ce ............................................... 310-I conferenct w/F’ersonaI Park ..................... 3 lo- 1 D - Direct Outside Line Access ....................... 3 1 O-1 Dirtct Outside Line FGnging ...................... 310-l Directed Cdl Pick-Up ............................... 310-l Do Not Disturb (DND) ............................... 310-I G Croup call pick-up ................................... 310-l I intercom cw ....................................... 310-3 aa Message Wailing/Call Back.. .................... 310-3 Messages - Personalized ........................... 310-3 Custom Messa@s ................................. 310-3 N - Night Service ............................................ 310-3 0 Off-Hook preference .................................. 31ck3 I! Ptrsoti Park ........................................... 310-3 9 Quelling ................................................... 310-3 S &ion Speed Dial .................................... 310-3 System Speed Dial .................................... 310-3 T n-ansfer ................................................... 3 LO-3 L S ._ - = Standard Feature: CkOptionak F&quires additionalmrdware 9VALABLE S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S INTERNAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N .: N N N I4 N I=No addition EXTERNAL . hardwwerequh-ec i’

Issue 1, January 1993 310-S infinite DVX’ and DVX’ ~&&al Key Tekphone Systems SINGLE, LINE TELEPHONE FEATURE DESCRIF’TION picked up by single line telephones by dialing a special pickup code. The telephones must be in the same pickup group. 310.12 INTERCOM CALLJNG Single tie telephones can make and receive intercom calls. 310.13 MESSAGE WAlTlNG/CAU BACK Single Line Telephones calling a station that is busy, idle. or in Do Not Disturb can leave a message waiting indication to signal the station to call back. 310.14 MESBAGES - PERSONAclzED Each SLT station mn select a preassigned message to be displayed on the I.ZD of the Digit& Terminal receiving that message. There are ten possible messages which can be dis- played: - 00= Clears Messages - Ol= ON VACA’l’?ON - 02=REmRNAM - 03=REXURNPM - 04= FETURN TOMORROW - 05= RElWRN NEXTWEEK - 06=ONTRIP - 07=INMEE’IIlVG - OB=ATHOMB - 09=ONBR.EAK - lO= AT LUNCH A Messages - custom This feature allows the system administra- tor to enter up to ten custom messages for use by station users of the system. These messages maybe specified and customized by the customer on a system-wide basis, - 310.15 NIGHT SERVICE When outside lines are marked UNA and the system is placed into night service, a single line telephone can answer incoming calls on lines it does not norma@ have access to by dialing [#3]. When External Night figlng is enabled in da- tabase progmmming ringing is outputted on the external page PO&S. SlO. 16 OFF-EWK PREFERENCE SLTs may have their station programmed to access a particular CO Line such as a private line or a line from a Group of CO lines upon going off-hook. This is useful in Centi or PBX applications when station users have dedicated lines. Outside line dial tone is received just by going off-hook. without the need to dia3 access codes. 3 10.17 PERSONAL PARK Single line telephones can be connected to two calls (Intercom or CO lines) at the same time and “flip/flop” between the two calls. This can be performed with originated or received calls. This feature is also used with SLT multi-line conference feature. 3 10.18 QUEUING Single iine telephones can be placed in a queue swatting the tit available outside Une in a group to become available. 310.19 GTATION SPEED DIAL EachSLTusermayprogr&1upto20individual speed dial numbers. Each speed dial number can be up to 24-digits in length. 310.20 BYSTEM SPEED DIAL Each SLTuser can be allowed access to system speed dial numbers on a programmable basis. The last for& system speed numbers override toll resfxiction. 310.21 TRANSFER Outside lines may be transferred by or to single line telephones. These transfers can be either announced or unannounced.

i@,nite DVX I and DVX * DQital Key Telephone Spetems ATTENDANT FEATURE DES-ION SECTION 320 ATTENDANT FEATURE DESCRPTION The Attendant and Attendant(s) with DSS/DLS features of the infintte Digital Key Telephone System are listed and described below in alpha- betical order. An abbreviated feature index is provided in Table 320-l Attendant Feature Index. 320.1 ATTENDm DISABIJ3 OUTGO- ING ACCESS The fmt attendant can disable CO lines, pre- venting outgoing access to those lines. This is useful for removing a faulty line from servim. or for reserving CO lines for important USe. AlI stations that can normally make caJls on the lines are affected. but incoming Cans are not affected. A CO line may be disabled while it is being used; when the &unk becomes idle, fur- ther outgoing access will be prevented. 320.2 ATTENDANT OVERFLOW System programmmg allows the attendant sta- tion to be programmed so that if the attendant is busy or not there. the call wilI be automat- ically forwarded to another predetermined sta- tion, VM Group, Hunt Group, ACD or UCD group after a programmed period of time. (Refer to Call Forward, Station and Preset) 320.5 A~NDANTOVERRIDE Attendant stations may override a busy station or ring a station in DND. While busy, pressing the override key provides override tone and a five second delay before voice cut-through to the called party occurs. automatically placing any outside line call on Hold. The Attendant . Override function may be programmed on to a flex button and can be enabled or disabled in Programmtng- 320.4 ATTENDANT POSITION The system identif2es a mrudmum of three pro- grammabk stations as attendants for line re- calls and attendant features. The first programmed attendant can enter system date and time information as well as System Speed numbers from this position without entering the programmfn@ mode. The in@nf& Digital Key Telephone System is placed in Night Service by any programmed attendant pressing the NIGHT DND) button or dialing the NIGHTcode. 320.5 ATTENDANTRECALL A held CO call left unattended by a station will recall the attendant(s) aftxr a programmable period of time has elapsed. A recalling CO line flashes at a distinctive rate and has an LCD display that identifies tie originating station of the unanswered call. 320.6 AUTOMATlC HIGET MODE In addition to the attendants capability to place the system into and out of night mode manu- ally. by pressing the Night key. an automatic night mode schedule has been. added to the system. The automatic schedule is set in data base programming on a week day basis, in&d- ing Saturday and Sunday. The Attendant can override the automatic schedule by pres$ng the NIGHT (DND) button. 320.7 INCOMING co LlNE OFF-NET FORWARD Allows the first attendant to forward incoming CO calls to an Off-Net location. The attendant must have a direct appearance of the CO line to be forwarded. Forwarding can be established on a per CO line group basis, or all CO lines may be simultaneously forwarded to an off-net loca- tion. 320.8 NIGHT SERVICE FEMTJRE The Night Senriee feature will provide a means toputthesysteminnigbtmodefromanykeyset orremovetheqstem.fromnightmodefromany keyset as long as the system was put in night mode by the night service featute flex button If the system was placed in night mode by the attendant using her DND button or if the sys- tern was placed in night mode by the automatic schedule, the night service flex button can not remove the system f&om night mode. 320.9 TIME AND DATE PROGRAMMMG ThisfeahrreEtllowsthe~tprogrammedatten- dant to set the time and date without entering the programming mode. Issue 1, Janurq X993 320-l

irlfinffe DVX’ andDVX” Digital gey Telephone Syeteme Table 320-l Attendant Feature Index FEATURE IA : Attendant Disable Outgoing Access... . . . ,. -.. 320-l Attendant overflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . , , , , . . , 320-l Attendant Override . . . . *.a..-.,* .,,.... * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320-I ( Attendant Position .**.........,,*.,...........,.,..... 320-l 1 Attendant Recatt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w w..... a . . . . . . 320-l ! Attendant &arch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . ..,.- 320-Z Automatic Nfght Mode .*..* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *...* ,,.. 320-l : E Busy Lamp Field Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320-2 D Dfrect Statfon CalIing . . . . . . . . . . . ..I.... * . . . . a.. . . . . . 320-2 i 1 , - Incomfng CO Line m-Net Forward .,.. . . . . .,. 3!20- 1 !!!I Mapping Options .*. .,,,... l . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . * 320-2 Messages - Custom ..,*.*.......... a . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . 320-3 I! Night Service Feature ..*.*........-I......*...*...... 326 1 3 Release Key .a . . . . m I....,..,..__............... * . . . . . . . . . . 320-3 T ?ime and Date Pm grammhg . . ..*............... 320-l i 1 t 4VAIIMXE S s S S S S S S S S S S S S S S = Standard Feature: O=Optionalz Requires additional hardware ?=No addition INTERNAL EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT EQUlPNE;NT REQUIRED REQUIRED N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ATTENDANT WfDSS/DLS FEATURES 320.12 DlRECT STATION CALUNG . 320.10 AmBJDANT SEMXCH Allows a user to make a series of intercom calls without hanging up the handset. An intercom connection is switched to another station whenever a DSS key is pressed. Pressing the next DSS key terminates the previous intercom Cdl. Enables the user to make an intercom voice call b any Digital TeIlninal in the system. Permits you to automatically put an outside caller on hold and simukaneously make an intercom call to an fllterTlal station. Also allows you to trans- fer an fntercom calI or outside call that is on hold to another station. 320.11 BUSY LAMP FIELD INDfCA’I’O~ Each station key on the DSS console has a corresponding fndfcator whfch shows whether the station is idle or busy, T&e indicator fs lft when the station is busy and unlft ff the station is idle. A station in DND mode fs shown by a flashing indicator. 320.13 MAPPING OPTIONS The DSS/DLS Console unit can access Sta- tions, Direct Appearhg CO Lines. or features that may be assigned to any of the flexible buttons. 320-2 hsttt 1. January 1993

iq@ite DVX I and DVX” ~&itd geY Telephone 8yStemtI A?TENDANTFEATUREDESCEUFTION z7te folbwingfeatum am NOT cdbwai to be progrcunmed mta IWWIJLS Conaale $e?siblt? buizons: ACD Agent or &xl-r A DSS/DL.S unit may be assigned to one of the different MAP configurations available. Any one of the three M&P conGguraffons may be as- signed to a DSS/DLS and up to three maps may be assigned to one station. However. “dupli- cate” MAPS or appearances of Stations and/or CO lines between the MAPS are not allowed. There are three pre-defined MAPS for the DSS/DLS console wH.h default button pro- g ’ lg. Refer to Figure 320-l DSS Console Map 1. F’igure 320-2 DSS Console Map 2. and Frgure 320-3 DSS Console Map 3 for a button layout of each DSS Console Button Map. Each Attendant may have up to three DSS/DIS Con- soles assigned to work with one Attendant sta- tion. 320.14 IHESSAOES - CUSTOM This feature allows the first programmed atten- dant (system admini&at.or) to enter up to ten custom messages for use by station users of the system. Up to 24-characters may be entered as the custom message (this will represent 48 digits entered). A station user may store any of the available messages under a fipldble button assigned as a Message Access button. These messages may be specified and customized by the customer on a system-wide basis. Message status is stored in battery protected area of memory for retention in the event of a power failure or system reset (soft or hard). 320.16 RELEME KEY Allows the user to disconnect calls while oii- hook, speeding up call handling time (MAP f and MAP 2 only). . Issue 1, &mxary 19533 320-s

AITEm FEATURE DESCRTPTION infinite DVX ’ aad DVX ’ D&it& Key Telephone Systems B&W #l has by default the first 28 Stations (&as 100-127) and 14 CO lines, three Call Park locations. . . Release, Attendant Override, and an All Call Page button mapped to the buttons. AlI buttons except the 14 CO brie buttons and Release button are flexible and can be changed by the station user. PVgure 320-l DSS Coneole Map 1

itzfiniie DVX I and DVX ’ r ATTENDANT FEA- DICSCRIPTlON MAP #2 has by default all 28 CO lines. the first 12 Stations (Stas 1 OO- I I 11, followed bv four Call park locations, Rel&e. Attendant Override, an All Call Page button. and the first He&al Page Zone mapped to the buttons. All buttons except the 28 CO line buttons and Release button are flexible and can be changed by the station user. . Figure 320-2 Dss CoPsofe Map 2 Issue 1. smmaly I993 320-6

iqjinite DVX’ and DVB;” D&ital Iky Telephone Sytstexhs BNP #S by default is intended to be used with Map #2 on a DVX” System, in that it has the remaining stations (Stas 11 l-1 551 to provide a full CO line by Station mapping. Additiona&. Internal Page Zonks 2. and 3 appear and the last two buttons are unassigned. Al1 of the buttons on Map #3 are flexible and can be changed by the user. CO Line ringing on Map 1 and Map 2 is d&x-mined by CO Line Ringing Assignments. 320-S Lsne 1. Janumy 1993

imite DVK ’ and DVK ’ Dj@taI Key Telephone Systems STATION FI%m OI?KHATION SECTION 400 STATION FEATURE OPERATION 400.1 INTRODUCTION The in.tte Digiti Key Telephone System has a wide variety of features and flexible program- ming, allowing each telephone user to program his/her telephone to meet his/her oxen individ- ual needs. This section of the manual contains the operat- ing instructions for Digital Key Terminals and includes an illustxation of the key telephone used in the ti@aite Digital Key Telephone Sys- tem and description of the keys on the tele- phones and their functions. It is designed to provide step-by-step instructions for operating the Digital Key Terminals in the system. Visual and audible cues which accompany the various steps in the operation of the features are also included. Literature similar to these operating instruc- tions has beenpreparedforusebythecustomer in the form of a Station Users Guides. 400.2 KEYTELEPHONE STATION FKA- Each irz,finffeDigitaIKeyTelephone Systempro- vides the following keys, indicators and fea- tures: HANDSET AND SPEABER are located at the left side of the front panel. A handset is provided to allow confidential conversation when de- sired. Lifting the handset f+om its cradle (going off-hook) disengages the station’s built-in speaker. The speaker is located direct& below the center portion of the handset. The station may be operated with the handset on-hook. When this * occurs, audio is transmitted to the station user through the station’s speaker. FLEXIBLE BUTTONS are used to access idle outside lines, provide DSS/HLF for internal stations. access speed dial number and activate features. These buttons are programmed by the individual station user. The default flex feature buttons are described below: CAU BACg (flex) button allows you to initiate an automatic call back request to another busy station. As soon as that sta- tion becomes idle, the station that left the call back request is signaled. A fiex button must be assigned to use this feature. CALL FWD (flex] button allows you to for- ward your calls to another station. DO NOT DISTURB (DND] (flex) button al- lows the user to phce his/her telephone into a Do Not Disturb mode to eliminate incoming outside line tigjng. intercom calls, transfers and paging an- nouncements. The station in Dm can use the telephone to make normal outgoing calls. On Attendant stations, this button becomes the system Night Mode button. A flex button must be ,=signed to use this feature. CONI%-NCE (CONF) (flex] button is used to establish and build conference calls. FIXED FEATURE BUTTONS: PICK-UP button allows you to pickup a tone ringing intercom call, transferred, in- comtng, or recalling outside line call to a spedic unattended station eitberby group or directed call pick-up. FLASH button is used to terminate an outside call and restore dial tone without having to hang up the handset It is also used to transfer calls behind a PBX or Centrex within those systems. MESSAGE WAIT (BESG) button allows you to initiate a message waiting indication at stations that are busy, unattended, or in Do Not Disturb. Message Waiting Callback request left at your station is indicated by a &shing Msg wait LED. TRANSFER (TRAMI) button is used to harder an outside call from one station to another. SPEED button provides you with access to speed dialing, save number redial and last number redial. This button is also used to access speed dial and flex button program- ming. CAMP-ON button enables you to alert a busy party that an outside line is on hold and waiting for them. MUTE button allows you to switch the built-in microphone on or off when using the speakerphone, or the handset micro- phone when using the handset. Issue 1, Jan- 1993 400-l