Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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GENERAI, DESCRIPTION iqfisttte DVX’andDVX” D&WI Key Telephone Systems 4 200.10 SYSTEM SPECIFICATIOHS AND The DVX I Basic KSU is housed in a wall- mountable mbinet that contains the system power supply and the mother board for stations and COlines. This Basic KSU supports a loaded capacity of 6 CO lines and 12 stations. DSS/DLSs can be installed in place of any Digital Key terminal. Standard single line tele- phones (2500 type] can be installed by using Single Line Telephone Adapters (OPX) boxes, or the 2x4 SL.T Eqander Module. The DVX ’ Basic KSU is housed &-A a wa& mountable cabinet that contains the system power supply and the back plane for station and CO line boards. This Basic RSU supports a loaded capacity of 28 CO lines and 56 sta- tions. DSS/DLSs can be installed in place of any Di@aI Key terminal. Standard single line telephones (2500 type) can be installed by re- placing the ed3 Key lnterfaee Board(s) (CKB) with the 4x8 SLT Interface Board(s) (CSB). Eight sfngle line telephones can replace eight Digital Display Terminals for each board ex- changed. An ON/OFF switch is located on the tiont of the power supply. The system capacities are listed in Table ZOO-1 - Digital System Capacities. Electrical specifi- cations. environmental specifkations, and Loop limits are listed in Table 20@2 - Elecirical Specikations, Table 200-3 - Environmental Spedfcations and Table 200-4 - Loop Limits. Dialing specifications are listed in Table 200-5 - Dialing Specifications. FCC Registrations Numbers for DVX I and DVX ’ are listed in Table 200-6 - FCC Registration Numbers. Miscellane- ous Specifications are listed in TabIe 200-8 - Miscellaneous Specifications. Key telephone, Single Line Telephone and OPXAudible lndica- tions are listed in Table 200-S - Digital Terminal Audible Signals, Table 200-10 - Single Line Telephone Audible Signals and Table 200- 11 - OPXTelephone Audible Signals. Key Telephone Visual Indications are l&ted in Table 200-12 - DSS/BLF Button Visual Indicators, Table 200- 13 - CO Line Button Visual Indicators, and Table 200-14 - Function Button Visual Indicators. Issue 1, January 1993

i-&e DVX’andDmn D3&w Key Telephone Systems GENERAL DESCRIPTION Table 200-l - Dig&al System Capacities 1 Time Slots: i 112 PCM/TDM time slots i Ports: (Dvx’) ! CO/PBX/Centrex Lines ; Digital Terminal Stations Standard Single Line Telephone Off-Premise Extensions (SLTsl :s i :s 14 (max) loop start (2 or 4 per expansion module 28 (max] Digital Terminals (4 or 8 per station board) 8 (max) Standard Single Line Telephones (4 per board) 27 [max) OPX or SLT Stations (1 per OPX adapter) I Ports: (Dvxnl i CO/PBX/CentreX Lines Digital Terminal Stations ! Standard Single Line Telephone , Off-Premise Extensions External Paging (one way pagW Paging: @wn’ Internal Paging External Paging (one my p@fgl DTMF Receivers: [DVX ‘I DTMF Receivers: (DVX “) D’TMF Sender: (DVX r & DW ‘) I/O Ports: Contacts [multi-purpose) (DVX I1 Contacts/Senso15 (Rda~ Sensor Module) (DVX’ & DWi 1 Conference: Circuits Parties per “bridge” DISA Circuits: Attendants: DVX ’ Digital DSS/DLS Consoles: DVX ’ Digital DSS/DLS Consoles Hunt Groups: Groups: Members: Tvues: 28 (ma) loop start (4 per Station board) 56 (max) Digital Termfnals (8 per Station board) 48 (max] Shndard (2500 type) SLTs (8 per SLT Expander b0EU-d) 55 (max) OPX Stations (1 per single line adapter (OPX)) . 4 (max) Internal Page Zones (software controlled) 4 (max) Chx per Station board ‘. 4 [rnax) internal Page Zones [software controlled) 7 [max) One per CO/Station board 4 (maxI per system (1 provided standard in BKSU, 1 each optional on additional expander modules) 13 (max) per system (1 each optional on additional expander modules) I per system &me shared) 4 Relay / Sens& Mock&s per system. Each~Relay/Sensor Module has 3 relays and 3 sensing circuits. 4 Conference “bridges” per system 5 parties per “bridge” 3 CO Lines may be programmed simultaneously. Up to 3 stations can be designated as attendant(s). 21 (max) Up to 3 DSS/DLS units can be prq$rammed ta function with each station. Wch DSS/DLS unit reduced station capaeity by 1) 42 (max) Up to 3 DSS/DLS units can be programmed to function with each station. @kch DSS/DLS unit reduced station capacity by 1) software supports up to 8 groups. Software supports up to 8 stations in each group. Station or Pilot Hunting 3 (max) per system (1 RS-232C included on BKSUKPB). 2 on optional I/O module (I-RS232C and 1 RS-422) 7 (max) per system (1 included on each CO/Station board) [additional relavs may be used with the relay sensor module) Issut 1. January 1993 200-35

iqjkite DVX’ and DVX” Digital Rcy Telephone Systems Table 200-l - System Capacities (Cont’d) ACD or UCD Groups: Groups: Members: RAN AmlounceInent5: Calls in Queue: Voice Mail Groups: Groups: Members: (ports) Integration Method: V&l Message Wait: VM Disconnect Signal: Loop Supenrision Disconnect Software support5 8 groups. I Software support5 up to 8 station5 in each group. I Eiiht RAN announcements per ACD/UCD Group. l AIlCOLiies[14or28)maybetiqueueforan i ACD/UCD Group. Software supports 8 Groups. Software supports up to 8 stations in each group. In-Band S@naIing. ID’lMF) , I4201 to turn message waiting on, [42 1) to turn message wafting off 1 Programmable 12-digit (DTMF) string. If no digit5 [ are programmed, 15 seconds of silence followed by busy tone. I 700 ms duration 200-36 bsue 1, Jamary 1995

f&fnite DVX I and DVX I1 D#td Key Telephone Systems GENiCRAT., DESCRIPTION Table 200-2 - Electrical Gpccificaticu15 AC Input to Power Supply I Power Consumption: I 117’V ac 110%. 60 Hz single phase 12OV ac @lSAmax 180 watts m-urn (DVX !] 600 watts m-urn (DW ‘1 Power Supply Fuse - AC input j 1.5A. 125V ac (ID- I BKSU and EKSU) Longitudinal Balance: Idle Channel Noise: Cross Talk Attenuation: 5A, 125V ac (DVX “1 Setter than 60db from 200 Hz to 1,000 Hz Better than 40db from 1,000 )fi to 4,000 Hz Less than 15 dbmc for alI connections 3reakr than 75dbm Statiox~ to CO and Station to Station -L SingIe Frequency Distortion: (1,000 Hz) Ringing Sensitivity: Rin@r Equivalence Number: IREN) CO Line SignaIing - DTMF; Music Source (input) Contact Rating Multi Purpose Relay External Page Port Output Impedance Output Power w/o compression UL File Number: Station to CO Ltne &id Station to Station: Better than 2.0% or 34db Chtput level -30 dbm to 0 dbm 16Hzto30Hzat40VRMSminimum 3OHzto67Hzat5OVRMSmirhnum 1.9 Frequency pair at -5 dbm to 0 dbm Frequency tolerance. better than +1.5% 0 dBm max at 600 ohms input impedance l.OA 24V dc 6OOohms@OdBm 1 mW Makmum El09461 Table 2Mb3 - Environsnental fi3pedfimthns Operating Temperature Recommended Operatfng Temperature Storage Temperature Relative Humidity Heat Dissipation (BTU’s) (TWX I and DVX ‘) Issue 1, January loa3 200-37

GE- DESCRIPTION iqflniie DVX’andDVX’ D&&al Ecy Telephone SyAcms Table 200-4 - Loop Limits [ Electronic Telephane: ( [including DSS/DL.S Console) 1 Standard Single Line Telephones i , Off-Premise Extensions (OPX) (Adapter to SLlJ I - 1000 feet of 26 AWG Cable 1000 feet of 24 AWG Cable 1000 feet of 22 AWG Cable 2000 feet of 24 AWG Cable 1400 ohms maximum loop, not including telephone. . Table 200-S - Dialing SpccUicatians I DTMFDialing kequency Deviation RiseTime Duration of DTMF Si@ Interdigit Time HJLSEDialing Plilse Dialing Rate pulse Break/Make Duration COTvpe i -i- *10/b 3 msec. 75 msec. minimum 75 msec. minknan 10 or 20 pps. 60/40 or 66/33 Loop start, 600 ohm, current sensing Table 20&6 - FCC Rc#stition Numbers For Systems configured as a key system (button appearan ce) use: For Systems configured as a hybrid system (dial access codes) use: infiniteDvXU DLPHKG-65 153~MF-E For Systems cor&gu.red as a key system (button appearance) use: DLPHG-6510%KF-E For Systems configured as a hybrid system (dial access codes) use: DLPI-IG-65101-m-E

irIfinite DVX’andDVXn DigitaI Key Telephone 8ysttms GENERAL DESCRWMON Table 200-7 - Dimensiona and Weight kVX ’ BASIC KEY SERVICE UNIT Height 20.0” Width 14.0” Depth 4.0” Weight 13.5 lbs. (unloaded) DVX I EXPANSION KEY SERVICE TJNIT Height 20.0” Width 14.0” Depth 4.0’ Weight 13.5 lbs. (unloaded) DVX ’ KEiY SERVICE ?JN?T w/POWER He&$-it 15.2” Width 18.5” Depth 14.751 Weight 60 lbs. (UnIoaded) OFF-PREMISE EXIENSION MODULE Height 1.75’ Width 7.625” Length 8.0” Weight 3.5 lbs. RELAY/SENSOR MODULE Height 1.75’ Width 7.625” Len@31 8.0” Weight 3.5 lbs. 33-BUITON ENHANCED TEXMINAL (non- display) Height 3.5” Width 7.625” Depth 9.625” Weight 3 lbs. 33-B-N EXECU’ITVE DISPLAY TERMINAL Misplay1 Height 3.5” Width 7.625” Depti 9.625” weight 3 lbs. &BUTTON BASIC TERMlNAi Height 2.75.. Width 6.25 .. Depth 9.25 weight 21 lbs. DSS/DLS CONSOLE Height 2.75” Width 5.25” Depth 9.25” Weight 2 lbs. hmue 1, January 1993 200-39

GENERALD=RIPTJON i@niteDVXaudDVB; Digital Key T&phone Systems Table 2OW3 - BUaceUancous Specffications f- Memory: (DVX ‘) Programmable Read-Only Memory (EPROM) I ! Random Access Memory (RAM): Telephone Transmitter: Talk Paths: CO/PEH/Centrex paths: Intercom Paths: Memory: 03vX I) F3x@ammable Read-Only Memory (EPROM) Random Access Memory (RAM): Music Channels: Account codes: Number of digits per account code: Number of Account Codes: Speed Dialing Memory:(DVX’) Station Speed Rial: System Speed Dial: Total speed dial bins: Speed Dialing Memory: (DVX ‘) Station Speed J&k System Speed Dial: Total speed dial bins: . . 5 1ZK expandable to 2 Megabytes 128K expandable to 2 Megabytes 5 12K expandable to 4 Megabytes 256K expandable to 2 Megabytes Eiectret mic compatible. 28 CO/PEX Centrex talk paths (non-blocking) Non blocking 1 channel provides music for &sic-on-hold and background music up to 12 unverified digits unlimited (unverified) 20 bins per station (24-digits) 80 bins per system (24-cligits) 600 speed locations to be divided among ali telephones. 20 bins per station (24digits) 80 bins per system (24-digits) 1280 speed locations to be &tided among all J telephones.

[email protected] DVX’dDVXn D&$tal Key Telephone Systems GENERAL DESCRIPTXOA? Table 200-9 - Digital Terminal Audible Stgnals ‘IYPE OF SIGNAL . Kw Tel- i Incoming CO Line Intercom Tone Ringing i Intercom Call Announce ; (H-P) ; Transferred CO Lhe i CO Line RecaIl / Message Wait Call Back Message Wait Reminder Tone CO gueue CaJl Back 1 Camp-on , Paging Alert Tone Call Announce Busy Tone Error Tone Intercom IXaI Tone DND Tone Paging Co&n-nation Propamming Confirmation Pro@ * gError Confhnation Tone FREQUEiNCY / SIGNAL DURATlON I 2 I 1215/ 1471 1215/ 1471 935 0.8s on/2.4s off: repeated I 0.4s on/0.4s ofUO.4~ on/2.0s off : 0.2s on/0.2s off (2 bursts] i 1215/1471 1215/1471 1215/1471 771 1215/1471 1215/1471 935 701 935 701 701 421 701 935 147 1 1471 1471 - 0.8s on/2.4s off 0.2s on/.6s off, repeated 0.4s onf0.4~ 05/0.4s on/2.0s off 0.6s on (timed) 0.2s on/O.6s off; repeated 0.2s on (1 burst) 1 sec. (1 burst) . 0.4s on/OAs off/OAs on/2.Os 0fK 0.2% onfO.2s off (2 bursts) 0.45 on/O.4s off, repeated 0.2s on/O.2s off, repeated Continuous 0.2s on/o.as off, repeat 32s. pause, 0.6s repeat 1 set burst 1.4 see burst 0.2s on/O.25 05, 6x’s 1.4 set burst, 1 time Table 200-10 - Single Line Telephone Audible Signals I 1 ‘IYPE OF SIGNAL intercom Tone Ringing Transferred CO Line CO Line Recall CO Queue CaU Back Intercom Ringback Call Announce Busy Tone Error Tone Intercom IXal Tone DND Tone Paging Time-out Call FWD Warnhg Tone Camp-on Tone Conference Warning Tone Confkmation Tone DND Warning Tone L f FREQUENCy 30 Hz. 50-90VAC 30 Hz. 50-9OVAC 30 Hz. 50-90V AC 30 Hz. 5Q90V AC 30 Hz. 50-9OV AC 440+480 420 480+620 480+620 420 480+620 480+620 420 420 420 420 420 SIGNAL DURATION 2.0s on/$.Os off 1 ,Os on&2s off/O.Bs on/4.0s off 2.0s on/4.0s off 2.0s on/$.Os off 2.0s on/4.0s off 1.0s on/3.0s off; repeated 0.2s on/O.2s off 13 bursts1 0.5s on/0.5s off repeated 0.25s on/O.25s off; repeated colltinuous 0.2s on/O.2s off, repeat 32s. pause, 0.5s; repeated 0.5s on/O.5s off; repeated 0.2s on/0.2s off (six times) 0.2s burst (1 time) 1 set burst (1 time) 1.4 set burst [I time] 0.2s on/0,2s 05 (6 bursts) bisue 1. January 1993 201141

GENERAL DESCRIPTION tqfinite DVX’and DVX’ Di@W Key Telephone System5 Table 200-ll- OPX Telephone Audible S&nab TYPE OF SIGNAL Incoming CO Line Intercom Ringing ! Transferred CO Line CO Line Recalt CO Queue Call Back FI?EQUENCY 30 Hz. 50-9OV AC 30 Hz. 50-9OV AC I 30 Hz. 50-9OV AC I 30 I-k 50s9OVAC 30 Hz. 50-9oV AC .L CanfidenreTa Intercom Rfngback Busy Tone Error Tone Intercom Dial Tone DND Tone Paging Time-out Call lWD Warning Tone Camp-on Tone Conference Warning Tone Confirmation Tone DND Warning Tone *Precise Tone Plan 440480 480+620 480+620 350+440 480+620 420 420 420 420 420 420 T r i SIGNAL DuRAnON 2.0s on/4.Os off 2.0s on/4s off 2.0s on/4.Os off 2.0s on/4.0s off 2.0s on/4.0s off 1 s on/3s off 0.5s on/0.5s oti repeated 0.25s on/O.25s off, repeated Continuous 0.2s onjO.2~ & repeat 3x’s, pause, 0.5s: repeated 0.59 on/0.5s off 0.2s on/O.2s off (six times) 0.2s burst (1 time) 1 set burst (1 time) 1.4 set burst (1 time) 0.2s on/0.2s off (6 bursts) 2oo-42 Irrenc 1. Janwary 1993

tqfinfte DVX’ and DVXn Digital Key Telephone Systema GENERAL DESCRIPTION Table 200-12 - DSS/BLF Button Vieti bdiCStO= TYPE OF SIGNAL, Off-Hook/Busy (All Stations] Incoming Intercom Ring (Destination) Cd Announce (Destination) Message Waiting Call Back (Destination) Do Not Disturb (All Stations) Automatic Call Back (Destination) ACDjUCD Available/Unavailable INDICATOR FLASH RATES Steady 120 fpm flutter steady 120 ipm flutter 480 ipm triple wink 120 ipm fiash 60 ipm fiash . Table 200-13 - CO Line Button Vimal lndieators TYPE OF SIGNAL INDICAmR FLASH RA’lES Incoming co Fting 30 ipm flash Transferred CO Ring 120 ipm flash Recall 480 ipm flutter Queued Line 480 ipm flutter Exclusive Hold 120 ipm flash System Hold 60 ipm double wink I-Hold (only when hold preference is system) 60 ipm wink In Use steady Table 200-14 - Fun&ion Button Visual ladiC8tOIS .: TYPE OF SIGNAL Call Forward (actWe) Message Waitfng (active) Camp-on (active) Cdl Back (active-initiator) CO Line Queue (active) Do Not Disturb (DND active] Mute (microphone off, handset xmit ofQ ON/OFF (speakerphone on/on-hook dialing Conference (active) Speed (momentarily ON untiI bin address dialed) Personalized Messages Intercom Call (Hold Button) hOP Pool Ti-ansfer INDICATOR FLASH RATES 30 ipm flash 15 ipm flash 120 ipm flash 120 ipm flash 480 flutter 60 ipm flash Steady + Steady Steady Steady 15 ipm flash 15ipmflash Same as CO Line buttons Same as CO Line buttons Steady until transfer complete Is~~ue 1, January 1993 20043