Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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imite DVX’ and DVX’ Dj@m gcS TCrephone SJ?StCIWi SYSTEM PAEWWXERS PROGRAMMING RELAY/SENSOR PROG RtlMMING (Cont’d) E. f’rogramming rck~y for co tie COlltIOk From steps I. press the flex button that corresponds to the desired relay to be programmed. 2.Dial [5J on the dial pad. 3. Enter a two-digit CO Line number (0 l-28) 4. Press the I-lOLD button to save the entry. ConfIIation tone is heard and the display will now update. ON BBNBU BElAY i BEMY l=WJIEfl( - xX= CO Line number P. Aes&n Rclay/&naor Interface Module to a station: 1. Press the STA flex button (Button #8). 2. Enter the three-digit station assignment of the reIay sensor. - 3,Press the HOLD but&n to save the entry. ConfIItion tone is heard and the display will now update. i llMY~8MOB m j SENSDB 1= BONE Where: - YYY= Station Assignment Description CO LJNE CONTROL: There are three control contacts on the Relay/Sensor Module, which can be individually programmed as CO Line Control to control customer provided ancillary equipment. There are seven control relay contacts on the DVX ‘, which can be individually programmed as Loud Bell Control to control customer pro- vfckd ancikiry equipment. One contact on each 4x3 Key Interface Board (CKB). When programmed as CQ Line Control and assigned to a CO fine. f&e corresponding con- tact will close whenever that CO line is ac- cessed. To disable a relay or sensor circuit: a-Press the desired flex button that corre- sponds to the relay or sensor circuit to be disabled. b. Dial (01 on the dial pad. c. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confkmation tone is heard and the display will now update. STATION ASSIGNMENT& The programming of this station represents the station port that the Relay/Sensor Module is associated to. To delete a station assignment: a. press the STA flex button (Button #8). b. press the TFWWfer button. c. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display wiu now update. R&ted Programmhg: It is necessary to as- sign a station ID to the station port used for a Relay/Sensor Interface module in Sec. 730.1. Station Attributes Programming. Issue 1, January lSB3 71@26
r SYSTEM PARAMETERS PROG-G infinite DVX’ and DVXn DigftaI Key Telephone Systems R~,~AY/SENSOR PRO0 RAMMING (Ccmt’d] G. Ptogramsensingch’cuitasa~ Sensiu.~$ (RAN END) circuit: grammhg Steps a. MaJ I61 on the dial pad. b. Enter a one-digit RAN Table number [ 1-8) the sensing circuit should be associated to. c. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display d now update. - X= RAN Table number Description RAN SENSING [RAN END): The Recorded An- nouncement feature (RAN) is used with the Automatic Call Distribution @CD) feature or the Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) feature to provide unanswe red inc0mh.g CO calls or calls in queue with a Recorded Announcement while waiting for an available ACD or UCD station. The system may be programmed to provide this announcement on specifkd RAN output ports on the system (unused SLT and CO ports). The. system can be programmed to connect the wait- ing caller to a different RAN $ort for the second, and subsequent RAN messages. When a CO line port is used for a ground start application, a 24V dc power source must be connected to the CO line port for talk battery. A Page/Relay contact assigned to an an- nouncement table in programmin g would pro- vide contact closure to start the Recorded Announcement device. To disable a sensor circuit: a. Press the desired flex button that come- sponds to the relay or sensor circuit to be disabled. b. D&I (01 on the dial pad. c. Press the HOLD button to save the en-. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Rebated Pm@ammiq: Refer to Sec. 740. I, Automatic Call Distribution (ACD). ACD Recorded Announcement Assigmnentfs): or Sec. 745.1. Uniform Call Distribution (UCD). UCD Recorded Announcement Assignment[s) for RAN Table progmmming. 710-26 hsuel,January 1893
If Baud Rate[sI are to be assigned: 1. Press FLASH and dial [15]. The ftrst button will be iit and ready for programming Port # 1. The following message is shown on the display phone: Description The infinite Digital (DVX) Key Telephone Sys- tems can provide outputs such as SMDR or ICLID to either the standard RS-232C ‘On- Board” connector on the DVX I BKSU or CPB board or to the optional RS-232Cj422 I/O Ex- pander Module connector(s). When features such as SMDR or ICWD are desired, the Baud Rate(s) need to be programmed to determine how the information will be distributed. The buttons on the digital terminal are defined as shown below when entering the Baud Rate assignments programminffarea. To program the Baud Rate(s) for Ports # 1, #3 or #4: Progra - Agsteps 1. Press the desired PORT # fkxible button [Buttons # 1, #3 or #4) to determine the port to be progmnmed. 2.Enter a one-digit number for the Baud Rate: - I= 300 Baud - 2= 1200 Baud - 3= 2400 Baud - 4= 4800 Baud - 5= 9600 Baud 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display wiu now update. - To vex-i@ Port #2 Baud Rate: $+-mkng steps 1. Press the PORT #2 flexible button (Button #2). to verify the baud rate of the ‘On- Board” modem. The following message is shown on the display phone: Description PORT # 1: Port #I is the ‘On-Board” RS-23X port on either the DVX I and DVX ’ systems. PORT #3: Port #3 is the RS-232C connector on the I/O Expander Module used in the ir@We Digital Key Telephone systems. PORT #t4: Port #4 is the RS-422 connector on the I/O Expander Module used in the infinite Digital Key Telephone systems. Default: By default, Port #I [CPB RS-232C). Port #3 (RS-232C) and Port #4 (RS-422) Baud Rate(s) are 2400 Baud. Related Ro &p7ynhg;a~;sto~; :,‘og* SMDR Rogranmmg . ’ . 750.1, ICLID Rogmmming. Description PORT #2: Port #2 is the ‘On-Board” modem which is included in either DVX I or DVX ’ Digital systems. The baud rate will be 300 Baud for the “On-Board” modem or 1200 Baud for the optional& installed 1200 Baud modem. Default: By default, the ‘On-Board” modem Baud Rate is 300 Baud. Issue 1, January 1993 71Q-27
msc. SYSTEM P AEWMETERS (Cont’d) 710.8 ACCESS CODES Prm Steps If the system is in the programnUng mode, continue using program codes. if starting to progkun here, enter the programming mode. Refer to Sec. 700.2. Program Mode En&-y lKey Station). If Access Codes are to be changed: 1. Press FLASH and dial [ZO]. The following message is shown on the display phone: hone Systems Description Tbis section describes the procedures and steps necessary to program Access codes. The buttons on the digital terminal are defined as shown below when entering the Access Codes progmmming area: A. DKSAAccessCode From- steps If this feature is to be assigned: X.Press the DISA ACCESS CODE flexible button Button # 1). The following message is shown on the display phone: 2. Enter a three-digit value on the dial pad - which corresponds to the first attendant station. A maximum of 3 stations can be entered. 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Description This allows a three-digit access code to be as- signed to the system. Anyone calling in on a DISA line must use the access code in order to gain access to system features. To disable the DISA access code, enter three pounds (###). Default: By default, 100 is assigned as the access code. Related pmgmmming: Refer to Sec. 710.1. System ‘l%ners for tie Preset Forward Timer, and C!onference/DISA Timer, Sec. 720.1, CO Line Programming, for DISA TYunk-to-Trunk (Per CO Line). A CO Line(s) must be assigned for DISAoperation. Also refer to Sec. 720.1, CO Line Pro&ramming for CO LJne I+-fvacy and Con- ferenceoptions. 710-28 lsaue 1. JaInlary 1993
@j+tite DVX’andDvX1l Digital Key Telephone Systems SYSTEM P- PROGRAMMING ACC- CODE PROG- G [Cont’d) B. Database Admin. Password Programming steps Description If this feature is to be assigned: 1. Press the ADMIN PASSWORD flexible but- ton [Button #2). The following message is 1 shown on the display phone: - DYIIIPAmaBD 8226 - The password used to enter customer database programmiq can be individualized by each customer. This allows tbe system administrator to block unauthorized personnel from entering database admin- -t Care should be taken when changing Z.Enter a four-di@t value on the &al pad which corresponds with 0000-9999. 3.E’ress the HOLD button to save the entry. CoxBmatlon tone is heard and the display will now update. the programming password so not to “lockout” autfiorized personnel that may prevent or delay&em from mak- ing necessary programming changes. Dtfault: By default. the Admin password f32261 IDBAM) is assigned. . Issue 1, January 1993 710-29
r ~PARtUWlXRSPROGIUMMiNG infinite DVX’ and DVX’ Digital Key Tcieplxone Systems MISC. SYSTEM PARAB6ETERG (Cont’d) 710.10 STATION MESSAGE DETAIL RE- CORDING (SMDR) Progiznmig Steps If Station Message Detail Recording is to be used: 1. Press FLASH and dial (2 11. The following message is shown on the display phone: ::I 2.To program SMDR features, use the flex- able button(s) as defiied in- the following procedures. 3.The SMDR TYPE. and PRINT features will t@e on and offwitb eachdepression, and the display will update with each depres- sion. 4.After all entries are made, press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard, A SMDR Exmble/DisabIe Programming steps 1. Press the SMDR flexible button (Button # 1). This feature will toggle on and off with each depression, and the display wili up- date with each depression. l LED ON = SMDRis enabled l LED OFF = SMDR is disabled 2.Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard - B. Long DistaRce/~al kwdgnmeRt Programdng Steps 1. Press the CALL TYPE flexible button (0ut- ton #2) to determine the type of calls to be recorded. This feature will toggle on and off with each depression. and the display wiIl update with each depression. l LED ON = Long Distance is enabled l LED OFF = All Calls is enabled 2. I’RSS the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard. Description The inftrite Di#tal Key Telephone Systems can provide SMDR output to either the standar< RS-232C -On-Board” connector on the DVX BKSU or CPB board or to the optional RS- 232C/422 I/O Expander Module connector(s). When SMDR is desired, the following system- wide parameters will determine how the SMDR information will be reported. The buttons on the digital terminal are defmed as shown below when entering the SMDR pro- . Related pnogrammfng: Refer to Sec. 710.5. P3X Dialing Codes: Sec. 7 10.1, SLT D’IMF Receiver timer, Sec. 730.1. Station Class of Senrice (COS): and Sec. 760.1, Exception Tables progtammiug. Description A call accounting device can be ir~stalkd allow- ing the system to track calls by outside line number. number dialed, time of day, date, sta- tion that placed or received the call. and dura- tion of the call. Refer to Sec. 710.1 for further instruction re- garding the rezationship between SLTReceivers and SMDR Default: By default, SMDR is disabled. Description The system can be set to record either all out- going calls or only outgoing long distance calls. Lung Distance calls are def3ned as either begin- ning with a ‘1’ or ‘0’ or containing 8 or more digits. incoming calls are only recorded %?YPE is set for all calls. Default: By default, the system is set to record long distance &D) calls only, no-30 Issue 1. January lSa3
r SYSTTEM PARAMETERS PROGRAMMING STA’I’XON MESSAOE DETAIL RECORDmG [Cont’d) C. Character Print Assignment Programmiq Steps Description 1. Press PRINT FORMAT flexible button (But- ton #3) to determine the print format of SMDR records. This feature wit1 toggle on and off with each depression. and the dis- play will update with each depression. l LED ON = 8O-Character is enabled The system can be prograrmned to prtnt indi- vidual SMDRrecords in either a l-line 8Gchar- acter format or a 3-line 30 character format. Defimlt: By default, the l-line 8O-character format is selected. l LED OFF = 39Character is enabled 2. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard. 11. Baud Rate Display Proglramwq steps The SMDR Baud Rate is programmed us- ing Flash 15. Baud Rate Assfgnments. But- ton #4 will return error tone when pressed. The LCD displays the current baud rate based on which Port number is assigned to the SMDR Port number, E. SMDR Port Assfgpments 1. Prfss the PORTflexfble button (Button #5) to determine which port is to be used for SMDR information. 2.Enter a one-digit number for the SMDR - Port number: - 1= Port # 1 (Wn-Board” RS-232C) - 2= Port #2 (Wn-Board” Modem) - 3= Port #3 Q/O Expander Module Rs-232C) - 4= Port #4 o/O Expander Module Rs-422) 3.The LCD dispkgs the current baud rate based on which Port number is assigned to the SMDR Port number. 4. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confknatlon tone is heard and the display will now update. I Description The injkite Digital Key Telephone Systems can provide SMDR output to either the standary FS232C “On-B0an-l” connector on the DVX BKSU or DVX * CPB board or to the optional RS-232C/422 I/O Expander Module connec- totis), The Baud Rate will be displayed as either 300 baud, 1200 baud, 2400 baud, 4800 baud. 9600 baud. Related Programmiq: Refer to 710.8, Baud Rate Assignments for pro@ Elmming SMDR Baud Rate Assignment. Description Poti It1 refm to the standard RS-232C ‘On- Board” connector on tie DVX* Basic KSU or the CPB board on the DVXn. Port #2 refers to the “On-Board” 300 Baud modem provided wit31 the system. Port #9 refers to the RS232C connector on the f/O Expander Module. Port 114 refers to the RS422 copnector on the same I/O Expander Module installed in either ihjimf?Digitalsysta. Dcf&Ak By default, Port #l is used for SMDR
r GYSTEILZ P ARAMETERS PROGRAMBEING iqfinite DVX’ and DVX’ Digital Keg Telephone Systems MISC. SYSTEM PARAMETE RS (Co&d) 710.11 WEEKLY NIGFM’ MODE SCHED- F steps If entries or changes need to be made to this schedule: a. Press FLASH and dial [22]. The following message will then be shown on the display: A. Automatic/lYIanual Operation I3WmmWg Steps 1. FWss the AUTO/MANUAL flexible button (Button #I 1). This feature wiU toggle on and off with each depression, and the display will update witi each depression. l LED on= Automatic Night Mode l LED off= Manual operatfon. 2. If no other changes are to be made, press the HOLD button to save the entq. Con& mation tone is heard. B. Day of Week programming Prom steps 1. The MONDAY flexible button (Button #2) LED is lft. 2.To change days of the week, press the appropriate flexible button (butk~ns 3-8) and perform the following procedures. 3.Enter the four-digit entry to indicate the hour and minutes to end night mode. 4.Enter the four-digit entry to indicate the hour and minutes for the system to go into the night mode for that particular day. 5. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confkmation tone is heard and the display wiil now update. Description The infinite Digital Key Telephone System can be programmed so that the system is automat- ically placed into and out of night mode. A programmable weekly time schedule allows the system administrator to preset the time the system is put into night mode and the time to remove nfgbt mode on a daily basis including weekend operation. The buttons on the digital terminal are defined as shown below when entering the Weekly Night Mode Schedule pro- area. ~~h-“T”;-l~pq ~j..gq m E/ Descriptfon Ifthe system is operated in the automatic night mode the attendant(s) can override the auto- matic mode by pressing the night key on the attendant[s) phone. The schedule wiI1 not go back into efFect until the attendant(s) press the night key again. When the system is placed into night mode CO line ringing will follow the Night ringfng assign- ments and stations will be governed by their respective night COS. D&II%: The default ttmes for automatic night mode is as follows: ,, Monday tbru Friday OS:00 X7:00 (day time operation 8:0&n to 5:OOpm) Saturday and Sunday ##:## ##:## (24 hour night mode operation) An entry of “0O:OO 23:59” would indicate 24 hours of day mode RelattdPro gramming: Refer to Sec. 720.1, CO Line Programming, CO Line Ringing Assigmnents; Sec. 730.1, Station Attributes programming station class of Service (COS) assignment;. Also refer to Sec. 710.3, Attendant Station Assignment for Attendant station assfgnments. 710-32 Issue I, dalluary 1993
r i@dte DVX I and DVX’ J-&$&II Key Ttfephone Systems b!nsc. SYSTEM PARAMETE RS (Cunt’d) 710.12 DIRECTORY DIALING Pro~amming Steps Description Enter. Change, Erase or to just View entries in the Directory Dialing list: 1. Press FLASH and dial I23LThe following message will then be shown on the display; Directory dialing allows station users to obtain a directory of station users and have the system dial the extension that is currently on the dis- play. The infinite DVX ’ System provides loca- tions for up to 100 names, while the infinite DVX ’ System provides locations for up to 200 names. WhtTfX - AAA= Directory List Entry Number (ooo- 199) - XXX= Either a Station Number, a System Speed d&d bin Number, or Local Number/Name Translation Table number. Directory dialing also atlows users to program a “name” along with a speed dial bin for use in later locating a speed diaJ number. When prompted to do so. the system will display the name associated with a speed dial number on the LCD display so that when the desired name is shown, the user may then have the system dial the number. - n.nn= Programmed Name (blank if none). To select a particular list entry: I. Press Flexible Button #20 for a directory list entry. 2-M the three-digit directory list entry number (000-199) 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. To scroll through the list: l.Press the NEXT flex&Ie button (Button #I81 to scroll up (next e&y); or Press the PREV flexMe button (Button #19) to scroll backwards [previous entry). - Directory dialing also allows users to associate a kame” with an entry in the local num- ber/name t.ransIaffon table. When prompted to do so. the system will display the name associ- ated with the table on the LCD display so that when the desired name is shown, the user may then have the system dial the number. The infinite DVX I System provides locations for up to 100 names. while the in@r& DVX ’ System provides locations for up to 200 names. The Directory Dialing list may be programmed and maintained at the first assigned attendant station in one of two ways, howeve rthisadmin routine prvvides a means for the directory list to be maintained hy the system programmer either kally [at Station 100) or remotely via modem access. The buttons on the d&al terminal are defined as shown below when entering the Directory Dialingprogr . ~area. pq~pfgF/ m m fEG.E{ IBsue 1. January 1993 710-33