Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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r irifbriie DVX’andDVX” LIST OF TABLES Di&alKcyTclephoneSpetems LIST OF TABLES SECTION LOO I.NTRODUcTION . . . . . . l .* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l ..** . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..r... 100-I SECTION 200 GENERAL DESCRIPTION .................................................. 200-l Table 200- 1 - Digital System Capacities .................................................................... 200-35 Table 200-2 . Electrical Specifications ...................................................................... 200-37 Table 200-3 - Environmental Specifications .............................................................. 200-37 Table ZOO-4 - Loop Limits ......................................................................................... 200-38 Table ZOO-5 - Dialing Specifimtions .......................................................................... 200-38 Table 200-6 . FCC Registration Numbers .................................................................. 260-38 Table 200-7 - Dimensions and Weight ...................................................................... 200-39 Tabie 200-8 - Miscellaneous Specifications ............................................................... ZOO-40 Table 200-9 . DigitaI Terminal Audible Signals ......................................................... 200-4 1 Table 2OO- 10 - Single Line Telephone Audible Signals.. ............................ .‘. ............... 200-4 1 Table 200- 11 - OPX Telephone Audible Signals.. ...................................................... -200-42 Table ZOO- 12 . DSS/BLF Button Visual Lndieators ................................................... 200-43 Table 200- 13 - CO Line Button Visual Indicators ...................................................... 200-43 Table 200-14 - Function Button Visual Indicators ................................................... -200-43 SECTION 300 KEY STATlON FEATURE DESCHPTION ............................ 300-l Table 300- 1 Key Station Feature Index ....................................................................... 300-2 SECTION 310 SINGLE IJNE ‘I‘ELEP3ONE FEATURE DESCRIPTION ........ .3X0-1 Table 3 lO- 1 Single Line Telephone (SLT) Feature Index ............................................... 310-2 SECTION 320 ATTENDANT FEATURE DESCIUPTION .............................. 320-l Table 320- 1 Attendant Feature Index .......................................................................... 320-2 SECTION 400 STATION FEATURE OPERATION ....................................... dQ0-1 Table 40@1 DigftalTerminal Numberjng Plan.. ........................................................... 400-3 Table 400-2 Flex Button programming Codes ........................................................... 400-20 SECTION 406 8-BU‘llWN KEYSET FEATURE OPERATION .................... ...405- 1 Table 405-l Digital System 8-Button Numbering Ran ................................................ 405-3 SECTION 410 SLT FEATURE OPERATION ............................................... 410-l . Table 4 1 O-1 Digital System SLT Numbering Plan ........................................................ 4 10-2 SECTION 420 ATlENDANTFEATURE OPERATION ................................. 420-l Table 420- 1 Digital System Attendant Numbering Ran ............................................... 420-3 Table 430-l Liqtid Crystal Displays (LCD) .................................................................. 430-r SECTION 500 INSTaTION ................................................................. 500-l Table 500- 1 Basic KSU Jl 1 Station Connections ........................................................ 500-8 Table 500-2 Expansion KSU Jl 1 Station Connections .............................................. 500-l 1 Table 50&3 2x4 Expander Module Jl 1 BKSU Connections ....................................... 500-14 Table 5OG4 2x4 Expander Module Jll EKSU Connections.. ..................................... 500-15 ‘hide 500-5 2x4 SLT Expander Module Jl 1 BKSU Connections ................................ 500-17 Ta?de 500-6 2x4 SLT Expander Module Jll EKSU Connections ................................ 500- 18 Table 500-7 4~8 Expander Module EKSU Station Connections ................................. 500-23 Iseut 1. January 1993

imite DVX I and DVX’ Digital Key Telephone Systems LET OF TABLEG Table 500-8 4x8 Key Interface Board (CKB) ............................................................... 500-32 Table 500-9 4x8 SLT Interface 3oard (CSB) ............................................................... 500-35 Table 5ClO- 10 PFTU COM A Connecting Block ........................................................... 500-52 Table 500- 11 PFTU Conn B Connecting Block ........................................................... 500-52 Table 5OO- 12 SMDR Printout .................................................................................... 500-58 SECTION 600 SYSTEM cHEcK-ouT ...................................... l ............... 600-I 6EcTION700 CUSTOMER DATA BASE PROG RAMMING ......................... 700-1 Table 70s 1 Default Values ......................................................................................... 700-4 SECTION710 SYSTEM P ARAMETERS PROGRAMMING .......................... 710-I SECTION720 CO IJNEiATTRIBUlm3 PROGRAMHING ............................ 720-l Table 720-l Class ofService (COS). ............................................................................ .720-8 SECTION730 STATION ATTRIBUTES PROGRfWMtNG ....... .., . l ............... 750-l Table 730-l Class ofService (COS) ............................................................................ 730-13 Table 730-2 FQxibIe Button Display Designations ...................................................... 730-Z 1 SEcTloN740 AUTOMATIC 42U.L DISTRIBUTION @CD) ....................... l .. 740-l SECTION74Ei UNIFORM CALL DISTRIBUTION (UCD) . ............................. 748-l SECMON750 ICLID PROGRAMlKlNG ............................. l ........ l .............. 750-I SECTION 75s VOICE MAIL GROUPS fVM) ... .,L ... l .* ........ l ................. l ........ irsfi-l SECTION760 EXCEPTION TABLES PROG-G *..., ......................... 760-l Table 760-l Class of Service (COS) .............................................................................. 760-l Table 760-2 Allow/Deny Toll Table ............................................................................. 760-2 SECTION766 LEAST COST ROUTING &CR) PROGRAMMING ..... l ........... 705-l Table 765- 1 LCR Class of Service Table ....................................................................... 765-8 SECTION 770 INM!MWZ DATABASE PARAMETERS ............................. 770-1 SECTION 776 PRINTING SYSTEM DATARASE PARAZYIETERS ........... ..a ... 775-l S-ON SO0 MAINTENANCE ANTI TROUBLESHOOTING ................... m .... 8Oo- 1 - Table 80&l DVX’ BKSU Digital System ..................................................................... 800-l Table 800-2 DVX ’ Digital System EPROM Memory Size .............................................. 800- 1 Table 800-3 DVX ’ Static RAM Memory Size ................................................................ 800- 1 Table 800-4 DVX ’ Central Processing Board (CPB) ..................................................... 800-2 Table 800-5 DVX ’ CPB Static RANl Memory Size ........................................................ 800-2 Table 800-6 4x8 Key Interface Board (CKB) ................................................................. 800-3 Table 800-7 4x8 SLT Interface Board (CSB) ................................................................. 800-3 Table 800-8 DVX ’ CPB EPROM Memory Size ............................................................. 800-3 Table 80&9 DTMF Receiver Module (RM) .................................................................... 800-4 Table 800- 10 I/O Module (IOM) .................................................................................. 800-4 Table 8OO- 11 Single Line Telephone Adapter (OPX) ................................................... ..800- 4

L16T OF TABLES irlfinite DVX’ and DVX’ Digftd Key Telephone Systema APPENDLXA CUSTOMER DATABASE PROGRABKMING .............................. A-l Appendix A- 1 System Parameters ................................................................................... A-l Appendix A-2 Hunt Group, ACD and UCD Group Parameters ......................................... A-3 Appendix A-3 Voice Mail Group Parameters .................................................................... A-4 Appendix A-4 CO Lme Progmmming Wash 40) ............................................................... A-5 AppendixA- COLme FQngingAssignment Chart .......................................................... A-7 Appendix A-6 Station Programming (Flash 50) ................................................................ A-0 Appendix A-7 Button Assignment Chart @‘lash 50) ......................................................... A-9 Appendix A-8 System Speed Dial Numbers ................................................................... A-10 Appendix A-9 Exception Tables (Flash 70) .................................................................... A-12 Append& A- 10 Least Cost Routing (Flash 75) ............................................................... A-14 Appendix A- 1 I Route L&t Table .................................................................................... A-15 Appendfx A-12 Insert/Delete Tables ............................................................................. A-19 Appendix A-13 3-Digit Area/CHkt Code Route L&t Table ............................................ A-21 Appendix A-14 digit #fEke Code Table ....................................................................... A-22 AppendixA- LCR Exception Code Table .................................................................... A-23 APPENDIX B DIGITAL SYSTEBt¶S PART NUMBl5RS .................................... El Appendix B- 1 DlgitaI System Component List ................................................................. B-l APPENDIXC ICLID GENERAL DESCRIPTION ............................................ C-l . Issue 1, January 1993

r iqjlnite DVX*andDVXn Di&d Eey Telephone Systems LIST OF TABLE-S ISSUE CONTROL SHEET 1 lSSuJ3 i DATE I CHANGE 1 b ! Issue 1 January. 1993 I ‘Initial Release of the ir&ife DVX’ & Dvx” Digital System General Description. hstallation and Maintenance MamaI ! i I~auc 1, January 1993

iqjinite DVX’ and DVX’ D&itd Eey Telephone Systems INTRODUCTION SECTION I.00 INTRODUCTION 100.1 PURPOSE This manual provides the information neces- sary to program, install, operate and maintain the i&in&z DigitaI Key Telephone System. 100.2 REGULATOFtY INPORMATION (u.8.A) The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has established rules which a&w the direct connection of the injir&eDigital Key Tele- phone System to the telephone network. Cer- tain actions must be undertaken or understood before the connection of customer provided equipment is completed. A. TdephoneCompanyNotifkatfon Before cm.neciing the ir3finfte Digital Key Telephone System to the telephone net- work, the local serving telephone company must be given advance notice of intention to use customer provided equipment and prwided with the following information: l The telephone numbers to be connected to the system. l The Ringer Equivalence Number also Io- cated on the KSU: 1.9 . The Universal System Ordering Code (USOC) jack required for direct intercon- nection with the telephone network w2 1x DVX’ FCC Re@tration Number8: - For systems comigured as a key system: lbutton appearances) DLPHKG-65152~KF-E - - For systems cor@ured as a Hybrid sys- tem: (dial access codes) DLPHKG-65 153~ME-E DVX = FCC RcgietrafAon Numbers: - For systems configured as a key system: (button appearances) DWHKG-65102~KF-E - For systems configured as a Hybrid sys- tern: (dial access codes) * DLPHKG65101-MF-E B. Incidence of warm If the telephone company determines that the customer provided equipment is faulty and p~~~l%ly causing harm or interruption to the telephone network, ft should be dis- connected until repairs can be made. If this is not done, the telephone company may temporarily disconnect service. c. Changce ill service The loczil telephone company may make changes in its communications facilities or procedures. If these changes should affect the use of the ~I.I. DigitaI Key Telephone System or compatibility with the network. the telephone company must give written notice to the user to &xv uninterrupted semice. D. MaintcnanctLimitatio~s Maintenance on the infinUe Digital Key Telephone System is to be performed only by the manufacturer or its authorized agent. The user may not make any changes and/or repairs except as specifically noted in this msnuaI. Ifunauthorized alterations or repairs are made, any remaining war- ranty may be voided. E. Notice of Compliance The intite Digital Key Telephone System complies with rules regarding radiation and radio frequency emissions by Class A computing devices. In accordance with FCC Standard 15 [SubpartJ). the following information must he suppled to the end user: This equipment generates and uses RF energy and if not tnstalled and used in accordance wftb the Instruc- tion Manual, may cause interference to Radio Communications. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device, PursuanttoSubpartJofFart Eofthe FCC Rules. which are designed topro- vide reasonable protection against such interference, when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference, fn which case the user, at his own expense, will Issue 1, January 1993 100-I

r INTRODUCTION infinite DVX ’ and DV2L’ Digital Key Telephone Spstems be required to take whatever measures may be required to correct the inter- ference.” F. Hearing Aid cOmpat?bility AI1 infinrte Digital Terminals are Bearing Aid Compatible, as defined in Section 68.316 of Part 68 FCC Rules and Regula- tions. G. OPX Circutt The in&&e Digital Key Telephone System may be equipped with Single Line Adapters (OF%) modules which provide a 48V FCC registered 2500~type single line off-prem- ise extension interface port. l Each OPX port when used to support an off-premise extension requires an OL13C network circuit. 0 An FCC registered interface such as a RJl lC/W is also required to connect to the public network loo.3 REGULATOZWINFORMATION (CA- NADM+Jl l Department of CommLmieations [DOC} CerHGcation Number: 526 2933 A l Load Number: 20 l Standard Connector: CA1 lA/CA2 lA l Canadian Standards Association (CSA) File Number: I357228 A. Notice The Canadian Department of Communica- tions* label identifies certified equipment. This certification means that the equip- ment meets certain tdec0rnmunic2tions network protective, operational and safety requirements. This Department does not guarantee the equipment will operate to - the user’s satisfaction. Before instalhg this equipment, users should ensure that it is permissible to be connected to the facilities of the local tele- communications company. The equipment must also be installed using an acceptable method of connection. In some cases, the company’s inside wiring associated with single he individual service may be ex- tended by means of a certified connector assembly (telephone extension cord]. The customer should be aware that compliance with the above condition may not prevent degradation of service in some situations. Repairs to certified equipment should be made by an authorized Canadian mainte- nance facility designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment. or equipment ma&me- tions. may give the telecommunications company cause to request the user to dis- connect the equipment. Users should ensure for their own protec- tion that the electrical ground connections of the power utility, telephone lines and internal metallic water pipe system, if pre- sent, are connected together. ‘Ihis precau- tion may be particularly important in rural areas. Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should contact the appropriate Alec- irk inspectton authority. or electri- cian, as appropriate. B. Explanation of ‘Load Number The Load Number (LN) assigned to each terminal device denotes the percentage of the total load to be connected to a tele- phone loop which is used by the dwice to prevent overloadmg. The termination on a loop may eons&t of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the total of the load numbers of all the devices does not exceed 100. c. hwntenancc XAmitatiolla Maintenance on the infinite Digital Key Telephone System is to be performed only by the manufacturer or its authorized agent. The user may not make any changes and/or repairs except as specif?cally noted in this manual. If unauthorized alterations or repairs are made, any remaining war- ranty may be voided. D. Notice of Compllarlce The infintte Digital Key Telephone system complies with Class A or Class B limits of the Canadian Radio Interference Regula- tions. ln accordance with FCC Standard 15 (Subpart J). the following information must be supplied to the end usen 100-Z Issue 1, January 1993

INTKODUCTION * CAUTION 1 7Xs equipment generates and uses RF energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the Instruc- tion Manual, may cause interference to Radio Communications. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A or Class B comput- ing device, pursuant to Subpart J or Part 15 of the FCC Rules. which are designed to provide reasonable protec- tion against such interference, when operated in a commercial tnviron- rnent. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference, in which case the user, at his own expense. xvillbe required to take whatever measures may be re- quired to correct the interference.” E. OPXCirr.x& The infinite Digital Key Telephone System maybe equipped with Sfngle Line Adapters (OPXJ modules which provide a 48V FCC registered 25OWype single line off-prern- ise extension interface port. l A DOC registered interface such as a CA1 1 is also required to connect to the public network. 100.4 IJL/txA SAFETY co-CE The infinite Digital Key Telephone System has met all safety requirements and was found be in compliance with the Underwriters Laborato- ries (UL) 1459 Second Edition and Canadian Standards Association (CSA] C22.2, No. 225 Standard. The h_fintte Digital Key Telephone System is authorized to bear the UL and CSA . marks. loo.5 TOLL FRAUD DISCLMMER ‘WHlLE THIS DEVICE IS DESIGNE?D TO BE WONABLY SECURE AGAINST IWI’RU- SION5 FROM FRAUDULENT CAUiER5. IT 18 BYNO-S KNVULNERABm TO FRAUD. TEEREFORE NO E XPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY IS MADE AGAINST SUCH -UD ~CLtJDlNG lNTERCONNEOTION TO THE LONG DISTANCE NETWORKm” ‘WHILE THIS DEVICE IS DESIGNED TO BE REA5ONABLY SECURE AGAINST INVASION OF PRIVACY, IT IS BY NO MEAN5 INVUL- NERABLE TO SUCH INVASXONS. TKERE- FORE NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTP IS MADE AGAZNST UNL4WFClL OR UNAUTIIORIZED UllLIZATXON WHICH RESULTS m THE INVASION OF ONE’S RIGHT OF PRIVACY.-

D&itd Key Telephone Systen~~ GENERAL DESCRIPTION SECTION 200 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 200.X SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY ?he infinue family of digital key telephone sys- terns is comprised of two f”$ digital herid key telephone systems, the DVX and DVX . These systems are designed to meet the telecommu- nications needs of a small to medium sized business ofihx.s. Both systems incorporate state of the art digital technology for command processing and voice switching utilizing a Pulse Code Modulation/Time Division Multiplexing (PCM/TDM) voice control module. The family of infinite Digital systems are also engineered to allow mfgration of the family of infinite digital terminals and terminal accessories throughout the entire product line. In addition. standard 2500-type telephone devices are supported by use of a 2x4 SLT Expansion Module on the in- DVX I System, 4x8 SLT Interface Board (CSB) on the infinite DVX ’ System, or SLA (OPXJ adapters. The DVXI is the smallest member of the &~&i&z Digital family and fully [email protected] supports a maximum of 14 CO/PBX/Centrex lines and 28 digital station devices. The DVX’ is a “flat pack”, or single mother board system with plug on modules expanding the system via expansion and expander modules configured with either two CO/PBX/Centrex lines by four stations or four CO/PE!X/Centrex lines by eight stations. A complete system capacity allows for use of up to 112 time slots for stations.CCl Lines. DlMF Receivers. or data switching modules. This ex- tends non-blocking access to alI system re- sotll-ces. -The DVX I Basic KSU comes fully configured with power supply, Common control processor. PCM/TDM Voice switching matrix and inter- face circuits for four CO/PBX/Centrex lLnes and interface circuits for eight Digital terminal stations. The Basic system is also equipped with one RS-232C I/O port. one DTMF receiver, a connector for one Music-On-Hold channel that also provides for background music, and an on-board 300 baud modem that provides access to the system for data base program- ming or remote maintenance and or diagnos- tics. Modules to provide additional I/O ports, and an opffona.I 1200 baud modem module can also be added to the system. The DVX Ii system is the largest system in a family of Digital Hybrid Key Telephone systems and supports a maximum configuration of 28 CO/PBX/Centrex lines and 56 digital station devices. The DVXn is a typical KSU system with plug in PCB’s. The system capaciv is expanded by installing four circuit CO/PBX/Centrex lmes by eight circuit station expansion PCB’s. The complete system capacity allows for use of up to 112 tjme slots for stations, CO Lines, EYIMF Receivers, or data switchfng Modules. This extends virtual non-blocking access to all system resources. A Basic DVX ’ KSU ships complete with an on-board power supply. The CPB which is the only common equipment required for operation provides the micrbprocessor for command processing and Voice PCM/TDM switching. The CPB is also equipped with one modular RS- 232C I/O port, a connector for one Music On Hold charme that also provides for background music, and an on-board 300 baud modem that provides access to the system for data base programming or remote maintenance and or diagnostics. Modules to provide additional I/O ports. and an optional 1200 baud modem mod- ule can also be added to the CPB. Both systems are installed using industry standard blocks, jacks and &&my wire cabling. This combined with the ability to program the system using a key terminal (digital display termfnal) reduces inshllation cost and mainte- nance requirements. All CO interfaces are equipped with transformer bar&m. for system &ssif?cation as an FCC fully protected system. Each CO circuit sup- ports rotary (out-pulse) dialing and loop super- vision (disconnect detection1 under softsvare control. The lYl7vIF tone signals and system supervisory tones can be generated in each keyset or on the main PCB. Both @nite Digital systems use a proprietary tone plan for provid- ing intema.l progress tones with the exception of OPX stations which are provided with a ypre- cise” tone plan. The infintte family of digital terminals include a 33-button display and non-display stations, and an 8-button non-display station. Optional station terminals Include a Digital DSS Con- sole, and a Shxgle Line Adapter (Off-Premise Extension (OPX) adapter) which are all upward and downward compatible to the entire ti@-~ite digital product line. Issue I, January 1993 200-I

GENERAL DESCRWMON @finite DVX’ and DVX” Digital Key Telephane systems The system architecture allows system pro- gramming changes to be made without inter- rupting state event software control of normal communications. Call processing continues while the customer data base is updated. All programming changes to the customer data base progrwg are made either 6-om a digi- tal terminal [digital display terminal) connected to Port 01 or from a data terminal or PC con- nected to either a If0 port or remotely via the on-board modem. The in- product line is tailored to meet immediate and long term customer needs. Most commonly used features are activated by direct button selection. However, many functions may be alternately accessed by dialing specific c-odes or as another option by assigning these dial codes to a FLEX button on a digital termi- naL l%fs permits flexible use of the i~jhite Dfgital systems. Future software enhancemuris and upgrades are easily retrofitted and fnstalled in the sys- tem. This will in most cases provide backward compatibility with existing infinite Digital hard- ware further reducing the cost to upgrade or add features to an installed system. 200.2 COMMON EQtJfPMENT FOR TEE mm I SBTEM A. Basic Key Semke Unit with Power SuPPlY 0 The DVX I Basic Key service Unit (‘KSU) is awall mountable cabinet that contains the main key service board WB). power sup- ply and pre-wired connectors for stations and CO Line interfaces. The DVX ’ DigitaI Key Telephone System is a microprocessor P33000) controlled, solid state electronic switch which distributes communications uskng Pulse Code Modulation/Time Divi- * sion MultipIexing (PCMJTDM) technology. Al control. switching and interface cir- cuitry is condensed onto a sjngle printed circuit board (PCB], the main key service board (KSB), located inside the key senoice unit WXJ). The Basic Key Service Unit ISKSU) is a system which comes fully coni3gured for four CO/PBX/Centrex lines and eight sta- tions. The Basic KSU also contains one RS-232C I/O port, one DTMFReceiver, one connector for Background Music and MU- sic on Hold. an on-board 300 baud modem POk and one external page port. The Basic KSU aIs contains two connectors for add- ing a 2x4 Expander Module, or a 2x4 SLT Expander Module on connectors J9 and J 10. An optional I/O Module that adds dne additional RS-232C port and one M-422 port, and an optional 1200 baud modem can be added to increase the speed of transmission of the on-board modem port. A Reset (Halt) switch and a background music volume control are also mounted on the PCB. In addition, two connectors are provided for adding an Expansion KSU which will allow the system to expand to a toti of 14 CO/PEX/Centrex lines and 28 digital station ports. Refer to Figure 200- 1 Main Key Service Board of the Basic KSU for the component layout and location of coIlnectors. Power SuppIyz The power supply, insbed in the Basic KSU at the time of manufacture. has an input voltage of 117V ac *lO%. The power supply provides power, a filtered/unregu- lated rtlZV de. to the main key service board. A slo-blow 1.5 amp fuse on the AC side of the transformer provides the neces- sary Are and overload protection. Power is regulated and distributed to stations/ cir- cuitry in the system on the main key sew- ice board. The power supply and cabinet meet all safety requirements to comply with UL 1459 Second Edition and CSA C22.2 No. 225 standards. CPU and Bknorg: The DVX I system is controlled by a 16-bit (68000) Enafn micro-processor which con- trols all system functions including the PCM/TDM voice switching under the di- rection of ROM and RAM software coding. The main key se&e board is responsl%le for all control functions, execution of all logic operations and control of system modules incIuding control over the cir- cuitry necessary for voice switching and conference connections. The main key service board is also responsible for all system tones. system timing. and station status control, In addition the mm key semice board provides software and hard- ware support of the folhwing: l Real ‘Time clock. l Watch dog tLmer and recovery. l PCB status as to presence/absence of modules for automatic software conf?gu- ration setup. l State/went software design. 200-2 lrrsue 1, dally 1993

irlfinite DVX’aadDVX” ~~igitd Key Telephone Systems GENERAL DESCRIPTION ; : .* : :: : :: 0 : :: : i) is. Jl2 F&urc 200-l Main Key serpicc Board of the Baafc KStl